When the voice cast for Mario's upcoming movie was revealed back in September, it's safe to say that fans had concerns. While Mario's usual voice actor Charles Martinet will feature in the film in an as-yet-unannounced capacity, it's Hollywood star Chris Pratt who'll be taking on the role of Nintendo's beloved moustachioed plumber, and the decision has been bouncing around like a Marmite-covered seesaw ever since.
Love him or hate him, Pratt seems to be looking forward to releasing the film, telling his fans on Instagram that "dreams come true" when talking about the role. As it happens, the film's co-producer Chris Meledandri is also excited to get the film in front of fans and has suggested that Pratt's Mario voice will be worth the wait.
Talking to toofab, Meledandri said, "All I can tell you is the voice that he's doing for us, and Mario, is phenomenal. Yeah I can't wait for people to hear it."
For anyone wondering how Pratt will be able to pull off Mario's traditional, Italian-inspired accent, don't worry. Meledandri suggested that the issue surrounding Mario's accent might actually play out as a self-referential joke in the film; "We cover it in the movie," he said, "So you'll see we definitely nod to that."
Finally, Meledandri was also asked about concerns surrounding a non-Italian actor being given the role. He defended the decision, telling toofab, "Well, as an Italian American myself, I understand. You know, I understand the comments. Charlie Day, who's playing Luigi, actually comes from Italian heritage. Yeah so that's our nod."
Of course, Mario's usual voice actor, Charles Martinet, isn't Italian either, so we can't imagine the American casting has come as too much of a shock to many. Still, we'll get to see just how well the movie's been put together when it hits theatres in December 2022.
[source toofab.com, via videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 128
Everyone needs to calm down and just wait.
As an Italian American myself, I can't understand why people would be offended that Pratt isn't. Let's see how he does before we deem him unfit to voice mario.
After Detective Pikachu movie, I trust Nintendo.
I have no doubt he will be amazing, if you've heard his TOWIE impression on Graham Norton, the man can mimic anything...
So, then....
Maybe let us hear it?
Well... At least, Americans(and Japanese probably too?) will hear Charles Martinet's voice in this Super Mario movie. I don't think that's Charles Martinet's voice will remain in other dubs(French and Chinese, for example). I wonder who will be voicing Mario in the Russian dub of the movie... Not Ivan Okhlobystin, Mikhail Galustyan, or Garik Kharlamov, please...
I don't have an issue with Pratt not being italian, after all he's a VA not an actual on screen actor so it doesn't matter. But are they gonna take the Italian out of Mario or something? He's not gonna say ,,Mamma mia!" anymore?
@CharlieGirl wahh!
Anyways, I find the notion that only certain people are allowed to voice certain characters absurd.
If someone can do the job and do it well, let them do it.
@CharlieGirl what has he said that is homophobic? If you’re referring to his church membership I fail to see how your perspective is any less intolerant.
@CharlieGirl Voice actors are just actors who choose to work behind a microphone instead of in front of a camera. There’s nothing that says they can’t overlap from time to time.
@CharlieGirl Keep supporting this world that is a box that keeps getting smaller and less and less people are allowed to fit inside, when you get kicked out of the box for not being good enough, no one inside it will come to help you.
You will eventually screw up, and nothing you did before matters.
And here comes the crazy people calling Pratt for homophobic because he went to an church who are known for being one.
You guys do realise that not everyone knows about Hillsong. People and the church is two different things. People can disagree with the church on some area.
As for the movie, I’ll keep my mind open. It’s been a strange year so everything can happen, the movie even can be good
If he's using a unique voice then what's the point of using him over a voice actor? I hope this is good and I'm sure people will enjoy this. But they're clearly trying to sell this movie with Star Power.
@CharlieGirl Homophobia is when you hate homosexuals.
Disagreeing with homosexuality isn’t homophobia. Tolerance isn’t tolerance if everyone agrees with each other. That’s what makes tolerance beautiful — it’s about being respectful and decent regardless of disagreement.
I follow a specific religion. I have specific religious views that I know many other people disagree with. I live my life according to those values. I don’t expect everyone else to agree with me and I don’t think they hate me because they disagree.
You may not see beliefs and sexual orientation as similar, and that’s fine, but my values are essential to my existence and how I see myself. As such, I think the analogy is apt.
In summary, unless Chris Pratt is walking around dehumanizing homosexuals and bashing them, there’s no reason for you to be upset.
