Update: Amusingly, it has since transpired that the logo Capcom has created for the next Street Fighter outing is uncomfortably close to an Adobe Stock Graphic. Oops!

Original Story [Tue 22nd Feb, 2022 09:00 GMT]: Capcom just unleashed a teaser trailer for Street Fighter 6, with a view to showing off more of the game this summer.
The company has also revealed what appears to be a new logo for the outing, and what's striking is that it's a big change from what's gone before. Whereas previous Street Fighter logos have used an eye-catching, two-tone gradient colour scheme (usually yellow and orange), this new logo is very basic:

Now, there's every chance that this is simply a placeholder logo and that the final one will be revealed later this year, but if that proves not to be the case, then this is quite a shift from what has gone before. But perhaps that's the point? Capcom clearly wants to appeal to the eSports crowd, and this new logo is very much in keeping with that.
Street Fighter 6 hasn't been confirmed for a particular platform as yet. The fifth entry was a Sony console exclusive, but prior to that, instalments had appeared on many different systems, including the SNES, Game Boy, Game Boy Advance and Nintendo 3DS.
The Switch is no stranger to the series, either; we've had Ultra Street Fighter II and Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, and the upcoming Capcom Fighting Collection is coming to Nintendo's hybrid console, too.
Let us know what you think about Street Fighter 6's logo – and its chances (no matter how slim) of coming to Switch – by posting a comment below.
Comments 139
That SF6 logo has big "how do you do, fellow pro gamers?" energy.
Definitely like the older logos more. No chance in heck this will ever see the switch though, obviously.
Looks like a generic e-sport logo IMO
It’s definitely not coming to Switch. Based on that teaser video I’m guessing they’re using a more modern looking, realistic graphics engine this time around. So nope.
Street Fighter has 6 notifications
The leaked capcom stuff from a while ago basically showed all games coming out in the next few years, and SF6 is exclusive to PS5 and PC if I recall correctly. So even if Xbox somehow managed to negotiate it onto their platform too (very unlikely at this stage), there's basically no way it also comes out on Switch.
I can't wait for Star Force 6.
Like I said already I'll just wait for the Super Mega Hyper Extreme Ultra Edition or whatever they call it 😅
Capcom are notorious for releasing multiple versions of Street Fighter.
@Ear_wiG @UglyCasanova I think you're probably right and I have the sinking feeling this is going to be another system exclusive. BUT, lest we forget that the 3DS got SFV at a point when it was massively weaker than the 'main' platforms (PS3 and 360)... so I'm not giving up hope!
there's a chance it's just an icon and there's also a cooler logo on the title screen and such, I suppose?
hmm, yeah I prefer the classic logos.
At least it's better than the Resident Evil 6 logo which famously looked like a giraffe receiving, uh well I probably can't say that here, but you know what I'm talking about.
The older logos are like a guy who likes the party and the new logo is him deciding to finally mature and look sophisticated.
Yeah, that logo is very eSports. It reminds me of the minimalist trend that companies are going for with their logos. Bleh.
I actually kind of like the new logo. Street Fighter 6 is the first Street Fighter coming from some new blood in their fighting game division and it looks like it's graffiti tagged on a Street since it's...you know...called Street Fighter. So the change up makes sense to me.
As for it coming to Switch I wouldn't hold my breath. That trailer looks pretty slick graphics wise. Maybe a cloud version though.
@RubyCarbuncle The only versions of SF5 they released only had some DLC added onto the disc, so you don't really need to buy a later version to enjoy all the content. It's the same principle as GOTY editions that add the DLC to the package in an effort to not lose relevance on store shelves.
I think it captures the energy and dynamism of esports athleticism which, let's face it, is maybe a couple levels below a darts player. At least darts players have to stand up! Yeah, horse manure.
It’s terrible. They will hopefully change the logo
This hexagon shaped logo screams NFTs.
And I do not like this.
It looks like something you’d find printed on the corner of mesh sports shorts or the corner chest area of a spandex muscle shirt. Lol.
Horrible logo but most probably a placeholder.
Chances of switch release = 0
It's a simple hexagon, which has 6 sides, but it kind of reminds me of cage matches for some reason.
But the graffiti styling kind of looks a bit "Yo! We are still cool and hip, look how edgy we are!" sad
And someone was paid to craft this mediocre logo.
Real money.
