It's been an uphill battle for developers porting next-generation titles to the Switch since the system arrived in 2017.
While we've seen some "impossible" ports like The Witcher 3 and DOOM, often studios have to make serious comprises to get certain games up and running on Nintendo's hybrid hardware. When it comes to Overwatch 2 it will unsurprisingly be no different. During the same fifth anniversary Reddit AMA with the Overwatch team at the end of May, concerns were raised about the Switch iteration of the upcoming release and if it would even be released.
In response, Blizzard technical director, John Lafleur, admitted the Switch version was proving a "little more challenging" than the rest and that there would definitely be at least "some comprises" to get the game on the system. Here's the full exchange:
Question: Some of the changes and new features to Overwatch 2 look incredible, such as the higher detail, new way of rendering eyes and hair, and one I especially remember from the gameplay trailer and Rio mission, the giant null sector ship in the sky. Now, all these changes look amazing, but as a solely switch player, I am starting to get worried that the switch will just [not] be able to cope with these upgrades. PvP will probably run smoother (with only 9 other heroes in screen, maybe a B.O.B., with the 5v5 change). Is the game still planned to release in the Nintendo switch, and if it is, what compromises are having to be made (I expect that they would be mainly in PvE.
Developer response: As hardware has advanced since the launch of Overwatch, we are extending the OW2 engine with more high-end features. However, we're also working hard to make sure all of our platforms get the best experience, even in PvE. Switch is a little more challenging than some, and we'll have to make some compromises there. For that reason, some of the higher end visual enhancements might not be visible, there. We'll focus on making sure all of the gameplay-related features get in, first, and then accentuate with additional features as much as possible.
Fortunately for Switch, Overwatch 2 has been confirmed as running on the same (but upgraded) engine as the original release - so we already have at least some idea of what the sequel should be like. It will also allow players across both games to play PVP modes with each other.
At the same time though - it's got us wondering how other aspects of the sequel will hold up on the Switch if it is a more demanding game. Performance is a big talking point, with the original title around 30fps - which many argued was not enough for a competitive shooter. And to top it off, it's now cross-play enabled.
What are your own thoughts about Blizzard making comprises to get Overwatch 2 up and running on Switch? Is this a game you would be interested in playing on this particular system? Leave a comment down below.
[source reddit.com, via nintendoeverything.com]
Comments 79
When it comes to a shooter, I feel like FPS kinda matters, as not being up to speed with other players can kinda mess you up.
I will be watching this, not going to say anything about it yet, I haven't seen anything.
@PBandSmelly Apex legends cough cough
The Switch was never meant to be as powerful as a Ps4 or Xbox One, surely you are not only just realizing this.
It's a hybrid console using an older Nvidia processor, I am pretty sure this was touted right from the beginning, or am I missing something here.
If they are focusing on gameplay then I reckon compromises is too strong a word lol. Do they want to sell their game or not lol?
I'm not going to buy any Blizzard or Activision game, since I've seen the outrageous amount of bonus the CEO got after laying off a couple of hundred to a thousand employees.
It's the new EA to me.
@PBandSmelly The Switch is hybrid console with the handheld aspect being the main focus, a portable console with the power of the PS4 would cost a fortune what would be a problem with the main audience for the consoles. The Switch may have lack power but right now i'm playing Diablo 3 in bed something i can't do if i played it on my PS4. The Switch has its perks and its main perk is a reason many including myself might pick the Switch version over the other consoles, i even got Bloodstained on Switch what with updates is a lot better then it was as games like Bloodstained i prefer playing handheld.
@YoungLink64 is it just me, though, or most people with substantial competitive dedication to multiplat games are also the ones with stationary hardware AND enough time to use it?
@johnvboy you aren't adding anything to the conversation by stating the obvious
I tried to like over watch.. I really tried... but to me it just felt like such a boring game. . Most characters can't run... can't change weapons unless I change character. Constantly always changing characters and being let down that their powers were no good.. it's like a real scaled down call of duty with pretty colours..
