In case you missed it, Nintendo has announced it will be supporting the upcoming release Mario Strikers: Battle League with free post-launch updates, including new characters.
It seems now we've got some additional information courtesy of Twitter user and dataminer 'Wipeoutjack7' - revealing the game's source code makes mention of 10 additional characters. The exact characters haven't been revealed just yet, but hey, it means characters such as Daisy could return.
Of course, this is all subject to change, and for now - all we know is that this post-launch content will include at least some free characters. If we did get 10 additional characters, as noted above, this would bump the full roster up to 20.
These free post-launch updates follow in the footsteps of various other first-party Nintendo releases. On the sports front, Mario Golf: Super Rush also got additional courses and characters.
How do you feel about Nintendo and Next Level Games bolstering Mario Strikers: Battle League with additional free content? What characters would you like to see join the roster? Leave your thoughts down below.
[source twitter.com, via gonintendo.com]
Comments 193
If they do it's pretty safe to say Daisy and Toadette will be among them, maybe Pauline, though is possible nothing comes of it seeing as Mario Party Superstars has similar empty slots in its data and there's zero sign of them doing anything more with it.
I want Fludd, Fludd or I riot.
I wonder if all the old cast will return. If so...
Daisy, Bowser Jr, Diddy Kong, Petey Piranha, Koopa Troopa, Monty Mole, Boo, Hammer Bros, Dry Bones, Shy Guy, Birdo...
That would already be 11 more characters. 12 if you count Super Team from the first game. So if they stick with just the 20, not all veterans can return.
Not all of them will return likely anyway but some of these are fan favorites and really need to be here, but there's also still plenty others that still could be added that have never been in a Strikers game. Tough choice. We'll see who they'll end up adding though.
I just want the complete and finished game on a physical cartridge.
why is that too much to ask?
is this really what gaming is now?
Would be nice if Nintendo released their spinoff games finished...
This is NOT a good strategy, I thought it was clear after Tennis and Golf... Just release all the characters already, so we have to unlock them playing the game! (a la Smash Bros)
I kinda figured this would happen anyways, I usually like Dry Bones but I'm guessing they're going to focus on main/important characters.
So, Jr and King Boo for me. I dunno how King Boo's equipment would work, but whatever, they'll figure something out. lol
@Joeynator3000 I’m ashamed to say that I read your second paragraph in a way that made me wish that I had bleach for my brain.
Free updates, people! Free!
@Arkay It's hard for be excited for "free updates" when you're paying $60 retail at launch for a game that has the amount of content you'd expect for a $20-$30 game. Imagine if Smash Bros. Ultimate launched at $60 with only the Smash 64 roster of 12 characters, but they promised to periodically add the rest after a substantial period of time. We might would eventually have as much content as Smash Bros for Wii U if we're lucky, but that'd take an eternity of waiting for Nintendo to drip-feed us the content--let alone getting any of the new characters like K. Rool, Simon, Chrom, or all the DLC picks like Banjo and Sora on top of that. Ergo, why people are upset. They're not getting a full game--they're getting part of one now, and however much (or little) Nintendo wants to add to it later.
@Arkay There's a lot to say about these free updates unfortunately.
For one, it's bad for video game preservation. In 30 years if you don't still have a working Switch with the update data, chances are you'll be left with just the base game, if you choose to buy the game on cartridge.
Second, the game will feel less packed with content at launch because they chose to launch the game early to add more content later. If the game doesn't feel interesting at launch, a lot of players will feel burned out on the game before the real meat ever gets added.
Third, getting free updates feels immensely less satisfying than unlocking content through your own merit within the game.
Free content is good, but I don't think it's really as free as they make it seem. With those 50 to 60 bucks you use to purchase the game, you're just paying in advance to get the finished game later.
Don't get me wrong I'm still crazy excited for this game, but these free content updates are getting highly annoying because of the aforementioned issues. It's very unfortunate.
Sounds good to me, and I'll be honest, sure Daisy is cool, but I would love to have a Kremling as a goalie again.
BREAKING NEWS: Nintendo to launch the sequel to Breath of the Wild with the Great Plateau available at launch. They promise to roll out free updates over the course of the next two years. They've confirmed Death Mountain will be added as part of the updates, but we have yet to find out whether we'll be getting any other regions like Gerudo Desert or Lake Hylia. Instead of wishing for any new regions, I sure hope Nintendo gives us the bare minimum we've come to expect! Oh, boy!
I love Nintendo for blessing our $60 Zelda game with Hyrule Castle coming later on in the future because it's FREE! Those clever sons-of-guns knew we'd get bored of exploring Hyrule if we had it all at once, so it makes sense they'd give it to us a piece at a time! Maybe by the end of it all, the game will have almost as much content as the first BotW, but if not, we should just be thankful we're getting anything at all. Because it's FREEEEEEEEEE! Nintendo doesn't owe us anything, you guyz!!!! Also, don't judge the game because it's not out yet, even though they've only confirmed 2 locations, it's probably really going to launch with 28,397 more features we don't know about yet, because Nintendo loves to surprise us and never spoil everything in marketing. Don't question the gods!
at this point theyre just trying to numb us to the free updates strategy. as exciting as the game is it also looks pretty bare bones, i dont doubt theres much content outside the main mode and unlocking outfits
Surprise! All the new characters will actually just be different colors of Toad. Maybe even brand new Toads such as Lavender Toad!
...Okay, this is my last cynical comment on the issue. But remember when Iwata was still alive and during Nintendo's investor meetings, he would talk about their "evergreen" software like Mario Kart and Zelda that people kept coming back to? Y'know...back when they were confident the consumer wouldn't just get bored with the game and put it down after a couple weeks? Either Nintendo is lying about the need to keep consumers engaged with their games and are using it as an excuse, or they just don't take pride in their work anymore and think artificial content drips are the only way people will play their games for more than five seconds because the experience is that shallow. Either way it's incredibly sad.
I like how Nintendo is trying to maintain player engagement.
