The last new entry in the Star Fox series (excluding Star Fox 2) was Star Fox Zero for the Wii U in 2016.
As you might recall, it didn't have quite the impact Nintendo was hoping for - receiving a mixed response. One of the main issues players had with it was the awkward controls. Some would just like to see Nintendo make the series fun again, and this includes Giles Goddard - one of the programmers who worked on the original Super Nintendo Star Fox game.
Here's exactly what he had to say during a recent interview with GameXplain:
"It would be interesting to do a Star Fox, I think. But not how the other ones were done...I think I would just dial it back a lot and not put in gimmicks like the stuff that Zero had. And maybe not even put in the free-roaming aspects and stuff like that I would just...pull it back into what made Star Fox the original fun. I would just make one based on that. I don't know how popular it would be, but we could always try."
In a follow-up question, he was asked if he would be interested in making a game in the "old style" of Star Fox. The short answer was "no".
"If we did do it, it would have to be a new...either an extremely stylised retro look or very updated and modern looking. But I wouldn't try to replicate the polygons from the FX Chip...I don't see the point. We've got over that, we've fixed that problem, you don't want to go back to it again...You always want to be doing something new, not going backwards."
Although it seems unlikely Goddard will return to the Star Fox series anytime soon (he's got his hands full with his new VR snowboarding game), how would you feel about Nintendo dialing back the Star Fox series? Would you like to see something more like the earlier games in the future? Did you play the Wii U entry? Leave your thoughts down below.
[source youtu.be]
Comments 110
It’s an interesting one. Panzer Dragoon was slated for being a bit too steeped in its dated gameplay. So the trouble is making an on-rails shooter feel fresh and exciting.
I agree with everything they said except for the doing away with free roaming parts.
90% of the game should be on rails with the rest free roaming opportunity.
I know some folks could get over the controls and find a game they enjoyed, but I really couldn't stomach Zero. Honestly I hope Star Fox doesn't get left in the same supermarket that Nintendo accidentally left their other child F-Zero in.
I still didn't continue my Star Fox Zero Wii U after 2nd mission. It was really confusing in term of control schemes since I have never played Star Fox games before. I have Star Fox Adventures Gamecube but same as Star Fox Zero.... still haven't continued yet despite the gameplay was an Action Adventure.
Star Fox is better turn into Ratchet & Clank style since I really want to use Fox McCloud running around with his feet, blasting his weapons, jumping around, can use his friends to get into action with different abilities, still have aerial shooting sections.
Starfox without some sort of gimmick or added replay value will not sell UNLESS it is a budget eshop title.
Tbh I think they should take the Kid Icarus Uprising engine and slap a coat of Starfox on it with voice acting and intricate story telling.
I loved the way Zero looked. It just was way too awkward in it's controls.
I would love a game with 64's control scheme, but new planets, storyline, perhaps new squad to replace Peppy and Slippy, or it let you choose who flies with you, etc. Like how Slippy tells you the enemy health, Peppy tells you the weakspot, Falco points out the shortcuts, maybe the new squad mate gives you a special weapon, and another retrieves upgrades for you so you don't have to fly to them or something. So there's a benefit to replaying the game again but taking different people.
But gimmicks are the Nintendo way.
If they release a Starfox with no real advancements then us F Zero fans will riot
@AvianBlue Well it was originally a Star Fox title...
I want a Star Fox like Assault again honestly. To me the moments outside the cockpit, though really jank felt like a natural extension of what Fox would do given his job in story terms and had a lot of room for further growth and development
@link3710 was it really? That's amazing if true.
Maybe it's possible. After all Kirby and Yoshi shared the same yarn engine. Metroid and Icarus shared development. And Zelda and Takamaru too.
I'm not a huge Star Fox man, however I think it is one of Nintendo's franchises that has the most potential almost in the same way Metroid has a lot of potential, and it's an absolute shame that the series has been reserved for gimmiks only and then put to rest for years. Star fix could be so much bigger.
