Mortal Kombat has done some impressive work lately when it comes to pulling in characters from other media franchises. We've had RoboCop, The Terminator and even Shaggy, and, given that the series is about to return to cinemas, it would be fair to predict that The Matrix's Neo – played by Keanu Reeves – might be in with a chance of going head-to-head with the likes of Raiden and Sub-Zero.
It's also fair to say that John Wick – another action-heavy character portrayed by Reeves – would be well-suited to a Mortal Kombat cameo. NetherRealm head Ed Boon has previously mentioned that he'd love to see both characters in Mortal Kombat 11, in fact.
However, Keanu Reeves has admitted that he wouldn't be keen on the idea of either character crossing over to the world of one-on-one fighting games. Speaking to Esquire (thanks, Eurogamer), Reeves was asked if he would like to see Neo or Wick in a Mortal Kombat game if it were up to him:
If it was up to me? No. Mortal Kombat is awesome in so many ways. But I think, you know, Neo... John Wick... yeah man, they're doing their own thing. Mortal Kombat's doing their own thing.
Both Mortal Kombat and The Matrix IP are owned by Warner Bros, so the choice may well be out of Reeves' hands – although it's fair to say that without the buy-in of the actor, Warner Bros might be reluctant to actually go ahead. The John Wick movie series is the property of Lionsgate, which makes that even less likely to happen.
[source esquire.com, via eurogamer.net]
Comments 41
Yeah i agree with him, if they don't do a good enough job, it might reflect badly on his character. I can see his reasoning to be fair.
"But I think, you know, Neo... John Wick... yeah man, they're doing their own thing."
So, that means Bill & Ted in Mortal Kombat is a possibility!
They would need his consent for character looks accuracy isnt? They might use a completely different model but that wouldnt work.
Honestly I think Neo would be a pretty badass fighting game character. I can picture Scorpion doing his signature, "Get over here!" move, and Neo just stopping it mid-air. His fatality could be what he does to Agent Smith at the end of the first movie.
Shame, with Keanu Reeves there are plenty of options for possible Friendship moves
Warner Bros really have become increasingly reliant on cross overs as of recently.
The LEGO Movie? Naturally has a lot of cross overs due to the nature of the property.
LEGO Batman? Lots of villains from other universes are featured.
Space Jam: A New Legacy? It forced in a lot of cross-over content just because they could, even giving Rick & Morty a spotlight moment.
Multiversus? Self-explanatory.
Oh and all the animated films they keep doing, whilst Scooby Doo has historically had a lot of weird cross overs, they started pulling stuff like Tom & Jerry with Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
@Medic_Alert Think that was him trying to be nice instead of sh1tting on their IP or brand. He prefers they just stay friends and isn't interested in anything more. Not sure legally he would have any standing, though. If they wanted to avoid an issue, they could go the GOTG way. Not sure you can separate the actor from the character, though, in this case.
I think I liked it better when they just stuck to the horror themed guys when it came to mortal kombat guests...
Given MK11 is officially done it's not going to happen. Might be an option for Multiversus or MK12 though.
He'll be in Multiversus instead.
As long as we get the Care Bears at some point, I will be set!
Would be pretty cool having neo fight chuck norris (as the hilarious Jokes, immortal deity made into a character), van damme, Terminator, Rambo 😂
Man great combination.
But Johnny Silverhand is free to use!
I wouldn't be keen if I was him either.
Cyberpunk got tons of bad press and he was plastered all over that.
@CharlieGirl They would love that! I can imagine digitised copies going up against Scorp and Sub
They need to make a Hollywood beat-em-up. Keanu could star as John Wick. Arnie could reprise John Matrix from Commando. Slyvestor Stalone would obviously have to be John Ramb-wait. Erm...everyone is called John...
Neo or John Wick wouldn't suit MK anyway.
He can just star as John Wick as that character is essentially in God Mode in every film this will make Mortal Kombat a walk in the park headshots all day long to awesome music.
They do Smash Bros. style crossovers in Mortal Kombat? I thought that universe was more cohesive and the characters in it had stories and reasons for being there. I haven't played one since MK3 so clearly I'm out of touch.
@Expa0 The same here. Liking a character doesn't mean I'd like to see them in each and every game I play. I think sticking to the horror theme is important
Maybe he just doesn’t want to see how blurry he would look on the switch.
Ted "Theodore" Logan is the obvious choice anyway.
I thought DLC had wrapped for MK11? Did I miss an announcement or is this speculative with a future installment in mind?
agreed in that Terminator and Robocop were both franchises that hadn't had a decent outing in many decades so they could only benefit from being associated with MK, but Wick is on top of the world and Neo is coming back soon and it is still undecided whether it'll be any good (I'm not hopeful, but maybe).
He’s pretty much guaranteed to be in Multiversus though
@Slowdive I feel the same about marvel lots of people love the whole shared marvel universe thing but I prefer when the different franchises have there own universe
Guess he's fine with being in Fortnite then?
seems kind of weird for Mortal Kombat, but I'd love to see him and some Mortal Kombat characters in MultiVersus
I find it odd how they still can't get Jean Claude Van-Damme's look in the game as a Johnny Cage skin to parody his MK1 look which was a nod to Bloodsports.
@GrailUK Super John Combat. Sure, why not?
If we dont get Neo, thats fine. I could see Agent Smith show up...or an Agent if they can't get Hugo Weaving. I could see some sort of Fatality with Agent taking over the body or using his ability to decimate the enemy, or summoning sentinels. I could see it working.
@Daniel36 lol
Man, whatever happened to intellectual property rights over a person's likeness?
@RupeeClock Tom and Jerry had crossovers far before that. 2011 had Tom and Jerry and the Wizard of Oz. Before that we had 1962's Dicky Moe (Moby Dick), and 1952's The Two Mouseketeers (The Three Musketeer's). Obviously Tom and Jerry has become less creative with their crossovers, but they have existed for a while.
Tbph, I don't give a hoot about the crossover characters in MK. I think they're silly and unnecessary.
@Abeedo that's less a crossover and more of a parody
I understand Keanu, I wouldn't want to see my head being punctured or ripped in half either... lol
John Wick should not be able to be killed if in the game.
Neo would go better with Street Fighter imo and Wick, seeing how "gun" characters came out (Robocop, Terminator and Rambo), I really hope not to see this... except if you leave Wick with a pencil only 😉
Nah I’d rather his character from Parenthood enter the nether realm instead
None of the crossover dlc fighter really feel fitting for MK, I'd rather they focus on creating new unique fighters.
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