I was replying to somebody stating the obvious, which was the Switch was never meant to be a portable PS4, and to be honest it's up to me what I post, or who I reply to.
@johnvboy I know what you were replying to.
and nobody said it wasn't up to you what you post.
it is also up to me what I post.
once again - you aren't adding anything to any conversation by stating the obvious.
Normally Blizzard is very good at making their Products run smooth on weak Hardware, so i am not worried.
My old PC from 2008 isn't on the minimum Specs for Overwatch, but the Game runs perfectly.
Also, they choose the Style of their Games in "comic look" just because of that, it just doesn't looks as bad with less Details and ages better as a Game with "realistic graphics".
Look at Wind Waker, Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Starcraft 2, Diablo 3 and Monkey Island 3, Day of the Tentacle...
They still look good today, compared to other Games of their Time.
It should be obvious, but no one actually sees it. People set their expectations way too high for the Switch and constantly complain about 30fps. What @johnvboy said is a good point.
Blizzard has also done way better than their neighbors, Treyarch and Infinity Ward. I still can't believe how absurdly huge the file sizes are for Call of Duty, compared to Overwatch accumulating all of these updates overtime.
Yeah, you can really see that they just don't care, but it sure is a Problem to optimize and care if your Managers give you short Time Periods to bring out a new Title.
Look at Doom Eternal, when i first played it i was so damn astounished how fast the Loading was!
They really have some Magics within their Personal to accomplishes such Things.
Sizewise it is also not bigger than Doom 2016.
Taking into account how good Overwatch 1 looks and plays on Switch I don't see a problem here. Sounds like the natural thing to do in that situation.
Overwatch isn’t comparable to CoD, who told you those games were similar? Overwatch is all about teamwork and making sure your team composition works well, communicating, and supporting your teammates especially if you’re a healer. CoD is a twitch-based reflex FPS, you can kind of just turn your brain off and run around if you have fast reflexes.
The first Overwatch runs better on Switch than I expected. I was playing on my PS5 last night and my cousin in-law played on Switch and did surprisingly well. He wasn’t top player or anything but he did get a play of the game and we won more matches than we lost.
@Phostachio agreed - I've put about 350 hours into the Switch version (much much more than PS4/5) and it's a very capable and enjoyable experience. You only notice the difference when you go back to a more powerful console, but I've never felt like anything was lacking (for my causal play).
You've got to hope that OW2 will be bolstered by a Switch Pro if and when that ever comes out though. It's not like Blizzard can just say in answer to the question above: "yeah it will be tough to get running on a base Switch but easier on the Pro"
Nobody was asking for Overwatch or its sequel on Switch to begin with anyways. The fact that they are trying to make it work on Switch means they are either really dedicated or really love the platform so much which in the end would open to more players.
@conditionals yeah, I’m really hoping the Pro launches before OW2 because I want to get stuck into that game and would like for my Switch buddies to tag along with me. People fault the Switch too much when it comes to these big AAA ports IMO, I could only dream of being able to play these bigger games on a handheld back in the day, especially online multiplayer games. The days are gone where us Nintendo fans would have to settle for a super gimped version of a game with tons of cut features/etc. A stable 30 FPS is fine if that’s all you have access to.
If a dev can't match the framerate with a native port on Switch then just do a cloud version instead.
Who would be playing Overwatch without a stable Internet connection in the first place and locking it at 30 FPS puts switch players at a huge disadvantage.
I was convinced to start playing Paladins by some people in my Clan and was loving it on Xbox, so thought I would download it on switch to play In bed as it had cross play - It's like a completely different game. Graphically it doesn't look to bad but dropping to 30FPS from 120 gave me a massive headache and I turned it off.
Yeah, I never asked for OW on Switch but it only makes sense with the system’s popularity, and I’m all for increasing the game’s overall playerbase with crossplay. More the merrier!
