We had an overload of announcements during yesterday's Nintendo Direct, but as you might have already seen - Japan's broadcast was slightly different.
Square Enix, in particular, used it as an opportunity to share some new details about its upcoming racer Chocobo GP - revealing Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII would be in the game. The catch is, he's a Season Pass 1 racer.
Although Season One will be accessible to all players, it seems a payment will be required to access the Season One Pass. Fortunately, Square Enix will be doing a free giveaway, which should be enough to unlock Cloud.
"We'll be giving away 800 Mythril (the equivalent of a Prize, or Season, Pass) to all #ChocoboGP players as a login bonus for Season 1, that should be enough to get a certain spiky haired character to join you..."
Apart from Final Fantasy VII and the recent 2020 remake, Cloud has also previously appeared as a DLC fighter in the Super Smash Bros. series. Chocobo GP will be made available on Nintendo Switch next month on 10th March.
What are your thoughts about an iconic character like Cloud being tied to the game's Season Pass? Leave a comment below.
[source siliconera.com]
Comments 67
This is Square Enix so not surprised tbh. It's disgusting but I've come to expect this sort of crap from Companies like them.
Still looking forward to the game though but still I miss the days when you could just unlock everything by playing the game.
Sooo, if I don't buy the game now, and I miss the BP, thats it screw you, your never getting cloud strife.
Yes I know thats every BP, but its cloud we're talking about here, Its not just any FF character, its the guy, in a FF game, guess if noctis gets in the BP I got to get the game now and then, kinda crappy not gonna lie.
That is very lame
Umm… ugh… I’d rather they release Cloud as a purchase bonus for the BP, not a “play 100 hours and if you earn enough XP you have a chance to earn Cloud. I understand they want people to play online, but backing players into a corner isn’t the way.
Got to love paid games acting like F2P. Gross.
It is kind of funny how they just up and said "Crud no one is interested in this after the Mario Kart announcement what do we do!?"
Some guy: Time for the nuclear option. Call in Cloud.
Didn't realise this game was going to have this free-to-play stuff despite being a full retail game. Good thing I wasn't going to buy it anyway.
Sounds disappointing, also feeding into the overrated Cloud hype, I want that Warrior of Light riding in a car.
I only want Sephiroth. But also telling you to immediately pay more on a 50 dollar game makes me want the game significantly less... especially with Mario Mart 8 DLC the week after.
So they take one of the most iconic FF characters and do this with him? Looks like it's almost guaranteed Sephiroth, Squall etc will be some kind of unlock.
I don't understand what it means that everyone has access to the season, but not the season pass?? What is the difference? I don't mind grinding for unlocks. I mind having to pay money, then still grind.
I'm still looking forward to the game as I would have bought it even without any influence from post-launch content, but this is pretty disappointing. I hope this is just for the F2P version and that people who pay for the full game have some way to earn the currency in-game, though I'd prefer for the battle pass idea to just be tossed out entirely. I'd be fine paying like $20-$30 for a season pass that adds new characters, tracks, and karts post-launch if that was how they handled this, but battle passes are boring grindfests and having to pay extra for them in a $50 game is even worse.
This is pretty crass, so yeah, it's exactly what I expect from Squeenix. I was moderately hyped for the game, but I won't support this. There are more than enough games to play, and with the number one kart racer getting a massive update soon I'll be happy to skip this one.
"Not interested in Chocobo GP? Let's keep it that way!"
There, fixed the tag line. Them putting him everywhere just makes me want it even less.
I hope Halo Infinite starts a trend of battle passes never going away and choosing which battle pass you make progress on. It’s frustrating to see content being locked away forever because you didn’t buy the game at launch or didn’t put a bunch of hours into the game in a relatively small period of time.
Paywall a leading character? What a brilliant idea to make some extra coin. These games don’t pay for themselves. And who can say no to a brand this strong?
Great practice guys, now you can sell us the gaem ten years from now as a "complete" version with NEW passes!
Seems like Square just can't leave their mobile obsession behind. They had to implement some kind of micro transaction stuff in it. I'm still picking up the game cause I'm a fan of Chocobo Racing but I'll probably not waste any time with these Battle Pass crap.
The trick to enticing customers is to do so through the strength of the base game.
All this does is make me want neither.
Retail games like this could really do without FOMO, seriously.
