As part of Nihon Falcom's 40th anniversary celebration stream (above), the company has confirmed that it's bringing four more games from the Legend of Heroes RPG series to Switch over the next couple of years.
This venerable series began life as a Dragon Slayer spin-off way back in 1989, although the Trails subset didn't kick off until 2004. Western fans have always had to wait a while for English translations (we didn't see Trails in the Sky until 2011, for example), but the games have a loyal following and fans will be thrilled to see these ones finally localised and launching overseas.

The games have been announced for Switch, PS4 and PC and the list includes The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails, an action-RPG spin-off from 2021. Here's the full lineup, including their original Japanese release dates and when we can expect them to launch on Switch:
- The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero (Original JP release: 2010; Switch launch: Fall 2022)
- The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure (Original JP release: 2011; Switch launch: 2023)
- The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails (Original JP release: 2012; Switch launch: 2023)
- The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie (Original JP release: 2020; Switch launch: 2023)
We spoke to Nihon Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo last year and when asked about the prospect of further games in the series coming to the West, he told us that there was "definitely room for us to consider other titles for it going forward".

Interestingly, it seems that Falcom and NIS America have teamed up with the fan community to make these releases possible — the fan translations for Trails from Zero and Trails to Azure by Geofront will form the basis of the upcoming official releases, as confirmed by the group itself in a statement. Here's an excerpt from Zerker, the project lead on the Trails of Zero fan translation:
There were points during Trails from Zero’s first editing pass when I’d dread about the possibility of official localizations being announced out of the blue, dashing our hard work prematurely. I desperately wanted us to be able to finish our work before it reached that point.
And…we did. Somehow—for some reason—everything has worked out. Not just worked out, but worked out in the best possible way. The Geofront was able to release two localization patches that we can be immensely proud of, and we have the opportunity to partner with NIS America to bring these lovely games over officially now. Whenever I sit down and really think about it, I’m speechless. Just absolutely floored.
2023 might seem like a long wait, but Legend of Heroes fans are used to waiting, so at least now they've got something to look forward to after they finish up The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV, the latest release for the series in the West (which we liked very much).
Thanks to Citano for the tip! Let us know below if you're excited to see these titles finally come to the West.
Comments 42
Despite the long wait, it will be worth it for sure!
That's all well and good, but I hate story line trailers, give me game play and then I will say if I like it or not.
Also teasing stuff for 2023? Wow
The legend of heroes trails of cold steel 1 and 2???
Awesome news. I finished Trails in the Sky FC last weekend. Its a slow burn with a great pay off and I hear the series gets better as it goes along. Playing these on the Switch will be great.
Finally! Thanks for this good news
@iuli as Nintendo fan that seems like a relatively short period. Remenber we've been and still are waiting for some games that have been announce several years ago (Bayonetta, Metroid, etc). As a DQ fa, i'm still waiting on a western release for DQ 10 MMO or the ports of DQ 4-9 on Switch.
I mean if patience is a virtue most Nintie fans have passed that hurdle and will reach the gates of Heaven without problem
@Bunkerneath you could just google the gameplay, games came out ages ago in japan.
Nothing wrong with teasing them, I mean we could also complain about SMTV, Metroid Prime 4, Bayonetta 3 and Breath of the Wild 2 being teased too early.
The main difference is that these 4 Trails games already exist in Japan, so it is a matter of translating A LOT of text (really really a lot) and porting them if not done yet to new platforms.
Nice, but disappointed that Trails of Cold Steel 1&2 for Switch aren’t making their way Westwards. I do acknowledge that this may be due to localisation licensing issues.
The Switch has made me realise how much more I enjoy playing JRPGs when portability is possible. I know they are available on Vita/PS3 with cross-saves but I’d like the added content and JP audio of the re-releases.
Awesome, more Falcom games is never a bad thing.
I'm glad they're bringing all of these too. But first, what we want is the first two Trails of Cold Steel in the West, to be able to play the third and the fourth.
Then we'll talk XD
First bring Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2, hope we'll see those soon!
Great news that the missing Crossbell games are coming to the west officially. It seems a long way away, but I still need to play the three Trails in the Sky games so I probably won't be ready in time.
(Is it really wise to announce PS4 games for 2023, though?)
CS 1 and 2 are already available on PC and PS4. It's just the Switch that's missing out. The issue is that the first two (along with the Sky series) were handled by XSEED rather than NIS in the west.
That's cool and all, but is any of them a self-contained story? Or will we have a Trails 3 situation all over again?
On that topic, bring 1 & 2 so we can play 3 and 4!
Right on! Need CS1 and CS2
@Slowdive The annoying thing is, Falcom isn't the one giving you these. They don't care about Switch I assume because they don't have the resources to devote to it. NISA is the one to thank for anything Falcom related on Switch, They at least know that's where the money is at the moment.
Lol I'll be very surprised if this actually happens on this version of the Switch.
That stuff will likely get pushed back for Switch 2, for early content. If it comes at all.
Edit: imagine taking 2 years to port 4 8-10 year old games. Better off trying a different career.
I hope we see the full series eventually. Think the Switch is a great home for JRPGs!
Played the first game a while back and put it on hold until I had more time... Maybe this is the push I need
So what the heck is the order to even play these things?