@Mr-Fuggles777 Paladins is 60 FPS on Switch, it’s actually a really well done port. Resolution does take a hit, though. I do think a cloud version would be cool for Switch, I mean the game is always online anyway.
@Phostachio it felt really janky so I assumed it was locked at 30FPS. Might have been the low resolution that gave me a headache then.
@Mr-Fuggles777 That’s weird, I remember being super surprised by how stable the framerate was when I tried it out. I don’t use my Switch for those types of games, but I’ve gotta give the devs credit for pulling that one off.
@Phostachio I will give it another shot, probably didn't help swapping from a 55" 4k TV to a 6" 720p screen and trying to continue playing the same game.
Kind of figured that. But, as long as the game is fun.
So let me get this right, me replying to a post stating someone was surprised the Switch was not as powerful as a PS4, did not add to the conversation, but you replying to me stating that my post was not somehow contributing to said comment section was, yes makes perfect sense to me.
Of course it was, and I am pretty sure somebody posted a similar thing, a few comments later.
The Hybrid nature of the Switch will always lead to compromises with triple AAA games, with game engines designed with much more powerful hardware in mind, the good thing is many of these gaming engines are indeed capable of being scaled back for mobile hardware.
Panic button in particular show what can be achieved on the Switch with the right effort, even then there still will inevitably be compromises made.
At least it will run smoother on the inevitable Switch Pro, huh? * wink *
@KnightsTemplar I don’t know if a perspective adjustment would help you enjoy it more, but it’s really more of a first-person MOBA than a squad shooter.
@YoungLink64 Yeah, FPS actually matters a lot. It can create an unfair advantage of you are running a game at 30FPS, vs another player who is at 120FPS. They’re just going to be able to be more accurate than the lower frame rate player, and will have smoother response times from their mouse or game pad. It really makes a night and day difference for FPS players.
I don't get bent out of shape about frames... except for competitive fps and fighting games. I will never play an online shooter on switch even though it's my preferred platform. These things do matter for certain games, I will not deny it, but I do question the people who scream that turn based roleplaying games are unplayable at 30fps. If I decide to get back into overwatch with the sequel it will be PC.
@johnvboy yes. who in the world doesn't know the ps4 is more powerful than the switch?
@ModdedInkling the sky is blue
water is wet
the switch isn't a powerhouse.
thanks for coming to my TED Talk
Who cares? It'll still come to the Switch. Let me know when the other console versions have their portable mode for Overwatch 2.
The poster I responded to seemed surprised by the fact, try to keep up.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
The Switch is weak
But it will not be beat
@johnvboy No, we all knew that, the fact is it's running out of juice rapidly. A more powerful revision is needed, and soon.
Maybe they should do a unique design for the switch version. Maybe a cellshade? I don't think it would be a bad idea, since you simply can't do some games in high enough detail on the switch.
@YoungLink64 stationary is antonymous to portable.
@YoungLink64 lmfao
@YoungLink64 You could call a desktop PC stationary, but I’m fairly certain people call it either simply a “desktop,” or a “dedicated PC.” I’ve heard and used both terms over the years. Switch and laptops of course, are portable. English is seriously a bizarre language, so I understand the confusion.
I doubt we will get it though, a mid generation revision at best, the console is selling too well as it is.
@YoungLink64 Hahaha, I love it!!
@Xiovanni lol you can't expect people to be okay with 30fps in a competitive shooter by comparing it to a game released in 2004. that's decades ago, standards have evolved and people too.
If its crossplay with no way of turning off then its dead on arrival.
@WallyWest technically you could play Ps4/Ps5 or PC and now Xbox games on your bed. On PS its a free service called remote play and works wonderfully well on home internet while PC have so many streaming options and also Gamepass cloud which surprisingly works really well.
I lost interest in FPS games along while ago. Plenty more to discover that runs significantly better on Switch too.
