With reports that Nintendo is due to announce a new model of the Nintendo Switch any day now, it's unsurprising that any tiny piece of info relating to fresh hardware is being leapt upon by certain sections of the gaming community.
One such example is a new ad released by US retailer GameStop, which is encouraging people to trade in systems to earn extra credit to spend in-store. The odd thing here is that GameStop uses the name "New Nintendo Switch":
While many people (ourselves included) have been informally referring to the rumoured Switch upgrade as the "Switch Pro", "New Nintendo Switch" would arguably make more sense, as Nintendo has used that branding for its New Nintendo 3DS and New Nintendo 2DS hardware refreshes.
However, in this case, it seems to be a mistake on GameStop's part rather than an accidental reveal of the new variant. For example, the console is also referred to as the plain old "Nintendo Switch" elsewhere in the advert. An image of the existing Switch is shown in the ad, as well. While GameStop refers to the Switch as 'v1 and v2', these terms are related to the original model and the revision with improved battery life, which came out in 2019.
It would seem that the 'new' in 'New Nintendo Switch' has been capitalised accidentally, because what GameStop is offering here is in-store bonus cash when people exchange their old consoles for a 'new' Switch, Switch Lite or Xbox Series X/S system.
Another obvious reason to discount this as a grammatical goof is the fact that the promotion runs from the 13th to the 19th, and today is the 14th, yet there's still no official announcement from Nintendo. That could well change today or tomorrow, of course, but we still highly doubt that GameStop is dropping any hints here.
Forbes has stated that it has spoken to GameStop store staff and been told the following:
I was told a number of stores were getting in new shipments of current Nintendo Switches this Tuesday, hence the promotion, and this does not have to do with a new model coming. So no, this does not in fact seem to be revealing anything other than shipment refresh.
Perhaps you think differently? Let us know with a comment.
[source forbes.com]
Comments 70
Backpeddling big time hey
Lmao i would have done the same thing if i accidentally revealed a new console in my advertisement
Not sure how why the maker capitalized "new" if it wasn't referring to an actual Switch model
When I saw this ad online, I knew straight away that people would think they meant a new Switch model instead of just, well, a new switch.
While the rumours seem to be going strong around the new model, I doubt Nintendo will release any info about a new model before their E3 presentation, or even shortly after.
Why should they give you 225 Bucks for a Nintendo Switch to buy a new "old" Nintendo Switch? That would be, for example, like paying you 255$ for an used PS5 to buy a new PS5. Why would anybody buy a new console from the exact same hardware?
Proof, if ever it was needed, that the 3DS-era "New" branding was just confusing. Though GameStop's copywriter has no excuse.
@Reaast People with launch consoles wanting an "upgrade", perhaps ?
One thing is certain, it will happen.
The question is when.
Personally, I'd love to see a new Switch and announcing it now for release at the holiday season would make sense but I have doubts about it.
Looking at that advert, "New" is capitalised twice and seems to hint at the name of the updated console. The reason a standard Switch image would have been used would be because Nintendo won't have released any images, to avoid spoilers.
I fully believe this is Gamestop wanting to run a promotion to coincide with E3 and include all the latest and greatest consoles they actually have stock of.
Of course this could also be me clutching at straws as I really want a pro model to replace my jet engine sounding launch model.
Not surprised at all. We need more of these rumour busting articles when possible!
As for "New" being capitalised...I don't think it's that unusual to treat item condition as a proper noun for emphasis.
@Reaast Presumably they're going for the Switch Lite or Xbox Series X|S.
No it is just someone who don't know typography and put a capital on new. But they just target people buying a new console. Nothing New.
@Beolleika You can also sell the V2. So you trade in a max. 2 yrs old V2 for a newer V2? Still makes no sense at all.
The bigger question is who's dumb enough to trade a PS5 for just $350 when you can easily sell it for double?
Put some silly names here:
Nintendo Series NX
Nintendo Switchmania IIDX
Nintendo Switchi (reference from Phytagoras Switch)
Nintendo Switch Deluxe
Nintendo Supercalifragilisticexpialidociouswitch
Nintendo Switch Z
NIntendo Switch Universe
Nintendo Switch 2.0
Hyper Nintendo Switch
Ultra Nintendo Switch
Nintendo Switch Plus
Nintendo Switch Alpha
This is a really common error in English, we know to capitalise proper nouns such as 'Nintendo Switch' and because 'new' in this instance is categorised as part of the compound noun it's very easy for us to disconnect from that exception and capitalise parts that shouldn't be capitalised.
Plus with all the rhetoric surrounding the 'New Nintendo Switch' or whatever it's likely to be called, our smoothbrains are primed to treat it as a complete proper noun rather than a compound noun even out of context, leading to the same error.
Rip off central
More speculation prompting youtubers everywhere to post ten minute videos talking about literally nothing!
@Peteykins it’s so tiring, they just jump on these rumours. Bloomberg have been predicting a new Switch model every year!
@Entrr_username Marketing and good PA stunt.