I'm sure he's a fine choice. @MrHonest I'm bisexual and I have never had a problem with the guy. It seems like a lot of people who aren't gay/bi are trying to call shots for us on that one. It's okay for a movie star to be bit conservative, who died and said they all need to be one way or the other politically?
@JayJ I think you quoted wrong guy lol
Removed - trolling/baiting
I want to talk about the real issue. Not homophobia, the thing that's actually on everyone's minds. We've all been dancing around it, and I guess no one wants to talk about it but it needs to be mentioned.
Will his nose be accurately tennis ball sized?
Hopefully Mario doesn't sounds exactly like Chris Pratt (or StarLord/Emmett).
Well of course the movie's co-producer would say good things about the movie. Regardless - I hope it's true 😁
literally hate this. hate this trend. celebrities should not replace beloved VAs. I.. I'm trying to give this a chance but I feel so angry. Charles Martinet was one of the voices of my childhood and to see him discarded so easily for celebrity star power?? I.. I never thought I'd see that. I.. I always thought Nintendo was better.. that Miyamoto knew better.
I don't mean to judge or to sound toxic but.. it just feels discouraging. I honestly don't know if I can support this movie. maybe I should but this all feels like a slap in the face for Mr. Martinet
@CharlieGirl Hahahaha what does that have to do with anything? Hahaha. He'll do great.
It's not the voice that's the problem though...
he'll do a good job kids will smile and laugh he is good at that not like the Mario movie is suppose to be serious
@CharlieGirl Got any thing he said that was homophobic? This is twice I've heard this claim with no backing it up and both relating to Mario news. None of this came up when he was in other nerd properties. It only matters because he is playing Mario.
...Jeez you need to get a life. This isn't a new thing. I get childhood icons and such. They also aren't your friends.
And here I thought the producer would come out and say his voice sounds like garbage.
"Mario's traditional, Italian-inspired accent..."
Mario is from Brooklyn! Donkey Kong takes place in New York! Mario was based on an Italian-American warehouse landlord! All respect to Charles Martinet, but his accent never made sense in my opinion. Maybe you could really stretch it by saying that Donkey Kong was inspired by King Kong which took place in 1930s NY, which had a higher proportion of native Italian residents than today... but even by then an "Italian from Brooklyn" had a very defined accent. The man is a cartoon character living in a mushroom land, so whatever, but I'm just saying that "singing Venetian gondolier" isn't the predetermined voice for the guy.
Mario's will always be Lou Albano, as far as I'm concerned.
LOL I mean curious to see what they can come up with it. As for that dumb dumb comment by the director about Mario not being voiced by an italian...it is called ..ACTING. I sure hope he, of all people, has heard of it! 😂
@Arehexes no they aren't but that doesn't make it right either. I'm referring to the entire trend not just this one incident. just because I'm passionate about something doesn't mean I don't have life bud
geez. these Nintendo Life comment sections are really something else
@Curator 'Disagreeing' with homosexuality is like disagreeing with some people having blue eyes. It doesn't make any sense.
Religion on the other hand is entirely optional. You can choose not to follow an abusive or intolerant ideology (as many religious people obviously do). Chris Pratt has vocally defended his intolerant church, and he should be called out for that. Comparing criticism of an optional ideology with criticism person's inate identity is just ridiculous. You're not the one being oppressed here.
And yes, as someone being cast in a kids movie by a company that just went on record espousing tolerance, it is relevant.
Evidence please.
At the moment the actor having a link to a church, that has a link to another church with some homophobic views, is hardly proof of the actor being openly homophobic, as you put it.
@Ikana64 I expected this response — the whole “innate vs choice” argument. But it fails on so many levels.
There is no lifestyle people love based on the color of their eyes. People live their lives according to their desires and values. So whether they choose those things or not is irrelevant to their importance in defining themselves and how they see the world.
The fact that I can choose my beliefs doesn’t suddenly make it okay to hate me nor does the fact that someone can’t choose their sexual orientation mean that I have to agree with who they sleep with. My beliefs may be chosen, but they’re still an integral part of my existence —much more so than the color of my eyes.
I agree that we should oppose oppressive beliefs that harm others. But merely disagreeing with the way someone leads their life isn’t oppressive in and of itself. Saying “hey, that’s not something I would do” does nothing to the existence of the person doing it .
