Good news Warframe players, Digital Extremes has announced cross-play and cross-save features are officially in development.
This update for the free-to-play title will allow players on Nintendo Switch to play with users on Xbox, PlayStation, PC and mobile, and also continue their play sessions on other platforms.
Here's a bit more about what to expect from this new feature:
With Cross Play and Cross Save officially in development, the Origin System will be bigger and better than ever across all platforms, including our upcoming release on mobile!
You’ll be able to Squad up with friends regardless of what platform they’re on, and play the same account on any platform and continue your Warframe journey wherever you’d like. With the addition of Cross Play, all major updates will ship simultaneously across all platforms, so Tenno on Console can rejoice about never having a cinematic Quest spoiled again!
Head over to the official Warframe website to catch up on all the TennoCon 2021 news. Are cross-play and cross-save features what you've been waiting for? Tell us down in the comments.
[source warframe.com]
Comments 26
Wow! Now THIS is good news!
They should have done this two years ago before the Switch release.
It was awesome playing on the Switch.... for like 6 months, before the community had died off and now 2 years later there is hardly anyone left to play and team up with.
When people leave, its near impossible to get them back. So little too late with this cross-play/cross-save feature. /shrug
I've waited a full console generation for this.
I am curious how the cross save will work if you play both on PC and other systems once it goes live with it requiring different saves till then.
Okay this update might bring me back to play it again.
It's of little significance to me (I only play on Switch and solo), but neat in general.
This game was great while I played it but it is just too much of a time investment for me, too much grind, kept me from playing other awesome games.
@Jeronan Do you not understand how cross play works? There is explicitly no longer a lack of people to team up with
@DeclanS98 Yes of course I do, but what point is there left when there is pretty much no one left anymore on the Switch platform. It's the same on the XBOX platform. Almost all players are now on PC.
We have been asking for cross-save/cross-platform for over 2 years when we saw that the population was dropping fast after 6 months.
So I created a new account on PC and continued playing a while there.
When cross-play comes I will have to sacrifice either Switch or PC account. Choose one over the other and lose a lot of progress and money investment on either account.
So now people are not going to be happy unless they manage to come up with a posibility to merge my accounts into one Cross-play account.
Also. They only announced development for it, so with their typical slow development it will take another year before we will see cross-play arrive ( if it comes and not being placed on the back burner ).
@Jeronan Cross-save is coming too, so no, you wouldn't lose anything.
@SpectralDynamite I watched the reveal live, and while I think this is great news for the game...I have to disagree with you on this point about "you wouldn't lose anything". Cross-save is a great idea...however the problem comes for people with multiple older accounts...where they have put time and money INTO those other accounts. DE hasn't said anything about how the cross-save will work. For example, if I migrate my Switch account to my Xbox and PS4, will that just simply delete the save game files for those systems that's already there and replace it with my Switch account? That would mean that any money and advancement I'd made on THOSE accounts would be lost. Just yesterday morning, I had bought the $15 starter pack on my new XboxX account...having no idea that cross-save would be coming in the future. I've also bought the same pack before on Switch, and PS4 before that. All 3 of the accounts I've spent money and time on have different levels of advancement, different weapons, different Mastery levels, and different numbers of Warframes and slots. How is DE going to manage THESE kind of accounts for people? Is there going to be some way to merge all of my accounts and get all of the things I've paid for and put time into before on one single account...or do I have to pick JUST one account to move around...OR am I just stuck with 3 separate accounts because I don't want to feel like I've put money and time into something that will just go up in smoke if I use the cross-save feature? Cross-play is SO good for Warframe (and any other game that utilizes it), but cross-play...while a GREAT idea on paper...has some major issues to discuss about with multiple locked system accounts like Warframe uses now BEFORE cross-save comes out.
Really enjoyed Warframe, honestly, I've been waiting for cross-save. I wanted to play the game when I got my new PC a few years back, but was disappointed in the lack of cross-save.
oh thought it already had crossplay stopped playing it cause it was super boring
This is actually excellent news, I dropped off on PS4 about a year ago with life getting in the way, and refused to start the grind all over again on Switch which gets my playtime now.. I have way too much hard to get s*** to go through all that again
@DeclanS98 There really isn't a lack of people to play with on Switch. The issue is most players are either at the end-game or just starting. It's the standard bell curve that exists in every online game. At this point, DE really needs to work on bridging that gap a little better so the player base doesn't literally have a 500 hour gap between the player base.
So, I can bring my 400hrs save from my PS4 to Switch? Including all my Prime Frames?
@Trellgoth Sony consoles is always a maybe. Only Sony charges money for Cross-Play.
If D.E. refuse to pay Sony, Sony consoles will be leaved out as usual.
Happened again with Borderlands 3 recently as Gearbox refused to pay Sony for something that is free on all other systems.
Sony is so greedy that they charge money for free things.
Installing Warframe on Switch now.
Gonna transfer my Xbox One save when possible with lots of Prime Gaming DLC too.
Unless this runs a lot better on Switch than it did the last time I tried, I can't imagine this will get me back in to it any time soon. Between that and the awful Railjack content, I just kind of gave up here. I do have a lot of time on my PC account. I may have to peak back in if nothing else.
Played Warframe since 2013, it has needed this for so long now. Pretty much since PS4 and xbox one ports. I managed to transfer my PC account to Switch (missed xbox window). So my Switch and xbox accounts are stacked with alternate goodies. I hope this update will let me merge my wares and progress, and not just "over write' one account in preference of another. With Steam Deck on the way, i'd love to have everything all in one place.
If we cannot merge accounts we should at least be able to trade our gear between accounts. I did not spend any money on colors or other things that cannot be traded so that is a plus.
Yeah, it's one of my biggest complaints for the game and I'm absolutetly ecstatic for the news!
But I'm not expecting this until late 2022. That's not a dig at DE btw. It takes a lot of time and lawyers writing and reading contracts to unite a previously split marketplace. Not to mention a lot of coding for account merging and restructuring.
I'm glad they can run the game on different platforms internally though. That means the unified client is almost finished at least.
Definitely stoked for this, I know the devs have been trying to get something like this working for the game for the last two years or so, and I'm glad that is paying off. I will say that I might sadly end up using it to migrate off of switch tho, as the quality of the Switch version has plummeted in the last few months, between load times going up quite a bit and lots of things rendering very slowly or just not at all with UI. I'm not sure what they messed up to cause that to happen, as it never used to be this way. But at least at some point I'll have the option to jump around platforms depending on whichever one I feel like using.
Now we are talknig ! This is the definitive game now.
@Highlar If they do cross save the same way that Bungie did it with Destiny 2 then once you choose to enable it you will have to pick a 'master' account which is the one you use on all platforms. Destiny 2 had the same issues that Warframe will have in the sense that for people who had accounts on different platforms and bought silver (the in game currency you buy for real money) on each of those accounts would only retain it on the 'master' account as it would overwrite the others. Basically it didn't merge any items and currency you bought or loot you acquired in game.
@PJ301178 This is what I'm afraid is going to happen with Warframe too...which means that I will just keep my accounts separate, I guess. Although I have spent the most on my Switch account, and only a little on the others, I don't want to lose the different Warframes and sets I have on those other accounts just for the sake of a unified account across all 3 platforms.
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