Bad video game movies have always been a thing, but the one film that topples them all is the 1993 live-action adaptation of Super Mario Bros. Bob Hoskins - the guy who played Mario, labelled the film a "nightmare" a number of years ago but despite this, the movie has managed to develop a cult following online.
With this in mind, a group of fans have now released an extended cut of the original film - which includes undiscovered deleted scenes. It's called "The Morton Jankel Cut" - named after the husband and wife directors and increases the runtime from 104 minutes to 125 minutes.
"Previously-unseen deleted scenes include the Mario Bros running afoul of the (probably Mafia-connected) Scapelli plumbing company, Koopa murdering a technician by de-evolving him into slime, and Iggy and Spike rapping about the overthrow of King Koopa at the Boom Boom Bar. There's more of Lena, Daniella and the Brooklyn Girls. Most scenes are extended in this version, with a lot more of the cast including Dennis Hopper as Koopa."
As shown above, the entire cut can be watched on the Internet Archive. This same version has had its editing reworked and restored by filmmaker Garrett Gilchrist. And while the team is still "exploring" its options beyond this release, it decided to release this edit early to celebrate the film's anniversary and see what fans think of it.
Would you be interested in watching an extended cut of the Super Mario Bros. movie or was the original version enough? Leave a comment down below.
[source, via]
Comments 69
Exactly what everyone has been begging for, more Mario Bros movie!
I adored this movie as a kid. No reason I shouldn’t have this. 😍
One of the worst disgusting garbage of the 90s alongside those awful CD-i Nintendo games, the worst part is that Nintendo actually approved for these to exist.
Morton and Jankel were awful people, and never made another major film again, for good reason. This movie is trash.
@Ghost_of_Hasashi Nintendo is in the business of making money not respect for themselves. Welcome to capitalism. This was purely a cash grab.
@Maulbert @Ghost_of_Hasashi
Ah, but that's the fun part! Imagine how dull of a world we would be living in without this fascinatingly bad movie.
no thanks. looking foward to the animated Mario movie though.
Wow. I had completely forgotten about this film. I may have to watch it again, if I can find it.
Edit: never mind. Just realized the link in the article was for the movie and not just the extended scenes.
This movie ends in a major cliffhanger, when we getting the sequel? ...
@SaturnHero There was a fan-made webcomic sequel, but it hasn't updated since 2015, although I heard the creators are trying to start over
@TMNHertl Ha doesn't look like this movie make them that much money though. The budget for this movie was around $48 million, they only manage to make around $39 million in the box office worldwide meaning if some of those $48 million budget are from Ninty themselves, they ain't getting those money back. Also this was during the time when people couldn't get bootleg version of the movie so many of the people who never seen it either trust that it sucks or went to see it anyways just to find that out. Imagine if this was made today, it would had died at the box office due to people getting a hold of the bootleg version to determine if it sucks or not, that $39 million at the box office could easily dropped to just $10 million or worst.
@TMNHertl "Nintendo is in the business of making money not respect for themselves"
If it hurts the company's brand, the cash grab is not always worth it.
This dud isn't even in the 'so bad it's good category', but it's a fascinating cultural look at how not to do a video game film. If it had just picked a lane 'adult or family-friendly', it could have been a hoot
@Ghost_of_Hasashi I like the movie. Basically ignore the Mario license and it's not that bad of a dumb sci-fi movie. And militant "Daisy"/Peach at the end might be one of the most awesomely terrible third-party interpretations of a Nintendo character I've seen.
Though I'm surprised they didn't object to turning Big Bertha from a fish into... what she was turned into...
But even then, it's basically what TAUGHT Nintendo to value its IP more, as Nintendo Power itself had even mocked the movie afterwards as a marketing lesson to Nintendo.
As to the CD-i games, my understanding is they were basically some kind of licensing compensation over the cancellation of whatever CD partnership Nintendo had with Philips, after Sony cried traitor over the Nintendo PlayStation deal.
I will take a burned copy of it, and watch it through my PSVR helmet with the TV off, so I don’t accidentally torture my wife with it a second time. But yeah, my inner child needs closure. I need to see this movie in its most complete glory. So it will be updated in my Nintendo fried brain.