Trails in the Sky FC
Trails in the Sky SC
Trails in the Sky the 3rd
Trails From Zero
Trails to Azure
Trails of Cold Steel
Trails of Cold Steel II
Trails of Cold Steel III
Trails of Cold Steel IV
Trails into Reverie
Kuro no Kiseki (releases in Japan in September 2021. At this rate we probably won't get it until 2024)
You can can consider Sky 1-3, Zero/Azure and CS1-4 as their own individual story arcs, but unresolved arcs and characters from the previous arcs continue into the arc proceeding it. CS3 and 4 are basically the equivalent of Infinity War/Endgame for the series. Reverie is an epilogue for everything up to that point while also setting up the next arc which starts with Kuro no Kiseki.
Nayuta is a spinoff unrelated to the main games and it's also an action RPG based on the Ys Seven engine instead of a turn based RPG.
Not gonna bother with these until they makes Cold Steel 1 and 2 in Switch.
also for reference Reverie is about 60% through the entire story according to Falcom's president so we at least got another 2 arcs or so to go
@shineget64 Thanks for listing it, as @NinjaWaddleDee I also wanted to know...
And well it feels like a series I unfortunately won't be able to follow. Not enough spare time, I'm a Switch-only owner... That's life!
Nice! Means I can take these off my ps4 list!
@Slowdive Why don't you add Ys: Ark of Naphistim there? Isn't that a good one too?
I'm getting into the series now, so I'm just curious XD, I haven't played it.
@shineget64 Wow, thanks for the info! So it would be nice if they also brought the Trails in the Sky series to the Switch...
@Slowdive Ah, ok, that makes sense haha. It's the sixth in the series, so it's quite a thing. Seven also would be nice.
Ah, so many games I want on Switch!
@Slowdive All of those, as well as Trails in the Sky FC, SC and the 3rd and Cold Steel 1 and 2, were published by XSEED (Tokyo Xanadu by Aksys). If you want to see them on Switch, you should ask XSEED.
However, since Falcom seems to have cut ties with them and isn't letting them localize any new games anymore, I don't think they'd be interested in putting any more work into their older titles.
@FX102A The remastered ToCS 1 and 2 are available on PS4 and PC if you have any of those. I doubt you'd need a very powerful PC to run them unless you're going above 1080p.
@RoguePirate It's a small company with several awesome IPs. These things take time. Plus they have to deal with localization licensing red tape.
What about the kids they will have during the in game series???
Definitely been looking forward to these games for a long time.
one thing im hoping though is that the switch versions end up good, since cold steel 3 and 4 had a few bugs in the switch version which iirc were never addressed.
WHOOOOOOOOOOO!!! The most exciting news possible!!!
I am so incredibly pumped the Crossbell games are coming. I've played the Liberl games and I'm getting through ToCS IV right now. ToCS III and IV are blowing my mind, and even though I understand / figured out what I assume is most of what comes from the Crossbell games, I feel like I'm missing a big part of III and IV given just how much is referenced from them.
It's pretty tragic they didn't release localizations here prior to the games wrapping up the Erebonia arc, since they rely so heavily on them.
But I'll gladly take anything I can regarding the Trails series. It's so remarkably good.
Bold to be announcing Switch games launching in 2023. That'll be 6 years after the launch of the system. Each Nintendo home console so far has lasted 5 or 6 years (1985, 1991, 1996, 2001, 2006, 2012, 2017). These 3 games will likely release at the very end of the Switch's cycle, possibly even after the Switch 2 launches.
@ALinkttPresent considering they're also on ps4 and those games are backwards compatible with ps5 we can only hope that given the success of switch and the fact every other console does it now that a new Switch will be compatible with the old games.
Ya but Nintendo handhelds last much longer. 3DS was supported for 8 years, for example. And Switch is every bit as much a handheld as it is a console.
Plus, Nintendo has repeatedly stated they want to extend the life cycle of the Switch.
So we're looking at 2025 before the next generation actually starts.
Id rather falcom release ys 1&2 for switch.
@Bizaster The first two ToCS games are localized, they're just not on Switch. I wouldn't hold your breath for those coming West. I recommend playing them on PC or PS4, they are WORTH IT. To be quite honest the games especially the first game are a little slow to start because there is LOTS of world building and character introduction, but by the time you get to ToCS 4, you'll be glad you have them under your belt.
@guitarpete987 @Winter_Samurai The first two Cold Steel games are now in English, but only on PC and PS4 (upgraded Kai versions), as well as PS3 and PS Vita (original versions).
The Kai versions are on Nintendo Switch but only in Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea.
To everyone who does the whole “accctualy, you can just play Cold Steel 1 & 2 on PC or PS4”: not everyone has multiple systems. The problem isn’t that there is no localized version, it’s that Nintendo-only owners only have access to Cold Steel 3 & 4.
I am all for bringing as many Legend of Heroes games to Switch as possible. Playing JRPG’s portable is the best. I am so stoked we are finally getting official localized versions of the Crossbell duology, not to mention physical copies. It’s a dream come true! Having Reverie, the next game after Cold Steel IV on Switch is fantastic as well.
With that said, I still think it’s a huge shame a deal can’t be worked out with XSEED and Clouded Leopard to bring Cold Steel 1 & 2 (which are already on switch) to the west. Not to mention the Sky trilogy still being absent despite being precursors to the Crossbell games which we are getting.
Ultimately, I’m thankful we are getting more.
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