What a huge disappointment... I been so hyped for this game for months since it was first announced and was even planning on preordering it... but this... this really killed it for me... 😞
Cloud is iconic ?
For me Tidus is more iconic with his Hahahaha laugh.
Amazing they would even think to do this and then announce it like it something people will be excited about. Strange how disconnected these companies are with the people who they depend on to thrive.
@Anti-Matter memes =/= iconic.
@Anti-Matter yes Cloud is iconic. The game Final Fantasy VII was/is the GOAT to many gamers who played it in the 90s on Ps1 and to many more since. There's a reason they did that whole FF7 remake after all. Cloud, a character from a 90s game, made a Nintendo Direct to be announced he was being added into Smash Bros. Huge name recognition, huge following. Iconic character from and iconic game.
Too bad, I don't like FF VII.
I prefer FF X than FF VII.
Tidus attitude is more memorable for me than Cloud. His meme laughing, his hatred with Jecth, his forte in Blitzball sport despite I don't like that sport, his fate after defeating Yu Yevon.
Cloud maybe very popular by most peoples out there, but he is nobody for me and in my gaming place.
I... wanted this game quite a bit but now I'm going to have to just say no.
Unfortunate, but I really do not like this kind of stuff.
Or am I misreading and this ISN'T free-to-play and you have to spend extra money from day 1 to unlock more stuff?
Got to agree with the majority of sentiment here. It should just be in the main game and this is a very anti-consumer move by Square Enix. It's not like we have a shortage of upcoming kart racing anyway.
EA, are you?
Oh well, Square Enix, really killed the game...
Still I have interest in the game, but, now, really I will wait for a big sale for this game...
Full game with micro transactions?, no, thanks...
Yes, is a retail "full" game, with micro transactions....
Nope, still not interested.
"Not interested in Chocobo GP? Let's change that!"
Actually, this FTP-like nonsense makes me LESS interested in the game.
FF7 fatigue is going to kick in with the masses before FF7R2 is even released
Just a bizarre decision.
They'll end up having to heavily discount the game most of the time anyway.
Yeah, I'm just getting the MarioKart DLC now. Enough kart racing for me this year. Since the Disney racing game is free to pay, that will be even worse than this.
All my interest flew out of the window for this game when I read "season pass" even if the first one is "free".
Man, this really blows. This game is pretty niche to begin with and now they do stuff like this that will turn away potential players. A real shame as I was looking forward to this game since Mario Kart 8 got really stale. But now with all this monetization nonsense and new MK8 content on the way I won't get this game until it is heavily discounted.
Me too. This really put me off
Man, Square Enix is really giving out that Grade "F" aren't they?
this wouldn't have bother me that much if the game was free 2 play, but the fact that there doing a season pass to get a character that you'll lose your chance in getting, made me really consider not getting the game. I think I'll stick with Mario Kart 8's DLC coming soon instead.
What the actual? This is so Square Enix. This was a day one purchase for me, but if they're sticking iconic characters behind an additional pay wall they can forget it. This is firmly off my wishlist. I'll just play the Mario Kart DLC instead.
What a joke.
Still not interested because they're locking him behind a temporary season pass. Stop this.
I've pre-ordered this and am still really looking forward to it. However, this is a bad move by Square.
@tylerryan79 Generally in free to play games (e.g. Fortnite, Apex Legends, Rocket League) there's a battle pass every season which by earning XP you level up the pass and gain unlocks. The battle pass usually has 2 tiers, a free tier which has some unlocks and the premium/paid tier has more (and usually better) unlocks.
While this monetization model is most associated with free to play games, it has appeared in full price games like Battlefield 2042. Chocobo GP is now confirmed to be one of those games.
I was on the fence but Seeing they’re doing season passes like this is honestly making me less interested…
I had been on the fence about Crash Team Racing and never got it for the same reason.
Do we really need another Kart game? Honestly these games are such a cut and paste cash grab. Take characters from something popular, throw them in go karts, sell for 40+USD, PROFIT! I don’t know maybe it’s just me but once you’ve played one you’ve played em all. Maybe I’m just old lol
Aaaand this is the final nail in the coffin for me.
I was interested in the game when it was first announced since I have been looking for a good cartoony kart racer to scratch that Mario Kart itch, but the MK8D DLC announcement the other day bumped this down to a 'maybe, if on sale', and now this makes it a hard pass for me. Paid recurring season/battle pass rubbish like this has no place in a £40 retail release.