@AvianBlue https://www.nintendolife.com/forums/3ds/sakurai_why_i_chose_kid_icarus_over_starfox
I absolutely agree with him.
What made Star Fox fun was the accessible, arcadey fun of the on rails sections. The later introductions of whacky controls, all range-mode and on-foot sections pulled away from the core fun.
I say combine the linear dogfights with third person shooting on foot sections again, but don't make it suck this time.
I would even take a 64 remake at this point....i just really miss star fox man
Star Fox 64 was some of the best fun I've ever had in gaming. Playing levels over and over again trying to get the high score by figuring out new combo shots, finding new shortcuts, becoming a better pilot over time, it's the pinnacle of what video games are supposed to be IMO. Ever since then they've tried to strip it of that simplicity and in doing so they've tainted the joy. They think they have to reinvent the wheel with every new game but then turn around and give us the increasingly generic New Super Mario Bros 10 or what have you. Ugh. Just... A direct sequel to Star Fox 64. Nothing convoluted, nothing fancy, just pure on-rails shooter mayhem with cheesy voice acting, that's all they have to do. Please.
I absolutely hate all range mode. I’d be very happy with a back to basics game but then again my biggest release this year is Raiden.
The original game was a very challenging but fun on-rails shooter in the arcade style. Star Fox 64 had that but also added 3D dog fighting and a more cinematic presentation (at least for the time).
The problems surfaced in the GameCube era...I realize Adventures and Assault had their own merits, but they were not the same game. They were reinventions that weren't asked for at the time. Command was a more fully realized Star Fox 2, but it still had a spinoff feel. Then the 3DS gets a 64 remake to remind us how good it was, followed by Zero a few years later. Zero was not horrible, but really suffered from the "gimmick" problem. It felt a little rushed to me as well.
If Nintendo would just give us a very normal feeling game for Switch, I think it could do the same number Metroid Dread could do.
They could follow botw approach and create a new open (world) space for Fox McCloud to explore as a lone Merc.
Unfortunately Nintendo now has to find outside developers for certain IP because they’re too specialized internally. Which means they have to retain control even though they aren’t the developer.
I think having the option to do a free roaming part via unlockable pathways worked best. On rails is my preferred anyways. Star Wing is still one of my most played games.
I'm not even a Star Fox fan and that's what I said about the series. It should be given another go around without any wacky controls or over the top gimmicks. I absolutely understand Nintendo's approach in trying new things. Maybe a small wrinkle or two to the established formula. But sometimes, simple is best. When a series hasn't had as much content as some others, sometimes it's best to ease back in with the familiar. Get a new entry or two in and then maybe start experimenting with some off the wall ideas. Mario and Zelda can afford to change it up because they are continuously active franchises.
This also applies to other long dormant franchises like F-Zero or Waverace
It's true that sometimes less is more and simple is better. Some game IPs have been successfully added to existing features or experimented with new ones, but others simply don't lend themselves to messing with what works in the first place.
Zero did dial things back considerably, but it still had gimmicks. That game from what I've seen was a step back in so many ways and as a result became the least successful in the series. Depending on how much of that were due to the gimmicks or the dialing back.
Thing is it's 2021, not 1993. The series has lived in the past since the 2011 with the 3ds remake, Zero being a reimagining, and technically the completion of 2 None of which went well. So Nintendo needs to choose on what path they go from here with the property. Either make it like the old games and continue to live in the past and strip everything back again or try what they haven't done in a while like maybe one of the 3rd party games like 2, Adventures, Assault, Command. Or do something new like that Starlink which was Ubisoft. Be it in house or a 3rd party.
I have a hard time believing that stripping back Star Fox would go over well. A game that becomes as basic arcade shooter to the point of being hollow. Something we criticize Nintendo for with the New Super Mario games and that we praised breath of the wild for not doing. Especially at full price which you can count on Nintendo. Thing is, gamers of 2021 don't take too kindly to arcady on rail shooters anymore unless they're Indies for $20 or if it's a side mode/mini game.