@KingMike Big Bertha in the movie would still have swallowed Mario whole when she got wet if he wasn’t careful. Just like in the games.
As weird as it sounds I kind of like this movie. I know it’s a terrible movie that has almost nothing to do with the Super Mario games, but I still have a good laugh when I watch it.
i'm still in love with Samantha Mathis
I hope it comes out on DVD via the latest date so I can get it on Amazon.
I enjoyed the movie. But I also enjoy many of the cult sci-fi films of the day like Total Recall and Demolition Man. Both had a similar feel to Mario. I also like 5th Element which I believe came later. Mario is definitely the worst of these films but that doesn't mean there's but entertainment to be had.
Open the door, get on the floor
Everybody walk the dinosaur
Ah, the great ‘Video-game to Movie’ movies of the 90s. Up there with Street Fighter
I love this movie!
I wish we could get an extended cut officially released on Blu-ray or 4kUHD!
I had to import the Blu-ray!
I've owned the VHS, the DVD and now the Blu-ray!
I’ve seen the blu ray feature that documents the making of the film. An indie film focused on the characters of Mario and Luigi which ran out of money. Once a big studio got involved to save it, they had their own ideas as to what the movie should be and radically changed it. The actors speak of a moment when they realised things had taken a turn for the worse.
It’s a shame the original film wasn’t realised. I also enjoyed what the film ended up being as a kid. It just hasn’t aged as well as others.
It’s still good to watch once in a while. I’m interested in seeing the deleted scenes. Maybe they’ll be included on another retail release.
I downloaded this last night but haven’t had a chance to watch it yet, but I always really liked the original version of the film. I think as long as you can watch it with the mindset that it’s just some massive coincidence that the characters share the names from a video game and just take it as its own thing then it’s a perfectly enjoyable ‘90s adventure movie.
I think it’s in a similar mould to things like The Goonies, Labyrinth or Hook, where someone travels to some fantastical place for an adventure.
I loved the movie as a kid and didn’t mind the drastic differences. It was fun and even used to have the Nintendo Power issue featuring it. Whether it was Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat, I still loved these movies because they had fun.
The Uwe Boll adaptations for some reason didn’t look like they were fun; I don’t know what it was about these earlier adaptations that felt more fun, whether as films or television series. Maybe the hammy, narmy nature?
I love the polarizing comments.
Either people loved this movie.
Or hated it.
No inbetween. Keep talking, I got popcorn.
So it’s gone from being 104 minutes too long, to 125 minutes too long…
There’s three Marios.
If this came out on DVD I would buy it for sure
I loved the movie as a kid and still do as an adult, so seeing an extended cut is right up my street! ^_^
I know this is considered a terrible movie and all but I've always found it to be oddly charming. I'll definitely check this out.
One of my good friends worked on this cut and was showing me the lost footage more than a year ago on old VHS tapes! Crazy!
Oh god no.
It’s not even “So bad it’s good”.
It’s terrible. I watched it as a Kid at the Cinema & got the Toys, then watched it again as an Adult & realised it was awful. I really wanted to find something good in it. The only good thing about it is the Soundtrack. And Samantha Mathis.
Toad as a Human Busker? The Goombas and Koopa Troopas as Giant Dumb Creatures?
I can laugh at terrible movies, but this? This was the Directors taking all my Mario Games & pissing on them in front of my very eyes with this Movie.
Why would I want to see a Directors Cut when the Directors couldn’t even Direct it in the first place? 😂
Is this movie gonna be a Switch Pro exclusive?
I used to hate this movie with a passion .. NOW .. i actually love it with a passion ... how weird is that
I remember watching this when I was a kid and getting confused as hell... but I did like it. Got to watch this again soon hahaha.
@Ghost_of_Hasashi I know it didn't make tons of money but that was the intent.
@AugustusOxy I never much cared for the mario series so I can go either way. It was attempted fan bait for cash and it failed. Just proved that Nintendo wouldn't mind tarnishing their image with a poorly made movie.
20 more minutes of pain! I bet Bowser found this extra footage.
SMB The Movie is nothing short of a masterpiece...when compared to MK Annulation.
