Sonic Frontiers is well on its way to launch on Switch this coming Holiday 2022. Despite some mixed opinions toward the initial gameplay reveals via IGN during the month of June, reception was considerably more positive when Nintendo showcased the game during its Direct Mini: Partner Showcase just recently.
One thing for certain is that the game is a drastic departure from the Sonic games of yore, with 'Open Zones' being the main hook and exploration taking more of a centre stage. It definitely got us wondering, just how would such a game translate into 2D? Could it actually be done?
Well, it turns out that yes, it can. Created by KomliWorldGames, Sonic Frontiers 2D is a solid representation of what SEGA's new title could actually look like in 2D, complete with all the new gameplay features showcased in recent gameplay videos. It even has a 'Green Zone' style Cyberspace level! Naturally, given this is a fan-made creation, there are some rough edges to note, but all in all, this is a pretty good take on Sonic Frontiers - we like it!
You can download the game and give it a try yourself right here.
What do you think of Sonic Frontiers 2D? Are you looking forward to the real deal when it launches later this year? Let us know!
[source, via]
Comments 19
That looks fun right there. Downloading.
Beggars belief that they have not made a sequel to mania really, playing origins is great and reminds me how great 2d sonic can be. Just make more of those Sega!
Looks like they made a decent 2D Sonic game based on an unreleased one. Sega should employ them.
Personally I hope Sonic Frontiers is great, but tbh I'm ready for a Sonic Adventure 3 (I loved the Knuckles & Rouge stages + soundtrack and would love more of that).
... Wun can only hope.
Not so sure I want it to look like this though, love the traditional looking 2-D games, but this looks pretty poor yo be honest.
After seeing some more screens of the new game I am far more excited for it now.
Here’s where that simplistic, geometric crashing around and lack of developed plot/tension/compelling villains is put to GOOD use… sidescrolling!
Is that the same Sonic sprite they used in Sonic Advance? if not it looks very like it.
Also yes despite my disappointment with Sonic Origins I am looking forward to this. I've actually resorted to playing Sonic 3 AIR instead as that is the definitive way to play Sonic 3 and Knuckles on PC now.
What's open world is now a closed world.
Even in 2D, it looks so empty.
@B_Lindz Agree.
Looks as random, janky and awful as Sonic Frontiers will be and has already shown to be.
"This is what Spiderman PS4 would look like on Gameboy Color"
@PBandSmelly Was thinking the same! My family was poor and I grew up mostly gaming on second-hand portables. The "ports" these got of current gen AAA titles were frequently PAINFUL... though sometimes better than the real one.
The animation of sonic's sprite in particular is impressive
It becomes interesting for five seconds until you realize how empty it all is. Also, 1:50 in the video breaks the normal game trope of "attack a wooden box to break it", ha ha. Nope, not in Frontiers!
@spottedleaf as @RubyCarbuncle spotted, its the Sonic Advance sprite. Clever repurposing of some of the frames to fit the new moveset though.
If I had a dollar every time someone judged the quality of an unreleased game...
@samuelvictor Oh, that was silly of me, thanks
@spottedleaf Not silly at all! But no problem
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