Back in the '90s, whoever thought that Nintendo would team up with JRPG giants Square Enix (then known as Square or Squaresoft) to create a Mario RPG starring the Italian plumber, Princess Peach, and Bowser? Not us! But they did, and we're forever grateful for the existence of Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.
Despite Mario continuing to venture into the RPG genre with two separate series — Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi — we've never seen a direct sequel to Square's original Mario RPG or even a remake, only ports via Virtual Console or on the SNES Classic. But leave it to the fans to create something truly special — a modern-day mock-up of what a Super Mario RPG remake might look like.
Originally reported on by Destructoid and shared by GoNintendo, digital artist Finn has been creating some lovely-looking visuals for a dream Super Mario RPG remake and sharing them on Twitter. These screens are from Mushroom Way, one of the early parts of the game, and feature Mario and Mallow. And despite being a "remake", the visuals still retain that top-down perspective and toy-like visuals of the SNES original.
It's an entirely faithful reimagining of this RPG classic from the looks of things, and we want to dive right in. But Finn has already stated on Twitter that this version won't be playable "due to legal reasons", which we totally understand! But that makes us want a remake even more.
This footage is also totally not helping — the Koopa Paratroopa shells are shiny! And in combat, the way that Mario and Mallow attack and move is much more fluid. it's a think of beauty.
Well, it looks like we'll have to just admire all of this from a distance. But Finn has done fantastic work here and we're utterly in love with this vision. Maybe Nintendo has a spot for you on its team to make this remake a reality?
What do you think of this mock-up of a Super Mario RPG remake? Let us know!
[source destructoid.com, via gonintendo.com]
Comments 70
Holy mushrooms this looks amazing, I'd happily pay full price for a remake like this. Environments just need a bit more animating and it would be perfect.
Looks very squishy..... I like it.
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really hope this Finn does work in playable games sometime, because this visual style is a treat!
it's got the Link's Awakening Remake look, but with less of a plastic sheen over everything. it's clearly a passion project, and it shows.
Nintendo Ninja will shut down that fan game in 3...2...1...
Takedown notice incoming, probably.
@Anti-Matter "But Finn has already stated on Twitter that this version won't be playable 'due to legal reasons,' which we totally understand! But that makes us want a remake even more."
the article is right there.
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@LittleGhost He's not passing it off as his own work though. Isn't this just a very fancy equivalent of dusting off an old work of art?
i suppose my one issue is it feels weirdly slower comparatively, like the mega man 11 "the walk cycle feels slower than the walking speed" kind of issue. i dunno if thats just placebo but even with mallow's punching it feels decidedly less punchy
@LittleGhost I agree, make something good of your own rather than riding on other peoples backs! But I have had these sorts of replies from people myself, they also tend to be very vocal on issues of their own interest.
Nah, I’d rather not play any unofficial “fan-made games.”
Nintendo, please employ this person and let us play this NOW!!
Super Mario RPG is my favourite of the Mario RPGs by a wide margin, would be so cool if this was real!
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Wish Nintendo would do these kinds of things, or at least hire the rogue programmers to do more of these.
The visuals are great. I wonder if it ever would be remade/modernized.
Oh, this is wonderful! I'm tempted to continue it today
What’s “a think of beauty?”
Nintendo would do well to create faithful reimaginings of its classic games but it seems it's general approach is to focus on new games even if they aren't as good as classic games
It doesn't take much to look better than SMRPG, but this looks absolutely lovely!
If only Nintendo (and some of its more unbearable cult- like fans) were actually cool about these things ...
What’s with all the deleted comments?
@dew12333 In the end it's to grab attention so the guy can put it in a portfolio like look what I did. And I'm not saying the solo work on an amazing game is not impressive, just that those skills should be put to use on something original. This cat is obviously better than rpg maker.
@Enigk hmm... yeah. Basically, like restoring furniture for his resume to get that sorta gig. But the nostalgia grab on a popular Nintendo IP bolsters the talent in a somewhat disingenuous manner.
This person is obviously talented, but what can they build without other properties or uh, rather obvious "influences"?
Even so, you know at the end of the day it's a good piece for the resume and that's what they are going for. They have even acknowledged its a dead end project.
Given the huge amounts of remakes and remastered games from both Nintendo and Square, I’m surprised they haven’t gotten together to remaster or remake Super Mario RPG yet.
That looks really good and I don't usually feel like that about new looks for old classics. If I would change something would be the lighting direction on Mario and Mallow icons on the upper left. The way it is now most of Mario's face is darkened by his shadow
That was such a good game. But it seems obvious that Nintendo wanted to rather continue the Mario RPG series on their own - more control and freedom and noone to share the profits with.
A remake would be lovely! But it's very unlikely, this game with Nintendo handing their precious characters out to another developer is quite an anomaly. THEN AGAIN we had Mario & Rabbids and Hyrule Warriors recently... so N isn't quite as strict anymore maybe.
@LittleGhost When people polish these old classics it is partly for their love of the games and partly to get some attention. Hopefully this person uses this attention to move onto something original that he can actually share with people without fear of lawyers jumping on it.
@Enigk definitely agree with you here.
That looks lovely. Makes me think of the Link's Awakening remake's toy like vibe. It works very well with the look Mario RPG was going for. It's not an industry thing to simply hire fans that prove they know what a remake needs but then again, Sonic Mania happened.
@LittleGhost You’re unusually critical of this person. Are you their rival or something?
Super Mario RPG is one of my favourite games of all-time. Really hoping for a sequel. Maybe even a Super Luigi RPG focusing on a different cast of characters (Daisy, Birdo, Waluigi, Toad etc.).
