Nintendo's E3 2021 Direct will air on 15th June, the company has confirmed.
The show will be "roughly 40 minutes" long, featuring info "focused exclusively on Nintendo Switch software." As you can see in the announcement tweet below, this will be followed by "around 3 hours of gameplay" in a special Nintendo Treehouse.
It'll be kicking off at 9am PT (so that's 12pm Eastern / 5pm UK / 6pm CEST).
Naturally, we'll be live streaming the event right here on Nintendo Life, so make sure to join us at the times mentioned above to watch the show.

Excited for E3 2021? Of course you are. Share your wildest predictions in the comments below.
Comments 296
My body is ready!
Cool... please insert more characters here
BotW2 pls, Nintendo. I don't want another "We don't have anything to share right now"
Be good please
I’m almost positive it’s not going to happen, but Mario Odyssey 2 would be amazing.
Inb4 people rush in disappointed this isn't a Switch Pro announcement
@mariomaster96 Watch us just get more $60 Zelda ports and then they're like "Sorry, but we still have nothing to share of BOTW2".
Going to be careful about my expectations this time…
Not sure exactly what to expect, but I'm pretty easy to please so I'm sure it'll be a good time as usual. Looking forward to it. The last Direct had some cool surprises.
Joins up with Sega & Atlus to announce P5 Royal is finally coming.
Yayyyy. Zelds BotW 2, New 3D Marto plzzzz....
Nintendo is so wary of their costumers they have to specifically point out there won't be hardware news
What time is that in Ireland/UK?
Google is confusing me :/
Here we go again
"...focused exclusively on software"
Cheeky troglodytes
"focused >exclusively< on NintendoSwitch software"
They know what everybody is talking about right now 😅
Hmm they clearly say focus on software... Would they mention it like that, if nothing on hardware side is coming up, maybe tomorrow?
DAMN IT!!! Exculsively Switch focused? I was so looking forward to some new SNES news or Virtual Boy news
@Harmonie as much as I agree with that statement it's e3 there going to have something to share and I am completely fine with more ports of great games
@steizgr8 5PM UK time
@steizgr8 "It'll be kicking off at 9am PT (so that's 12pm Eastern / 5pm UK / 6pm CEST)."
@dux Not in the direct yes, but the rumors always said, that the Pro will be announce before the E3 so they can focus on software at the E3 direct
So is Nintendo the last presentation of E3? I know in normal years the presentations are technically pre-E3 but it seems strange to wait til the very end.
Is this any significance or I am just reading to much into things?
@steizgr8 5pm UK time
Will this finally be SMTVs time to shine
Thanks XenoShaun/chardir/Thomas!
Gonna have to ask to finish work a bit early that day, can't wait!
The speculation of a Pro reveal before E3 is based on the idea that they can focus on software...which this tweet says...
@mariomaster96 They already promised they'd share more on BOTW2 this year... they were probably saving it for E3...
Pikmin 4.
I Can't wait for news about that DC Super Hero Girls game. (This is a joke)
Lets-a-go! Anything Zelda cheers boss
Only Software ??? No Hardware ??
YES! 👍😊 Cannot wait!
About time, really looking forward to this.
Wow, Nintendo's so sick of their fanbase that they literally have to specify that they aren't going to talk about a Switch revision in their E3.
Finally Nintendo announces their E3 plans took them long enough
Another fun step towards a return to normal. Thank you for finally confirming this, Nintendo.
@NingenSama it's obvious to anyone not trusting rumours
Please god be Metroid Prime 4. I only have about 10% hope for it, but it's a 'strong' 10
Nintendo did tell us another Switch isn’t happening, so no surprise there.
Hopefully Ohmori and Cardshark finally get some news.
@Bunkerneath I unironically would welcome SNES news. Proper sequel to Super Mario World? Hell yeah.
@Kamalen I know. At this point I want Nintendo to release a Switch hardware revision just so people can shut up about it.
I'm looking forward to it.
Finally, this is all ive been waiting for. Super excited to see what they have for us this year and next.
@Screen I'm not sure how many cycles you've been through before but I've seen my fair share of them. Nintendo always denies the rumors, the rumors always reach some sort of fever pitch (as they are now), and then a new device is revealed by Nintendo, largely confirming the prior rumors. Details here and there may have been wrong but the broad strokes tend to hold true.
It's time, Nintendo/Atlus/Sega.
Yes, excited to see it, and some in-depth Treehouse gameplay and commentary too.
Looking forward to some big reveals, but I'll have to wait till after work to watch it properly.
It can still happen, but if not at E3, or s it even likely?
I hope they announce more cloud based games
A new Wave Race, 1080 Snowboarding or F-Zero and it would be the best E3 ever for me.
I just want some more news on BOTW2 then I'd be happy. I'd love for some surprises as well but ya never know what to expect from this year. Who knows. An update or some gameplay on splatoon 3 would also be a welcoming addition but seeing how they said they'd be showing mostly games in 2021 then it's understandable if it's not shown.