I've been wondering if they were going to go through with this still. I plan to pick it up for whatever 'next gen console' I eventually get first. (Most likely the Microsoft) but its good to know if I don't get a 'next generation' console by the release of Overwatch 2 I can at least play it on my Switch. Its not my preferred platform for a game like this but whatever, its better than not playing it at all.. the real question is do we get it day one with the other platforms?
@ModdedInkling I love the switch.
I barely even touch my ps5
@johnvboy no they actually were completely informed regarding the power of the switch.
like I said - you didn't contribute anything worthwhile to the conversation.
the guy was already saying it's about time for a more powerful one.
try to keep up.
No he stated he was surprised that the Switch was not as powerful as a PS4, that he had recently purchased.
" I recently got a PS4 2 months ago, and after experiencing FNAF HW, Yakuza Zero, Spiderman, and DOOM......
Wow this console is older and 10x more powerful. I get that the switch is portable so it can't take much until it overheats or runs outta battery too fast...but that docked only revision is past it's due date. Developers skip switch a lot, and when they do use switch, they ALWAYS downgrade things only for switch and nothing else. Some games suffer greatly from this, like the bloodstained game, or the Sonic Minecraft DLC being nearly unplayable. I never cared about graphics much, but when modern games can't even be released properly on a modern console, you NEED to get with the times.
I have no doubt that Ninty is definitely brewing something in their lab, but until then this stinks big time "
Pretty sure that is the way it reads, but up to you if you disagree, somebody also posted a comment the same as mine, a few comments later, go after them too if you want.
Switch version is always the inferior version in competitive fps but it is great to have the option to play games in handheld (not all people have sufficient bandwidth to make streaming a viable option). I already have 200 hours in Apex Legends Switch after approx. 1000 hrs in PS4. Looking forward to this but a little skeptical too since I didn't enjoy Overwatch as much as I enjoyed other online shooters.
The Switch is quite special. Normally, I would never spend so much time on a handheld console, but because the Switch can literally play console-level games (which the PS Vita unfortunately failed to do), I found myself spending so much time on it, to the point of doing what was advertised and playing it on an airplane.
@johnvboy "wow" doesn't only mean you're surprised - and "surprised" doesn't only mean completely unexpected.
surprised can be like "man I'm surprised you continue to be so bad at arguing"
like - sure - you've shown a track record for being bad at arguing - but - wow - I'm surprised you're still this bad.
"well he was never INTENDED to be a good arguer"
and no I won't go after the other person - like you said to start "you gonna tell me what to post?"
Nintendo switch = lots of compromises
@PBandSmelly as far as we can tell the Pro isn’t a docked only revision and there is no docked only Switch planned. Its a portable that can be played on the tv as well and will probably always be that.
IDC if y'all hate to hear it.....but this is why we need a switch pro.
@WallyWest PS4's hardware is 8 Yrs old. If the switch pro rumors are true, then the pro will have the same hardware as a base ps4. That will not be that expensive
@Digimon24 I doubt the Switch Pro will be as powerful as the PS4.
@WallyWest I'm pretty sure it will be. The PS4's hardware is almost a decade old. Nintendo could definitely get the switch pro on a base PS4 level.
@Digimon24 I doubt it because the Switch Pro is not the Switch 2, its a mid gen upgrade at best. I wouldn't be shocked if its no where near what people expect.
@WallyWest It's 2021, the switch has been around for 4 years now. The PS4 has been around for nearly 6 years. There are tablets and phones that cost less than 500 dollars that can run PS4 games. Many of them able to run circles around the Switch in Frame Rate and Resolution. I think we're well past the point of this being a valid argument. These devices are not selling at a loss either. Only option left for Nintendo is to release a new system and stop selling its customers dated hardware at a premium. When a 125 dollar tablet runs Bloodstained better than the Switch, its time to give it up and try again. They've had a lot of success with the switch and a hardware upgrade would bring a new audience just as quickly. Overwatch 2 would be a good center piece. The excuse that this is a handled just doesn't fly anymore. Switch was woefully under powered at launch, nvidia was already working on SoC with tegra tech already that surpassed the tegra 2. Many would have gleefully purchased a switch at 400 dollars if it meant getting closer to PS4 spec at launch. We've paid for it dearly over the years. These games are of lower quality and often times you're expected to pay the same price or more. Good example of this is Doom Eternal, selling at 60 dollars. The game is janky on switch and doesn't look as good, but my PS5 just got a free upgrade for that same 60 dollar PS4 copy I purchased, both run and look better, and now I have ray tracing and other updates to the game to embrace. So not only did hte PS4 give me better value, it gained value with time. That's not a good look for Switch.