I would watch it... after a breakup, and with a few heavy beverages.
I've been feeling like rewatching this film sometime, so now I know what to look for.
@TMNHertl and thats exactly what they learned from that mistake and we haven't gotten another mario movie since
"Bad video game movies have always been a thing, but the one film that topples them all is the 1993 live-action adaptation of Super Mario Bros."
(finds this part of the article to had been unobjective and unfair)
Zack Snyder is such a terrible film maker that he unleashed this on the world
This is from the same guy who made The Thief and the Cobbler: The Recobbled Cut, the definitive restoration of one of the best animated films of all time.
I remember as a kid finding it amusing to see elements of the series
But ultimate walking away disappointed in the movie. It was a clunker and even seeing much later as a teen and an adult, it still is. Doesn't even have that "It's so bad, it's good" kind of charm. It's just a waste of time
@SonOfStayPuft Yeah I honestly watched this movie recently thinking it was be so bad it's good material and there are really some portions that are just hard to watch. It's does some things hilariously bad for sure but good lord what type of drug trip was someone on when making this.
As someone who thinks this movie is in the "so bad it's good" camp, I don't think those extra 20 minutes will make the movie any better.
As silly as this sounds I'd love a fanfic exploring the themes from this movie. Even if it was created fresh today.
Ok...but whhhhyyyy?
Yes yes and yes please.
Both luigi and mario had mustaches in the movie i watched
those dudes look different...
is luigi wearing a baseball cap backwards?
The horror! The HORROR!! NoOooOoOoOoo!!!
The movie reminded me a bit of Adventures of Dinosaur City (which actually has a SNES game based on it named Dino City). I wonder what Hollywood was thinking with these weird dinosaur movies.
125 minutes? I've never made it through the original 104.
The goofy phrase "Trust the fungus."
The little sparking bob-omb in real life was hilarious and kinda true to the game's dark sense of humor about them.
That was about the extent of what I enjoyed from this movie.
I didn't hate it. It was just another piece of media made by people who clearly did not relate to the games in the way I did.
For those that are fascinated with this odd move, this is likely to close some loops. Glad they are getting something out of it.
I have genuinely always enjoyed this movie. Pray for me 😄
@TMNHertl Lol how does talking about a bad movie from 30 years ago turn into an indictment of capitalism?? It was a completely different era for video games, for movies, and for Nintendo. A lot of this was just feeling around in the dark. People just didn’t know what they were doing.
But to accuse Nintendo of not having respect for themselves or their brand is absurd. They’re about as far from shameless as you can get within the confines of a for-profit company that doesn’t have the luxury of printing funny-money to survive.
All video game movies from the '90's were bad.
Some were worse than others.
@BAN I suppose thats subjective then cause I see the opposite.
4K Ultra HD release with HDR10 and Dolby Vision please 😂
Classic movie
I really enjoyed the movie when it came out and retain a fondness though everyone else I know has decided to embrace trashing it. I guess, even as a child, I never ever considered or imagined that a "live-action" Mario movie would be like a Mario game. Even as an adult the practicality of it confounds me. This wasn't Post-MCU where high quality special effects CGI flows like water, it was 1993. I don't understand what people were expecting, an actual human person to jump 4-5 times his height and crush oversized killer mushrooms? Random floating blocks hoving in mid-air? A mushroom power-up that makes John Leguizamo (to whom I was introduced via this role) twice his height or more muscular?
Video Game movies aren't just bad because the writers and the crew are terrible, they're bad because most video games are so far beyond the suspension of belief that putting them to live action will either almost always look dumb (and age poorly) or fail to capture the core gameplay. The latest Sonic movie barely scraped by and it did so only because the titular character was (eventually) kept close to his non-realistic origins. Anything else is going to look as lame as con cosplayers acting in character at McDonald's, by definition.
I think I'm gonna go rent this movie and watch it this weekend. I loved the dinosaur dance number... ♫ Open the door, get on the floor... Everybody walk the dinosaur ♫
@TMNHertl I think it’s less about it being subjective and more about you lacking information and perspective.
@BAN I think someone is afraid of the truth....sorry mate.
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