@Frobodobo what did Chris Pratt say that was homophobic? I don’t know
People here need to chill out. We haven’t even heard his voice yet so let’s wait and see
@Curator "Disagreeing" with homosexuality is homophobia, because you're "disagreeing" with a trait that is inherent to someone. You don't go around saying you "disagree" with someone who is the opposite sex of you or someone of a different race. Or at least I hope you don't. It's not something to disagree with. It's a morally neutral thing.
BTW, if Chris Pratt, you, or anyone else are voting in politicians who take away our rights or otherwise fight against rights being put into law we have EVERY right to be mad at them.
I'll watch it in Spanish, at the end what matters is if the movie is good or not.
@Total_Weirdo you make a really solid point there. Nintendo and Shigeru Miyamoto are tightly monitoring the creation of this movie and anything they don't approve of gets the boot. For them to allow Chris Pratt to voice Mario must mean that he must be doing a really good job at voicing him. I highly doubt Miyamoto would have approved of this casting if they had not actually earn those roles with superb voice impersonations of these characters, so chances are high this will be a great movie.
Removed - flaming/arguing; user is banned
The biggest problem with this movie isn't the cast, it's an Illumination movie. People just want to cancel Chris Pratt for literally no reason. I will probably hate this movie but I'll still go see it just to spite all the Chris Pratt haters
Removed - inappropriate
Chris Pratt is not Homophobic at all, apparently he loves his house.
@BoilerBroJoe you ever played Yoshi's Island? He hasn't been from Brooklyn for a long long time. Even before Sm64 hit the shelves.
@Curator Homosexuality is rooted in a natural sexual or romantic desire. Acting on that behavior is widely understood by scientific communities to be the most healthy behavior for people with those desires.
Disagreeing with the "action" is disagreeing with what comes natural for those of us who are homosexual (I am a lesbian, myself). You can't separate these things. Trying to is just apologetics and it's complete nonsense. It's homophobia, you can try to wrap it up in a bow, but it is what it is and always will be.
Charles' voice is iconic. Hope Chris doesn't make Mario sound like a Pratt.
Yeah, I'll see myself out. Bye.
"Finally, Meledandri was also asked about concerns surrounding a non-Italian actor being given the role."
Who is concerned about that? Seriously, this nonsense is getting too far. Let a white person voice a black character, a black person voice a white character, a female voice a male character, etc. They‘re characters ffs, it should not bother you. We all sound different and imitating what you hear does not automatically make you racist.
Agree with you, but we still need some proof Chris is actually homophobic, as at the moment the evidence seems very tenuous at best.
@CovidBarbie let me just say I'm glad there is finally more and more backlash coming out against the holier-than-thou cult of twitter and others.
A couple of years back this was basically considered normal and look at this comment section now. Glorious!
Charles voice is great for the videogame's little pieces of dialogue, not sure I would want it for a whole movie though.
@johnvboy shhh you'll spoil my well crafted joke! I don't just type the first thing that pops into my head-yes, ok, I usually do...
Cant wait to see more!
Love the guys Humor, great guy as a person and actor.
Lol indeed i agree.
@johnvboy was gonna say that and thanks for confirming the answer.
Also did Charlie girl get banned or something
If he did or said anything homophobic himself, I would agree that he shouldn’t play Mario. But just because he is part of a conservative mega church, does not mean he is homophobic. You can only judge someone by what they say or do not their church or other churchs his church has worked with in the past. He has said multiple times people should be with who they love.
@The-Chosen-one I love the opening in the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie
ignoring whatever mess this comment section, like always, is, enormously loud groan at the mentioned self-referential italian accent remark
@anoyonmus probably the standard NL "if you get (x) downvotes your comment is deleted" policy
@anoyonmus I think she deleted her comment after realizing she committed cringe
Wowza, alot of people are enjoying sitting on their pedestals here in the comments. As far the as movie is concerned, i could care less. It's going to be one of those forgettable flicks that makes sure to capitalize off it's brand like most of corporate hollywood does today. Brilliant move.
@CovidBarbie ok there is actually and technically zero evidence that Chris Pratt is homophobic.
It is true that the church that Chris Pratt goes to a church that IS homophobic. BUT that does NOT MEAN Chris Pratt IS homophobic. It is stupid reasoning on that person who said since Chris Pratt goes to a homophobic church he is homophobic. It’s stupid that some people have mentality like that. Also Pratt denied multiple times that he is homophobic
Also I didn’t know you were gay so sorry if I said anything bad
@somebread Ah I see. Thanks for letting me know
@Lem1697 I see
@DumbElder what cult?