I think if Nintendo does a new Star Fox in a "retro" style, it'll be styled after marionette shows like Thunderbirds.
@TheFrenchiestFry Thank you. Star Fox Assault is, imo, the best star fox game and there is still so much room for improvement with the gameplay they could offer for on foot sections.
Star Fox Command was the absolute apex for me. It did so many things I loved no other entry in the franchise did. I would love an HD game in the style of that game. ^_^
But yea, Star Fox without the gimmicks, and if they still refuse to make a new story .... wouldn't it just be an HD remake of the original?? I think the overall situation is a little more nuanced than "take out the gimmicks."
Finally someone said it, down with gimmicks! Down with that sort of thing!
@thiz True but that didn't stop em or Dylan was it from completing and publishing Star Fox 2 or letting them into Star-link.
Star fox zero was not the train wreck it's made out to be but it would be nice to have a simple straightforward control scheme without the gimmicky stuff. I hate when they had the DS and those touch controls were shoved down everyones throats.
Did he just call the Super FX aesthetic outdated? No taste, I tell you.
I got into the series with 64, so maybe I'm letting some bias slip through, but removing the All-Range Mode sections isn't just removing a gimmick; it's removing a part of the series' evolution, and I'd say the on-foot sections of Assault or the Walker from SF2 and Zero were also evolutions. The only things that should be on the chopping block are gimmicky control schemes that hinder the gameplay more than enhance it.
Not interested. I want a more bombastic Star Fox. Assault dialed to 100x with a character creator and massive online battles, and better third person shooting mechanics.
Star Fox could be a giant sci-fi epic franchise for Nintendo but they continue to treat it like butt
If they want to do something different, why don't the make an space RPG, take the flight formula everyone loves, a deep story (rpg kinda deep) and combine that with the walking stuff from command and boom, you have a game for the ages
Its not the gimmick problems only. Its the overall graphics.
Despite the gameplay factor. We had nintendo making a full effort to develop starfox zero with years of development. And ubisoft with just a few months , designed a better arwing!
I think nintendo should try more seriously...
I kinda like the idea behind Starlink, the whole open world space craft shtick.
I think dedicated Star Fox game but a similar way to how Starlink did it, with Nintendo behind it, would be a lot better, i think that was a good route and I'd like to see where Nintendo would go with it.
Exactly. I think they found the formula with Assault, but they never really used its full potential.
i would love to see a new star fox game. here is hoping
The Wave Race creator said the same and Nagoshi said he'd like to work on a new, F-Zero but Nintendo is like nope......
Here's a Star Fox Zero protip for everyone:
You should be looking at your television about 98% of the time.
It's an absolutely fantastic game, but I think Nintendo slightly overestimated player willingness to try something slightly different. I remember Kotaku had an absolutely moronic article about how you should sit when you play it, so that you can see both screens at all times.
Without the Gimmicks? Yes games on the Wii u were very gimmicky and so were Wii games.
Both controllers turned out to be very gimmicky rather than innovations in the game world.
I would love a more arcadey Star Fox game again.
I'd love a new Star Fox done in the spirit of the SNES game, but with modern graphics.
Since Bandai Namco (when it was just Namco) did Star Fox Assault, I say get their Project Aces team to make a Star Fox game. Probably will be primarily an All Range Mode game but I know I’d probably love it.
The biggest challenge would be controlling 3 axes of motion in Space where there is no horizon as a reference point.
Just keep Fox and Co in their vehicles.
Nintendo will undoubtly introduce some kind of new gimmick into a Switch StarFox game, but I doubt it will be anywhere near as annoying as the dual screen controls of StarFox Zero.
TBH, outside of blue ocean titles like Labo and Ring Fit Adventure, Nintendo has gradually reduced the emphasis of control-related gimmicks in their games. 3 years ago, Pokemon Let's Go and Super Mario Party required JoyCon motion controls; now, Pokemon Diamond/Pearl remakes and Mario Party Superstars don't require JoyCons whatsoever. This was most likely done to ensure compatibility with the Switch Lite.
