Switch Online's Nintendo 64 application received an update earlier today bumping it up to Version 2.4.0 and adding Pokémon Snap to the service. That's not all, though.
Nintendo doesn't release patch notes for application updates like this one, but fortunately we do have some insight about what's going on behind-the-scenes in this latest update, courtesy of the Nintendo dataminer OatmealDome.
Apart from Pokémon Snap, the changes and adjustments make reference to various other games like Star Fox 64, Mario Golf and F-Zero X. There's also mention of some additional text (referencing mic support) being added. Here's the full rundown:
[NSO - Nintendo 64] Version 2.4.0 is out.
- Pokémon Snap added. Since EU has 4 ROMs (one per language), they get 4 boxes on the selection screen.
- The text “The microphone cannot be used when holding the controller this way” was added. (Ported from Famicom NSO app??)- Nintendo is starting to remove the comments from the config files, making it difficult to tell what was changed.
- A CPU hack was added to Star Fox 64.
- A CPU hack was added to Kirby 64.
- The AOT executable and PCB file for F-Zero X and Mario Golf were changed.
Last month's N64 app update made a number of minor adjustments to the existing library of games on the service. Nintendo has also made some sigificant changes since the launch of this Expansion Pack library, like restoring fog in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
Read more - Pokémon Snap Is Now Available On Switch Online's Expansion Pack
What do you think of the latest batch of adjustments that come with Version 2.4.0? Noticed anything yourself? Have you tried out the Expansion Pack service yet? Leave a comment down below.
Comments 41
That's it? No stability updates?
I wish they would fix mario kart 64 there’s issues with the music track freezing for me randomly.
Nintendo's removing comments from the config files, now? Oh, Snap!
@N00BiSH Very strange, indeed. Could it be that after all of these years, the Nintendo Switch has finally reached peak stability? #peakstabilityconfimed???
That would be great for my Aaron and Friends Picture snap game.
Microphone support? Are they trying to bring over Hey You Pikachu or something? As weird of a pick as that would be, it would at least be nice to see that show up in the next wave, since we've yet to see that one get re-released.
@Strictlystyles Are you sure you're not accidentally paying the L button? This lowers the music volume in Mario Kart 64 when pressed once, mutes it when pressed twice, and restored it when pressed a third time.
@Yosher Yea I use the n64 controller so I’m never accidentally pressing L I’ve noticed the music just randomly stops and then randomly comes back but it sounds like a break when the music initially stops. I’ve seen it on the Mario 64 track and the highway track.
I have no idea what any of this means.
Did they ever patch ghost data back into Mario Kart 64? Cause that was a huge oversight, and if they can make all these other tweaks, I don't understand what the holdup is.
Give me Wave Race 64 you cowards!
@Strictlystyles Hmm, not something I think I've encountered myself. Strange. Hope it'll be fixed at some point though regardless.
@Not_Soos Nor me but I shall assume it makes it 'better' in some obscure way
Still no Wave Race 64...
Until I can reasonably buy the N64 controller I am not bothered what they do.
@N00BiSH loool
Still no explanation pass for me. This is a joke and should be included in the regular Switch Online.
I’d still like some more display options for the snes and new games.
Mic options, huh?
Having "Hey you, Pikachu" would be a really nice and well welcomed addition to the library so fingers crossed on that one.
But most of all, please Nintendo, give us Donkey Kong 64, PLEASE!!!
@Strictlystyles hello, do you have your switch set to surround sound and possibly you have a soundbar system? Cause that happens to me when playing nes and snes games, fixed it by changing the switch to output to stereo. Hope this helps
@Strictlystyles I have no idea, myself, but if they were to bring it over, it would be the Wii VC Version, that omits the Kawasaki adverts.
does this fix F-Zero X? Haven't had a chance to check yet.
@YoshiAngemon I think that would be good enough!
You know the community makes better emulation software than Nintendo when Nintendo has to edit roms to make them work...
@SwitchplayerJohn those have been restocking multiple times in the past month, you could have definitely got one if you were on the lookout.
I agree about DK64, that is LONG OVERDUE.
“Hey You Pikachu!” though? Dear lord please no, if that’s added before Mortal Kombat Trilogy, imma just be heartbroken.
Sure, if you have the time to refresh the nintendo page multiple times every freaking day. Even then they are gone in seconds.
It shouldn't be this hard.
I wish they’d fix the animation glitches in Mario Kart 64 along with the unfiltered texture surfaces.
@k8sMum actually no. Just a couple of weeks ago they restocked again and were available for almost two days so that’s why I’m saying, if you were on the lookout you definitely could have got one. They will restock again and since everybody who really wants one are getting them you have a good shot. Follow some Twitter trackers and you should be able to get one with no problem
I know that I say this every time, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update the app to let us change those terrible button mappings. "Peak stability"? Please. The N64 games have been unplayable without the N64 controller, since the day it launched.
Day 262 waiting for button remapping.
Will we ever get Pilotwings 64 ?
I'm just glad the controller lag when using a wireless controller while docked seems to have been corrected. I played both Mario Golf and Starfox 64 using the N64 NSO controller while docked and my button presses were exact, no more lag issues.
One option I really wish Nintendo would add to NSO games is a "performance mode".
That is to say, the option to lock any game to 30fps. (or 60fps for some)
Not only would this greatly improve the experience for many N64 games but it could DRAMATICALLY improve Star Fox 2 on SNES, for example.
@N00BiSH This cracked me up.
@solarwolf07 They're not. These are edits to the config files for the emulator.
@Strictlystyles No sign of restocks in the UK.
@Impaler-D That's not as easy to do as you assume. A lot of games, including Ocarina of Time have their animations tied to their frame rate. OoT runs at 20fps (in NTSC) for example, and locking that to 30fps would make the animations run at 1.5x the speed. The best they could do is maybe improve the points where the game slows down below 20fps.
Just add some friggin’ games. Nintendo’s glacial pace is dissuading me from resubscribing. I’ve always been a fan, but I’m slowly losing interest…
Very odd that the text “The microphone cannot be used when holding the controller this way” was added.
Could simply just be someone copying and pasting work between NSO services and nothing more. But it could be an indication that one of the two games that used a Mic on the N64 could be coming to the Switch (those being Hey You Pikachu and some Train game exclusive to Japan, my money says if either are coming, it would obviously be Hey You Pikachu). It would be an odd feature to include because while the Switch actually can use a mic connected through the audio jack, though, I don't believe a single first party game supports the feature.
@SirPrimalform Locking games to their intended frame-rate with no slowdown would be fine but I doubt I only speak for myself when I say that I'll gladly take some wonky animations in exchange for a game like Star Fox 2 having a higher frame-rate.
@Impaler-D The problem is that the intended frame rate for Ocarina of Time is only 20 FPS (in NTSC, I grew up with the 16.66 FPS PAL version). I agree that consistently achieving 20 FPS is a reasonable expectation, but even bumping that up to 30 FPS makes some strange things happen (animations play at 1.5x the speed, which messes up the timing of a lot of things). They'd have to start hacking the ROM to fix that at which point you're way past "virtual console" territory and getting more towards a remaster.
Personally I actually wish the N64 emulator had an "original resolution" mode and a CRT filter like the NES and SNES emulators. I find high resolution rendering to be somewhat unflattering to N64 games.
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