As you might recall, Illumination - the company behind Despicable Me - is bringing a Super Mario animated movie to the big screen in 2022. It will be co-produced by Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto and Illumination's CEO Chris Meledandri.
Now in a new update, there's a rumour the Super Mario movie will be directed by the creators of the Teen Titans Go! cartoon animation. This information was first spotted by Twitter user @Mevans2703 who shared a LinkedIn profile of an Illumination character animator.
In part of the profile, it states the following: "Character Animator on "MARIO" directed by Aaron Horvath and Michael Jelenic."
Jelenic is previously credited on a number of DC Batman animated television and movie projects and has assisted with series like Scooby-Doo! and Ben 10. Apart from Teen Titans, Horvath has contributed to animations such as Lego's Unikitty! show.
Just last month, the American stand-up comedian Sebastian Maniscalco mentioned how he would have a role as Spike in the upcoming movie. Spike starred in Wrecking Crew alongside the Mario Bros.
Are you looking forward to Mario's animated movie? Leave a comment down below.
[source twitter.com, via nintendoenthusiast.com]
Comments 74
Oh god please no! welp if this is the case my hopes for this movie just died,😰 Mario, Plus If they make mario a plumber well, how about all you can hear Bathroom jokes?
@PBandSmelly I will give them a chance no doubt, one work isn't always like another, Just given there history, I have low hopes.
And with that, this film's fate has been sealed, signed and delivered. What a shame.
Cool, I wasn't interested but now I am. I can't stand superhero shows, but I actually like TTG. The last Super Mario Movie was really bad, and I don't think the old anime was all that good either, nor were the cartoons, but if they can just make a show with a bunch of jokes that doesn't take itself too seriously they might be able to make something pretty entertaining with the IP.
Complain all you want but Despicable Me and TTG are incredibly popular and successful media so I have no doubt that this movie is in good hands. Just because it doesn’t appeal to you doesn’t mean kids aren’t gonna go crazy over it and make Nintendo millions.
Considering the TTG movie was actually really good, I'm hopeful for this npw
They also made Batman Brave and the Bold (which was fine) and Elf Buddy's Musical (which was inoffensive and cute at most) so there is some hope. At least minions isn't as insultingly annoying as TTG show and if anything this movie can't possibly be worse than the original live action adaptation.
@dinofan37 Ok one, Mario most well known job is a plumber, as thats what he has been waaaay longer then any of his other jobs.
2nd I can see them using his job from mario bros, since spike is in this movie.
3rd, how the Heck did I assume, they could go with any one of his jobs. I just picked plumber as Like I said before, is his most well know job, and if you want to get really into it, he is not even a plumber anymore.
If true it would now make me want to see it. The Teen Titans Go series isnt quite my thing but the two movies are excellent (I've not seen the one this year), especially the first one and those folk behind it knew exactly how to do a very funny DC movie with great stories.
Think you chose the wrong thumbnail there, NL. Might I suggest the overused 'depressed Mario standing on Brawl's Final Destination' pic?
Annnnnnnd we're screwed...well so much for a good Mario movie.
@Joeynator3000 IKR.
Honestly this actually increases my hope in this movie - Teen Titans Go, regardless of its worthiness as a successor or overall story quality, is a funny show - funnier than Illumination's films at least.
This movie could be directed by Tommy Wiseau, and I’ll still watch it at least once. I just said that as an exaggeration, but now… 🤔 Hmm! That would be something! 😄
This Mario Bros. movie could end up being utter trash (I’m not hoping/deciding it’ll be), but maybe there’ll be something worth rummaging through, hidden within that trash pile! We’ll see.
This just keeps sounding worse everytime something new drops.
It makes sense that they'd highly Teen Titans Go! because that's their biggest and most relevant success, but it's worth noting the credits for at least one of the TTG showrunners, Michael Jelenic, who was a writer/storyboard artist for Jackie Chan Adventures and The Batman, and was also also co-showrunner/co-developer of the 2011 ThunderCats reboot. He also co-developed Batman: The Brave and the Bold, as well as moved based on that property in addition to bring a writer/producer for the animated movies based on the Batman 1960's Adam West TV series (noticing a lot of Batman in this guy's filmography...). Heck, even when you take Aaron Horvath into account, Teen Titans Go! To The Movies was actually surprisingly fun, so it's not like this duo is incapable of making a good, enjoyable produce together.
...Maybe I'm giving too much benefit of the doubt here, especially given that it's still Illumination, the studio that makes the Minions movies and tends to only make "okay at best" movies, there is a LOT going against this movie, even with Shigeru Miyamoto directing producing and overseeing things. I still say we should wait until we actually see what it looks like before assuming the worst, but then again, maybe I'm just being overly optimistic here.