This may be one of the 10 live service games Jim Ryan was talking about as I have no doubts this game is only coming to PS5 and PC.
I’d be surprised if this is a PS exclusive given that it was announced by Capcom. You’d think if Sony were bankrolling the game they’d want it known loud and clear it was exclusive to them, rather than failing to set expectations now and causing lots of online anger when it gets announced later on.
It's either:
Capcom has taken the soul and charm this series had back then and thrown it away. I'm not excited for slow, realistic Ryu.
@BulkSlash A good point!
With the game running on the RE engine I think Capcom are going far away from the cartoony look of SF IV and leaning hard into photorealism for VI.
The switch might not be a stranger to the series, but I doubt they are going to make an effort to make their 4K Next Gen game run on a 720p Tablet. Any third party title released now has a very low chance on being on Switch.
Smells Like Virgin Testosterone.
Logo oversimplification is one thing, but simplifying the logo to make it look more like an eSports league is taking it a bit far...
This was a Teaser, I'm sure this won't be the final logo.
And why is this discussed here? SF6 will not be coming to Switch, I'm sure about that.
@Damo I’m usually wrong though! 😅
I'm not even a SF fan really, but that classic logo font is my favorite font of all-time. Nothing about this 6 logo says "Street Fighter" to me. Surely it's just an eSports placeholder.
@Parkour_LMan That is true. Still though only time will tell what they decide to do here.
I sense a "you spoke, we listened" announcement some time before launch. Sometimes these things are even planned into marketing strategies, these days.
Pretty sure this is not the game announcement, but the icon for HadoCoin, the Street Fighter crypto.
Lol, if I didn't know any better, I'd think it has to do with Fortnite, an eSports team, a crypto currency or an NFT.
At least you could have the SF be in the classic logo font, kind of like the series symbol in Smash Bros.
The logo is weak and Ryu looks like Hulk.
As a fan of the series since the SNES, all I can say is... I hate the new logo. The best logo is the Street Fighter II series, objectively, I mean, look at the picture in the article. Then they made it wider and more pointed each iteration until someone thought that the awful SF6 design is better.
The new logo couldn't be any worse. "SF", then a small notifications "6" number and then "Street Fighter", all combined in a graphic design abomination.
can everyone stop hating for just a couple of minutes? geez.. the amount of hate I've read about this new game is astonishing and it just got announced. this icon is a placeholder, or probably a loading icon. the iconic logo style will return, so can we go back to being excited and stop the negativity already?
@CoastersPaul def agree with you
“Capcom clearly wants to appeal to the eSports crowd, and this new logo is very much in keeping with that.”
I feel like putting the words “Street” and “Fighter” together (in that order) is already appealing to the eSports crowd enough.
@CharlieGirl This exactly. It's obviously a movement to really cater towards eSports fans and competitors. But maybe, just maybe, this is placeholder logo until a fully-fleshed out reveal?
I saw that logo and briefly thought, "Civilization 7?"
The logo is the most noticeable change, but overall the entire teaser feels closer to Tekken than to Street Fighter, for me at least - SF is usually more stylized and colourful than this.
That being said, I think the most important thing is how it plays. We'll see...
Sure, let’s talk about a logo for game that’s not coming to the Switch, why not?
I like the Street Fighter 2010 logo more but hopefully Capcom bring this game to the Switch. Sony doesn't had exclusivity for it anymore so no reason Capcom wouldn't be able to give Switch a port.
@locky-mavo Well the game could likely be coming to Switch, after all every Street Fighter games from 0-4 had been on a Nintendo system one way or another. Even if they're not available on Nintendo's home consoles they are still available for Nintendo's handheld. Now that Nintendo merge both into the Switch Capcom dev had no choice but to port it to Switch though I think only the base SF6 will skip Switch, one of it's many update (likely Street Fighter 6: Champion Edition, Super Street Fighter 6, and/or Hyper Street Fighter 6) may come to Switch at a later time).
Seems weird the assumption that this is a placeholder. I don't think that's the intention at all, far too much work has gone into it.
If you're going to do a placeholder you just write "Street Fighter 6" in Eurostyle Bold or something and then make it fade in at the end. So it's clear it's not an intended final logo. You don't tend to design a new icon and create a full motion graphic for it.
this is as ugly as when Pepsi switched over to their current Apple style minimalist logo
Yea, I'd assume this is placeholder? Maybe?? Hopefully!!?