@CharlieGirl Super Smash Bros. Melee is not a complete game, and it never will be on a physical disc. Whether the result is good or not is irrelevant. Back in the 2000s you either put up with whatever initial state your game was in or you had to buy a separate, Super-Ultra-Ultimate Third Strike version to get additional content in your favorite game.
Preach! I agree with @Not_Soos and @iLikeUrAttitude, I like free updates but come on, it’s vary obvious there holding back content or are not finished with the game, and then charging us 60$ for an incomplete game.
For me it would be one thing if it was like three or so characters, but look at that, the roster was significantly smaller, and now we know why.
@Not_Soos Amen, double amen and triple amen. Your Zelda example in particular really shows exactly why this whole approach is just utterly ridiculous and why it just has to stop. Either that or launch the game in a complete state and THEN get free DLC. But realistically that DLC would be paid at that point. Which would be fair since we already would have gotten a complete package and would happily pay for more if it was good enough.
Really hoping this trend doesn't continue for too long whatever the case.
@meleehunter additional content to an already complete game though...?
also I don't think anyone in history has ever said melee is incomplete, unless you mean balance, which is entirely separate from content
A lot of people here confusing an unfinished game, with a game lacking content. Cyberpunk and GTA trilogy are some unfinished games, Strikers is definitely a complete game, if the first kick is anything to go off, just lacks some content that has been promised for free at a later time.
@Yosher 1) DLC and update data are saved on your microSD card, you can even make copies if you're scared of something happening to one. Yes, if you delete/lose/break those and it's no longer possible to redownload you have a problem, but isn't that also true of breaking and losing your game cartridges/discs when they are no longer in production?
2) We have only seen this strategy used mainly in multiplayer online games, and one already built on daily engagement for a very simple reason: if you are not sold on the gameplay's core loop and/or cannot find satisfation in improving your skills for their own sake, no amount of content available from the start is going to keep you engaged for long. Maybe there is a slight exception for games that have a long running plotline that some fans follow, but Mario sports games definitely do not have that, even in what the fans consider the golden age.
3) Unlocking things became less satisfying the moment Google searches became a thing. And for competitive scenes, all they do is get in the way, which is why a lot of games have some kind of mode or cheat to bypass unlocks.
God I miss the days when games were released content and feature complete. I am so sick of this trend.
I think this gen will be my last and then I will just become a retro gamer. I have more than enough games in the backlog across all my console platforms to last me years.
These should all be here at launch, this drip- feed of post launch content to fill out an unfinished game is unbearable
Sorry, but this has happened way too often with Switch games from Nintendo; release a barebones product and maybe add an undetermined amount of content at some later point. And this one looks especially lacking at launch for a full $60 game. I'll consider it released when they add the final update, then I'll see if it's worth buying at full price.
@Lizuka They already officially announced more characters are coming post-launch, so it won't be like Mario Party at least.
While it would be MUCH better if the games came complete at launch, this is better than nothing. I guess.
I'm not at all surprised since this was their plan with Mario Tennis and Mario Golf. Seems Mario sports titles are getting the Splatoon model
The game looks great and ten more characters would be much appreciated but I do really miss games having unlockable characters and arenas already there in the game. It kept you playing with a goal to grind for.
@Yosher I get they intend it to prolong the online lifespan but it also leaves ya screwed if ya like to just binge games where you are liable to either burn out on it long before rest is out or you wait till it's all done and miss any hype memes or community stuff around it, and by whichpoint the playerbase has shrunk signifcantly
@somebread No, it's now well-known to be rushed, which is why we got stuck with Falcondorf and fighters like King Dedede and Pit had to wait until the next game. Again, just because the end result was well-received and had a good amount of content otherwise doesn't mean it's not technically unfinished (nor bad, mind you). We all know things get left on the cutting floor all the time in development, the only difference these days is that we have the capacity to amend missing things in the same game.
Also I would normally agree with you regarding balancing not really being a big point of consideration of how unfinished or not a game is... but when it gets to the point of things like people falling out of Kirby's throws, half of Mewtwo's moves not working properly or Game & Watch not having a functional shield, those are pretty glaring issues.
Nintendo releases game with no free content:
fans complain "give us free content"!!! (Mario Party, Super Mario Odyssey)
Nintendo releases game with free content:
fans complain, free content should have been here day one!!! (any sports game)
Whatever Nintendo does, the "fans" will always complain.
Aye we should all just suck it up like good little chumps, after all we are only paying 50 quid for the privelige!
Here is an idea: Release a game that feels feature and content complete at launch and then there would be satisfied and happy customers.
And I direct this at other companies as well, not just Nintendo.
@sanderev game literally has a small roster and one main mode.... And your paying 60 for it.....
Mario party actually needed new boards... The roster was smaller that the wiiu one same for the smaller count boards compared to the 64 to Wii. Super could've done more considering the boards where redone N64 maps...
Ppl complaining have made valid points...
@nimnio "if you don't like it don't complain and just roll over."
Companies never need feedback. It's fine for companies to be out of touch with a fan base. If it wasn't for that... Mario party would still be in 4players in a kart. Linear with maps. Smash bros would've ended with melee. If not that slipping and slow gameplay would've stayed from brawl. Mario kart 8 wouldn't have dlc (another story I'll skip on that) no Metroid prime 4. Luigi's mansion wouldn't be an improvement over 2 and Mario strikers 3 wouldn't even be here...
Feedback matters even negative
Thank you! And exactly--for a game like Smash Bros. Ultimate, for example, the base game is already so jam-packed with content that I had no problem paying extra for DLC. Heck, if Nintendo were to support the game for the rest of the Switch's life and release a Fighters Pass 3 and 4, I would buy it. It already felt like a complete package, so DLC was just the icing on the cake. And if I go to a store to buy ingredients to bake a cake, it's only natural I'll have to pay for the icing separately.
But what Nintendo likes to do is sell you a half-empty bag of cake mix and then maybe mail you the rest of it later on as an apology for trying to swindle you, if you're lucky. Forget the frosting, you're expected to just be glad to finally have the plain cake you bought at the store months ago. Only now, you're really not in the mood for it anymore because you already baked the other half while you were waiting and it was really underwhelming. Now you don't even have a taste for store-bought cake anymore because they dropped the ball so hard. First impressions are so super important to get right and Nintendo used to know that.