Once again people Read it says games that will release in 2021 so don't count on mp4 or botw2
Ocarina of Time HD, Remake, Whatever...... Botw2, Metroid........ And Star Fox of course....
The 15th we al wil be doing a barrel roll!
"exclusively on Nintendo Switch software" We will see.
"mostly releasing in 2021"
I just want Donkey Kong games!
@Darkyoshi98 actually I think you need to read it again. It says MOSTLY releasing in 2021. So it may not be everything just in 2021 they may show a couple things or teases for next year.
I guess I should've seen that happening on a Tuesday lol. But gosh dang it I won't be able to see it live
Expectations were diminished last direct, so I’ll patiently curb them, for this one.
Really wish I could take off work that Tuesday because now I will have to avoid the internet like the plague in order to avoid spoilers, I like being surprised in the direct itself.
Anything Monolithsoft for me please
I'm hoping for some Splatoon 3 stuff and I feel like it's likely that there will be that stuff in the Direct, but I don't wait to get my hopes up.
@Screen I would not be surprised if there is some sort of E3 reveal but the event isn't as big as it was in years past so I think it is just as likely that they reveal it separately.
I encourage everyone to take some time and read up on rumors of the past. Here are a couple articles speculating about the upcoming Wii (codenamed Nintendo Revolution).
Why do they explicitly say exclusively on software? Hmmmmm
saving the best for last. cannot wait to see what they show.
Very excited to see what they have for us!
At this stage I'd be happy with a Breath of the Wild 2 trailer that's anywhere near as good as this one for Breath of the Wild from 2017. "I think you are now ready, ready to hear what happened 100 years ago..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zw47_q9wbBE
5pm UK start is decent. I'll start work half an hour early so I can finish early and watch this from the begining then. Can't wait!
Bren McGuire from Turrican gets in Smash to coincide with the announcement of Turrican 4
Tortimer Island.
..anything else will be a bonus!
Throwing a curveball by saying “exclusively software”. Hope there’s a Switch reveal too!
@danemord no pro or what ever just games. if there is a pro.I think they will show it before e3 and let the games shine on their own at e3.
I will wait until after the video for the news since it will be a whole lot of the same stuff.
@steizgr8 5pm (17:00) in the UK
I have no expectations on this one. What i see, i take. At least let atlus be in one of them, if not fine.
Glad they announced it so NL can spend more time on what's really important, New Switch Pro rumours.
I'm glad they announced it, looking forward to it. They said mostly 2021, so that still leaves early 2022 for Zelda BotW 2 or whatever. I'll be here to watch it live. 👍
Edit: Oh, I feel like it said "Switch software" so they can get the hardware news out of the way before then. Joking, not joking.
Can't wait for 30 minutes of Mario Golf: Super Rush.
At least 30 of that will be the next Smash fighter. Don't want to get my hopes up for more than 10 minutes of surprises.
Definitely cracking open a beer to enjoy alongside this one!
Please show us something good, at least a peak or something to look forward to. Most the other Treehouse-videos is just boring and dull, where you always have to have "one guy and one girl"-videos.
That "focused exclusively on Nintendo Switch software" likely means the "Switch Pro" will have a separate reveal Direct...if it happens at all. That would coincide with the rumors of it being revealed before E3, though, so we'll see.
@IronMan30 my body is Reggie.
Right on my birthday, hopefully it’s something good.
Exactly my thought
it may be that there sometimes are accessories or other non-software shown, but that's quite odd for them to explicitly point out if there's no reason for people to expect to see something else besides games (yea, what could THAT be?). Plus, I don't think they have written something like that before
Nice, at 18h in France! I have a conference on June 15th, but at that time I'll probably be already available!
And let's see if there is another announcement concerning a new hardware or not... I am not couting on it, but who knows?
@mariomaster96 I would love to get some BotW 2 info as well, but I think they won't show anything as Skyward Sword HD launch is approaching.
I’m happy with any new games they have to offer. Just please not another parade of Wii U ports — I loved Wii U but didn’t buy a Switch to repurchase the same games.
Software being the key word here. Will the Switch Pro be announced tomorrow?
@gcunit yup no switch pro announcement
@zander_dale don’t know. But we know for sure it is not gonna be announced in this direct.
I say July, they will reveal the new switch because that is when switch lite was revealed
@Incoherent1 don't you worry... they will go deeper into the library and rerelease Wii Music
Just because the E3 Direct is software focused doesn't rule out a Switch Pro generally... Watch how Nintendo just randomly drop a trailer of the Pro on Friday, completely out of the blue xD
Didn't that happen with the Lite?
Tbh in all seriousness, I don't expect a new upgraded console anytime soon. Looking forward though to seeing what will be on show at the E3 Direct! Hoping some BotW 2 details or even just another trailer.... Another Mario Strikers from Next Level Games maybe!
Exclusively switch software……..Doesn’t mean software will be displayed on standard switch/lite.
