A big company like Nintendo would never let any of their biggest games see the light of day before their official release, right? Well, if Paper Mario, Metroid Dread, Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and now, Splatoon 3 are anything to go by, we'd err on the side of caution and get those spoiler barricades at the ready.
Last week, we reported on Splatoon 3's story popping up on certain sections of Reddit thanks to early releases of the game appearing online. We are well aware that this information may have passed some Octoling aficionados by, so we are here to flag once and for all, Splatoon spoiler season is upon us.
There are only a few days to go before the game is officially released on Switch on September 9th, and we don't want any of you lovely people to have that fresh-game opportunity taken away by a rogue screenshot or a clip slipping into your timeline. Alongside the normal precautions of staying away from these spoilers (obvious things like steering clear of playthrough videos, etc), we would also suggest using Twitter's helpful mute function to maybe get rid of all things 'Splatoon', 'Splatoon 3' and like content to ensure that no spoilers sneak their way to your peepers.
Avoiding spoilers is an imprecise art and we know the pain of turning your back on all news for months only to have key content appear in your feed the day before release; but the end is nigh, fellow Splatters. There are only a few short days to go until you can finally experience the game in a state of complete originality — just be sure to keep up the spoiler shields until then!

- Further reading
- Where To Pre-Order Splatoon 3 On Nintendo Switch
Are you excited to get into Splatoon 3? Ink-up the comment section below.
Comments 32
what spoilers are to there to hide for a game from 2017
I think differently. It's good to see youtube to find out if single player mode lasts longer than 3-4 hours long. $60 would be a very high price for 3-4 hours of single player content. Because one day, when Splatoon 3 is replaced by 4, all that will be left will be the single player, since the online will be dead. Imagine paying for $60 for the same game in five years (a game with no resale value because it has little single player or offline content)... Not me!
If the game had bots to play offline... the resale value would be there. But the present way, whoever has Splatoon 2...Splatoon 3....etc... will have a paperweight one day.
@NintendoKnight The new story for a game from 2022.
There is no way to spoil the feeling of victory on the battlefield. That is something that can only be experienced first hand, and not vicariously through some youtuber.
Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy a bit of Splatoon lore, but the single player is always a fairly straightforward affair. I'll be avoiding spoilers but I doubt I'll feel any different after learning that the real Captain Cuttlefish was the friends we made along the way.
The wait is going to be absolutely unbearable.
@NintendoKnight What a cool/original joke that definitely hasn't been done to death over the past year and a half!
Splatoon 3 has a plot?
I mean, I love Splatoon and I did enjoy the lore in the games but this is like the bottom of the barrel for stuff I care about being spoiled. Any details I pick up I'll probably forget by the time the game comes out anyway. The thrill of actually playing a Splatoon game can't be spoiled or even conveyed properly from an external source.
@Rykdrew Even when Splatoon 4 releases, Splatoon 3 will likely still be playable for years. Keep in mind that even the original game that released on FAILED hardware is still playable online today with a very living online community where you'll have little to no trouble finding matches. That won't last forever of course but it will certainly last you.
And even if support ever stops for the game, you'll still be able to play multiplayer with other people if they bring their own Switch and their own copy of the game. And there's always the chance people will find their own way of keeping the online alive, like they've been doing with certain Wii games, Mario Kart Wii in particular.
I certainly wouldn't call the game a paperweight even when their official online functionality comes to an end.
And personally? I put 1000+ hours into Splatoon, I put 1000+ hours into Splatoon 2, I will put many hours into Splatoon 3, so I'll absolutely get my money's worth out of this game.
@Rykdrew But you aren't just paying for the single player... you are paying the full $60 for a primarily multiplayer focused game that happens to have a single player campaign attached to it.
I can get what you mean about having only the single player content left when the game eventually goes offline, but what about the potential hundreds upon hundreds of hours of multiplayer content you will have experienced before that happens? Is that potential time spent in multiplayer suddenly NOT factored into the overall cost of the product? Again, online multiplayer is the primary mde of the game. If you are there solely for single player content then I sorta understand your point, but even so... it'd be like buying smash ultimate to play solely the world of light campaign, as a comparison.
@Matl and @Yosher I see...but here in my country Nintendo online quality is poor...and it´s not very nice to play Splatoon online. The input lag is huge playing Splatoon.
So It would be nice to play offline against bots, spliscreen...or whatever besides the online.
