It's been eleven years since we were last treated to a mainline entry in the No More Heroes franchise, but that wait finally comes to an end today with the launch of No More Heroes III.
With 2019's Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes leaving fans with mixed feelings, all the attention soon shifted towards the next main course in No More Heroes 3. We've had the chance to take the game for a spin ourselves, describing it as "another inarguably impressive, balls-to-the-wall carnage-fest" in our full review, but now we're keen to see how you're feeling on day one.
So, it's over to you. Are you planning on trying this latest title from Suda51? Have you been waiting for this ever since the glory days on Wii, or are you getting stuck in for the first time with No More Heroes 3? Cast your votes below, and feel free to expand upon your answers in the comments.
Make sure to give our review a read if you're still on the fence, and if you're already playing it as we speak, let us know how you're getting on in the comments.
Comments 67
My physical copy shipped recently and will be in my hands soon.
But, I won't be playing it until after I play the first two games. It could be a long time until I receive those due to them being LRG releases.
Hitting the shop today. Getting it together with King's Bounty 2.
Waiting for my copy in the mail though I'm still so bummed I didn't get the chance to buy the first two physically from limited run. Big fan of Travis. This is a type of game that you need to first appreciate the prequels before you can appreciate the sequels. Although in my eyes this is a great game, it's still a hard sell for those unfamiliar with the series.
No, not getting it.
Haven't played the ones before and feel like these games have nothing appealing to me.
Was checking the third one to see if it was good but reviews are in general mixed and the game seems to be average.
This site gave it 8/10, Gamespot gave it 4. Think I’ll give it a miss
Yes, but only when I can nab a physical copy at half price.... Could be a long wait.
Will get it later, not right away.
Watched some gameplay and some "story" bits and I can't understand the appeal of the series at all
Cool if you guys like it
I just do not like so over the top parody games Maybe that is why I did not like the Deadpool game (still love the movies)
as per the poll, I'm relieved to see I'm not the only one with no interest in the series.
Getting this for sure, just not at launch. My kids will probably end up playing this game more than I do, like Retro City Rampage and BotW.
@Mattock1987 Yeah, but Gamespot's review is the only one negative so far. But, anyway, it's Suda's game, so it should be polarizing.
@RupeeClock I have the LRG games. Had them for about a month. Assume you are waiting on the Collector's Edition ones? I need to play through them first before getting the new one.
The fighting sections are great as is the story. The open world parts are beyond tedious as are the mini games. Performance in the open world section is also poor.
Think I’ll be listing mine on eBay Sunday
Yes! Having played the first & second, I welcome in this as well. The free roaming made me like the first and the combat made me like the 2nd and I believe the 3rd will pack in what is good about the both to make me fall in love.
I didn't order collector's editions, but I usually order multiple items together in LRG orders to reduce the number of shipments and the cost of them.
That particular order is currently held up by Bloodstained Curse of the Moon 2, but it looks like it's expected to ship within a few weeks now.
Well it looks like a PS2 game with PSP cutscenes but then you also know it'll be unlike anything else you've played. I've played the first two but didn't finish them. Third time lucky, hopefully.
waiting for my copy from Amazon
@RupeeClock That makes sense then. You'll probably start your run through of the games before me anyway. Going through some of my older backlog at the minute.
Where's the 'No, I'm interested and haven't played the series before, but I'm on a tight budget' option? Got the first game preowned on Wii years ago and never got round to playing it
Can't wait to play it, but i still think Killer7 and Killer Is Dead are Suda's best.
I’ll wait for discount or patches. Or hopefully both
@RupeeClock That's exactly what's keeping my No More Heroes held up too. I wanted to play them again before 3 came out, so I guess I'll just have to wait to play 3 later. It's not like I don't have a mountain of backlog to keep me busy.
I got the Spin off but only got about halfway through before I got bored.
It was ok but didn't grab me the way it has other people
Never played a NMH games and from what ive seen of previous games, it just looks a little bare, repetitive and not my bag. Happy for everyone thats been waiting an age for it tho 👍
I assumed reviews would be in the neighborhood of 8/10. The performance issues are unfortunate, but they'll probably be alleviated with post-patching.
I would say ***** yeah! day one but the games shipped from the other side of the country so It won’t be here till next week.
no but I'll pick up the first one with the next sales
Yes can’t wait to play it 😊
I tried the first one when it launched on the eshop. I can understand why some people may enjoy it but I found the gameplay kind of boring and repetitive honestly. Perhaps down the road I can give this a shot.
@RupeeClock Isn't number 3 LRG?
It is a no for me. The artstyle, humor and gameplay never looked good to me
Of course I'm getting it! Everyone says it's super fun. The story and action are great, that's more than enough to enjoy a No More Heroes game.