Still hope software to being shown at solid FPS etc coming from “Super Nintendo Switch”
All I want is the same thing I want from every direct. One previously unannounced game to be excited about.
Gonna keep my expectations low on this one
Speculation is FUN!
1. BotW 2 trailer. Game being released in October
2. Metroid Prime 4 trailer. Game way off, but we finally see some game footage.
3. Splatoon 3 Trailer. Game still on schedule for 2022.
4. Mario Kart 8 DLC or Mario Kart 9 Trailer. Game/DLC being released in November/December.
5. Madden Football coming in August
6. Fallout 4 coming this fall
7. Animal Crossing updates
8. Smash Character introduced
9. Indy games
8. Switch Sports....not gonna happen, but I would love this so I'll throw this out there.
10. Ends with new Donkey Kong game announced but nothing shown.
The wording elicits a separate not unappreciative chuckle from me.😆
Otherwise, I'm looking forward to my next routine excuse for keeping fingers routinely crossed - from first party possibilities like Xenoblade X or Project X Zone 3 to third party ones like FFXIII or Dishonored. ☕
The Nintendo Treehouse afterwards implies these games have been in development for a while and will release soon (fingers crossed for splatoon 3).
“Exclusively on software.”
AWESOME! Maybe then we can stop with all of the Switch Pro rumors for a couple of weeks!
@Perryg92 it actually does. We know this upgraded switch won’t be at the direct.
They will probably announce switch pro in July like switch lite
@BanjoPickles THANK YOU. I had enough of these rumors
Same! The Switch has plenty of life left! Let’s just enjoy what we have instead of begging for something that hasn’t even been confirmed!
@dkxcalibur no Madden for switch at all. Or maybe it will just be a legacy edition of the game
Two years is enough time between trailers. I shall manifest BotW2 with everything I have. All are invited to join me.
@BanjoPickles exactly right
Announce RE Outrage please
Have no idea what to expect, but I’m hoping it’s pleasantly surprising.
@Lugazz they won’t show any other Zelda games too because they want to focus on skyward sword
@BanjoPickles om the contrary... The rumors say that it will be shown BEFORE E3, which would mean that they would focus on games on E3.
With this specifically stated, the opposite then would naturally happen, it adds fuel to the rumors
Wrong one, we already know that's coming.
We have 13 days to raise expectations beyond belief to ensure that people will be disappointed by the direct.
Let’s talk about this until people are so sick of hearing about it that they just want the direct to be over.
@anoyonmus That's what I was saying... It won't be at the direct.
But just noted it could generally exist outside of it pre or post E3.
Additionally I also said "Tbh in all seriousness, I don't expect a new upgraded console anytime soon." so we seem to be on the same page.
I agree with @BanjoPickles that the current switch still has a good life span.
Expectations are rock bottom for this. There's been so many poor Directs in the last 2 years I'm not expecting any different this time. Will watch it for sure though.
Picked quite a week to be in the middle of Scotland with no internet and barely any phone reception. Do you think Nintendo will post me the news?!
Wellm I refuse to get hyped, but the line-up for the rest of 2021 just got to be better than 2020...
Oh, they're waiting till the last day E3? I think they enjoy being secretive till the last second a little too much.
@gcunit let them be disappointed since most of us alrdy know switch pro isnt happening which is why hyping it is going to increase the burn.
OMG, it's happening! Thanks Nintendo, I'm super hyped! Now to find a way to gather all my friends in a covid19 safe way so we can watch together. Maybe I can put up a screen outside...
@Kaori-chan Of course not, who would!?
So glad there's no Switch Pro here. Give me the GAMES!
@anoyonmus Maybe....maybe not!
I'm purely just speculating for fun. I could see Activision wanting to take advantage of an easy payday. Since the game hasn't been on a Nintendo System in many years, I could easily see this happening this year, but you're probably right.
@rjejr What I'm taking from this is that you're missing Mario All Stars / 35 news.
Would be good to get some news on BOTW2, Bayonetta 3 and Metroid Prime 4, also wouldn't mind hearing about Hollow Knight Silk Song too but it does say focused on Nintendo software so thats doubtful.
Maybe more news on a potential Microsoft and Nintendo partnership and this is extremely doubtful but N64 games?? Id love N64 games...
To be honest though, these are not expectations, becausei doubt Nintendo would come close to meeting them.
sings It’s the most wonderful time of the year...
Boy did I miss E3. Thank god for back to some normals
Mother 3 finally gets a western release, and an Earthbound remake or a Mother 4. Plus a 2d Metroid and Mario Galaxy 3. None of these will happen, but maybe Nintendo does decide to make the world a better place after the past year We can only dream.
oh geez, the following two weeks full of wishes and anticipation!
