In addition to a brand new trailer for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, Nintendo has announced a special edition Switch OLED based on the new entries.
Set to launch on November 4th, 2022 at a suggest retail price of $359.99, the Switch's Joy-Con controllers match the main colour themes of Scarlet and Violet, while on the back, we've got a lovely design based on the game's new Starter Pokémon Sprigatito, Fuecoco and Quaxly. The dock itself is white in colour and will feature the two new legendary Pokémon, Koraidon and Miraidon.

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Pokémon Scarlet and Violet itself will launch on November 18th and can be pre-ordered right now.
What do you think of this new Pokémon themed Switch OLED? Grab your starter Pokémon and let us know in the comments!
- Further reading: Pokémon Scarlet And Violet Trailer Breakdown - Everything You Missed
Comments 53
Definitely copping this for the collection 🤩
Strong contender for ugliest Joy-Con colour combination yet. On their own they're fine but together... bleh.
Looks super good! The color scheme is really unique but looks nice IMO.
The backside looks cool, but I don't really care for it other than that
Good news for the Pokémon fans out there!
But I’m sticking with my brand new Splatoon 3 Edition which is significantly prettier. But that’s subjective I guess 😅
Looks better than the Splatoon 3 edition. I'll keep a lookout on Best Buy for pre-orders. Hopefully I can get one 🤞
And once again just like the Splatoon one
Anyways, give me a Bayonetta/BotW 2 one and I'll ditch my day one release switch
Question : What do you think of this new Pokémon themed Switch OLED?
Me : I'm good. I already have white dock from ACNH edition. It was pure white color with some decorative pattern in front of the dock.
special editions all drop at the end of a life cycle.. people buy them because they're suckers... then the new one drops... and people are upset but they cant resist buying the new model. Essentially Nintendo sells two systems to the hardcore.
Like the splatoon 3 switch, I kinda wish they just sold the joycon separately. Also, I wonder if this means BOTW2 is getting a special edition oled, because my wallet is going to hate me if there is one.
Well, a Zelda one is basically a lock.
This looks great, though. Nintendo has done a great job with both OLED SE's.
Damn this is super nice looking. I still have an Animal Crossing v2 Switch so I’m not upgrading until a more powerful system comes out… but this is really nice looking.
I don't need it
I don't need it
No thanks, I already have the far superior Splatoon 3 OLED.
I only recently purchased a Switch OLED along with Purple and Orange Joycons so I'm good.
The back is amazing!! I'm still holding off for a Zelda one though🙏
Not gonna buy a new Switch just for this (I think...?).. But god damn that Switch looks AMAZING.
I'm so getting this. Even if I have to trade my current OLED in to get it. I was hoping for this and I love the look of it.
Legend of Zelda can't have 1 theme Switch but Pokemon gets 4 or 5 I am tired of Nintendos bias for pokemon over all their own games
I told myself I wouldn’t upgrade from my og switch till there was a special edition oled. So I bought the splat 3 one. I still haven’t seen it yet because it arrived after I left for a wedding. I’m probably gonna love it once I unbox it, but damn this one is pretty slick too. Dunno if I picked the right one lol
Clicked to say I didn’t like it then I saw the back and I’m considering upgrading lol.
@KBuckley27 It helps that there are actual new Pokemon games coming out...
Zelda Oled confirmed!
I like it. I got the Splatoon 3 version myself, I think the Pokemon one looks even better (besides the Joy-cons, the Splatoon 3 ones are way better), but I never buy a on a game(franchise) based SE console if I don't like that game(franchise).
The dock is nice, but I'm not really much of a, fan of the system itself or the controllers. I'm very happy with my Splatoon 3 one. But everyone is right when they say that the inevitable Zelda one will probably be the best.
Assuming buyers can preorder I might be interested here. Currently have the Splatoon3 Switch and might add this to the collections if budget allows so. Hopefully this won't be a one time item and like ACNH Switch they will keep making them. I did expect more designs on the Dock but is less then what Splatoon3 has for the Dock.
Looks good, and I'm not a Pokemon fan I just like it.
