Nintendo's customer service Twitter account for Japan has issued a reminder that it will be ending credit card and prepaid card support for the 3DS and Wii U next month on 18th January 2022, 9 AM JST.
The company previously announced these changes for 3DS and Wii U users in Europe, Australia and New Zealand back in 2019. Here's a Google translation of the latest social media update:
"Credit cards and transportation electronic money will no longer be available at the Nintendo eShop on the Nintendo 3DS Series / Wii U after 9am on Tuesday, January 18th next month. If you want to add more balance after that, please use the Nintendo Repaid Card (number)."
As noted, users will still be able to top up their balance with eShop cards, and can continue to make use of funds on shared NNID accounts. Have you made any transactions on the 3DS and Wii U eShops in recent times? Tell us in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 50
Any idea when this will go into affect for the US???
I actually just bought a few games for the 3ds recently, including the stellar Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold. I would buy a lot of games physically instead, but the price for a lot of physical games (especially Atlus titles) has gone insane.
3DS dead to Nintendo, but not to me
Sayonara credit cards...
The nails are getting spat on the coffin now..
I'm glad Nintendo is making it easier for customers not to buy their craps. Thanks for not wanting money Nintendo.
Thanks for the heads-up and saying which region in the post's title.
@Blooper987 I don’t believe anything has been announced. Kind of strange to me that Japan is first
I’ve actually bought a bunch of 3ds stuff physical and digital over the last year. There’s a treasure trove of eshop only releases that will disappear whenever they eventually close the store. I just hope you can still redownload your purchases if you need to get a new console
@Drb It isn’t first. It says in the article that the same thing happened to PAL region servers over 2 years ago.
This is why I urge people to purchase a 3DS and Wii U now while there's still time. After this, we're gonna be stuck to paying for subscriptions with very few cases of a legitimate release.
@jemil1992 you can always load the money onto your mynintendo account and buy them that way.
For everyone saying Nintendo's killing the 3DS, if I remember correctly, this is just because the 3DS doesn't support two-factor authentication and they could get in trouble offering this option without 2FA as an option. It's probably easier to just disable credit cards than it is to retrofit 2FA on the 3DS. eShop cards will still work, this means absolutely nothing for the future fate of the 3DS eShop. You can still get games and I doubt the eShop will shut down any time soon.
LOL. In Europe we have not been able to use credit cards on these systems for years...
@ModdedInkling I'm getting earthbound zero and minish cap while I still can!! 😳😅😅
When do you think Nintendo removes the 3DS eShop availability entirely?
There goes the option to buy Earthbound at reasonable price and only way to get an official release of Earthbound Beginnings once the Wii U and 3DS eShop goes down. Please Nintendo put the virtual console back on the Switch or at least consider it for the next console!
@jemil1992 problem is that debit cards are not supported everywhere by Nintendo.
In my country it's CC or eShop cards, with PayPal being a option ONLY on the Switch itself for some reason.
@Blackrosewaifu9000 already happened in 2019
Why should debit cards be supported? It's logical to have CreditCard. Don just get them while the shops aren't closed there's still time. They just close the support for using cards but you can still use the eshop.
So long as the actual e-shop doesn't disappear anytime soon, I can live with having to top up my account by adding funds.
Been a thing in Europe for years, the systems weren't designed with two step verification requirements which have become the norm and probablywasn't worth the cost of fixing the issue when weighed up against sales. Shops still on both I just add any funds on Switch and use those , think you can top up online on Nintendo ID but I never bother as Switch is quick and easy
@ModdedInkling That sounds like hyperbolic fearmongering.
It's "permanently" unlocked through unofficial methods, so no worries, you'll still be able to install eshop-only games as soon as the support ends (and the store is shut down).
@iaLgan meanwhile 90% of everything in my country uses debit cards and CC are often not even supported (often not even in online stores)
Also CC is considered a premium thing here... it would be nice if 3ds at least supported PayPal but that is a thing since the Switch.
I was thinking about buying some DLC for my 3DS the other day. Want to get some more tracks for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call. Although there's no mention of the 3DS eShop being closed anytime soon.