@Razer sadly, as far as i know, Team Cherry has already announced that they will not be presenting anything at e3 which makes a hollow knight Silksong update very unlikely
@Razer To be accurate, it says focused on Nintendo Switch software. So my interpretation is that would cover stuff outside of Nintendo development as well
My predicts:
-no switch pro
-botw2 news, late 2022 release
-animal crossing dlc(august)
-smash fighter(s)(august, october)
-splatoon 3 update, july 2022 release
-star fox zero port(october)
-Middling new game for september. They've already done 2 retro revivals this year, so probably not that. Capt. toad 2? arms 2? wario ware?
Hmmm....so this could actually line up with those "Switch Pro (whatever) rumors" about a hardware revision announcement BEFORE E3 (this week or next). That way Nintendo could still put the "software only" message on for the Direct....because the hardware announcement had already been made? This is also a rather interesting time...as its on the very LAST day of E3 (schedule is June 12-15)...so what is Nintendo going to do for the whole time the REST of E3 is going on before the Direct is supposed to happen?
i just need info on BOTW2 an announcement of Super Mario Odyssey 2, and maybe an update on Animal Crossing: New Horizons?
Donkey Kong 64 remastered!
xenoblade x 2 would be awesome, kinda not hoping for more no more heroes 3 stuff, seen enough and i wanna go in with the rest of the surprises being tucked away
And the speculation begins...
If they had more games coming, then we will see. I'm not even expecting a Switch Pro reveal this early anyways and I still don't trust the leaks just yet. I had a feeling the two last Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLCs will be disappointing so at this point I'll stop speculating on that as well. It's likely Crash and Ryu Hayabusa's time to shine are over.
40 mins isn't super long but here's how I think it will go;
0-5: Smash Bros character reveal and opening remarks from whoever is hosting.
5-15: Looking at games just released or about to that we already know about.
15-20: First new information revealed. A look at Bayonetta 3 perhaps with release date?
20-30: Compilation of minor releases in quick snippets.
30-32: More blah blah from the host before "one last thing"
32-38: Zelda BotW2 gameplay and release date.
38-40: Thank yous and goodbye.
Expecting nothing after the last direct, maybe we'll get even more Anime JRPGs and Free-to-Play Tournament shooters (Sigh). So anything else will be a happy surprise. I still think the (semi)Pro is being announced tomorrow, and hopefully some details on pro-enhanced games old or new.
Just a day after "E3's Just Days Away, Yet Nintendo's Being Oddly Quiet About Its Plans" talk about bad luck.
to be satisfied:
to get a gaming orgasm
I’m just hoping for lots of everything. I’m a bit hyped since Nintendo said they had a ‘marquee’ of games for the second half of the year
41 mins-onwards: Fans have meltdown because they didn't get to see "X Game".
X is any number of random things...
@JonSpangler They're usually pre-E3 because there's always demos of things released in the direct on the show floor. Since there's no show floor, Nintendo can go whenever they want.
@Inc Are you kidding, we'll see meltdowns starting a minute in when BotW2 isn't the opening game.
@BlackenedHalo I had a feeling that Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition would be the next Wii U game to come to Switch. That would be fantastic.
@TryToBeHopeful "Mario All Stars / 35 news."
I'm sure I should know what that means, but sadly I don't. 🤷♂️
Finally! 40 minutes, not bad. That implies they either have a lot to show, or they want to spend a ton of time talking about Camilla joining Smash as a new sword fighter. Either way.
@ObeseChihuahua2 Maybe, but lots of times Nintendo says "focusing exclusively on X" and then the direct has 8 minutes of something else and a completely unrelated big reveal.
It's like parents saying "no, I think that's all the Christmas presents Santa left you"......... "oh, except this big wrapped one outside, shaped like a bike that may or may not be a bike, so you'll have to open it to find out (it's a bike.)"
Switch games (plus Switch hardware, Amiibo, NSO, etc.) is probably fair game. Not talking about theme parks, animations, and galleries is most likely what they mean here.
Wish list:
Switch Pro
Mario Odyssey 2
NHL game from EA
Borderlands 3
Rockstar classics
Zelda BOTW2 being released in 2021
Metro Prime 4 being released in 2021
Microsoft releasing another game on Switch
And unlikely:
Microsoft and Nintendo merge together, drop Rare Replay same day. Mario coming to Xbox.
wild wishes:
-seasons/ages remakes with awakening assets
-mother revival or earthbound remake
-3d donkey kong game
-kid icarus
-a new ip in the adventure/puzzle/platforming genre
Amiga and Dreamcast Virtual Console
(Yes, I do say this every year 😜)
@danemord Actually, I rather loved Wii Music. It was a great time playing this with my kids when they were younger, and creating the "CD cover art" was fun. No, it wasn't the all creative music game we might have all wanted, but it wasn't really a bad time, either. I wouldn't mind an expanded on Wii Music kind of game on Switch.
Even Nintendo know that the well is drying up. Time to give us the good stuff.
Themes and folders
Proper eShop
BOTW 2 date
GTA 5 or San Andreas stories reveal
Metroid Prime 4
GBA games
Not gonna get my hopes up though
2021... interesting. Makes me think this could be focused on the Switch Pro and that it might have more exclusive software than I thought.