@Anti-Matter this is starfox assault
@westman98 yeah the joycons suck ass too
I love Star Fox. It's tough to please all its fans though, because a lot of people want a back to 64 style, back to basics, arcadey type game and others, like me want to see something more akin to Star Fox Assault with the varied gameplay, more story and better multiplayer. I think the only way Nintendo could please everyone is by having an 'Arcade Mode' and 'Story Mode' similarly to a lot of fighting games. Arcade for the original fans and Story for the 2000s games fans
Take Miyamoto out of the equation, make a straight-up sequel to 64, and you have a hit. There are no other space shooters out right now and it's a genre that is due for a resurgence. Just keep Miyamotos archaic game philosophy out of it.
@nessisonett Sin and Punishment for the Wii may be getting a little old now but it showed you can still make a great on-rails shooter. It is just necessary to have engaging scenarios. Games like Gears of War and Call pf Duty are also pretty close to being on rails... though the series are both stale now
I think Star Fox should be dialed back but they should also innovate in more interesting ways. There is so much inspiration that can be taken from space that I don’t think it should be hard to innovate.
Eh I'd disagree, I don't think All-Range Mode is a gimmick and really those were my favourite parts of Star Fox Zero and made Star Fox 2 pretty fun to play even releasing so long after it should have.
What a coincidence, I would be quite interested to play a new Star Fox game without any silly gimmicks as well.
Not being yet another game that tells the same exact story would be quite nice too.
Good luck with that. I hear Miyamoto squashes sequel ideas if they don't toss in gimmicks to make one game different enough from the other.
"the free-roaming aspects" are the best parts of Star Fox so I disagree
Include a hub area on Corneria with a workshop for Arwings, a shop for bombs/laser upgrades/health, a HQ for taking missions etc. and a lot of animal pedestrians walking around for fox to zoom past as he runs from place to place.
For the missions have a solar system of planets that can be selected from in any order except for a few danger planets which are story specific. Have the usual mix of on-rails and all-range mode missions, but with current-gen graphics that look closer to SF Assault than SF Zero.
Most importantly, have the story and villain be completely new with only small references (such as file logs) to Andross and the events of SF Zero.
I would certainly love a new Star Fox game. It is in my Top 3 favorite Nintendo series, after all, along with Metroid and Zelda.
That being said, I have no problem with a free-roaming Star Fox game. Assault is my favorite entry in the series, despite some overly-sensitive on-land (as in, both on-foot and Landmaster) controls, and that was mostly free-roaming.
Personally, I would love a sequel to Assault that ignores the continuity/canonicity of Command. I never did like how Krystal--my favorite video game character--was written in that game, with Fox dumping her, her becoming cold and distant, and with no clear resolution to the story (nine different endings; although the first one you unlock has Krystal leave Fox for Panther, so some people consider that the canon ending for the game).
@LXP8 exactly but, do not forget third-person gameplay allowing Fox to get off his spacecraft like in Assault
I would really like to see deviations from the original, like Star Fox Adventures. Planetary exploration for example.
I liked the strategy part of Star Fox Command, but not mixed with action. That's why I loved Starship Patrol on DSi, which took the strategic gameplay from Star Fox Command into its own, excellent game.
@Bulborb If they combined the best parts of Star Fox Adventures, Star Fox Assault and Star Fox 64, they would create the best Star Fox game ever.
Personally, I think that a new Star Fox with a similar gameplay as we had in Starlink is the way forward.
I'd love to see Nintendo developing the gameplay over that idea and, perhaps, combining it with on foot infiltration missions with the possibility to change characters so that you could use their skills etc.
That would be a great game in my view.
I’d prefer a Factor 5, Rogue Squadron style Star Fox game, over an on-rails game. And really? A VR Snowboarding game? Just make a new 1080 for the Switch already.
Very much agree. I was sorely disappointed with Zero. Even if you got used to the controls, the underlying game was zero fun to play - partly because of the need to justify the control scheme.
