Who remembers Interactive Studios' Glover? If you had an N64, you likely snagged a handful of 3D platformers from Super Mario 64 and Banjo-Kazooie and its sequel, to Goemon's Great Adventure and Chameleon Twist. There was a glut of them on the system, but not many have been ported to other systems.
Glover, however, is bucking the trend. On 20th April, you'll be able to play Glover, courtesy of Piko Interactive, on something that isn't an N64 cart, PlayStation disc, or an old PC CD-ROM (remember those?). Sadly, it's not coming to the console you'd expect it to, though — at least not yet.
While the game is currently only announced for Steam, it seems daft that a port of an N64 game won't come to the Switch, given its origins. If you have a Steam Deck though, it's hopefully compatible with that, so you can still play it in the palm of your hands a few weeks from now.

Would you like to see a Glover port on the Switch? Seems like a no-brainer, right? What other N64 classics would you like to see re-released? Let us know in the comments!
[source videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 61
It's master hand adventure lol
Never heard of it. Good luck to them.
@tonyp1987 yeah, your comment wins. 😆
N64 online? I doubt it.
I’ve loved this game ever since I had it on N64. Extremely underrated. I hope it still stands the test of time.
Give it time.
I doubt this will have much of an audience on PC.
I was just wishing on a star for it to land on N64 app last night!
Thought it was going to be a Before/After trailer. The After never came.
I just remember it being difficult
Cool, very cool. Not sure that's the right platform though
It will join the Disney Afternoon Collection and NOT be on a Nintendo console.
I recall they also have the source to the unreleased, unfinished sequel. Hopefully something comes of that too!
I played a bit of this as a kid on my brother's N64 so it will be great to have a chance to play it again. Switch would be better though!
Hope Thor comes to Switch-I’m really enjoying the updated N64 games! Star Wars Pod Racing, Shadowman, Turoks! Let’s keep them coming!
It never appealed to me in the 90’s and it still doesn’t today
Put it on NSO or it didn’t happen.
Not sure how many "Glover fans" there are.
But if that's you, this is your time, Glover fan!
Look forward to this, was a fun unique platformer that was outshone by the stream of top-tier titans of the time in that genre. Also my N64 version had a bug that deleted your game save after world 3 (the pirate one), so only saw ending with cheats!
I really enjoyed this back those days on my N64.
To rerelease this game just on Steam is silly. And they should finish the sequel.
I'll take it on Switch now, please. Hopefully they just wanna see how it does on Steam before committing to the real deal: Nintendo Switch.
Just release it on Switch; Do they not understand this game's target audience?
I've just learned a bit about PIKO Interactive and why you should be wary of them, there was an incident where they issued a legal takedown against Forest of Illusion for hosting an old prototype ROM.
They apparently resolved the dispute that started from a misunderstanding, but their actions so far demonstrate they may be against preservation practices simply because they bought the rights to older dormant IPs.
Always thought it looked interesting, never got to try it. Switch port/remaster would be great.
@RupeeClock I'd like to pop on and add to your thread. Not only are they Not Great at game conservation they also support NFT's! (Please do not get into an argument about NFT's. I am adding the information for you to make your own conclusions)
See this thread for more info:
/// Personally, I'll just play my copy on the PS1. I remember going to play it at my neighbors house all the time. I wonder how it aged.
Is the love for Glover these days ironic or something?
Oh cool, this is a game my childhood friend used to have, it seemed kind of cool back then, maybe I'll check this out.
But at the same Time:
When buying one of their Games, the Rom Files are in the Folder.
So you can use them free on a Device of your Choice.
Thats a nice Thing.
Wow, somebody else remembers Chameleon Twist!?
So it wasn't a fever dream of mine...
Whilst I applaud the efforts that organizations and individuals behind Hidden Palace and Forest of Illusion put into preservation of development processes of games, it needs to be pointed out that the sources of these preservations are often unusual. Development cartridges that developers took with them when they left the company, show floor demos and early review copies that weren't returned back to the company, etc. These items were never meant to end up in the public space, and is another angle of preservation that is separate from the preservation of the final product.
The situation with PIKO Interactive here is they got to the development materials and builds of old games before they did, and they do have the legal right here to control that data and information.
In short, people that put in the effort to acquire this sort of video game data to share them were always going to butt heads with a company that buys them to capitalize on them.
That is at least cool of them to do that, providing the ROM data to enjoy in emulators or flash cart solutions.
People on PC will get to experience the backstory to Master Hand
"While the game is currently only announced for Steam, it seems daft that a port of an N64 game won't come to the Switch, given its origins."
Does it though? Nintendo doesn't exactly actively go out of their way to license stuff for NSO - you're gonna tell me they'll try and get Glover but not a single Megaman game??
@Silly_G - This, Switch is a swimming money pit for anything classic or retro. Once the PC is completely released. Expect it to be fronted as a "Switch release" for Nintendo to bout on a Direct, but releases on practically everything.
Glove is a many splendored thing
Glove lifts us up where we belong
All you need is glove!