I wonder how many analogies it will take for me to break the Guinness World Records for most analogies about a video game? Lol.
Probably makes more people buy digitally as it devalues the value proposition of buying physical as obviously incomplete game on the cartridge. We all know they want physical to die as they make a lot more money on digital game sales. So the cynic in me wonders if this is considered/planned by Nintendo? Hmm.
I really really don't like this modern practice of 'unlocking' characters. But at least we will get Daisy. Looks like I'll have to wait ~ 1 year to buy this one.
@iLikeUrAttitude If this game wasn't finished, it would be more buggy/glitchy and have unresponsive controls. The game appears to function as intended.
@Deepdoop Future content doesn't make a game "incomplete". Untested issues do.
It's so great when these little indie studios get a chance to show off their game in Early Access.
A Smash-style Daisy reveal at the June Direct 🤔
@mr-duster A game doesn't have to be unplayable for it to be unfinished. The fact that it's releasing with a barebones amount of content at launch and is scheduled to remedy it with future patches from the get go should already tell you that.
@Not_Soos yeah I know right! It’s so easy to develop a game where you only need few asset.
Daisy is obvious I think...hopefully they don't use her as a tool to rope people back in after the hype dies off as I think that would do Daisy fans a great disservice.
I wanna see some random characters too honestly to give it that crazy Mario vibe. They did that in Golf with characters like Ninji, so I don't think it's very unrealistic. I especially wanna see Next Level Games try to develop the personalities of more B-list Mario characters like they've done in the past. I think for example Chargin' Chuck would be a particularly funny one, what with the classic American joke of him playing the wrong football (and yet strangely appropriate, given this game has them use their hands a lot)
These arguments come and go but the only Mario Sports that hasn't had content updates in the last 10 years and released "complete" was Mario Tennis Ultra Smash. And when that has far less at launch than Mario Tennis Aces had
before DLC it's not exactly a ringing endorsement.
@iLikeUrAttitude What counts as barebones and unfinished exactly? 10 playable characters? You realise the original has 8?
If what's released at launch is equal or greater to previous entries. Then is later expanded on with updates taking them from the typical release to the biggest in the series. Then why exactly is it controversial? You'd be paying your $60 or £50 for something comparable to the original's at launch.
To those complaining that the game is incomplete and is just getting the content via a free update, if they released the game with all the content in it at launch that would mean delaying the game for a few months.
And if you think you’re ok with that, well fair enough, but Nintendo is not. Having a lull in games coming out is not good, it’s one of the reasons the Wii U died. It’s why companies try to avoid delaying a game as much as possible. So if Nintendo can release a finished, fully playable game with a slight lack of content, and then update it with more content in the future, then that’s precisely what they will do.
@Jireland92 Also what's to stop them just releasing the games base content and then NLG just moving on to Luigi's Mansion 3?
I think the notion of "complete" is very dubious because Mario Strikers - Battle League could release complete with 10 characters. They just never have to do any content updates.
If it had 20 characters but had 40 after content updates that'd be "unfinished".
This started under Iwata with Mario Golf on the 3DS and it then carried on into Mario Maker, Splatoon and that extremely bare Mario Tennis game on the Wii U (which had less content than the Switch version which got updated).
Gaming as we used to know it is dead and that’s not a good thing.
@Jireland92 no the game is finished and Nintendo is purposely holding content back
@nimnio by next year the online will be dead no one will be playing Strikers and that's all Nintendos fault giving people no content at launch and make them wait months for the first update and by that point the majority will put the game down and never play it again
Mario Golf World Tour still felt like a complete game at launch, though. They had regular updates and paid DLC, but the base game still had a wealth of content. The game was $40 plus $20 DLC, which equals the price of Super Rush. Yet, World Tour with updates has about 3x the total number of golf courses as Super Rush, to put things into perspective. For 60 bucks, Super Rush gives you one-third the content. The mechanics, visuals, single-player content, and course layout in Tour also feelt way more polished while the content that was there in Super Rush was largely mediocre
Super Mario Maker's updates were pretty miniscule to me; they legitimately did feel like Nintendo one day just said, "Hey, we've got a couple more ideas for that game we released, why don't we throw them in there?" instead of something they were planning before the game released.
In my opinion, Splatoon was really their first foray into the drip-feed content. Nintendo loves to experiment, so at the time, I didn't mind them trying something different with a new IP--especially since the core mechanics were so new and fun. I think most of us were addicted to the play test before launch, which only had like two stages. So, no one really cared that the stage selection was small at first. By the time Splatoon 2 rolled around though, it was disappointing to see they were doing the same thing again, as a lot of people--myself included--thought the game felt like a port at launch with a downgraded story mode. It got better over time and, unlike most of Nintendo's games that get these updates, actually does feel like a complete experience now. But I think they captured lightning in a bottle with the first Splatoon and have been trying to replicate that success with all their online multiplayer games since then.
I can't make any excuses for Ultra Smash. I would consider selling that game and Amiibo Festival for 60 bucks as one of the few stains on Iwata's otherwise incredibly ethical and impactful business career. Granted--I think both those games actually released a few months after he died, so maybe the price was not final yet.
I understand why they did it, though--they were putting all their eggs in the Switch basket and still needed software on Wii U to appease the small install base, but since the system was a flop and they were on the verge of dropping out of the console market, they didn't want to invest large amounts of money they didn't have into software they knew wouldn't turn a profit. So, I get it, but it definitely still felt gross. If I were Nintendo, I would have still made budget games to save costs but charged like 20 bucks each for them. They would have probably sold way better, but instead they tried to trick their consumers into thinking they were getting what they paid for, so no one bought them.
@KBuckley27 it’s probably not finished but it’s at a state where they can release it and then by saying there’s free DLC at a later date makes it look as if the customer is getting something for free. Just means they can hit a release date and then continue working on it.