I think the switch has a couple of years left for unique titles made by Nintendo, but third parties should start and will start looking to pull out. That isn't including the ones that never signed up in the first place.
Portability can only offset the cost in a justifiable way for so long before you find yourself playing GBC versions of PS2 games.
@The fact of the matter is the Switch prints money and is selling better the ever, Nintendo don't need to make a portable PS4 anytime soon. The Switch Pro i bet at best will be what the New 3DS was to 3DS and because it won't sell enough the exclusives like the New 3DS will be pretty thin.
Honestly its hilarious that people expect Nintendo to compete with the other two and have all the 3rd party support. Nintendo from Wii on wards have never been that bothered about not having GTA 5 or COD whatever, sure they like the 3rd support and welcome it but Nintendo makes what suits them and always have.
@johnvboy Oh it's definitely coming. We're already beyond the mid point.
Every day that goes by with no reveal, I am less and less convinced of the pro being a reality, still feel there is a slightly upgraded revision on the cards, but I would have even expected that to have been revealed by now.
Great post, but not so sure an upgraded pro Switch would bring that many more customers to the console, I mean the current model is still doing brisk business and selling around 20-30 million units each year, most of the market as unfortunate as this is does simply not care that much about graphics or frame rates, it just happens that the tablets or mobiles they upgrade have got better by default, and they have just got the latest version.
A Switch pro has always been the dream of core fans, who they personally want a portable Switch in line with the PS4, and then try to suggest this is what the wider market needs and wants, when in reality it's only a small minority that really requires this.
I too would love a more powerful Switch, but I am under no illusion that it's a personal wish, and does not reflect the wider market, true Nintendo will be happy to keep on selling the current Switch model at a profit for older tech, but in all honesty who in their position wouldn't, the rights and wrongs of this do not even enter the equation, because the mass majority of the Switch's demographic are more than happy with this.
Core fan dreams and wish lists at best, the original Bloomberg article is so full of holes it's surprising anybody even reported it, I mean a prediction of the lite was the most obvious thing ever, Nintendo have had a portable and a home console since time began, so a cheaper portable only Switch was a given at some point, even better with the Switch as it's all in effect the same system.
But because of this the Switch Pro must be real, as all the YouTubers and internet attention seekers suggest, all these people really want is clicks and subscribers.
@johnvboy Due, this is Nintendo, name me a time in their history when they did anything when or how anyone expected it. It just doesn't go down like that. They were questioned quite specifically about it at their most recent investors meeting and they are aware of the mounting pressure. I think we'll see it announced around September and released in early December.
As I have said a Switch revision is overdue at this point, but If some are expecting a Switch Pro, I feel they are going to feel let down.
@johnvboy So define what you think the difference is between a switch revision and a switch pro, baring in mind the PS4 pro is a revised PS4.
I would suggest rumors of a more powerful Switch console, that would bring it in line with the PS4 are pure fantasy.
I feel a newer model with a larger better quality screen, better battery life, and the possibility of a 4K docked mode, has far more chance of actually happening .
@johnvboy Who said it would be the same power as the PS4?
True no rumor has stated a certain level of power, but if a Pro version is to be believed, then i would assume this would be the target, as how else would the rumored AAA exclusive games run?
@Digimon24 Well you insisting its going to be PS4 level aged like milk haha
@WallyWest yea...........kinda don't care.
Wonder when it will be released ?
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