The older logos look way better.
@masterLEON OMG you win!!!! hilarious.
@Lord not 0
It’s this
Chances on Switch: - 1000
@Damo with SF 6 looking like this?
I doubt it will come to Switch. It’s better for Capcom to stick this for an Xbox or PlayStation release.
If it’s using the RE engine, then 100% it is not coming to Switch. Because the switch has a custom version of RE engine iirc
@Specter_of-the_OLED have you seen those GRAPHICS though????
That looks like something the Switch can't handle. Cloud version would be possible though for this.
You have to be out of your mind, if you think this game is gonna be on Switch.
Those graphics literally won't work on Switch. Switch can't run this game. Its better if Capcom releases it on Xbox and Playstation tbh, it wouldn't be held back by underpowered hardware.
If its RE engine that Capcom is using for SF6, then 100% it won't be on Switch.
"But wait, MH Rise, Ghosts and Goblins, and Capcom Arcade Stadium use RE engine"
well yes but its a switch specific version of the RE engine.
That being said, the logo is quite questionable
The logo is awful, but not surprising with this minimalist, soulless trend in design going on.
I’m glad they’re going with Ryu’s SFV pre order bonus look instead of his classic look.
When I got SFV at launch I was pretty flabbergasted that the alternate appearance wasn’t the standard appearance.
But I get why they did it for “story” reasons. V takes place a few years before III.
I’m hoping that the storyline is post SFIII. I would like to see all of the classic characters aged a bit and redesigned. I saw someone’s impressions of a 40 year old Chun-Li and loved it. And I judge my street fighters by their Chun-Li designs. Because she’s been my main and my girl since Super Turbo and Alpha 2.
Terrible logo....
Oof, that's... definitely not great.
Dear lord, that flesh looks disgusting. Also why do they keep making Ryu more "mountain man" than karate master? lol this game.
I'm really interested, how it will look and which engine is used. I also hope, they bring an optimised PS5 controller some day. Even if I really like the shape of the Dual Sense, the D Pad feels worse than the Dual Shock 4. It's really ok for KoF 15, but it feels like it could be better.
anoyonmus wrote:
Yes, I agree. This is too much for Switch.
And what are you discussing here guys?!?
1. It's a Teaser! Do you really think it is looking like this on release?
2. It's a logo...
3. Don't bet on a Switch version. Nintendo is not an e sports system. And it won't possibly running on a Switch. Capcom doesn't care about Switch besides Monster Hunter.
It "could" possible come to XBox Series and that's it.
Absolutely terrible, I'm sure they will change it.
I like it, because I prefer change to stagnation. Also, this reminds me of MMA for some reason... I think they want to sell for audiences preferring realistic over cartoonish this time
Every other game has Roman numerals why ditch that concept at 6. It should absolutely be Street Fighter VI.
I got heavy E-sports vibes from that thing. I do hope its just a place holder, and not the real logo.
It gets worse when you consider this may be the logo as a series icon in the next Smash as well.
SF4 on 3DS was the bomb. I wonder if this will skip the switch.
@Paraka you’re optimistic to assume there will be another Smash game.
@Bass_X0 - You're right, Nintendo would leave that money on the table from here on out, not even a port is feasible.
Heard they're also considering no more Mario games.
the new logo is like ABC gum.
no flavor.
@Banjo- thanks mate. As much as I like the Switch and Nintendo, SF 6 can’t run on Switch.
And one more thing if Street Fighter 6 will be on Xbox.
Street Fighter had a collaboration with Minecraft recently (a MS game now) so clearly MS wants in on SF too
@timp29 it will skip switch
Capcom has always had trouble with their logo for a 6'th entry in a series. I mean just look at the Resident Evil 6 logo. I still can't unsee the giraffe
@Damo Street Fighter V i think its not exclusive. I play on Steam and i just paid U$6,90 for it! Great Deal on Steam!
It's ready for the mobile version
@Rykdrew Console exclusive, my dude.
Capcom doesn’t care about Switch other than MH?
Not really. They put older games from RE, MH, Ace Attorney and collections and compilations on Switch
I kinda doubt it, but Hell! I'd love to have it on Switch!
@anoyonmus you don't say? I know, because these are easy cash grabs, they don't have to do much about and they don't need much, so even the Switch can run them.
The big titles don't come to Switch.