@johnvboy there isn’t. It’s people with the mentality that “oh since he goes to a church that is homophobic then he is homophobic” that are saying that
@Lem1697 most of that person's comments are cringe and tries very hard to rile things up.
Clearly lack of attention and need of validation, thankfully people are finally standing up against such nonsense behaviour.
On topic: I don't idolize celebs but I hope Chris does a good job at this role!
@OldPierre77 I think you are holding on to the thing from parks and rec too much. He shouldn’t have done that but it was not what some people make it out to be. Second, you should only ever be judged by yourself. Not some ***** that might go to the same church as you.
Removed - trolling/baiting; user is banned
As much as I love Charles martinet’s Mario voice, it was designed for sound bytes and short sentences Not a full speaking part of a movie.
I don't understand why he's controversial? The guy seems lovely
@DumbElder NL comment sections have at least been like this since 2016 when I joined, so I don't really know if it's some sort of new counter resistance to the Woke Twitter Mob or whatever, but it's not like NL comment sections are particularly indicative of reality
@Vexx234 Hah no kidding, alot of holier than thou peeps here still buzzing over a deleted comment or how twitter is evil yet i'm good or whatever. Anyways yeah, typical bottom of the barrel movie here. Just look at the writers resume if you wanna know what's to be expected.
They might be taking the Detective Pikachu route where they'll have some built-in story reason for a well known character having a completely different voice, or maybe the Sonic the Hedgehog route where he'll kinda sound like the character but mostly sound like the actor.
I still think they're going to reference the high-pitched stereotypical Italian accent with a throwaway gag, then Chris is just going to use his "animated character voice" we've heard in the Lego Movie and Onward. A little wink and a nod to the audience that says "we know what you were expecting but we're not doing it because it's too silly."
I love Chris Pratt's work in stuff like GotG and Parks and Rec, but I'm disappointed they passed over Charles Martinet in favor of Star Power.
Anyone who thinks listening to Martinet's Mario and Luigi voices for a full movie would just be too annoying isn't giving him enough credit as a voice actor. He wouldn't have to turn it up to 11 for the whole film. He can tone it down.
SpongeBob's voice is high pitched and annoying and Tom Kenny makes that work. SpongeBob is one of the most popular cartoon characters in the world, even among adults.
And what about Mickey Mouse? Disney has barely deviated from Walt's original take on the voice, despite the fact that it was simply a grown man's best attempt at sounding like a squeaky little mouse. Walt was no Mel Blanc. And yet that voice became an integral part of the brand. And whenever they recast, they prioritize the voice over the actor.
Mario is the video game equivalent of Mickey. I would have liked to see him treated with the same reverence.
@Frailbay30 it isn't doing anything to prove it's not just another illumination movie, that's for sure
@johnvboy I had seen somewhere before that he followed some really bad accounts on Instagram, and I just logged on to verify this for myself before saying anything. I scrolled through just a portion of it, and have already run into PragerU and TurningPointUSA.
Sorry, but that is not a good look at all.
@Curator as a man who is homosexual. What you said is absolutely perfect and spot on. The world is going insane with all this madness of political correctness and it’s becoming toxic, it’s making the world an uglier place. Thank you for your post and I like to say that I think Chris Pratt will be great as Mario
@OldPierre77 I see your point but he was lucky enough to be working with his friends actually doing what he was suppose to be fake doing. If that makes sense. In any other situation he and anyone else should be fired. He shouldn’t have done ii though.
@Harmonie i get the impetus here but (as weird and preachy as this sounds) trying to change the minds of anyone in these comment sections/justify yourself is probably an impossible task; i would expect either "judging a man by his follows?! ridiculous!" or "that's a great thing that he does that actually" (or the wild card third option of a wishy washy "ignore it/oh well!" evidently) reading some of these other replies
@Harmonie if I remember correctly, he follows a lot of accounts. Some from people that are homophobic unfortunately but also from ones that are quite the opposite. But it is a bad look and he should delete them, but you can be friends with idiots without ever able to change them. I just believe he is not homophobic. If I am proven wrong in the future, I will admit it.
@Harmonie Well, the best thing you should do is ignore it. Hollywood is the last place on earth anyone should care rather someone is a positive or negative influence.
Hollywood and to some extent people have proven profit trumps any morals given the fact the former is okay with anything as long as it doesn't tarnish potential revenue , while the latter prefers to wear blinders because that stranger on tv makes them laugh.
Just to clarify im talking about in general from what I've seen over the years.