Putting "New" before the name of a product is such a terrible idea. Just go onto eBay and search for "new 3DS" and you'll get back not just the New 3DS but also unopened older models. I'd rather Nintendo called the upgraded model "Pro" than have another "New" console.
Lolol no. Just no
Customer: “can I trade in my series X?”
GameStop employee looks at ad: “we don’t take that garbage.”
@AlexOlney @Kiz3000 Good catch Kiz3000, the word "New" is indeed capitalized twice in the article! How likely is it that the same mistake was done twice, eh, Alex? (Well, quite likely I suppose)
@Kiz3000 said "Looking at that advert, "New" is capitalised twice and seems to hint at the name of the updated console."
At first I thought it was a typo, but I agree, that small print down the bottom definitely looks intentional:
"...traded towards purchase of New Nintendo Switch/Nintendo Switch Lite"
How could you make the same stupid mistake twice? Highly unlikely. And they're not calling the Lite a 'new' Nintendo Switch Lite either, or a "new" XBox Series X/S, so that reasoning doesn't hold water.
Lucky for GameStop, they were able to back out of this one due the ambiguity of the "New" name.
@Reaast said "Why should they give you 225 Bucks for a Nintendo Switch to buy a new "old" Nintendo Switch?"
You wouldn't, but you could be theoretically trading for an XBox (or Switch Lite).
I swear, if Nintendo actually calls it "New Nintendo Switch" I will just laugh. Such an absurd naming convention.
Nintendo Switch Turbo
Nintendo Super Saiyan Switch
Nintendo Switch plus Funky Kong
Nintendo Switch plus Bowser's Fury
Nintendo Switch plus Bowser's Funky Fury
If they don't announce it today, I'm not sure it gets announced this week. They've said the Direct will be focused on software and I don't think they'd have bothered to say that if they intended to show off the new model. I can't see them announcing it on the same day as the direct either and splitting the attention.
It would have made sense to reveal it before E3 so devs could show us any improvements in game performance, but when does Nintendo ever do what makes sense?
@Anti-Matter Nintendo Switch Dance Dance Revolution
@xxx128 Oh yeah, don't get me started on "Xbox One", such an annoying name! If I want to talk about playing Ninja Gaiden Black on the Xbox 1, which console am I talking about? Could be either! 😅
Microsoft should have just called the One X the Xbox 4 so that with the Xbox 5 they would have number parity with Playstation and wouldn't need to mess around with silly names.
Copywriter capitalises 'new' by 'accident'.
GameStop gets a s**t-ton of added exposure for absolutely zero effort.
Yeah...... That typo tho 😅
Switch Pro isn't coming, people. Deal.
Oh would you guys stop it with the new switch rumor articles! You're going to look pretty silly when nothing is announced except games. You think writing up these stories everyday is going to make it happen or something?
Every year around this time people get all fired up about new hardware when it's the games you should be excited about.
Oh and the name new nintendo switch sounds about as good as new super mario bros. Yeah real original.
If there is a New Nintendo Switch I'ma wait until a fun one comes out like the Animal Crossing one. I'm hoping for a Zelda one or maybe even Etrian Odyssey!?! (Come on EO6 in the next year or two!)
Nintendo has been making multi console versions within a generation since the dawn of time. An improved Nintendo Switch will probably be announced with the next big Zelda game in 2022 or 2022 (or Metroid prime 4 in 2047)
@HamatoYoshi Being able of staying on air 10 minutes with that amount of nothing is quite an accomplishment, I must say. That job ain't easy.
@Rhaoulos There was no improved version of any Nintendo home console ever at all. Only the portable consoles eventually got upgraded versions.
@Kamalen Good job the Switch is a portable console then.
But the Wii got a revision. Not a good one, as it cut out the Wifi, but it did get one
@Peach64 Nintendo do this all the time. There was certainly a direct where they said there would be no new hardware announcements and then bam, 2DS (or the New 3DS, I can't remember which one)
I do agree however that it would've been best for them to announce it before E3.
If Nintendo calls the console New Nintendo Switch, it'll actually sell far less than they expect because small kids and parents won't know the difference.
Most parents with children between 6-10 have a Switch as a family console but they won't know there is a new model available. They won't pay attention to Nintendo's idiocy.
@Kamalen The Switch is a portable home console.
@Reaast Not dipping into the rumor mill but people do trade in older versions of systems for newer ones even if it is the same line. Often for variants or bundles or to hedge off a system that is dying but may pass gamestop inspection enough to get them credit. The latter especially if they have small or destructive kids.
Source: me, former 5 year vet of GameStop (shudders)...I’ve seen some ish.
Switch Blade (makes for a great name for a game)
Nintendo Switch S (the s rotates in the logo to represent ying and yang)
Kudos to whomever selected a picture of a Switch running Animal Crossing new Horizons . . .
@carlos82 so true lol
It seems obvious they accidentally capitalized the "N" in "new", but the weird reference to (v1, v2) Switch does make me wonder. Why would they do that if not distinguishing it from a "v3"?
@Chamver it is a dumb name. It also cause confusion in some conversations. It's like saying "I want a new New 3ds" And they will just show me all the available brand new 3ds consoles because it sounds like l just want any brand new 3ds console.