No no no no no, this HAS to come to Switch. This is one of those weird bad platformers that defined a big part of my N64 experience growing up, along with Chameleon Twist and Gex 64. I must have it for nostalgia.
Can you believe that i have a room dedicated to a game ive never even played?
What do you mean yes?!
I’m kind of surprised to see the excitement for this. I had this on N64 back in the day and it was honestly my least favorite of my N64 games. The physics are just a total mess a lot of the time and it’s not particularly fun as a result.
I owned a whopping 64 games on N64. This was not one of them, and that was an intentional decision 🤪
I was a weirdo as a kid and rented Glover, chameleon twist, and clay fighters multiple years in a row when my parents let me rent a 64 for my birthday. I didn’t know what good games were lol. Chameleon twist party games were awesome tho.
I mean... I know it's rebuilt from the ground up for PC, but it doesn't even look like they updated any assets for this release, so it's not any different from what emulation can provide. I was kind of hoping they would at least use the PC version's soundtrack, which was composed before being resynthesized for the N64 version. Comparing most of these tracks between the two versions is like night and day; the PC version sounds a lot cleaner.
I remember this being one of those crappy games your friends would rent for whatever reason (the one's who actually could afford to do so regularly) that you just couldn't understand why. Don't necessarily remember how it plays. But I know it was one I probably didn't care for as I never played it again beyond that rental
This game was garbage even on the PS1, not sure why they bother to bring it back.
lol Glover.
Passing on the Switch for a retro 3D platformer seems pretty silly, but whatever.
Just because you remember playing it doesn't mean it was good
I had Glover on the PlayStation. I remember enjoying it. If it comes to consoles I might consider picking it up.
think "inoffensive" would be the word i'd use to describe glover so i'm a bit surprised people are acting like it killed their dog
@RupeeClock Yeah they've bought the rights to essentially fix up the game (I've read that they edit and change original source code, albeit this is all on a twitter thread so I take that with a hefty grain of salt as I have no development knowledge) and repackage it however they want, however. Supporting NFT's, being rude AF to folks online, and threatening legal action over ROM's that have been online two decades leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
If they are re-releasing a game with edited/fixed up code why worry about an obscure old unfinished demo hosted on a handful of sites. Especially if their stance is quote: "What's the point? What historic value does a Rom with unfinished graphics or freezer bug have?" When asked about releasing/hosing old original ROM's. To me it's just saying "This is worthless but also I'm going to be upset about it because legally I can be upset about it" You wouldn't buy the rights to an old cartoon and then go to a museum who has a display with the old cartoon running for the enjoyment and sake of education of patrons and say "Hey I'm doing an HD re-release of these cartoons please remove them and stop showing it." ?
I'm not trying to argue, they are technically within their legal rights (Maybe? I mean I haven't read their ownership agreement). I'm just in disagreement with their whole ethos, not that you have to agree or disagree with me personally. I was just tacking it on to your comment so the whole situation could be easily readable together as one. Adding to that convo!
I really, really wanted to play this game, just have no idea why they put it on pc lol.
Still have my original N64 copy complete in mint condition.
Under rated game, it is not perfect by any means but still better than a lot of others on the 64, and I have all of them.
At least I don't have to wait for it to never come to the Switch.
It has more chance of being on the Evercade since PIKO released 2 carts on that at least.
I still have memoires of not being able to beat the monster boss in the Halloween world because I had no idea what to do.
@progx I've only heard of it because of Renting it from Blockbuster, UNFORTUNATELY! I've wasted my time and gas and took it back within that hour the same night, all annoyed. All I can say is thank goodness we were able to Rent games back in the day.
Well steam deck needs some mascots (ips) so there you go 😆 🤣
@Specter_of-the_OLED - The PS1 was actually made by a different team and almost went out of their way to make everything worse.
Like, there is mechanics where you need the bowling ball form to have enough weight to hit a switch under water. PS1 you could do most of the weight based puzzles with the marble. The PS1 was the worst of the lot.
It looks identical to the original, just on higher resolution. I don't think I'd be interested.
@NintendoEternity Absolutely savage hahaha
I vaguely remember rolling around on a ball in the game..must not have been very good if that's the only memory I have of renting it.
@Paraka Considering I never got to play the N64 version, I'll take your words for it. I play it only on PS1 and it was just not that good or fun at all, probably as worst as Bubsy 3D.
@Specter_of-the_OLED - There was actually a video out there that highlighted how stark of a response people got from Glover as a topic. Citing experiences each person had being so starkly different. Leading cause was due to the drastic differences the PS1 and N64 had.
Now, not saying this means the N64 one was amazing (though I did enjoy it a lot as a kid), but I can say you're not the only one who had this view due to having the shoddiest experience due to the version you played.
Boy, I loved glover on my Pentium II back in the days. Great graphics, nice gameplay and awesome music. Can’t wait Tombolas it again, injustice need a windows device.
Not too crazy about supporting Piko, but it's intriguing.
Good. Now bring on Rocket: Robot on Wheels.
If it's not on Switch, you must acquitch.
Waiting for the sequel...
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