Unleas the do reprints afterwards, cartridge will forever be incomplete, and thats no good, not at all
Free is always good in my book
Lame. I'd rather unlock everything myself through challenge. Unlocking Junior, Diddy, and Petey in Charged was super fun because of how hard it was to beat them and satisfying to unlock them afterwards.
Quit neutering your experiences, Nintendo.
@TheCrabMan are you being corny in the nintendolife comments again by assuming people can't have many worries at once son
@meleehunter 1. The difference between downloads and physical is that you can usually still find a physical copy to buy somewhere online. It may be expensive in some cases, but at least the option is there.
2. Core gameplay can only get you to have fun for so long if there's barely anything to do within the game. If Smash Bros were to release with only, say, Mario, Pikachu, Link and Fox with only Final Destination as a stage and the only mode being the standard Smash mode, I think that would get boring incredibly fast. You have to have other things to do in such a game for it to be engaging, because a game as light on content as that will only attract those who really, really want to invest into its core gameplay. I loved the previous Mario sports games from the N64 to the Wii days because there was usually a ton to do in them, with lots of options for different types of gameplay, making it much more fun to explore what all the games had to offer and giving you much more ample time in that way to actually fall in love with the core gameplay too. In recent times, these games launch with little content, and so you'll have seen everything before long, causing people to get less invested and lose interest before the core gameplay could ever get a chance to grow on them.
3. If you google search, that's entirely on you. The game doesn't ship with a little note saying "hey, psst, look up how to unlock everything on Google, or else". You're fully free to never look up anything on Google and unlock everything without knowing how to unlock things. Unless you accidentally find somewhere how to do it, in which case fair enough, but usually to find out how to unlock things you will have to search for it. Also fair enough if you're just talking about the contents of what's unlockable, but you could choose just not to browse around as much until you've unlocked a bunch already. If you get invested in the game as you say you would then you wouldn't be online as much anyway most likely and just be playing the game without ever even thinking about hitting up Google.
@CharlieGirl That is exactly what you will be getting. These free updates are just a bonus.
The game is complete and playable from start to finish from the get go.
Releasing free content every now and then is what keeps people talking about the game for a longer period of time, and the game is getting mentioned more often on websites such as this one, which is one way to promote the game and make more sales.
And here I am reading complaints from people who will get content for free.
Just imagine when they release Daisy, all the youtubers who cried over her not being included will make videos about the game yet again just to say "finally, nintendo listened to us, bla bla bla", giving the game more exposure.
Nintendo knows what they are doing with this one.
Love how people will claim this game is “unfinished” because they decide to keep the game interesting to come back to with updates. If the new Mario golf game didn’t do that I wouldn’t of touched it again after the first month.
Its really cheeky for nintendo doing this why couldn't Daisy be in first 10 roaster considering she was in orginal game but I hope we get characters like Diddy kong he was also there.
@JR150 Maybe they will be added as unlockable characters and not just like that.
Just because a game gets free updates after launch doesn't mean it's unfinished at launch. It is a completely finished game. The updates are supposed to keep it in the news and make people come back to it over the months. The existence of this free extra content doesn't mean the game at launch is unfinished, because it is.
@Not_Soos This Botw comparison is asinine. Mario Strikers is a finished game at launch, lacking content, but still finished.
Botw with only the plateau at launch would be like what we got in the Mario Strikers demo. The tutorial. The comparison doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
I’m torn. It’s obvious this game has way more polish and effort put into it than Mario’s other sports titles on Switch. I wouldn’t call the game unfinished, but bad practice is bad practice. Nintendo’s strategy to support games post launch are a mixed bag. They’ll do it for maybe a year and then pull the plug, draining the games of any meaningful incentive to come back to them. Characters are irritating when missing at launch but are ultimately superfluous additions that don’t anything that substantial. But that seems to be what Nintendo’s hedging it’s bets on, and based on previous games, it’s not going to work. Mario Golf is dead, Mario Tennis is dead, Animal Crossing was cut short well ahead of reaching its full potential. Smash is the only exception I can think of. Maybe Splatoon 2 with its splatfests.
@KBuckley27 no the game is finished. It’s fully playable and all the main mechanics are in the game. Saying this game isn’t finished is like saying the original Street Fighter 2 wasn’t finished.
@MatoFilipovic They long for the blissful ignorance of the early 2000s where nobody told them that their "complete" game likely had some stuff missing left out because of time constraints.
I don't like the approach to this free updates, but for multiplayer games it's almost a must to keep having updates these days.
Mario Strikers will be an online game so it DOES make more sense. Kirby Star Allies NEVER should have had free updates like it did. But online games want to maintain playerbases.
I think the problem comes when they are releasing the base game with what is obviously less content to allow for these updates. Daisy is missing for god's sake.
When it came to Mario Tennis Aces the base roster was good enough that I thought the updates were fun and exciting, the characters we got were actually new, like Pauline, Luma...etc. The update for Mario Tennis Aces that were bad were the update to story mode, that is the type of content that SHOULD be finished at release.
But I think as Super Rush and now this is releasing, it is clear that the content is lacking in both. Super Rush had like 4-5 maps? It was bad.
Nothing wrong with these free updates imo. I think the execution of the content at launch and the content they contain is bad execution.
I get the feelings that people have that want all on the carttriger and i get the feeling that they want to shout out their oppinion but i am pretty sure nintendo only decides in money.
And this kind of thing just keeps the game more relevant, people look into it after a few months again when new stuff gets released, gaming sites report over it and so a few more people get to see it and think oh yeah mario soccer exists, i am borred and look to play something new why not this.
I am pretty sure the tests with splatoon and other mario sport games showed them how you get most of the money out of it
I miss the good ol unlockable character!
And wish they were all there at launch.
That said, definitely get the point above!
@meleehunter Preach
I’ll be honest, with Mario Tennis and Mario Golf, the free updates did have me coming back to them to play solo, so I don’t think it’s the worst thing that they’re doing this for Strikers. Strikers might not have a complete roster, but it certainly has complete gameplay. I had no interest in the game until I played the training in the game yesterday.