@Harmonie I would honestly love that
@NEStalgia "Not talking about theme parks, animations, and galleries is most likely what they mean here."
I took it to mean they weren't talking about mobile games. They could I suppose, but I'm not 3expecting any Mario Kart Tour or Mario Kart Live info. Or any other mobile game they have in the making. Switch software.
@anoyonmus Yes, my point exactly.
XBC 3 plz plz plz
@TryToBeHopeful OK I figured it out. I was on a phone call w/ not very helpful Sony Rewards support while I was reading that. Makes sense now that I can focus. 😊
My "wildest hope" is something from Bayonetta 3! No BotW 2, no Metroid Prime 4, no Donkey Kong. I am not expecting much, just because I want to keep my hype low on purpose and be genuinely surprised if something comes out.
Ah oh boy if we do get an announcement from Monolith, that will be huge!!!
I’ll rather read the summary than watching E3.
"Focused excludively on #mintefoswitch software"
So no pro then?
@Highlar dang it, it backfired... now I want that as well so I can play it with my children
YAAAAAAAAAAA lets go i'm ready for this.
Excited to see what Nintendo has in store for the 2nd half of 2021 outside of what they have already announced (Skyward Sword HD, Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl), especially with rumors of a new 2D Metroid and Donkey Kong.
@IronMan30 lol that phrase will never get old.
I expect Splatoon 3 Global Testfire, and 2 Smash Fighters. Anything else is a maybe
Faxanadu NES remake with updated graphics, Suikoden franchise porter to Switch with a brand new Suikoden VI to release, FZero sequel, and just as unlikely, Mario Kart 9
Pikmin 4 news please! I’d love that, a new Mario game, (2D or 3D), MP4, BOTW2 updates and some real surprises that please and delight everyone. Looking forward to next Tuesday regardless 😊.
@rjejr Yeah, the mobile games too. But, other than the theme parks, galleries, animations, and mobile games, what has Nintendo ever done for us?
@Darkyoshi98 do we know when Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 is actualy releasing?
Splatoon 3 still has a small chance!
I predict they will disappoint us once more
i know this will never happen on Nintendo, E3 2021 Direct Presentation, but please show something about Bayonetta 3 and Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2(problaby 2022/2023 games).
smash fighter, various here ya go, ports, AC update, DK99, bayonetta 3 spring 2022, mp4 late 2022(trilogy announced next e3), 2 more repeat splatfests for splatoon 2, zelda 35 anniversary...one more thing botw 2 teaser w/ holiday 2021 release. splatoon 3 to be revealed in squid research direct very early next year, but enjoy very vague photos & whatnots till then.
@silverninja I forgot that a smash fighter will probably be revealed.
Here comes teh day of the year where I feel equal part excited and equal dissapointed.
I missed that so much :3
I don’t understand why people don’t first assume that a new hardware announcement will come shortly after E3, there’s a pattern of them doing that. Always assume Nintendo will repeat history
At this point, if there's a hardware announcement, I doubt it will be before the end of next week. That way Nintendo bookends both sides of E3 and makes it about them, letting third parties announce software in between. And they probably won't even "announce the announcement" until next Wed. I'd love to be wrong and still see something in the next few days though, and that's assuming any of this happens in June at all.
I want to see footage of Bayonetta 3. It's a simple request Nintendo.
40 minutes of Skyward Sword! 😉
Really, though, I am looking forward to what gets announced & shown (and will buy Skyward Sword sooner than later).
I am just hoping for a spectacular surprise reveal like Daemon X Machina was.
@Octane That would make me the happiest
‘Nuff said
i really hate to say it, but there's one series that doesnt yet have a new entry on switch, and it would be a non-brainer for nintendo......nsmb. mario will be part of this direct in some way, and i cannot rule this out
@fakemaze739 I'd happily settle for some sort of DLC . I know my daughter would love it there was Peach DLC
@Crockin I get the feeling that Mario Maker has sort of replaced NSMB.
Not getting my hopes up but I’m hoping for some Metroid news.
@abe_hikura I've thought that as well, and I do hope they crank out more mario makers. that said, nsmbwu is the 10th best selling game on the switch. I don't imagine they would permanently shift that experience to a less popular series. I can smell it. It's coming at some point.
Eiji Aonuma enters the stage
Fans: ”Ooh here comes the new trailer 🥳”
Eiji Aonuma: ”Please understand…”
Nintendo, at least let us transfer Mario Kart Tour data to MK8DX
I hope they reveal at least a trailer for metroid 4, a new trailer for Botw 2.
What I want:
Pikmin 4
Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Xenoblade Chronicles X-2
Metroid Prime 4
What I expect:
Zelda II Remastered, $60
could we expect Nintendo E3 2021 Direct Presentation to be like E3 2008?(the worst E3 Nintendo have).