No More Heroes 3 got a standard retail release.
Actually, over in Japan so did the first two games as a single cartridge, you could get them as part of a Killion Dollar Trilogy.
No, I have no interest in the series. I didn't even know about this series before the 3rd game was announced on Switch and everything I've seen looks unappealing to me. I hope the people who are getting it are having a good time though
@RupeeClock Ohhh. No idea why I thought LRG would get the third lol. Hmm...looks like I'm buying it sooner than I thought then hahah.
Yes, been waiting 11 years.
@RupeeClock it cant be that long, i got mine already
My order is taking longer because it has more items than just the NMH games.
Cancelled BB and got PixenLove version or LRG forgot which is which now....
Nah, I have no interest in the series and need to save my money for everything else coming out this year like warioware, metroid, battlefield, forza, and halo
I'm getting the Smash Bros. spirits. Does that count?
Yes. Bit of a a fan of the series and I have been looking fwd to it.
If there was more of a Switch game drought (especially akin to 2018), I might have considered getting it around launch. But I haven't played any of games in the series — and honestly, I've not been particularly interested in playing them. The rest of 2021 is going to be packed for me (Warioware Get it Together, Monkey Ball Banana Mania, Metroid Dread, Pokemon BD/SP, Advance Wars 1+2, Pokemon Legends, etc.) on top of games already in my Switch backlog.
So put simply, I just don't foresee myself getting any of the NMH games until there is a decent sale for any of them sometime in 2022, if not later than that even. If you are one of the people who's excited for NMH3 though, by all means enjoy yourselves when you get your copies/downloads!
I am disappointed that NMH3 didn't take many creative risks so won't buy it even though I really enjoyed 1, 2, and Travis Strikes Again. Glad Suda51 is moving onto a new IP next with more opportunity to be creative and original.
I've ordered it and I'm saving it to visit an old buddy so we can spend a weekend getting blasted and shaking our beam katanas.
Yes, I will be getting it along with Baldo
I'll get it, but not right now, with luck, maybe next month.
Managed to get hold of a copy early yesterday and put an hour and half in last night- absolutely loved what I played of it.
I am a huge fan of the franchise though and have been since the day the first one launched over here. From what I’ve played so far I don’t think I would recommend it to anyone without playing the others- even TSA seems like a necessary play if you’re interested in the story, as messy and nonsensical as the whole saga is. Can’t wait to play some more of it- been really impressed by the production value of the cut scenes and such too, much higher quality than I was expecting.
Played the first one but it was just too much of a repetitive slog to get through.
I'm interested in the series. Picked up Travis Strikes Again during a sale. Haven't touched it yet. I need to get 1 and 2 before getting 3. I want to play them in order to get the full effect.
copy still hasn't arrived from amazon but I'm really looking forward to this, I was gonna play this when it was revealed in 2019 and became a fan in 2020, so I'm more than ready rn
HELL YES! Copy arrived today. I'm glad such a quirky, niche game can still manage a 4th (or 3rd depending on your criteria) entry in the modern market.
Playing it right meow! Oh Morgan Freeman sounding Jeane!
The real question is are you playing it Wii Joy Con style or with a controller? I'm busting the pro controller on a tv!
I still need to play the first two games, wouldn't feel right just jumping into the 3rd entry, I am very happy it has been well received though.
Waiting in the mail
Travis Touchdown in Smash would be clean af!
I'm still on the fence; I've been a fan of the series since the first game, but I also have a feeling the price will go down in a few months.
I preordered it. Hoping it retains some value
@DomGC Actually TSA is a huge departure in gameplay from the first two. I'd recommend looking up videos of the gameplay from the first two, but I will say that it's not a game for everyone. Also the tone is fairly similar between the games.
@TheMadRabbid I played every game in the franchise and started the third one just now, in my opinion you just need to read or watch a summary of the first game and the spinoff to understand the universe and the characters, you might get confused by some dialogues but that's normal for starting with the last game in the series, still, I think the story can satisfy newcomers just well!
Yes but I have to cut my backlog down a bit
@Old-Red Just wanted to say I appreciated your comment.
I am undecided. Likely I will pick it up. I am just not sure when. Likely when I track down a retail copy. Got to go to EB Games because that is what it is, not GameStop.
Now have to see if my pixen has the DLC option. Which it should but haven't gotten it yet.
I've been waiting many years for me. Already bought the game, waiting for the delivery.
Each to their own I guess but to me this is a game you own a switch for, the oy exception being you hate video game violence, dislike fighting games or are not old enough to play.
But if your none of the above and still haven't checked out the no more heroes games then maaaaaaan are you missing out and 3 is the best one yet.
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