As said in the article, it's been this way in Europe since 2019 and using the website to charge up the balance isn't that big of a deal... (and even if it were still possible to use credit cards on the system, I'd still be cautious entering my credit card information into systems w/ outdated security standards from 2012)
The only real problem is, that you can only add fixed amounts of money (10€, 20€, etc.) on the website but even that can be avoided by buying the games on the eShop website (sadly DLC and DSiWare are not available on the eShop website so you still have to add funds to buy those...)
@Rayquaza2510 Same here in Germany. Nearly nobody uses credit cards and if someone owns a credit card it's only for vacations in other countries. (I have a prepaid credit card and I only ever used it to pay the shipping of a physical My Nintendo reward XD). But on the German eShop website I'm able to use PayPal for digital 3DS/Wii U games and to add funds to my account (I think I had to link my Nintendo Network ID w/ my Nintendo Account and then had to merge my funds). Is that not possible for you?
@Delycache doesn't allow me to pay with PP on the site (option is there)
And I plus some of my friends have that issue, only some that use CC with their PP are able to do it.
I have a CC myself because I often use services that require it and buy stuff from countries that demand it, but from all the people I know in the country I live, I am by far the minority.
@Markiemania95 sorry I meant before the US
@Rayquaza2510 Simple answer for you not to insult or anything CreditCards are used everywhere in the world everywhere! Debit is a poor man choice Or just a quick card to get simple as that.
@Drb Japan is always first for everything Nintendo does.
@Specter_of-the_OLED just buy an Eshop card and put the code in or just use the switch to add funds. Either way works perfectly fine. The reason companies like Sony and Nintendo are doing this is because credit card companies charge them like a 2-3% fee for every transaction. With the cards they get all the funds. Makes perfectly good sense to me business wise and is still consumer friendly as you can buy eshop cards online and put the codes in. Me myself I purchase from Best Buy because I have an account and get points from them so I get 5% back and I also use my credit card that gives me 2% back as well so I literally save 7%. It’s a win win for me.
I have been telling everyone I know since they shut down the Wii shop to buy any and all Wii U and 3DS games they want on the shops because they will be shutting those down at some point. My prediction is coming to be true.
I think its a disgrace how third party support was dead in the water once Nintendo stopped releasing games. The 3ds is my favourite system of all time and it died with a splat. Disgrace...The vita is even still having new games made for it!
@Rayquaza2510 Weird, I have no credit card linked to my Paypal account and it still works fine for me. Seems like it's bugged for you. Did you try contacting the Nintendo support? Maybe they can help you
Playstation did this with Vita as well recently. It's a bit of an inconvenience but at least they aren't taking down the store yet.
@BlackenedHalo Even though you haven't been able to use credit cards in Europe for years, are you still able to use the 3DS eShop via gift cards, hopefully?
I’m in a minority of those who use a Japanese account outside of Japan, but this means that I won’t be able to add any funds with my credit card to my Japanese account. I don’t buy games too often on it at least, but if I do want to get something in the future, it may be a bit more complicated and possibly more expensive.
(A non-Japanese credit card works on the 3DS and Wii U eShops in Japan, but it needs to be for the specific region on Switch)
@Nickinator yes, I am and also it is possible to send money to my account via the Nintendo website, then go to eShop and buy games.
Atleast the Wii had 10 years before this happened, but with Wii U they are only giving it 5?! Let's hope the eShop sticks around for another 5 years or so so that everyone can buy the games on time.
Laughs in American
@Chibi_Manny It’s been 9 years. Wii U released in 2012.
@Markiemania95 oh shoot you're right! I was confusing with the Switch! Oh no, I'm not emotionally ready for this! 🥺
I still play my 3ds and buy new games for it. Actually looking to upgrade to a New 3ds XL within the next year.
As a matter of fact, yes, I'm getting Project X Zone... wait.
@NinChocolate it's not a nintendo thing, it's a bank safety thing.. you can still buy gift cards and use them, or my store crdit in the switch store
Pssstt... hShop and Citra exist.
Really folks? Can't you even read? The only things that change is that you no longer get to use your credit card directly and as mentioned in the article it's been a thing for two years already in Europe. You can still buy games just fine as long as you transfer the money.
Good thing I have a =NEW= 2DS XL
@Guitar_bard I know! Like even stuff like Samus Returns isn't as accessible as I'd like, let alone games like the Layton x Phoenix Wright crossover that didn't sell as well over here
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