Yet that fanbase takes it as confirmation that there will be a separate and prior hardware presentation. This is getting as sad and delusional as ...
@Kamalen I totally agree that some people trust rumours blindly and that the comments are full of wishful thinking. I will believe in a revised Switch model (not a "Pro" that essentially acts as a handheld PS4) when I see it. Isn't your comparison here a little harsh, though?
Great! Now, the long wait begins!
@riki_sidekicks hey, I would buy that actually if they did a decent enough job !
@NEStalgia I still doubt that that's what Nintendo is going to do. They might, but I wouldn't count on it.
@abe_hikura @Crockin I am ready for a Super Mario Odyssey 2. Maybe where you could play as Peach or Luigi.
Good News: N64 comes to switch online
Bad news: launch titles are Blues Brothers 2000, Earthworm Jim 3D, Mortal Kombat Mythologies Sub Zero, Superman 64 and Virtual Chess 64
Zelda CD-i All Stars, collecting all the Zelda CD-i games!
Announce Resident Evil Outrage please? I want to know more
Not holding my breath, but I'm expecting at least one thing to knock me on my ass. There has to be soooome BotW2 or MP4 info. I hope the DK chatter is real.
@dustinprewitt Seriously, if they add N64 or GBA games to NSO and say that it is out right now — that would be awesome. They could focus on Zelda games for N64 or Metroid games for GBA!
@ObeseChihuahua2 With Nintendo, you never can tell. But I'll be absolutely shocked if there's nothing in there that's not "a Switch game" - be it new hardware, or an Amiibo, or new Joycon color, or something.
We do have the rumor that says the hardware announce will come first. I don't think they'd do a hardware "reveal" in an E3 direct, namely because they never have before, only for a whole new gen console. DSi, DSLite, 3DSXL was a random July drop, N3DS was a random, what Feb/March drop (with its own direct.) 2DS, same thing. I'm not sure they'll do a "reveal" of new hardware so much as simply announce new SKUs with new features and, most importantly, "same great Switch, new higher price point!"
I hope that we don't get too many "cloud versions" of games, although, I am afraid that will become the new normal.
What i want :
New Xenoblade game
Xenoblade chronicles x remastered
Pikmin 4
luigi mansion 4
New Donkey kong
New 2d zelda
Last story remastered
What nintendo will show:
No more heroes 3
Splatoon 3
Monster hunter stories 2
Maybe zelda collection
Zelda SS xd
Mario cart xd
Roughly 40 minutes doesn't sound like much. If they fill it with Skyward sword hd, Splatoon 3, indies...then the Direct is almost gone.
@riki_sidekicks ave
If Nintendo has BOTW2 to show, I don’t expect anything else to make it in in terms of big games for
@Solaine 😔
@Edu23XWiiU “I want it now!” — Veruca Salt
@JeanPaul it sure won't. Lol
I am keeling expectations low and telling myselg Mario golf will be at tree house alongside pokemon dazzling/brilliant and skyward sword remakes.......
Nintendo Swith Online accounces Jaguar and 3DO games.
That's the final day of E3 isn't it? Sort of disappointed there's only 3 hours of Treehouse afterwards. Hmmm...maybe the Treehouse is only focused on one or two games then. I'm honestly not expecting much this year, but you never know.
If they announce at least one of these things I will be content:
BOTW 2 this year or Q1 next year
Metroid 4 - solid release date next year with something to show
Metroid (New 2.5 game) - Announced
bayonetta 3: Released this year
These would be nice but not essential:
New Mario Game
Mario Kart 9
Port / Collection for Zelda (all stars)
Fire Emblem
These games I would love love to see but there is no real chance of them being announced:
Golden Sun 3
F-Zero Switch
Advance Wars Switch
@TiMRI dude that leak was legendary and will go down as one of the biggest hoaxes in smash and nintendo history
The new console wont be revealed here but have a feeling we will get something on that before June 15th...anyways, Im excited to see what Nintendo has to bring this year. My list of Switch-games-to-buy keeps getting bigger and bigger.
I think BOTW2 will have its own direct after E3, same with more info on the new pokemon game. I hope we get a rune factory 5 release date and some nice AAA surprises.
Please Nintendo dont ruin this with loads of ports
@NEStalgia You forgot Lego sets and breakfast cereal. 😂

Bring On A 3D Donkey Kong Game
Right you are. But, other than the theme parks, galleries, animations, mobile games, Lego sets, and breakfast cereal, what has Nintendo ever done for us?
Waluigi. Just... Just give me Waluigi.
Oh, and put a Battle Frontier in BD/SP.
@Giancarlothomaz perhaps this year. Or perhaps next year. The main thing is that it IS happening and soon. Where there's smoke there's fire
I just want BOTW2, among other things. My bingo sheet is ready.
Mario Kart DLC confirmed
How many of you would be down with a Zelda 3D all stars collection with ocarina of time hd, wind waker hd, and twilight princess hd releasing?