I know most here don't like this strategy, but it might not matter as much as they think. Super Rush and Tennis Aces are both the best selling entries in their respective series. We can argue about attach rates and the like, but Nintendo probably won't see it that way. As long as Nintendo is charging for online and people buy the games, this model is here to stay.
I'm glad this stuff is going to be in the game but really it should be there at launch. Sporadic updates with these sports games is getting annoying now.
@Saf01 yeah, the free model doesn't bother me. If they charged you, then I could understand the anger.
Plus I have ADHD and get bored of these types of games quickly, anyway. When they add content, it keeps it interesting to me. Sure, the roster is smaller at the start but I usually don't try every character anyway. At least with this method, I'm more inclined to try out the ones they add.
@Jireland92 In my day (I'm 44) we were perfectly ok with delays if it meant a complete product or as close to it as you're going to get. Incredible how your generation are ok with incomplete products tbh but whatever floats your boat I suppose.
The point still stands though, that it all started under Iwata. Like paid DLC, F2P, Mobile gaming etc.
I think people need to be careful what they wish for. This is a very good marketing strategy for games, especially those with an Online element. The release of updates brings attention back to games that may have stopped selling. Those who think Nintendo is going to delay these games to put in the same amount of content are living in a fantasy land.
You can debate the practice of post-launch updates to high heaven, but as for new characters, here's my predictions:
There's a bunch more I could list but I'll leave it at that and wait to see which ones they decided to add.
I just want them to not be generic characters, like Dry Bones or Chargin’ Chuck, give us more Kongs or WarioWare characters.
You pay FULL PRICE...
...to get 50/100 game + "FREE" update!
Free? Where?
Nintendo is only using the money you paid to FUND the other half of the game. And makes you believe that this is super cool, "free" (free where?) content.
Maybe it's a strategy for your consumers to get USED to have LESS CONTENT for $59.
This continuous free updates strategy has to backfire on them at some point if it hasn’t already.
I certainly know for Mario Golf after how they handled tennis I saw no reason to purchase at release as you can literally wait 6 months for a sale and buy a more finished game for cheaper at that point which is what I did. I can’t see any reason to purchase at release here either when there will be more content for less money in the future.
Couldn't care less about soccer but keep using Rosalina images for the articles! I adore her and she looks lovely in this.
@RubyCarbuncle dude I’m 30, almost, I remember when games were delayed too. But delays are not good. They can give you more time to work on it, but that also leaves a massive hole in the release calendar which can be disastrous. Don’t believe me, look at Starfield and what it’s done to the XBox.
And lulls in game releases is one of the big reasons the Wii U failed. Nintendo don’t want that to happen again, hence why they pivoted to this release strategy.
I'd rather just have unlockable characters. I meanI guess these are just time unlocked, but I want skill unlockable players.
@KoiTenchi Yeah I got Mario Golf late and glad I did. Saved money and have a full game. As I already said, I wish these were locked behind challenges, like the emblems in golf, and not just time locked. At least they aren't charging for them.
Of course it will :/
@Cheez Is Mario Golf a good game? Is it based on skill or (gimmick) luck?
@meleehunter Hmm? Nah I don't view games like that. Melee is a complete game. Just because proposed content didn't make the cut to be included in the game, does not make it a incomplete game. If that is what you are getting at? To me that is just making this topic complicated for no reason. (It's like you are saying their is no "complete game" out there???)
Dr_Lugae wrote:
The fact that there are plans to release to game as it is and patch it up with future updates already tells you that it's unfinished.
I would be paying $60 for something that isn't complete at launch, this isn't a hard concept to understand.
Also I would hope that it wouldn't share the same base roster amount from it's predecessor that came out 15 years ago, thats a poor defense. Thats like people defending ARMS pitful base roster by saying "wEll the OrignAl smaSh 64 only HaD 8".
Just got word that the final fight with Ganon , for botw 2, will be included in a post launch update. This will be done to ensure players can enjoy the game many months after launch.
Put E. Gadd on the field you cowards.
@TheCrabMan With or without money, it's a corporate strategy.
Looks like a good game but I would've preferred to have some of the additional characters at launch. This news BROKE me into ashes on a grave smashed up by lousy teenagers but they at-least place a strawberry on top.
@meleehunter "Super Smash Bros. Melee is not a complete game."
.....What? 😕 You're literally the only person I've ever heard say this. Not sure if you come from an alternate timeline where it released unfinished, but it's a complete game in this one.
@Lady_rosalina @KindofaBigDeal NOBODY is forcing you to buy the game if you don't like it.
"You have to pay 60 dollar for this?? 😭😭"
No you don't. You can just chose to not buy the game. Vote with your wallet. I chose to not buy games I don't like, but I don't start attacking Nintendo because of it on a webblog of a fansite that really has nothing to do with Nintendo.
If you want Nintendo to hear you? Try sending them an e-mail or even better a written letter. Their addresses can be found on their website.
And no, saying something once doesn't count as crying. But repeating that same post beneath every single newsitem about the game does.
And if you really hate Nintendo so much: check pushsquare.com and purexbox.com for "better" consoles.
And the only valid criticism would've been if Nintendo had promised a lot more content, and that content wouldn't be in the game. And there is literally no game on the Switch where that has happened. Every game got everything Nintendo said it would get. (not counting rumours)
oh nice another finish later game😒
Data miners take away a lot of fun.
Mate people are allowed to criticise a game and a game maker's now well established pattern of releasing games lacking in features and content at launch (whilst still charging full price) whilst still being a fan.
Otherwise one just comes across as a pathetic sycophant.
I know what I would rather be.
Also this is the first time I have commented on an article for this game, but I have no doubt you will be spewing your same nonsense under every article and when the game sells quite well using the sales as some kind of justification when in reality it means nowt. Or I guess Fifa and COD are some of the best games ever made.
@iLikeUrAttitude This is why we can't have a new Smash Bros. game anymore.