@Harmonie "burn the heretic!"...did you ever watch Life of Brian? There's a good film recommendation and it doesn"t feature Chris Pratt.
If the italian dub of this movie doesn't cast Pietro Ubaldi as Mario i'm gonna be mad.He actually voiced Mario in some old GBA commercials and he was perfect for the role.He also voiced a Marioish character once,Tonzura from Yattaman:
@Randomname19 always forget how weirdly big yatterman/gatchaman were in italy
What looks good and what are his own personal views, are two totally different things.
At the moment it's still very tenuous links.
No problem.
@somebread I don’t what’s going in this comment section but I would like to add, doesn’t matter which side anyone is on. As far as I'm aware we are at a point where everyone wants to join the outrage. Left or Right doesn’t matter, as I’ve seen all walks of life be both a victim and aggressor?…. idk... when it comes to both receiving and giving outrage, one side claiming they’re better than the other is quite laughable.
We are an entitlement age where everyone seems to think they are right and therefore above critism. Dare to disagree and you have given a label of something rather it be woke, sjw, racist, homophobe etc... doesn’t matter. You get attacked for it either way. Celebs seem to think they’ve reached the status of above criticism seeing how their fans will attack anyone on site for saying “wait a sec...”
I’ve been on both ends from every angle where if I didn’t agree 100% with someone I was titled something. It’s all annoying at the end of the day.
Well that’s my rant. I’m not sure what has to do with anything but it seems the comment section is devolving to what I typically see on any social media site.
Chris Pratt prayed really hard to God to get the Mario role and God answered his prayer because Chris Pratt is a good Christian man and good things happen to handsome rich people who act in Disney movies.
I too am excited to hear it so I can laugh at it and still say why not get Martinet to voice him. Such dumb logic to think that Pratt is the only name that will fill seats and not MARIO
@Ocaz That's the entertainment business for ya. Take a beloved IP, give it the lowest budget possible, hire a cheap writer, pick any random famous person and watch as millions roll in while the film is a steaming pile of cinematic failure.
@Fangleman32 can’t wait
No thanks i won't be watching this movie...It's a pass for me
I think Pratt is gonna do a great job. I wasn't sold he could be a Marvel hero but he knocked that out of the park. I have faith in him.
@victordamazio Your metaphor is 100% correct. I've seen what you describe happen first hand.
The reality is if you don't like Chris Pratt as a person, all you can really do is vote with your money and refuse to support his work.
All the online controversy that manifests itself whenever someone says "Chris Pratt" three times while facing a mirror doesn't seem to be keeping him from landing major roles.
@InvisiBulbasaur I agree with vote with your wallet. If more people did that alot of crap in our lives wouldn't exist. Sadly society has created a place where the more money and fame you have, the more you can get away with because no wants to ruin a good dopamine.
Cancel culture is a gimmick anymore. It's a clever trick. Say something controversial, yell cancel culture and boom you have a base ready to defend you to the death. Celebs know full well a bunch of twitter users are powerless to stop them, but hey whatever works.
@NintendoByNature Because people treat victimhood as a social currency.
Great actor I think he will be great.
Why is it than no actors are allowed to hail from a different nation or heritage to the one they're portraying anymore? Seriously. It's acting. You know, pretending to be someone you're not. Should Tom Holland and Benedict Cumberbatch be thrown out of the MCU for fraudulently portraying Americans???
This world is just ridiculous.
@__jamiie Well as black guy myself, I wouldn't want to bring back the age where Hollywood thought spray painting a man brown qualified him as a believable Native American.
Can't speak for white people however, as I have no idea how such a system works in this case of Mario's voice actor or a white European playing a white American. Usually I just see people ***** talk how bad Americans are at acting when compared to their European counterparts.
I dont doubt the voice is amazing. He is a great comedy actor. He is just a terrible person.
@Dethmunk Well you are right, Nintendo isn't stupid given they can be as lazy or greedy as possible and still make a profit.
@DumbElder I see
@Fulgor_Astral Plenty of his coworkers mention how he's one of the nicest people they know. Please tell us your personal experiences with him that have led you to think this
@nessisonett "Yeah, we kept him due to time constraints, but he's terrible."
I know zilch about Chris Pratt and couldn't care less, I also know that movies adapted from games are historically hot garbage. So I'm not going to feel any losses skipping this one!
I had my reservations about the newest Sonic The Hedgehog movie, and those concerns were dashed in an instant once I started watching the film. Hopefully the same will be able to be said about the Mario movie.