Predictions done properly (i.e made up)
Game Over Mario
The game begins with the Game Over jingle. Then it cuts to a behind the scenes dressing room. Mario has been in a lot of games and player 1 has bought them all. It's a race against time to get ready for the next game before player 1 presses start. 2 player becomes frantic mayhem as Luigi and Mario can scupper the other player to prove they are the best Mario brother.
(I'm ALWAYS wrong lol)
@Darkyoshi98 I mean, they said "Mostly". Also, what's to say BotW 2 isn't coming this year? It could probably take the slot of Nintendo's holiday title.
They said "Mostly" last time, and yet still showed things like Splatoon 3, which were planned for 2022.
I believe BotW 2 will probably be at e3 this year, mainly because we were promised news, and it seems like the best time for it. Other than that, I have no real expectations, and I'm excited to see what Nintendo has to offer.
Always at 5pm must tell my boss I need to leave work 10 minutes early to go to the dentist or something
The last few Nintendo E3s have been disappointing for me. I hope this one will be better but I’m going in with limited expectations this time.
@abe_hikura That's ridiculous. How a building app will replace a full-fledged game? Doesn't make sense. Commercially and conceptually.
F-Zerooooooooooooo.... oh
@TryToBeHopeful Objection! 😏
All my faves have had representation on the switch tbh and some are even getting sequels. I'm not wanting anything in particular I can think of so any suprises will be welcome, maybe a new IP that could take the world by storm like Splatoon did. And for the love of god please stop nagging them for BOTW2. do you want a half baked game/something that is an exact copy of the first one without the magic?
Anyone else want Pilotwings?
Finally got a time. Sweet. Bring on the nooz.
Isnt this after e3?
@COVIDberry It was obviously a little harsh to make a point, but it has surprisingly a few common mechanics. Like how any counter-arguments are dismissed as "non-believer/fake fanboys", how opposing evidence/official rebuttal is flipped to make it say the opposite (just like how many, just on the comment here, pretend that a "software only" presentation is proof that a separate, unannounced hardware presentation will spawn by surprise), and how any time a date/event fail to match the prediction, a new one takes it place.
This will either be directly after or during my oral exam to graduate
Pikmin 4, WaveRace 4, F-Zero GXHD and ExciteTruck HD are all dead certs. It’s all over social media.
@VoidofLight but we already know the holiday game for 2021(Pokémon Brilant Diamond e Shining Pearl(Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 is problaby releasing on holiday 2022/2023).
My wish list is Mario Kart 8 DLC or Mario Kart 9, Metroid Prime 4 and more Splatoon 3. If I get at least 2 out of the 3 I am happy.
@Emperor-Palpsy I see you're a man of culture as well
@vio that's all l'm waiting to hear. not much for splatoon 3 though
My main hope is to see a proper roll out of a BoTW2 trailer, overview, and gameplay. Anything beyond Zelda would be a nice bonus.
I'm just hoping for a great show for at least 30 of the roughly 40 minutes. I'm trying to go in with very low expectations.
BoW 2 delayed is not "Bad News".
Who wants a game rushed for a console revision release date!?
It should either hold no influence or result in a delay for additional features when played on the revision, such as higher color fidelity.
Also, there probably will be a Zelda themed, "Switch Pro", coming in 2022.
Superman 64 HD please. That is all.
@Tandy255 Hahahahahahaha!
Cool. Couple of interesting nuggets here:
1. The silence of the Switch pro is... strange. Like no build up at all. You are releasing what is going to be a even stronger version of what is likely going to end up being your best selling console of all time, and potentially the best selling console ever, and... nothing. I wonder if it's because Nintendo didn't want to have to upgrade yet, but was forced to by NVIDIA or even third party developers who told them "if you want our titles on Switch, you have to upgrade." It's really baffling to me, and yes, I do believe we are getting a new Switch. Bloomberg isn't the National Enquirer. They wouldn't keep up on this if there wasn't legitimacy to it.
2. New DKC and Metroid games is cool, but if both end up being 2D, that is a little disappointing. If Metroid is a 2D game to hold us over to Prime 4, great. But if DKC ends up being another 2D game, then that'll be a little bit of a wasted opportunity.
3. I also hope the time is better used. Don't use a chunk of the 40 minutes on lame multiplayer games no one cares about or on overly long breakdowns of low budget third party titles. Save those for the sizzle reel. Make the time be for heavy hitters (first party titles, popular third party releases.)
@tadams587 for sure I prefer release delays for a higher quality product.
I got really burned by Xenoblade Chronicles 2, which was rushed to make a holiday release date and it showed. (Many of the worst issues were fixed in post-release patches, but it took like four months and even then a bunch of pointless irritants that would never have made it past a real playtester are still there.)
I just want some new good first party ish, plus a permanent price drop on some stuff like DKCRTF, Fire Emblem, Captain Toad, etc.
I'm just hoping BOTW 2 gets a title and a Zelda Switch collection is announced.