I would rather to call the next switch plus or something else that isn't "new"
All I know is this: yesterday, I finally decided that I would pick up either a PS5 or Xbox to go along with my Switch. For pretty much the past six months or so )despite owning a year long pass to PS+ that renewed in February) I haven't even turned on my PS4...its been Switch all the time. But I do like some of the things I'm seeing from Xbox etc lately. So I called my local Gamestop where I have a great repour with the local staff and asked them about the rumored restock happening on Tuesday of system units. All he would tell me is that he "knows there is some kind of event happening on Tuesday" but that "he doesn't know what the event actually is". That last part I'm pretty doubtful of, since I can't imagine that store employees have no idea what is happening in just a few days in their own stores. But Gamestop individual stores ARE aware of something big happening on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Capitalization is important!
Seriously though, Nintendo, PLEASE don't call it the New Nintendo Switch. Have you ever tried finding a New Nintendo 3DS? It's a nightmare. Apparently search engines think "New" means something!
HAHAHA...Yeah, Gamestop, I'm giving you my XBOX Series X for a $250 credit...these guys are such a joke.
Looks pretty clear cut grammatical in this instance.
@Reaast Trade in your well-used Switch for a brand new one for $75? Not a bad deal at all.
@NEStalgia It seems obvious they accidentally capitalized the "N" in "new", but the weird reference to (v1, v2) Switch does make me wonder. Why would they do that if not distinguishing it from a "v3"?
So that you know that the same price applies to both the V1 and the V2.
Unlikely folks are trading in their Switch now, for a new Switch that hasn't even gone into production yet and may not be released until later in the year.
BUT, Nintendo could announce that they will be taking orders for an August launch.
Why would i trade my switch in for another identical switch?
@Brummieendo90 bundles, variants and offloading a dying system for a new one. Happens more than people think.
@Brummieendo90 Why would you trade in your well-used Switch for a brand new one for only $75? I don't know, I guess it depends on how well-used your Switch is.
I'd rather it be called Super Switch or Switch Pro since the New Nintendo Switch is bound to confuse people (especially parents)
This is why the "New" moniker is confusing and shouldn't really be used.
@Crono1973 Most people don't even know there is a v2, though, which is all the more confusing.
Say it with me now
There. Is. No. Switch. Pro.
@NEStalgia It's not confusing at all. You guys just want to read 'Switch Pro' into everything and you think yourselves into knots.
@Reaast You can trade any of the systems on the right for any of the systems on the left. They're not going to make a dozen separate ads to make all the possible combinations make sense. It's like when a lawyer commercial lists a bunch of side effects a drug had, including death, and then says "if you experienced any of these, call us"
@Reaast GameStop did/does the same kind of promotion for 3DS. You could trade in your generic model for one of the cool new colored designs that came out. In Switch's instance, you could trade in a black model and buy the special Animal Crossing system.
@Anti-Matter Nintendo Switch Nitro
“New Nintendo Switch” is also mentioned in the fine print if it hasn’t been pointed out already.
@Kamalen The switch is more like a dockable portable than a home console. Thanks for making my point.
@Rhaoulos Except Nintendo themselves disagrees with your point : https://www.polygon.com/2016/10/20/13347910/nintendo-switch-home-gaming-system
As far as Nintendo is concerned, to them it IS a home console.
Aw darn it. I really wish there were more signs of it existing (and soon-happening, to be even more precise.
@Kamalen You quote an article from 2016. Since then, they made a portable only version, yet no docked only exist.
Call it a home console if you want, but it has the architecture of a portable console, a screen, a battery, can work without the dock (in case you want to compare it to the Wii U) and a fully portable version was released.
The Switch was never a home console, it is a hybrid (understand portable with a dock) and the Switch Lite is portable.
@Rhaoulos Based on the past, no amount of technical stuff or common sense makes Nintendo moves from an opinion. They declared this once, you can consider it's still the policy in-house.
Not gonna lie. I have a day one Switch and when the "Pro," or whatever it might end up being called didn't get revealed, I decided to take advantage of this promotion. As a moral practice, I generally don't even mess with Gamestop because they're a crap company. But this was a good deal.
So I took my Switch in and the employee was about to factory reset the system after thoroughly checking it. Then, the "drift" happened. "I'm sorry, sir but your system seems to be detective."
"Nah, man. That's just the joy con drift."
"Yes, I know."
"Then you understand it's just a thing, not a defect."
"I'm sorry, sir. But I have to mark this system as defective. I can only offer you $125 credit."
"You realize replacing the joy cons costs less than what you just removed from my credit, right?"
"I'm sorry, sir."
"You also realize the brand new system I WAS about to purchase from you will 100% guaranteed eventually get joy con drift, and is therefore defective out of the box, right?"
"I'm sorry, sir."
Can't decide which company I should hate more. At least "piece of s$%*" became with synonymous with Gamestop a long, long time ago. Nintendo I at least try to see the silver lining in. But man, I'm frustrated.
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