Update [Fri 15th Jul, 2022 05:00 BST]: Custom Robo and Custom Robo V2 are now available for the Switch Online Expansion Pack service in Japan. See below to find out how to access these games.
Original article [Fri 8th Jul, 2022 02:45 BST]: When the N64 library was originally announced for the Switch Online Expansion Pack, Nintendo teased a few other games - specifically for Japan. These titles were the N64 gems Custom Robo and Custom Robo V2.
Now, alongside the news today that Pokémon Puzzle League will be added to the service on 15th July, Nintendo has revealed Japan will (instead) be receiving the previously announced Custom Robo games on the same date.

In order to play them, you'll need to have access to a Switch Online Expansion Pack subscription, and also a Japanese Nintendo Switch account - to download the N64 app for this region. If you are interested in checking these titles out, see our handy Nintendo Life guide for assistance.
The Custom Robo games were the last titles we knew were coming to the Switch Online N64 service in the future. From here on out, it's a guessing game - and based on the surprise reveal of Pokémon Puzzle League today, it means any N64 game could be next. In saying this, there's still a good chance it could be one we've already seen during the past Wii U eShop and Wii Channel generations.
Would you like to see these Custom Robo games released locally on the Switch one day? Will you be checking these games out on the Japanese N64 library? Leave a comment below.
Comments 32
I played a fan translation of custom robo v1 and it was pretty good, but finding out where to go between battles without English is going to be a pain.
Removed - trolling/baiting; user is banned
@makk_zucc these games are only on the Japanese nso, they will never be put on the nso of other regions
@dinosaurfan38 you actually can make a switch account with the Japanese region to play Japanese exclusive games
Pokémon Puzzle League is cool though. I know some consider it the best among the Puzzle League games, so I’m curious to give it a shot.
Custom Robo V2 looks like a good time in that trailer, and I’ll look forward to trying out the story mode especially. It’ll be good Japanese reading practice for me.
One way Nintendo could really add value to NSO/expansion pack would be to translate previously Japan-exclusive games like this.
This seems like a great occasion to link to NL’s very useful article on how to set up a Japanese eShop account:
Once that’s done, you can acquire the Japanese NSO apps from the Japanese eShop, and away you go! I absolutely love the lack of region locking on the Switch.
@dinosaurfan38 There are other games on the NA service that are Japan only with no translation. They actually have released some Japan-only games since the Wii virtual console. I mean, I don’t really think it’s likely to get them, but I don’t think that would be a reason why.
No it's tempting but I am already set for Megaman Battle Network Legacy Collection.
I remember playing Custom Robo Arena on the DS. It was such a great time.
@SuperDan64 My second favourite Game on the DS after 'Lunar Knights'.
Gee Japan, how come your mom lets you get two N64 games?
I'll probably try them out but don't expect to get far since I don't know Japanese.
Now let me tell you. If these titles came West i'd probably sign up to the online service. Love the nintendo ds game ' Custom Robo Arena'!!
I know these games didn't come out over here but I really don't understand whju in today's world (unless there's some sort of rights / distribution legal issues I guess) that these game platforms can;'t just be universal. Let us play Japanese games in Japanese if we want to. Just make it clear these games never had localisations and so are only in Japanese.
And vice-versa of course. If there are any titles that Japanese gamers don't have on NSO.
Lol, how did dinosaurfan get banned for trolling after one comment? What on earth did he say?
I'm surprised PPL didn't get included in the Japanese NSO but I guess it's a music license issue what with it using (midi) music from the 2 Be A Master soundtrack
IIRC, Nintendo didn't renew the licence for Custom Robo hence there's been no games recently. I know there was a Ray MK III mii costume in Smash but I'm going assume that was done with the blessing of, I'm guessing, Banpresto or Bandai (whoever owns the characters)
Yeah!!! I am looking forward to playing these (and puzzle league).
Correction: its NOISE. Turns out after Arena bombed sales-wise, the company terminated their second party partnership. Since then, things have been a little rough. They last did a Dragon Quest mobile game.
like always, Japanese NSO gets better games
@ROBLOGNICK The only American exclusive game I can think of is Super Mario Bros. 2. But it's on the Japanese NSO service as Super Mario Bros. USA. Some of the biggest differences between the USA and Japan Edition of games is actually just the difficulty. For example, Ristar is easier in Japan. As our the Castlevania games, if you have the Castlevania Collection which has both version on there.
Most people are aware of Japanese exclusives in the eShop, but I never hear anything about European exclusives. Are there any?
Create a JP account so you don’t miss out! It’s easy, and for the low, low price of free!
@thinkhector Ninja Gaiden is easier as well.
@Teksetter That's something I've been saying for a long while - dedicating a small team to translating games for the West would be a massive boost for the NSO, even just for the basic plan. I would LOVE to experience the SMT & Fire Emblem games on NES & SNES in English, officially, along with any possible hidden gems.
But it seems really unlikely at this point sadly.
I think you’re right and it’s not likely Nintendo would commit resources to translating these Jpn-exclusive games. Maybe possible if they do more weird limited-time releases like that Famicom era Fire Emblem game that disappeared together with Mario 35?
Selling the localized game would recoup some of their cost, right? They could put the games on NSO but also give dedicated fans the option to buy.
For the record, Japan never got Pokémon Puzzle League. That game was released only to NA and PAL regions, so the way we feel about not getting those games they got, they probably feel the same way we do about not getting the game we got.
Ironic, isn't it? Specially when you consider the fact that this game is a spiritual sequel to Yoshi's Tetris Attack and Panel de Pon.
@Chibi_Manny I too would be depressed if I missed the chance of playing a good Puzzle League game.
Are there still ness and ness games added? Havent checked in a while.
This is another of those games I learned about through a Super Smash Bros. Melee trophy
I played custom robo v2 it is awesome! The sheer amount of customisation and the type of game i want.
Does the European Online Virtual Console have any exclusive games?
I was beginning to wonder whether to keep the Japanese N64/SMD apps on board, but it looks like exclusive titles are finally showing up to the party.
I'm so mad these games are Japan only. I loved the DS version!
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