@iLikeUrAttitude i feel like arms was at least understandable given it was a new ip
Another game not worth buying physical.
I understand people saying the game is already finished, but that’s not what people are saying when they say it’s unfinished.
A game doesn’t need to be not working, unfinished means just that, unfinished, and from the looks of it half the roster isn’t even finished! Therefore the game isn’t really complete is it?
It’s fine that the game works and everything but it just sucks that Nintendo is taking this “Finish it later approach” to there games.
@iLikeUrAttitude I didn't say unplayable. I said bugs/glitches and unresponsive controls. If a game isn't working properly, then that makes it unfinished. The amount of content does not dictate whether a game is "finished" or not.
@KindofaBigDeal There is a difference between criticizing and "spewing your same nonsense" under each article.
Also sales don't make a game good, just popular. But a game with 10 characters can be better than a game with 100 characters. I like it when games have a smaller rooster, because it forces the player to strategize which pro's and cons to have.
Also Fifa and CoD are technically not bad games. Sorry to burst your hate here, those games set out to do something and they clearly succeed in doing that. You may not like these games (I don't either), but then you can use my suggestion of not buying them. Nobody is forcing you.
In the end I'm going to have a blast with this game, even if it is never going to get even an 11th character. (Which is unlikely, seeing all Mario Sports titles got additional characters)
There are a lot of assumptions being made here.
1) Nintendo are holding back completed content. We don’t know that. It may not be ready and adding more may mean delays.
2) if Nintendo didn’t break the games down into tranches we’d get all the content at launch. Hmmmm. Nintendo have much more detailed sales figures for their games than we do. They may well see spikes in sales when these free updates are released for things like Star Allies and Mario Golf. If they expect the free updates to generate revenue then ditching the updates would simply mean less content.
There's nothing to suggest Nintendo are deliberately withholding content at launch but there is a worrying trend with Nintendo these days. Animal Crossing was pretty bare bones at launch, the Mario Party entries aren't exactly brimming with boards, Switch Sports is missing Golf and has much less content than Wii Sports Resort, Mario Golf and Tennis were also lacking at launch in courses and characters respectively.
Some of these have filled out since, yet I'm now at a point where I'm ignoring these games at launch and waiting until the content is added
@Rykdrew I've enjoyed it for the most part. Like I said, I really prefer unlocking characters as an incentive to do the challenges, which doesn't exist. It's mostly skill, though it's based off of luck if you curve the ball a little. This is pretty annoying to me.
The idea de Nintendo is not holding back content for post-release launch, is pretty naive. They've been doing for years now with many of its games. There's no way they only developed 10 characters for launch.
Nintendo, stop releasing incomplete games. In some cases, your physical products are incomplete just 2 months after release.
How long till the game has all its characters?
I'd rather have the game take longer to release and have the characters be unlockable than the drip feed of content that takes forever between updates.
@meleehunter your number 3 is stupid. How to unlock stuff in many video games was always in physical guides before the internet. And it was always fun to read about it and then do it.
@boxyguy the game is not launching bar Bones are unfinished at all your 100% factually in the wrong
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@Jumping_Dead the game is not launching incomplete and 10 characters is pretty big
@BTB20 game is 100% factually finished you brats are I the wrong
@iLikeUrAttitude it's finished *****
Smash Bros did not come out character roster complete, in fact the character additions were not even free
They are still giving you a full game, you can still play it and have fun the additional characters are the cherry on top
mr-duster wrote:
Again, a game does not to be unplayable or full of glitches to be unplayable. The fact that "free" post launch updates are already planned indicates this. Also having bugs/glitches and unresponsive controls can make a game unplayable.
mr-duster wrote:
That is just your personal definition of what makes a game unfinished, that isn't the only criteria.
mr-duster wrote:
It absolute can and it does in this case.
The game is literally incomplete and they plan to remedy it with post launch patches.
Ayasplat wrote:
Nice argument, it totally doesn't make you look like screaming child.
You created an account just to cry because some people are criticising this game? Maybe the internet isn't for you bud.
This game is full price not a freebie and people are well within their rights to point out that the game should be more feature and content rich at launch as a result rather than have this "to be completed at a later date" system which Nintendo has been using a lot on the Switch.
The amount of sycophantic suck ups around here is a joke.
@steventonysmith Are you comparing the 70 characters you have in Smash Bros without the DLCs, with the 10 characters you have here?? Not to mention game modes, stages, etc etc.
This is as far as we know, of course. Let's hope we get a surprise in that regard when the game launches!
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@KindofaBigDeal FYI its a a complete game and Nintendo is not doing the finish it later and if you say they are your in 100% factual complete denial
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What game modes were in Smash at launch? Last I checked it had less modes than the Gamecube title. Homerun Smash wasn't added until later. Also, again, they are adding them in for free so who cares. The game still plays fine and you can play the free demo in a couple days to see if it's what you even like.
I eat up everything Nintendo releases because I know I am getting a quality product. Even with free characters and stages missing at launch added later I know I will have a bug free, well polished experience. Strikers will play the same if you have 10 characters or 70 characters.
Fair enough. I have no issue with people who have your views, if you think it is worth money that is fine and you make your case perfectly well.
But everytime someone dares say they are not happy with this approach, which is a legitimate concern for a full price game, they get abuse and I am calling those out who do it for the utter nonsense that it is.
If someone can't hack people not idolising Nintendo for everything they do they probably should avoid socially interacting with others.
@CharlieGirl Sadly, yes. The golden age of video games has long passed.
I have seen other big companies screw over consumers far worse than Nintendo. Anthem was suppose to be EAs big 10-yr+ Destiny project and it was dead in less than 2. They charged a full $60 for it, more if you bought a special edition.
Nintendo protects their IPs, get attacked for that. Doesn't approve of illegal ROMS, homebrews and other hacks and gets attacked for that. They don't really get heavily invested in esports, gets attacked for that. Releases fun, polished games and adds free DLC to them and supports them after launch, gets attacked for that. Some of us support Nintendo because we love the decades of solid gaming they have provided and continue to provide. Not everyone is a physical game collector who needs all the characters of a soccer game to be there at launch. As long as there is a good starting line up and the game is fun to play with friends and family I could give one rip. Something no one covers is it looks like the game will have an equipment system which should give us plenty to work on and unlock while we wait for the next characters to drop.