Plus it was seriously underwhelming in terms of visuals and story. 64 felt like playing a movie, Assault looks great even today. For a full price on-rails game, Zero should have had much more awe and spectacle. It's made by the same people as Bayonetta and Vanquish! Instead it looks and plays half-hearted.
@ChromaticDracula completely agree - the on rails bits are fun enough but the free roaming dogfights with Star-Wolf and his crew were the best parts of Lylat Wars (or Star Fox 64), so intense and a great change of pace
Nintendo should bring back more on rail shooters like Star Fox and Sin and Punishment. For Star Fox-I would also love even just the remake of SF64! But Zero is still miles ahead in terms of fun over Starlink. And for those games that lack any patience and skills to learn new control scheme-I struggled too at first, but after an hour or so, the game felt extremely precise-far better that just playing with analogue. Those gamers who complain should feel ashamed-since gaming industry will not evolve with such people that are lazy-need the same controls for every game type. People, don’t forget it was Platinum games who made it! All their games are super polished. My only complaint were the glider missions, but the rest was excellent! For the sake of those with less capable hands-add both controls like what you just did with Skyward Sword-which also had some often best motion controls I have ever experienced, and yet, people still complained. Internet is ruining games! Respect people’s work. If someone has a vision, accept it the way it is and look for the good in it, otherwise your criticism will end up degrading the work of excellent minds in the industry! Please more Star Fox, just nooooo Starlink- Ubisoft absolutely missed the Mark, and never understood what made the series special- arkadey gameplay, unique run every time through different planets, finding shortcuts- that made it super fun. For Zero-they just missed the great underwater lever-don’t know why?!
Star Fox- Never Give Up!
@nessisonett Sin and Punishment 2. Give Treasure a Starfox sequel (or S&P3).
As far as Nintendo may be concerned, we just nominally got such a thing in the form of overduly released Star Fox 2. đŸ˜…
I definitely don't mind gimmicks either, though. Everything I've seen of Zero suggests a fun game - as is almost guaranteed by now every time I hear of a game crapped on by its fandom. Go play Dark Castle on Mega Drive, then we'll discuss awkward controls.
Also, anyone else sick of hearing Giles Goddard and Dylan Cuthbert talk about Starfox already? Was nearly 30 years ago fs, go do something else.
Yes, do it like that. Nuff said
I'd honestly prefer much more a new Starfox Adventures, but it would be ok if they made an Assault type of game, only more ambitious and better done.
Best one for me personally was starfox 64
Yeah the landmaster bits weren’t as good but everything else was golden
And I don’t see a return to starfox unless someone can recreate DO A BARREL ROLL!
I think something like wing commander 3 would work blended with some ground based missions for upgrade resources like assault and some on rails boss fights like starblade 3DO
What made the original so much fun was the awesome presentation and setting for a space shooter. Simple gameplay that made you feel you were a space battler. And the music had a huge impact. Very adventurous.
@noobish_hat I thought he was contradicting himself at first as well. But his second answer is in reference to the graphics/look, not the gameplay.
He could actually save this franchise
Personnaly I really liked the gimmicks and the freeroaming levels. I also enjoyed Star Fox Command and Zero a lot despite their flaws (which were mainly the fault of their hardware). I also liked Rogue Squadron and its "sequel" Battle for Naboo a lot. So I'd gladly play a new Star Fox game that focus mainly on free roaming levels with varied objectives and/or gimmicks and have a few linear and cinematic levels once in a while to help the pacing of the game.
I've never really been into pure arcade games, the OG Star Fox and Star Fox 64 feel a bite bare to me. And I like to control the pace of my games, so I don't enjoy on rails games. But that's just me.
I really disliked starlink because it was basically all all range mode. Maybe if it had some on rail levels it would have made me feel differently. But I much prefer going one direction and shooting that same way.
A simple game doesn't make it a bad one.
Breath of the Wild reinvented the Zelda formula, but its main gimmick, the Sheikah Slate, was moreso just permanent item use than something unique to the franchise.