Rocket League is a online multiplayer game but you can play offline against bots, and split screen, for example. And the online quality is just perfect....(only a example)
How can a game like this even be spoiled? It's not like it's particularly plot-heavy like Pokemon or Xenoblade.
How do I see the Spoilers?
@Rob3008 It doesn't matter how plot-heavy it is, the fact you're being spoiled is an annoyance at any point.
@Rykdrew You make a good point. Even games like Overwatch and rocket league have bots available. Tho you can’t play Overwatch offline I believe anyway. It would be nice to have boys with split screen capabilities for a game like this. I don’t think I’ll feel ripped off getting this game, as I’ll get plenty of time in. But if 20 years later I decided I’d like to play this with a friend or myself and the servers are long gone, it’d be nice to have that option.
@Rykdrew Having bots would be amazing, but that's just not what they decided to go with unfortunately. I do hope they will eventually add those in though even if not until Splatoon 4.
Don't worry guys, we got the funny joke, that's never been said before, right out the way with comment #1! I swear if the final boss is Octavio again I'm gonna be mad.
That cover image looks like what an AI artist might think ‘Splatoon’ looks like 😂
No need to tell me twice, NL! Don’t worry, I’ll live for the next two days. Fans or anyone who cares at all about spoilers just need to keep YouTube, images, and social media to a minimum, if they go there at all. Yes, even Splatoon has spoilers, and it already seems this installment tells about some serious lore more so than the last two.
@Rykdrew I think it means story spoilers, not gameplay spoilers… plus all that information would be legally available when the game is out anyway
@Royalblues You commented that on a social website (;
Why did you guys tell me that there are spoilers all over the internet? You just spoiled that for me!
If I told you that Splatoon exists because of World War 5, would you believe me?
@Rykdrew I recently sold Splatoon 2 for about £25. Five year old Splatoon games definitely have value.
@NintendoKnight I just never understood this thinking. every shooter does this. They add new weapons and add qol changes, spruce up the graphics a little bit as well.
Why does splatoon 3 get held up to a standard that literally no other shooter has.
I haven't played these games, but I wasn't aware that they had enough story content where spoilers would even be an issue. Guess I might need to check them out after all
@ModdedInkling actually yes, that sounds too ridiculous to be a plausible lie
Already leaked
peaAk conNntent!!!!!1!1!1111
You have done this twice now, and I bet there will be a third, and when that time comes, I'll rip you to shreds!
""I just never understood this thinking. every shooter does this. They add new weapons and add qol changes, spruce up the graphics a little bit as well.
Why does Splatoon 3 get held up to a standard that literally no other shooter has.""
Who said developers like EA and Activision don't get shunned for doing the same thing? Just because it is a standard in the industry doesn't mean that it's right. Nintendo is known for innovation and creativity, not for reskinned "sequels" (aside from the infamous New. Super Mario Bros. Series) This isn't what they should be striving for.
""What a cool/original joke that definitely hasn't been done to death over the past year and a half!""
Yet you can't fight my claim back with actual reasoning on why this is deserving of a sequel with how little its different from Splatoon 2. Just a few notable additions with a new hub won't make it worthwhile. All of that could have been added as a (Major DLC) to Splatoon 2.
If the game had new Full-Fledged Cool/Creative modes, a long single-player campaign with cutscenes, I would agree with you, but this isn't it.
Salmon Run? Why are they advertising this mode as "new" when it already was in the older game?
Now go and buy Splatoon 4 when it releases in a couple of years with a new hub area and gameplay adjustments for 70$.
Splatoon has a ridiculous amount of lore hidden underneath the upbeat, kid-friendly multiplayer gameplay. It's very much implied that the world had already experienced World War 3 and 4, before apocalypse hit in World War 5, sometime between 2012-2017
@NintendoKnight But why change what isn’t broken? People play shooters for the gameplay, so you can’t expect a complete overhaul to the design, we will get new guns, graphics improved, and stuff added here and there, plus because it’s a live service it will change over time from the other one. I mean look at halo, for the most part they have added qol changes here and there, and they have a bunch of games, splatoon is only on its third.
Look, all I’m saying is the game really just doesn’t need to change much, and in my opinion, it has added way more stuff then other shooters normally do. And you don’t have to like the game, your not going to buy it, but me and a lot of people are going to enjoy this game when it comes out, mainly because they have played it already lol.
I was just watching Dodgeball last night so I'm good lol
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