… Wun can only hope.
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Tjat’s not called topdown, that’s iso-metric
@BloodNinja Well if you read the mostly deleted novel you would know wouldn't you?
Looks cool, it's too bad it probably won't happen though as it could easily be taken down by Nintendo and if not them then Square Enix.
I... honestly don't get the praise for this.
I don't think I'm wearing my nostalgia glasses too tightly when I say that the original game nailed its aesthetics fine using the tools available; just cramming in more frames and resolution does entirely nothing for me. In the battle animation, for example: yes, you can animate out Mario's one-two punch from its jerky original motion into something 'silky-smooth,' but you lose all the punchiness of the animation by doing so, which was, y'know, the entire point.
Technically, sure, this guy's put together an impressive tech demo for a solo project. But artistically, it only proves that sometimes less is more.
What if it's still not on NSO yet because of some awesome reason like a secret remake? And there's speculation of a Mario game releasing with the upcoming movie. Maybe this could actually happen.
Nooooo....... I need this game right now.
Mann whete can i download it.
It's hilarious seeing how people just immediately scrolled to the comment section when they saw the article to say "Sorry, I don't play unofficial games" or "takedown is incoming" when it was clearly clarified that the game was not being publicly released because of copyright. You guys need to pay attention to the article more. Learn from my mistakes.
Looks amazing.
I would be happy with the original releasing on the snes app on the switch. Never had the chance to play the original and it looks like a decent game.
@LittleGhost Deleted comments aren't readable. If you scroll through the thread, you would see that ffs
So basically, just hot air, nothing of substance.
It’s sad that fans have to resort to remaking it on their own time. Please Square, either sell the characters (Geno and Mallow especially) to Nintendo or work with them again for a remake!! Also we need the original on NSO asap
God, I wish I could play this!! The original was in this weird time when they hadn't figured out the Mario brand yet! So a remake could pull it more into now....it'll never happen because it has Nintendo's biggest nightmare: 😱😱😱INTERESTING ORIGINAL CHARACTERS!! 😱😱😱😱
@Fath Yeah I'd agree, I think the thing about the games is while they're limited by technology.
They're going to be making their design decisions around the limitations. So Mario and Mallows attack animations were chosen because they're what looks good and has impact at a low frames. The enemies being knocked back a again is likely to sell the impact of the fast, low frame attacks.
And like you said this remake adds in unnecessary frames and kinda breaks it all.
Soul was removed, but I'd still pay for a proper remake of this fantastic game.
@somebread Yeah, I thought that too. I was playing out the fight scene in my head (timing when to the button for extra damage damage like the original) and it just felt way off to me. It is a gorgeous piece of work though.
You know….I would love to see an official version of this. And if they do, would someone please connect boss Booster to the character Wario!? 😂
Looks kind of odd but also kind of cool. Too bad you've just helped speed up a takedown.
I love SMRPG, and would love a game in this style, but the fight animations need to be punchier (no pun intended). At this point, I just wish Square would agree to put the original on NSO.
Man, given that Square and Nintendo are so tight these days. I wish that meant they were going to reboot or remaster or rebuild this game. The timed attacks were so good at making every other turn based RPG just feel not as good. To this day I still press a button to defend in turn based RPGs even though I know full well it won’t do anything.
I know Finn says this won't be playable, but I hope secretly he's just saying that to avoid getting a C&D from Nintendo, and once it's done he'll release it to the public and Nintendo won't be able to do a damn thing about it!
the Colors look a bit too natural, I like the bright colors of the original.
Something looks a bit off about Mallow... Also, that Mario Design.
The animation is giving me the creeps.
Ehh, could be better...
The idea of a remake is to push for a modern design while being faithful to its original work. Art style doesn't necessarily need to change, but in the context of Mario, I definitely believe it should.
It's not bad looking or anything, but I don't feel like if pushes enough to be new/different. I think the original looks better.
The cloud guy is kinda just a smudge...he need some linessss
It would be a miracle if Super Mario RPG got a remake like Live-A-Live, but in the meantime we have fans like these ^_^
never got far in og game, just not an rpg guy, but lots of ppl want this and mother 3 on switch cmon nintendo. hell I would triple dip just to get chrono trigger on switch.
@LittleGhost I agree, I have no disrespect for the work they have done, but it would be great if could have been something from completely their own ideas. I also find it a shame that the gaming industry doesn't have a better way of developing talent, it seems you have to learn as much about how to hack systems as you do learn about making good games.
making an HD recreation of the soundtrack would be the cherry on top. just sayin.
@Bunkerneath shush! don't let them know! they'll take it down!
@Travisemo007 his name is mallow.
how dare you.
If this game gets a remake, the mechanics need a good overhaul. I just finished the OG on my little retro handheld, and gameplay-wise it was nowhere near the RPG I finished before it, Chrono Trigger.
The platforming segments are tough, and layering jumps between isometric 'depths' don't help. Depending on where you are, you might get sent back frustratingly far.
The strategy element isn't there either. There's no Pokemon-style intuitive logic for you to plan your attacks with, so you just guess the bosses' weaknesses. There's only two healers, and of the two only one is capable of group healing. Item-based healing comes at an expense since your inventory is capped. I ended up using a physical attack focused approach, since magic in general is weak, unless you're spreading out your fire(yes I am aware of timing and I always get the sprinkly gargly sound on all my attacks)
Thanks to the cheat of the times the Quicksave I was able to probe the bosses and levels with little risk. Making the game more enjoyable.
So yeah...get all that stuff stamped out, and we'll have a great remake on our hands.
Sounds familiar..
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