There really isn't anything to talk about here.
It's an awful "corporate style" logo that looks more like an esports event and less like a game.
@Nintendo4Sonic because the big titles can’t run on Switch.
MH Rise is using a custom version of the RE engine for Switch
MG motor is what it looks like. Very sports badge in design with nothing calling back to franchise history. Like a lot of logo design these days it eshews striking any balance with unique styling, it’s not unique.
I just want ultra IV on switch...
I mean its SF so I'll get it ...eventually, but the roid look for Ryu and whatever is going on with the other guy is putting me to sleep. Well this will give me time to actually get some time into V. This is the first time I've not been excited by a SF announcement. Maybe I'm getting old. I just hope it isn't locked to a sony platform...gonna be a while before I get a PS5.
@anoyonmus be a Switch boy, if you like. Reality looks different.
@anoyonmus I forgot that, you're right! The Street Fighter-Minecraft collaboration has just been made and Microsoft owns Minecraft. Good point.
New logo looks super generic. But, hopefully this game will come to the Switch.
@Nintendo4Sonic how am I a Switch boy if I said that a lot of Capcom's new games can't run on Switch.
It's obviously Gamecube exclusive.
@Banjo- yeah. And also more information will be revealed later on the line. Some rumors are pointing out a Playstation and PC release of SF 6 which I hope doesn't happen.
But since there is Minecraft and SF collab, perhaps MS would like to be interested in this too so maybe SF 6 would come to Xbox.
Also to note that SF 5 has been revealed at a Playstation event. Capcom revealed this game on their own which also indicates this could be a multiplatform release and not a exclusive release.
@anoyonmus All valid points. No platforms were announced and the game was not revealed at a Sony event. The Minecraft and Street Fighter collaboration featuring Ryu and Luke mean that Microsoft cares about SF and that they have talked about the series recently. Luke is either V or 6. The bad news is that we have to wait and see, though.
PS: I was about to ask what Switch boy means in this case.
@Banjo- yeah, we will wait and see what this means. I do hope that this could mean SFV could come to Switch and Xbox
also regarding Switch boy, I don't get it tbh because I just said that Capcom's big games can't run on Switch.
I would be a Switch boy if I had said newer Capcom's big games can run on Switch
@anoyonmus Don't worry about that. I think that you're great! That statement doesn't make sense LOL.
@Banjo- thanks mate, and you are alright and also great too. There might be some things that you said that I didn't really agree with in the past or present but hey, its your opinion and I respect that.
I hope to continue these friendly conversations more on NintendoLife and PureXbox too.
@anoyonmus Thank you very much 😁. Feel free to talk to me even if you disagree. I enjoy our friendly conversations.
@Banjo- you're welcome
It looks similar to the Sleeping Dogs logo with the large text inside a hexagon which make sense cause a hexagon like the TNA ring had six sides and this is Street Fighter 6. I think Capcom just want to add a bit of modernization feel to the logo perhaps.
Clearly the logo hinting that Space Cop will be a selectable character.
It's trash. And SF V is basically a bad software update of IV.
Street Fighter died after 3
That logo looks terrible
the logo is as basic and generic as SFV's gameplay
the worst game logo ever.
@Austrian 100% agree
@LikeWhoa you stole my words
@anoyonmus sorry, I got that wrong.
@Edu23XWiiU hope not, if the quality is like SF4 and 5... or even worst
horrible atmosphere (cit. a really good fighting game of early '90s)
@Specter_of-the_OLED That's so amiga demo scene 1994
But the question is not 'do you like the logo or not', Of course fans of the series will like the older logo better, it's iconic and their fighting history.. it screams '90''s'..
But it's also nostalgia, and this suggest Capcom isn't happy with just the nostalgia purchases, but wants to compete with rocket league in eSports league and probably NFT's etc... So the question is what direction will the game take now, and will it be interesting to us (us gamers, not us switch gamers, because there is no reason to think it will come to switch)
They are maybe just done with the series. Thats what companies do to an ip right before it dies.
If SF6 is powered by Unreal Engine 5 there's no chance it will run on Switch. Maybe they can make a special Switch version?
It’s kinda baffling. Just take SF IV, switch the roman numeral. Done
I'm thinking placeholder logo. If it wasn't before, surely they will play this card after the bad press
At least it's not a guy yelling at you like every single mobile game icon.