Is it worth getting up at 2 in the morning to watch live (i’m in australia)?
Ports and shovelware, assemble!
@Giancarlothomaz There's been cases where a game released in November and then a game in December: Pokemon Let's Go and Smash Bro's Ultimate.
Disappointed that there's only 3 hours of treehouse live, when there used to be three days, but boy am I happy
Lol the NintendoLife video features Metroid in the thumbnail. You guys are shameless!
Zelda games in the eShop...please?
I've missed the E3 hype so much! Some of the best times were those old E3 days where Iwata was still with us <3
@DreemWeever it’s always looked like that
My eyes are ready for Pokémon Legends Arceus gameplay!
@DreemWeever of course! Then they will show off how the SE DK bands at Super Nintendo World will unlock the original DK arcade game on your phone as you wait in line.
@Souflee just remember we most likely will get 3rd parties announcing Switch games too. 40 min. is pretty good to show off Arceus, BOTW2, and "Available Now" Pokémon collection on NSO.
@myfirsteevee I too would love a Pokemon collection, but that will never happen
@ECHIDNA Or staying up until 2am? I'm in Australia (East Coast) too.
@DreemWeever That's been the Treehouse logo for years now.
Let's see. I could see the Direct starting with a Smash Ultimate Character reveal, then we see Doug Bowser introduced, then we see the usual fare, of games that can and will be showcased. Hopefully, if we're lucky, and if Nintendo feels like it, we'd get one last trailer, the FINAL Smash Ultimate Character reveal. And I have a feeling that when they reveal the Final Smash Character, it won't be a third-party character, or a character from a beloved franchise, but rather an Original Character, specifically Tabuu, playable without cheats. How else are you gonna end the Fighters Pass speculations with a bang?
Cadence of hyrule 2. How bout dat!
I'd laugh at those expecting news on a super switch of it wasn't sad
There'll be one or two surprises like usual.
Please give me a Star Fox!
@Ulysses Never say never.
@Nitwit13 Yeah I'm East as well. Have work that day and we are likely going to be out of of lockdown.
I will be very sleep deprived!
@tadams587 Especially when the last Zelda was one of the best games I've ever played.
Switch Pro will support Zelda BotW 1080p 60fps but will have to buy a remastered copy of the game for 60 dollars. Nothing to announce for BotW2 or Metroid. 45 minute trailer for the new Mario Golf. Jared Goff, new Detroit Lions quarterback, announced for Smash.
Sweet! Can't wait!
Software only, not happy. So we will get some new games, probably spread out over the next ten months or so and maybe Zelda BotW will be in there somewhere, I'm not even over concerned about that, unless it's on a new more powerful Switch.
Be prepared for an average 40 minutes and you won't be disappointed.
@KBuckley27 I’m glad they did so I could request a night shift that day.
@gcunit Switch Pro ain't gonna happen. It has been rumored for 5 years now. People just need to give up and move on.
We might get a Switch 2 in the (near) future, which hopefully builds further on the OG Switch with same OS and full backwards compatibility.
Or.... Nintendo keeps stuck in the past with their heads in the sand and releases a completely new console, with new OS and zero backwards compatibility in typical Nintendo fashion and the cycle starts again with remakes/rereleases at full retail prices.
We will see.
I don't have expectations, I just want some things that interest me and the Age of Calamity DLC.
I hope I am wrong, but I feel this is gonna be extremely underwhelming. I miss the days of that 3DS presentation at E3. That was so exciting...
"Those were the daaaaaays!"
@Mr_Persona To each their own. Splatoon 3 is my most anticipated Switch game. To say I love, love, love Splatoon is putting it mildly.
@Jeronan I don't see a true successor(ie a Switch 2) happening any time soon. The Switch is on track to sell a 100 million plus units. Nintendo isn't going to let go of that money tree for at least another 3 years or so.
@vio l bet you can't wait any much longer for that game🌟
I'm not very excited for it because ik l still won't have ns online and the game is mostly online. Story mode won't last forever. Basically it's like getting a 60$ game to play only its small part and not the main game itself. So yeah l will just wait for a Christmas sale in the future.
So August, September, October and December are all unknown. Pokemon DP remakes are November. Skyward Sword takes July. There will also be stuff for next year.
I hacked the mainframe and I can confirm that on June 15th they will anounce a new Nintendo Switch..
shaped character for Super Smash Bro's.
My body is ready.
@steizgr8 Its at 5pm in the UK
@myfirsteevee yeah, been a long time watcher of Nintendo's E3 presentations never know what to expect, but always expect to be disappointed, I think we all deserve a metroid trailer, if only cinematic or a little logo, something,
I'm already beyond the clouds with getting my childhood dream Pokémon Game, and no more heroes 3 in August, and with shin megami tensei V, but also would be nice to know Bayonetta 3 exists and will eventually be released
It has been 4 years sknce they first announced MP4, we should at least get that and some Pokémon Arceus gameplay.
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