If being a Pokémon Trading Card fan wasn't already difficult enough in recent times with global shortages, scalpers and skyrocketing prices of certain rares, the new V-Union cards might make it even harder to collect 'em all.
As explained by Serebii.net, this new "gimmick" requires players to collect all four cards to create one mega card - featuring up to eight different moves/abilities. Here's the full explanation, along with a look:
V-Union Cards allow for you to create bit powerful Pokémon cards with up to 8 different moves/abilities by pooling together 4 different cards from your discard pile and give 3 Prize Cards when defeated. You need all 4 cards in your discard pile in order to play them and you can only play one of each species in your deck and once per game.
The V-Union Cards revealed so far include Greninja, Zacian and Mewtwo. The first of the lot will be released as a special promo set on 20th August. What do you think of these mega-sized 4-in-1 cards? Leave a comment down below.
[source serebii.net]
Comments 25
That brings '4 copies per deck' to its logical conclusion.
(EDIT: Sofa!)
The Megazord, Pokémon edition.
Nice idea. High risk, high reward type deal for deck building. Like it. It's probably over powered to encourage sales, mind lol.
I summon Pokémon Exodia!
"Did you get any good cards, Sonny?"
"Sure did, Dad; I got Mewtwo's Crotch Bulge!"
I'm seeing double here... eight Pokémon cards
What a revolutionary concept. Surely, it won't fuel the scalper market even further.
Reminds me of those horrible cards that you needed two to use, and it was hard to get the other half due to how rare they were..
Kinda surprised that they made a new gimmick name instead of calling this dynamaxing. Idk if that's already a thing in the TCG, but wouldn't it make sense given that this is basically summoning a massive Pokémon?
@Hams96 The TCG has V-Max, which is pretty much just its own special name for dynamax. V-Max cards are basically powered up versions of another type of card called a V card, which I guess is why they changed the name.
Pokémon such as Dodou and Zweilous will require 8 cards to achieve the same effect, while Dugtrio, Magneton, Hydreigon, and Dodtrio will require 12 each.
Meanwhile, Exeggcute and Falinks will each require an eye-watering (and wallet-murdering) 24 cards.
Who's taking bets that those cards will be high-rarity? (You know, the sparkly ones)
So instead of one overpowered pokemon every umpteen packs, you'll get 1/4 of an overpowered pokemon! Progress!
"Your grandfather's deck has no pathetic card, Blue... but it does contain... the unstopable Mewtwo!"
I really like the base Game!
It is so much fun and imo better that Heathstone or other Games.
But those extra Gimmick Stuff is imo too much and makes it unnecessary complex.
This reminds me of the 21 Garbage Pail Kids cards needed back in the day to assemble the frame puzzles.
Now excuse me while I stroll away to the Gold Mine in order to play some Time Pilot.
Pokemon Voltron!
I summon Exodia, the Forbidden One! Wait- Wrong game.
It's a nice concept, but is there even a point to it in the current climate? You know the entire supply of these cards will end up in the hands of scalpers and "investors".
Bad from a gameplay perspective and bad from a collector's perspective. Imagine spending weeks looking for a box, and overpaying by $100+ because the set has 4 charizard cards in it. You open your packs and your best pull is a picture of Pikachu's pelvic region.
@BlueyLewis pika pika!
Why do people only really use the word gimmick when talking about something associated with Nintendo?
So basically exodia.
Wait. Did they just summon a bunch of cards in one go?
If the word fits, use it.
@MajorTom I was thinking of that I used to play yu gi oh when I was a kid & they had four ancient cards or something to make exodia which was like the most powerful card I think
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