@dinofan37 This has been a certified Terry Syvertson moment.
I don't see what folks were expecting. We're talking about a kids' film, so of course they'll lean on experienced directors of kids' animation. It's not like you'd want them to sign up Denis Villeneuve to make a Mario movie.
Seems like the more I hear about this movie the worse it sounds. I would love to be wrong though.
@8itmap_k1d Agreed. I enjoy Mario just a much as anyone but I also know Mario is designed to appeal to all ages and especially children. So of course they are going to choose people with experience in that field.
The films target audience will be primarily children. I'm not expecting the film to be pixar level given Miyamato's stance regarding Mario and plots.
@MagicEmperor Actually Tommy Wiseau would make the movie legendary
Wow, I hope this isn't true! Teen Titans was an awesome show, then they went and did the pointless reboot into Teen Titans Go! and it's bollocks, to say the least. If the mario movie is going to succeed, it needs to be done by the Lego Movie people, cause that movie was incredible!
This movie could still be good...maybe.
I mean one of the people behind Nickelodeon's Glitch Techs also had worked with Fanboy and Chum Chum, and Glitch Techs is great, so you never know, maybe the Teen Titans Go creators could actually make something good for once.
@Vexx234 Yeah a key point of movies like these is to catch the attention of people who otherwise might not be Mario fans. The bulk of potential new players will be children who are not very aware of Mario, so directors of popular children animation would be good.
Also these guys managed to beat the odds to make the TTG 2D animated movie a success in 2018. Since the 2000's 2D western animated movies were failing left and right, against the far more popular 3D animations. Disney couldn't even do it.
So it'd be interesting to see how well they do with a 3D Mario Movie.
Could be worse, doesn’t bother me though, I quite like TTG, among some of other shows they’ve produced.
@gloom Only cause they appeal to the lowest common Denominator. Which Hollywood has been reaping for years now.
@Dr_Lugae Hasn't exactly encouraged much of a 2-D revitalisation though.
@J_Linebeck @J_Linebeck @J_Linebeck @J_Linebeck @J_Linebeck As if being associated with Illumination wasn't bad enough. Still some people got something out of the TTGo movie at least so maybe this could work, but I'm gonna need to see more of this project to be convinced.
@dinofan37 lets hope the best for it...
@AshFoxX yeah.... not 1993 all over again please.
@MagicEmperor like 1993?
@locky-mavo As someone who's never cared for it, I still find it baffling that the original show never got the same level of care as the movie did. Maybe the shows reception wouldn't have been as divisive if they'd just done that from the start.
I really don't get why people are upset about this. Fans, especially the older ones, should be wise enough to know they aren't the sole target demographic for this film.
A Mario movie's first and foremost goal was to make sure it appeals to the family market. Particularly the ones with lots of small children.
1st Illumination now this? It's like Nintendo want this to be garbage
There's a lot of hate for this but TTG is actually pretty underrated imo, there are some surprisingly funny episodes!
Oh please no as TTG sucks so badly. Seriously anyone but the folks behind that cartoon show.
We do , but well there are still people who can make an cartoon movie which won't make half the audience groan. I mean explain why so many adults enjoy shows like for example avatar.
@reporterdavid “Where’s my pizza?”
Waffles, waffles, waffles! 🎶
I’ve watched far too much TT with my kids...
The show is pretty funny but looney tunes absurd and loaded with crude humor. I can understand people’s apprehensions!
With Nintendo and Shiggy overseeing things there's zero chance the movie will be garbage. It will likely just end up being a safe, bland, soulless and forgettable animated movie for the kids like anything else Illumination has ever been involved with.
oh no! they will gonna ruin Mario, Teen Titan Go pale in comparsion to the original Teen Titan, i don't want a bad Mario movie.
@Blackjay They picked a successful children’s media group to make a new children’s movie. I’m defending them as someone who does not like minions, but I see why they were chosen. Just sit back and enjoy the ride!
The hate on Teen Titans Go is overblown, the show sucks, but it's not that bad, it has a few good episodes sometimes, it's just like Johnny Test and Fanboy & Chum Chum, cartoons that suck, but people hate them so much, way more than they actually deserve, that you become a devil's attorney for them.
Please please no. I don't want mario making poop jokes every microsecond and the whole cast fighting over a sandwich. PLEASE NO
Super Mario Bros. Goes To The Movies
They might be playing Mario Fart
Hell no.
That's a hard pass.