Super Mario Party basically went back to Mario Party's root gameplay of being rather simple. They stripped it of all these fancy features (before adding some back via an update) and people stilled played it.
Splatoon 2 took out basically every gimmicky feature from Splatoon 1's GamePad controls.
Sounds like heaven to me, a new Starfox back to basics:)
Personally I do want a new Starfox with the retro flat-shaded polygon look. I've wanted it since I played the microgame in WarioWare Wii where they recreated level 1 of Starfox but at a much higher resolution and frame rate.
A remake of the original Starfox with more polygons that preserves the flat shaded look would be awesome IMHO. It doesn't necessarily need to be the only Starfox game, I'd like to see a proper new entry (without any gimmicks like Zero) too.
@AvianBlue I really don’t understand why they aren’t making smaller scale sequels for their smaller franchises for eShop- or why they haven’t been doing it for years now. I don’t think it’s totally necessary to go full on big budget for a game like Starfox or other smaller games like Punch Out!!, they could easily find teams (indies?) to work on those kinds of games and put them out for more budget prices on the eShop. Hand over publishing duties to smaller third parties if they don’t think it’s worth their while making physical runs for them.
I guess they may be starting to do so what with WayForward making Advance Wars but that’s exactly the kind of thing that would make sense as a £20 eShop game with a limited physical release rather than the full £50 they’re charging for it.
I agree with the sentiment. It feels like a lot of the Star Fox games after 64 would have been great if it weren't for a few ill-advised gimmicks.
Star Fox Adventures would have been more fun if they'd taken a more traditional approach to the combat rather than the awful staff fighting we had to put up with. It had other problems, but that was a huge one for me personally.
Star Fox Command would have been awesome if you could play with the D-pad instead of having to use touch screen controls.
Star Fox Zero I've not actually played admittedly, but the critical reception is that it would have been a much better, 'classic' Star Fox game if they hadn't implemented the dual screen aiming system.
Starlink is the best game featuring Fox that I've played in a long time and while it is great, the toys-to-life feature does adversely impact the gameplay. Even if you're not playing with the physical models, you frequently have to pause the game and switch around your ships/ weapons which really interupts the pace of the game.
I was excited to play it at the time, and I tried to get into it, but I just couldn't. Awkward controls and bland visuals. It also bothered me it was yet another remake/reboot of the first game. It's been awhile, but I recall enjoying Star Fox Assault more in spite of the kind of lame on foot sections.
I'm glad he's saying that he wants to do something new rather than "fix" Star Fox Zero. I've always felt the only way of fixing that game was to start over. That said, I thought the best parts of that game were the free roaming sections. I liked free roaming in confined battle spaces rather than the open world design of Starlink, which for me lead to a lot of aimless wandering around. But I do think they need to pick a style and focus on that. Zero's biggest problem (even more than its controls) was it tried to shove a ton of different gameplay styles into a single, short game.
I love Star Fox Zero. Most fly "simulators" use its controller scheme. I found it challenging and inventive, and the fact that it used both screens was awesome. Really people, you have to have two left hands in order to not be able to play Star Fox Zero. For sure Nintendo will do another Star Fox game, we'll just have to wait silently. I'd love to see a modern take of Star Fox 2. That game is really good, it has some amazing ideas.
Yes please! This is on my wishlist every direct. Everything he said is what I want. I don't mind the free roaming too much and it would be cool if they put their all into making look like an amazing modern game. Please make it happen dude. I would like to another good Starfox game.
That's tough. The polygonal art style has become part of the brand identity of Star Fox. I don't know they could totally get rid of that. It would be like getting rid of cell shading from GTA. It could be "better" but it would lose the brand.
The gameplay is also tough. The original was truly fun, but a new totally on-rails behind the craft stage based shooter.....it would have to be a digital minigame of some sort, and Nintendo won't do that with a big IP. It's very 90's arcade in design and a modern game couldn't rely on that gameplay.
Star Fox, unfortunately, is a product of an older era, and it either has to stay there or totally be "rebooted" into a modern starship game, or become a budget retro title.