Why do I get the feeling you are just another zealot and this was never going to be a proper discussion.
That is a whole lot of non relevant stuff you mentioned there mate so I won't be addressing any of it. We are talking about launching yet another full priced game which does not feel like it is worth the cost.
I love Nintendo but I am not blind to their faults and I will call out practices I am not a fan of. This new strategy of releasing content light games full price at launch and then filling in the gaps later is not a practice I am fond of and I am simply pointing that out. And it applies to other companies not just Nintendo.
There is also no guarantee the additional content will even make the game ever feel worth the full price it is sold for.
We have different views, let's just leave it at that.
@sanderev Very true. The double standards some people have is just absolutely insane.
How do you know how feature rich an unreleased game is or isn't? Just because it doesn't launch without 70+ characters doesn't mean it won't have enough modes and unlockables to make it fun and worth $60. As far as I'm concerned it has single player, couch multiplayer, online multiplayer match making and online multiplayer clubs you can set up. It has an equipment system to unlock gear for your launch characters. What do you feel is missing?
@steventonysmith Smash Bros Ultimate ($59,00) Base Game: 74 playable fighters (63 previous fighters from past entries and 11 new)
Mario Strikers Battle League ($59,00) Base Game: 10 playable characters (Mario Strikers Charged (wii) = 12 characters)
Both $59,00 game...one of them...74 base game characters...and the other 10 (10!!!) characters.
Based on every sports game released so far by Nintendo on the system. They have all been light on content.
That is my view. Nintendo will be getting no money from me for the game at release.
What double standard?
One of them has had iterations since the N64. One of them is a Fighting game, and one is Soccer. Compare apples to apples
I bet that will really hurt their bottom dollar, you are within your right to not spend money on what you don't want but I personally will be buying myself, my daughter and my friend a copy.
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Smash bros
Smash Bros (64): 12 characters.
Smash Bros Melee (GC): 25 characters (+13).
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (wii): 35 characters (+10)
Super Smash Bros (3DS / Wii U): 51 characters (+16) - base game, not accounting DLC.
Smash bros Ultimate (Switch) 74 characters (+23) - base game, not accounting DLC.
Smash bros Ultimate: $59,00
Mario Strikers:
Super Mario Strikers (GC) - 8 characters
Super Mario Strikers Charged (wii) - 12 characters (+4)
Mario Strikers Battle League (Switch) - 10 characters (-2)
Mario Strikers: $59,00
Other Mario "sport" games:
Mario Power Tennis (GC) = 18 characters
Mario Golf (GBA) = 18 characters
Mario Hoops 3-on-3 Basketball (DS) = 21 characters
Mario tennis Power Tour (GBA) = 28 characters
Mario Superstar Baseball (GC) = 32 characters
Mario Strikers (Switch) = 50/100 game for FULL PRICE.
Someday if this game is complete...maybe i´ll buy!
I'm not going to fund the other 50% of the nintendo game with my own money to get less game at first. My patience is worth more! In this case, either the game should be $39.00 or I should get some prize to pay full price and get less.
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@KindofaBigDeal agree!!
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@steventonysmith so people attack Nintendo for protecting their ip's
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@KindofaBigDeal People will start riots over the fact that there is free content in a game only to complain that another game has no free content at all. Whether a game offers free content or not, that's fine because as long as the overall experience is enjoyable, the free content shouldn't matter. There are always gonna be fans who will complain about everything, regardless of what game it is.
There wil be people who complain regardless of anything, yes.
That does not mean people who complain about Nintendo's now well established practice of releasing barebone games with the intention of adding content later do not have a case.
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Again, how do any of you know it's barebones? Character count isn't everything
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So do you not enjoy the Splatoon series because you only get to pick from two characters, male or female?
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@steventonysmith I don´t like Splatoon series for many reasons.
In Mario sports, characters are not mere avatars.
Each character has specific attributes, different specials, different speed, strength, and, in the case of Mario Strikers, tackle types, weight, and other gameplay-relevant aspects.
Just like mario Tennis, just as fighters are different in Smash Bros. Just like in FIFA, specific players have specific dribbles...there are dozens....of unique "characters", with unique characteristics and unique special moves.
You're trying too hard to argue that you're glad Mario Strikers (Switch) has fewer characters than the previous version, FULL PRICE. It's very weird.
But respectfully speaking, you have a right to be happy to pay more for less content. And respectfully speaking, I have the right not to like getting less FULL PRICE content.
This is alright I guess. It doesn't bother me nearly as much as it did with animal Crossing, but I start to wonder why there's been NO new Mario Party content?? I thought that Nintendo had realized how dumb they were for not putting out any dlc for super Mario party but apparently not. Just leaving money sitting on the table. Although, I'm not sure I can say I would love any new content based on how lacklustre and poorly made the Mario Kart dlc has been.
Did the previous versions of Strikers add characters via DLC? Did they even have online play?
@CharlieGirl 1, you wait until all the free updates are released. it's the same. you bought the full game and the rest are bonus. unless you are pirating scums you shouldn't care. Or you prefer Nintendo NEVER give out any extra content after game launch.
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@DiggleDog nope, it give them more time to develop while still able to release ealier, if you're not happy just don;t buy. It incentivizes people to play long after launch. I don't understand your argument.
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Hi folks, friendly reminder to please remain civil & respectful to eachother while discussing the game here
I've never pirated a game in my life, for the record--I always support the devs, even when it's a financial juggernaut like Nintendo with cash to spare. As a devoted consumer who's invested countless amounts of money in Nintendo products over the years, I think I should have a say in when their software isn't up to snuff.