@Fulgor_Astral you don't know him and you have never met the man. That's slander what you just said.
@BloodNinja Hard disagree. Sonic farting to remind the audience that indeed hedgehogs have an anus is proof videogame movies can be a respected work of art.
@DumbElder You can say that about alot of people who attack/defend rich strangers they've never met before. I'm pretty sure Chris pratt is somewhere sitting in his mansion right now scrolling through the nintendolife comments because he cares that much about our input.
Kudos to the producer for not caving into the fascist twitter nutters.
I'm open minded to Pratt as Mario.
Sure I aint a fan of his church, but I like to believe in the best of people and assume he's an alright guy.
He has solid charisma, he should be atleast not awful.
show me a trailer with Chis Pratt Mario and i will decide if i aprove his voice as Mario.
@Dethmunk WarioWare Gold show that Charles Martinet could voice Mario in his movie.
The producer of the film says it's going to be great? What a truly shocking turn of events.
It's not like they are going to say it sucks...
Will have to wait to hear him in the role before I judge him as Mario.
@DumbElder Wokeness got a bit more backlash in the past. Pluss increased amounts of woke in the last few years.
@Giancarlothomazi Eh, i'm expecting nothing short of phoning it as most celebs do in these roles.
@sadmapbo Much easier to market mediocre actors than hire people who actually have experience in voice acting.
I just going to wait, and see how it turn's out, I really like this dude, as he's a great actor.
Also, my god yall are not actually crazy! this comment section when't so well, As of right now I don't think I have seen a removed comment, Good on you guys! I need some Damn proof!
And if i'm proven wrong, I will admit it.
I will wait and see if his voice for Mario will be good. Though since he is an energetic person and Mario has the voice of one he may be good.
Garfield on the other hand is way more of a stranger casting choice then his Mario one given Garfield's personality.
@WaffleRaptor01 Uhhh lol
@DripDropCop146 he might not care but calling people terrible human beings just because they don't get in line to cheer on your brave sexuality or whatever is not ok.
I'll be eyeing the reviews next year when it's out. I won't settle for anything more than a complete trainwreck of a movie. Good movies are boooooring
@DumbElder I'm going to have go with Fulgor_Astral on this. All he/she said was he was terrible. If that's the most slanderous thing in the world, then I'd be a billionaire by now.
His/her comment is nomore worse than the few hypocrites on this board who had a field day attacking Brie Larson rather than simply disagreeing with her comments from two years ago (yeesh). Better yet attacking each other.
Too much irony sometimes when you see one side denounce ad-hominems but turn a blind eye when a fellow ally does it.
@DripDropCop146 yeah his comment isn't the most slanderous in the world, but I don't think he should have said that. I agree people shouldn't do it for Brie either.
I like Chris Pratt, can’t wait to see his take on Mario, and all the voice actors and actresses in their roles, Jack Black as Bowser and Seth Rogen as DK is too much! 🤣
Honestly think all the other picks are good (Charlie Day as Luigi is perfect) or interesting enough. Chris Pratt, however, is the most important role and I think a failure of stunt casting. I know he is 'working on" the voice, but honestly for stunt casting the whole point is you know who the actor is so you know who the character they're voicing is suppose to be. He has been a clueless idiot goof, which he can't really pull off anymore, and a gruff christian military bro. That's all his roles. Neither are what I would call Mario.
Get a talented voice actor in there or a different stunt casting.
@charliegirl lol what did you write? Saw you deleted all trace of it after getting some heat
Much love to the refreshing amount of level headed comments here, and those that brought the humor too. Looking forward to the movie, and hope he does a good job.
@PessitheMystic I assume it was probably about Chris Pratt being some kind of supposed “homophobe” because he belongs to some church or religion, and like most all religions in this day and age, if you a part of one, or conservative or republican and in the celebrity spotlight, you should be cancelled and subjected to hatred, except Islam, as nobody will shout about Homophobia within Islam, celebrities and politicians who are Muslim get a free ride with any scepticism in that religion. The liberals stay rather quiet with that one. ..
But this is the age we live in now, cancel and destroy someone because why not. I’m seeing this happen all the time and it’s vile, it’s bullying and it’s oppressive, and it’s coming from the people who believe themselves to be for the better in the world, the progressives liberals.
I think we would have a problem if the producer said it was bad casting.
No matter who does Mario's voice, I can bet it will be annoying. The damage was already done when they decided to make Mario sound like an idiot over 20 years ago.
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