I'm even less interested now. I don't have the time to pay extra to be shackled to my full retail games or else I miss out content
If the seasons stayed and could be completed whenever, then I would be fine with this. But if it's like Fortnite where I have to grind to level 107 and I have to play every day to do it, then I'm out.
I agree with many comments here, that tweet should be saying "Can't wait to buy Chocobo GP at launch? Let's change that!" cause I suddenly lost all my interest and hype...
Though it's even weirder how they'll give enough 'credits' to unlock Cloud to those who will join the game at launch. I mean...if you know the feature is bad and need a giveaway to not scare players away...then maybe avoid to have the feature in the first place?
I think I'll wait until the "Deluxe" rerelease a few years from now with all the content bundled in. I was going to give this a shot, but after the recent direct, I'll probably stick to buying Mario Kart at last and enjoying the 48 new tracks.
This might have killed my interest in a game I was excited for.
Why are there freemium mechanics in a paid game?
I was also probably day 1 but now I'm done.
I've been following this game for about a month now, it's lack of price or date on the Nintendo website or e shop (US) had me worried, and it seems I was right to be worried.
FYI you can't find Chocobo GP on the US eShop or website, only Chocobo GP Lite. Then when you scroll down the page it says $49.99 for the full game. That's just super shoddy business practice. They really are treating this game like FTP but also charging $49.99. They can keep it.
You aren't going to beat Mario Kart...like ever...so I don't really get why anyone would get involved in grinding or service fees or any of that nonsense on some second rate cash grab.
Like I want to meet the person who plays these and challenge them to a all-stakes duel.
So, wait, I 1) pay for the game, 2) pay for a season pass, then 3) have to grind to unlock to get the character before the season runs out? Are they f#$%ing serious?
More excitingly (for me) Squall will also be available!
This went from an absolute day one buy to probably never. This would only be tolerable if it was F2P which it definitely isn't.
This is Square all the way! They will never disappoint our low expectations for the company.
@Mando44646 because of the modern players that are jouvenile towards such systems in games!! When they buy it, then companies provide it.
@Yosher It is not free to play, but look at the menu. It bears clear signs of a free to play mobile game.
Hilarious how quickly the months of hype for this game crashed as soon as the business model was revealed
Ironically, this game has mobile versions and it is free to play in those versions, really Square Enix wasn't cool with Switch users...
@larryisaman Yeah they should have at least waited to release this info so it doesn't look like pay to unlock but actual DLC
I was pretty hyped for this game. This is one pathetic cash grab move they're doing.
Funny they said that because I was interested before, but battle passes are the second fastest way to kill my entire interest in a game and spit on its grave.
Man, this is a shame. I was mildly interested in this as a fun racer, but reading all that battle pass nonsense just killed any interest. I don’t mind DLC, but limited time battle pass crap I have to grind out to get characters like Cloud just isn’t fun. I don’t have time for that lol
Such a shame and shill that we must microtransaction to get it. Why is getting for Preorder DLC that hard to do on day release instead.
I would like to PreOrder too but this crappola needs to stop either they give DLC preorder bonus or DLC season pass purchase. Doing this shill is just the worst.
Ouch. Well I went from excited for this to wait and see. If they do an ultimate edition at the end of its life, I may come back.
@RubyCarbuncle What do you even mean? DLC was around longer on PC if you didn't count patches and junk. When DLC became a thing on consoles. It wasn't as bad compared to microtransactions or NFT trash we have today. At best Season Passes are the lesser of two evils and they are called Season Passes because of the seasons of the month. So if they release a Season Pass during Winter? They can release it in that month or during the summer. Now if they try to put Chocobo GP on NFTs? Then we will boycott with our wallets and hack their games. But we haven't hit rock bottom yet so don't worry we will soon.
@rjejr What are you even talking about? Take your crazy pills and just get it on other consoles if you worried Switch is not gonna be the best one? There is no such thing as a perfect kids game. :/
@nitwit I know this but whatever way you look at this it's exploitive. I miss the days I could go into a shop, buy a game and everything was on it there and then and that was it. NFT Season Passes it doesn't matter it's all greed even if one is the lesser of two evils.
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