I'm willing to give Nintendo credit where credit is due, and their single-player games have been stellar lately. Forgotten Land, Metroid Dread, Legends Arceus, even Mario Party Superstars--all phenomenal games well worth the 60-dollar price tag. But almost all their online multiplayer games have been pretty mediocre. I won't sugarcoat it--Mario Golf Super Rush and Nintendo Switch Sports kinda suck. The latter has a chance at becoming decent if there are enough content updates, but it's a gamble whether or not that will happen at all. Super Rush is already finished, and the new courses they added felt even less polished than the ones in the base game, with the exception of New Donk.
I realize the comments I made about it were more snarky than I typically am. I don't like being that way, but Nintendo has pulled this same shtick time and time again, and it's frustrating as a consumer. Labeling everyone upset about this as a pirate isn't fair. You don't have to agree, but people have valid reasons to be upset.
Why does Mario Strikers (Switch) have online mode, "okay", have less characters and content?
Mario Strikers Battle League (first Mario Strikers online) FULL PRICE $59? Only 10 characters.
Mario Strikers (offline, wii): 12 characters.
A game with online mode doesn't mean it needs to have fewer characters and content. Online is just a mandatory mode. 99% of all games I play have online mode. This is not a differentiator.
Having online mode is a must. It's 2022. That's no reason for the game to be low on content.
Sorry they took away your Alligator and that's seem to cloud your reasoning. But two less characters than the last entry, they added online play and leagues and they will be adding at least ten more characters via free DLC. Also comparing a soccer game to Smash or Tekken has to be one of the farthest leaps of logic I've ever seen a person take
Lest we not forget you need to pay extra for the privelige to play the game online.
So technically speaking the game does not have online play included in the full price cost of the game.
But don't waste your time mate.
Of course, games can be compared in one aspect: content.
And the objective is very simple, it doesn't even need to be explained very much to be understood.
Games, of different natures, have a lot of content.
As games get sequels, the content is expanded, not diminished (there is no relationship that a game, when it has an online mode, needs to have fewer characters and content).
Except for games like Mario Strikers: Battle League, which has fewer characters than its predecessor, and needed to have many more characters to match the number of characters (base game) of other sports games from Nintendo itself.
And, because you mention DLC, see, this game will need DLC to have the amount of characters that other games practically already had in the base game.
That is, Mario Strikers is 50% content for FULL PRICE.
It's as if the consumer financed, by buying the game early, the production of the other 50% of the game, so Nintendo doesn't have to use its own cash flow before the launch.
@KindofaBigDeal I really don't understand how some people have the need to claim something (and fight for it) that doesn't actually occur. And for these people, it is not enough to affirm, their affirmation must be considered the only valid affirmation in the world. It is funny!
Funny and a tad worrying!
I want them to make the eggplant wizard a character
So by your logic Smash Bros is 10% the game Gran Turismo is because they have over 700 cars compared to the 73 measly fighters.
Again by only having three less characters than the previous entry in the series they aren't giving you less, they are including a gear system, online play and online leagues. Then they will be adding at least ten more characters for free.
This is called the principle of reasonableness.
And this occurs in a comparison between games.
In previous posts, it was shown that (different) games, when they have a sequel, receive many more characters, which are the soul of the game.
In previous posts, it was shown that there is no relationship between a game receive an online mode and, as a result, having fewer characters.
A Street Fighter with 10 game modes and only 10 characters is useless.
The characters are the main thing when it comes to gameplay. Because they are the ones, with their unique attributes, that make the game not extremely repetitive. They are the ones that give the gameplay more possibilities.
By comparison to other Mario sports games, Mario Strikers is by far the most incomplete game.
Mario tennis Aces and Mario Golf received 16 characters (base game), also with online gameplay.
Mario tennis Aces:
Mario Golf:
Mario Strikers:
Mario Strikers = you pay FULL PRICE and receive much less than average content.
Being the characters, the ones responsible for giving the gameplay variety, Mario Strikers starts with very little.
Instead of the characters giving the gameplay variety that is now the current lineup plus the new gears system. It changes the attributes of the characters and will give players plenty to unlock while we wait for more characters. I think the gameplay, which we will be able to try for my free, will be the selling point, not the number of characters.
@Snatcher it's not finish itnlater at all
I will let Mario strikers Battle League to make the return of the seven koopalings, Diddy Kong, Bowser Jr, and Shy Guy since he returned in Mario golf super rush.
This approach is fine only in some cases. Take Splatoon, for example. It works because there’s already a substantial amount of content at launch due to the online mode and it being infinitely replayable due to that. This DOESN’T work for Sports titles because, well, they’re sports games. They’re usually one trick ponies because you can’t come up with like 12 different ways to play tennis. That’s absurd. There’s usually not even much content there to begin with since the fun is you feeling like you’re there, as Michael Jordan against Kobe Bryant.
Content isn’t exactly the main focus of sports games, but this business model is still pretty crappy as they’ve done this with non-sports games (Kirby Star Allies, Smash Bros. Ultimate with Spirits, etc.) and if they go forward with this model they may end up ruining their company. It’s not exactly something we wish but it’s like they’re asking for it, releasing unfinished games just to get more money because they think we’re none the wiser. It’s disheartening how Nintendo is to their fans. Sometimes I wonder why I love this company so much anyway.
It’s probably Mario.
I am happy to report back after actually purchasing and playing Mario Strikers on my Switch. The game is fun, and the end of civilization as we know it won't end because there is enough content as I wait for the free content to play through.
@sanderev who's attacking Nintendo? I'm sure as **** not. Kid learn the difference between criticism and "attacking. Before typing up junk please. The game is out everything said was already proven. Game gets old too fast. It looks beautiful but that's just it it's fun in short bursts but content is extremely lacking.. I already talked about the how the "don't like don't buy." Narrative doesn't work when it's Nintendo. Mario 3d All-stars got alot of FLAC it did nothing due to it being Mario... I won't repeat anything. On that matter... I'm just now seeing your replies.
@Ayasplat Tell me that now... 2 characters, one arena, and one skin... all added less than month a half after the release. Don't kid yourself, they cut that content on purpose.
@Jumping_Dead no they didn't cut content their putting in new stuff
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