Question: Do you, or anyone you know, use that cheap plastic grip which hasn't changed in 5 1/2 years? I really think it serves no purpose. I do have 1 kid who uses it occasionally but they mostly just use they Switched h in handheld and in over 2 years never bought any other controllers. My other kid and I use Pro or faux Pro, but when I do use the Joy con it's b/c I want them split for motion or something, so not putting them in the Grip.
Just curious if people think Nintendo should drop it, it at least upgrade it to have a built in battery and charger to keep the Joy on going for Switch 2. As is, I see no reason for a Switch 2 box to have them. IDK maybe they're used in Japan a lot? 🤷
@rjejr hello Sir, I find playing Tetris 99 with the JoyCon in the grip the best way, better than my Splatoon2 pro controller because of the dpad.
Holding my coins for the Zelda version.
This might just be the cleanest design yet!
I prefer the Splatoon 3 design
It has better colours and overall design
They're really doing a great job with these special editions.
I really like the dock on this one but I recently got splatoon oled and everything besides the dock I like on the splatoon one better so I think I’ll pass on this.
I’m seriously tempted. Thankfully, I’m not not a Pokémon fan. Because, if I was, I would be doing everything in my power to get that thing. The dock is selling me.
I was very underwhelmed, when I saw this one. I recently got the Splatoon 3 OLED and it is so much better.
I only like the front side of the joycons, like the back looks so cluttered (not to mention when in public people will know you're pokemom obsessed) and i just don't like the legendaries designs in general.
@OFFICIALMichi Ironically, it's the back that's the only thing keeping me from pulling the trigger. Well, that and the chance of a more powerful Switch happening next year (I don't really trust the rumor mill since it's been spouting stuff about a Pro since launch, but new Switches have debuted every 2 years so far, and I'd rather not drop $360 plus tax on a Switch that I might end up replacing after a year at most)
As anything if I can get enough saved I collect this one as well now for funds that a different story. The Color scheme is on white like the Splatoon 3. But hopefully is different enough to make it worth getting. Though I do wish they make it more pleasing to the eyes instead all the white background on the Dock.
@PikaPhantom You can always sell your OLED when the other comes out.
@AmplifyMJ Well I guess you and my kid make 2. Surprised to hear it's better than the Pro. I bought a cheap knock-off Pro for about $30 and even that feels way better than the Joycon, has gyro and amiibo reader.
You getting Splatoon 3 or you have enough by now? $60 does seem like a lot for people who played a lot of 2, but since we skipped 2 I think it will feel a little more new to us.
@SwitchForce Eh, at that point I'd rather sell off my base Switch model. Wouldn't be worth as much, but I'd rather sell off the least relevant model to me
I literally bought an oled this past weekend. Screw me I guess
With this and the Splatoon 3 edition OLED models being released, the chances of a pro are getting slimmer all the time.
They only have sold colors on the Joy-Cons version wished they did the same treatment as the Splatoon 3 Switch Joy-Cons. Just little symbols on the Joy-Cons makes it feel less then the Splatoon 3 version.
@johnvboy didn’t they release a special edition just months before dropping the oled. Maybe xenoblade. I can’t remember
@sixrings Any limited edition Nintendo hardware only ever goes up in resale value if kept in good condition. You can basically sell these for a profit years from now if you want to.
@PrincessKatamari yeah I don’t want to go on marketplace myself. But ok
I'm now glad I resisted grabbing the Splatoon 3 OLED... though I'm still tempted for the exclusive dock and Joy-Con.
The OLED was only a revision in design with a better screen, the internals/power are the same.
Still very doubtful of the overall Switch Pro rumors.
@rjejr my son and I both have Splatoon2 I’ll be skipping 3, but it’s on his Christmas list
I don't even like pokemon, but I want one.
Cool, more joycons not for sale seperatly. T.T
A guy in Smyth's toys superstore made me aware that this Pokémon special had been announced whilst I was picking up my Splatoon 3 special edition OLED today. The Pokémon design definitely didn't disuade me from spending my money
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