@dimi Unreal Engine 5 can run/work on Switch.
If it is using the RE engine, then I don't think it will be on Switch because the Switch is using its own version of the RE engine.
This RE engine appears to be the PS and Xbox version of it.
Also Iooking from the trailer, it could be using the RE engine.
@Zanzox I assume they learned from their mistakes hahahaha.
@Edu23XWiiU dream eventually come true... but not with capcom🤣
This was literally my first comment after seeing the trailer. utterly uninspired drivel. Kinda what Street Fighter has sadly become. I look forward to the new Ultra installment on Switch.
@anoyonmus we dont even know if the trailer is in game footage
@romanista I don't think it's nostalgia the reason why people don't like the new logo. It has more to do with the talent behind the logo. The II logo is awesome and the new logo is not just bad but also destroys what's good.
@dimi But the footage/cutscene is made on the game engine, there is no reason to use another one. I'm pretty sure that it's RE Engine (the full version).
@Banjo- the new logo just looks kinda generic. Also it was copied from somewhere else too iirc.
Regarding the engine, let’s wait and see because it could be RE engine or it could be Unreal Engine 5. Let’s wait and see because we don’t have a lot of information. It’s likely it could be RE engine due to how scalable it is (very scalable, they used the re engine in a 2D platformer game). But it could also be UE5.
But let’s wait and see
@dimi like @Banjo said, it is made using the game engine. So very likely, the final game will look like what the teaser looked like.
@anoyonmus Yes, time will tell. About the cutscene, they probably made Ryu and Luke models first on the engine. Before this reveal, Capcom had announced that Luke would be featured in the next SF game if I remember correctly. That means that they started working on the new game engine using Luke and, of course, Ryu.
EDIT: Yep, I remembered well:
@Banjo- it appears that Capcom might make Luke the new face of Streer Fighter?
@anoyonmus First "new" face since it's a recent character, the last character to appear in SFV. I forgot to reply to that bit but I agree with you that it makes sense for Microsoft to make Killer Instinct 4 but, as you, I hope that SFV and VI come to Xbox (and V to Switch as you wish!).
@Ear_wiG I hate equating realistic to hardware requirements. Kingdom hearts 3 could never run on the switch and that's not a realistic game.
@Banjo- I mean, like a new mascot or to represent the franchise as a whole. That’s what I meant by the face of street fighter
Honestly SFV should come to Switch and maybe Xbox but if SFV doesn’t come to Xbox, well SFVI is likely to come at least
@anoyonmus Then I don't think so, I think that the face of Street Fighter will always be Ryu.
Mega Man is Capcom's other icon. Funny when I read the numbers and the best selling games aren't Street Fighter or Mega Man but Resident Evil 5 and Monster Hunter World.
I'm sure that SFV will be multiplatform eventually because Capcom owns it and I can't imagine a future collection without it but probably a multiplatform edition is closer than we imagine. I'm not certain but it makes sense.
Because of the Minecraft-SF collaboration and the reveal of SFVI outside a Sony event, we both suspect that SFVI is multiplatform.
@Banjo- maybe that is the case
Oh boy Capcom is in trouble again.
@Specter_of-the_OLED not surprised that a trailer with nothing to show has a stolen logo
as bad as the logo is, I'm more offended at how ugly the characters look with their weird faceapp smiles and overly bulky proportions.
But who cares??? Street Fighter hasn't been good since SSF II.......... FACT!
If they don't have artists anymore why not use the classic logo instead of using stock designs? Or get some great artists back, you know.
@Paraka I’m saying without Sakurai there is no Smash Bros. Sakurai stepping down would have been the perfect opportunity for someone to step up to keep the game being supported without him but that isn’t happening. A large game such as Smash Bros should not rest entirely upon one person. What if Sakurai had an unexpected accident or illness years ago - no more Smash Bros?
@Bass_X0 - The fact you assume Sakurai keeps Smash even moving is a bit silly. That's like saying Mario cannot exist without Miyamoto, but that's clearly not the case.
If Nintendo wishes to do another Smash, they do have two options: Port Ultimate w/ additional content (very likely) or a new game entirely. They can find Sakurai's Koizumi. Hell, Ultimate almost was, Sakurai simply didn't like it and insisted he continued his work.
But the former option feels far more likely considering the sheer magnitude that game was. Only real hurdle is Disney.
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