@victordamazio "The show sucks, but it's not that bad."
Astounding contradiction in that sentence.
Teen Titans No!
And Super Mari-no Brothers. Please don’t do this to me.
@geo-shifter oh boy... i wonder which movie will be better. 2021 or 1993 Mario...
@1ofUs I hope miyamoto will stop it.
@Teksetter lets hope it will be well.
I am fine with Minions, bu Teen Titans No?
The movie has all the materials to be good. Let's wait and see it before we judge it. Go expecting nothing, and you'll never get dissapointed in life.
@DevinRex No contradiction, the show is bad, but still got more hate than it deserved.
@Fangleman32 What older fans like me were hoping for is something that would beat out the old Super Mario Bros movie by, you know actually being good and sticking to the lore (of which exists) of the series to a significant degree.
Seeing the name Teen Titan's GO on one of the director's resumes, which basically took over Cartoon Network for a significant chunk of time, and by and large was "lowest common denominator" level humor, doesn't send good vibes. It's a cause for worry about what the script-writing and such will be like.
Ouch. Based on the comments here, it sounds like the consensus between the Sonic and Mario movies will be that "SEGA did what Nintenwon't"...
I don’t think people here know what an animation director does?
And as for article, “will be directed by”? If it’s out next year..
And that will be the last time Nintendo lends it right to make a movie based on Nintendo characters. This movie already went to the bottom of the ocean even before its released. Hopes for this movie has shrinked.
Teen Titans Go is a funny show and the movie was fantastic
Not sure why people are so mad. Surely it matters more who has written it and produced it. As long as it doesn't play out anything like Despicable Me we're all good.
I feel like people are really inflaming this situation because the big names attached are so easy and popular to hate on. The first Despicable Me and even the Teen Titans Go movie are both really solid family films. Nothing comparable to something like Disney, of course, but are people really setting their expectations THAT high for the Mario movie of all things?
@jingounchained Yes, they very much are. It's Mario. We are talking about a plumber who falls through a pipe in new york and ends up living in a world with a giant turtle and magical mushrooms.
Some peeps are expecting way too much for an already silly story to begin with.
@MegaVel91 With all due respect, you may be a older fan but Nintendo is not looking at you. The only age group who care about that 90's movie are all in their late 30's to 50's by now.
Nintendo is targeting new younger audiences who may or not be familiar with Mario.
@Fangleman32 A fair point, but trying to balance between old and new would fare best for getting the widest appeal and aiming to avoid alienation. Nintendo shows both kids and adults in their own commercial and trailers for their properties, so I find it more than a little hard to believe they aren't aware of the fact aiming for a middle ground would do the movie good.
Hey why is everyone hating this just because he created teen titans go doesn't mean he can only make tv/movies like teen titans go he can have range teen titans go was a product of it's target audience
My gut feeling is "This is outright bad", but the more I think of it, the more I think it's just a weird choice due to their history? I tried TTG once or twice years ago, it simply is not a comedic show outside the pre-teen age range when its just doing what it initially set out to do, which is fine being just that, but TTG has a history it has willingly written about being very....petty, I suppose is the best term. It's very give-and-take with its online fandom hate-dom from what I've seen, but it has many multiple episodes of outright attacking its audience and even those not intending to watch the show, just taking random offensive potshots at people because....reasons?
That doesn't sound like something I imagine Nintendo wants out of their Mario film. The TTG people filling it with random throwaway bits of "Ooh, look, here's us aborting a Sonic easter egg to make a new SHINY Sonic. See, it's like what Hollywood did with THEIR Sonic film. GET IT!?!? Abortion's a funny word!"
....Or something idiotic like that. Look, I don't write the show, but that's typically how their nonsense goes from what I've seen of them randomly insulting Young Justice or ThunderCat fans out of the blue. I still don't get why they made fun of Panthro's voice actor's death.
And no, I have no opinion on the TTG movie's quality one way or the other because I have not seen it or have any intention to. Evidently the crew stepped up their game to some measurable degree for it though, so that's nice I guess.
I'm gonna see Maro and Lugi fart and twerk for the first time in my life.
This is what i think about when hearing ttg director (+Mario).
WELL thats pretty much the Whole coffin. Yikes. movie is already dead.
What would a Mario movie even be about? The source material isn't exactly the deepest of storytelling. And the protagonist barely talks!
If this is true, expect lots of fart jokes
@TheAwesomeBowser Not necessarily.
Guys, come on, look at the bright side. Sure this movie will probably be terribly written and made, but at least we’ll probably get some good memes out of it
I am not concerned at all I don't really get the concerns cause the trailers look good.
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