I've only played the 90s games and I like them both quite a bit. They're very 90s, of course. If you did a game like that today, it'd get called "dated" by critics and players who don't understand what the word means.
You know what I would like, though? A version of the SNES game that receives the Virtua Racing Sega Ages treatment, with fewer jaggies and better frame rate. That'd be great. I played Star Fox last year for the first time and it's pretty awesome, just a simple on-rails shooter through a retro-futuristic abstract landscape. I dug it. But the frame rate's like five frames per second half the time. Difficult to adjust to.
Nintendo had an opportunity to revive their old IPs for Switch as there are many dedicated devs out there who wanted to take a crack at one of their IPs but instead they kept denying thus those IPs are starting to lose their value or significance. If Nintendo continues to leave their IPs in the dusk soon their IPs would be irrelevance as these same devs would make their own similar IP that would completely overshadow Nintendo's own.
Soon people would not be talking about F-Zero or Star Fox or 1080 or Kid Icarus, instead they would be talking about FAST RMX, Starlink, SSX or Immortal Fenyx Rising. Heck the majority of new Super Smash Bros. Ultimate players that I met at our home tournament event doesn't even know which game Captain Falcon is from anymore or who he even is which is sad cause these guys were not around when F-Zero were still an active franchise. A lot of them only knew Fox McCloud and friends from Starlink, they never heard of Star Fox.
@Poodlestargenerica Lol, yeah, bad example. I remember this big thing when GTA came about about the cell shading and all....and I just checked it, and it isn't, which makes me wonder what that was all about. It never looked it but I thought it was some more modernized shader or something. I chalk it up to 2010's internet.
Ok, so a better example might be Borderlands and cell shading. Yeah, that's the ticket! That's what meant all along....
@Ghost_of_Hasashi The newest Star Fox game is only 5 years old. They're not too young to remember the franchise, they're just cheap and didn't buy a WiiU
Falcon and Pit, though...yeah, that's on Nintendo. They're bringing Metroid back....maybe the back half of Switch will be filled with reboots. There's a lot of Switch life left and few franchises left. Especially with Switch Pro coming soon.........(hey! where are you guys taking me, get off!)
All I'd want is a StarFox to do is take the best aspects from 64, Assault, and Starlink to make an awesome Space epic. Starlink itself is a fine enough example for me and I think they should build on that foundation Ubi laid down.
@NEStalgia if their first experience was star fox zero they likely won’t be salivating over a new star fox anyways.
I loved 64, tried to get back in with Zero. Zero was just so bad. I did eventually get to Andross, but it was a slog and wasn’t fun. I don’t think I ever beat him, the controls were just too janky.
If they rebuilt Zero, removed all the second screen nonsense and just made it control like 64, I think it could have been a really fun game. I I
@sixrings True. Zero gets a bad rap. It wasn't a bad game, it was just a different, weird, experimental arcade title, and isn't at all what anyone wanted from the Star Fox franchise. If it were a new IP it would have been more well liked. It was kinda fun, honestly, but wasn't really where I pictured Star Fox to go in HD.
Then again, people idolize Star Fox 64. To me it's just Starfox SNES Remastered Edition. I don't see the amazement in it, and that gameplay is too dated to make a new entry of it as an AAA game. Adventures was probably the closest it got to really expanding into a more "modern" AAA franchise.
@Poodlestargenerica Yeah, Star Fox definitely has an identity crisis though. In the modern age, it's best as a space fighter. In fact the space fighter "simcade" genre is all but dead and in need of a revival. Independence War, Freespace, X-Wing (kinda revived as a Battlefield-in-space thing by EA) are all gone. Elite exists, but that's more of a hard sim than a simcade game. And maybe Starfield will pick up the torch, but they already said that's more Skyrim in Space, so that's a different thing too. Star Fox could fill a big void with that.
And yet, Star Fox's legacy is those ground levels. The first game opened with the ground raid, and in that game it was quite fun. The low buzzing, and the tunnel interior levels are a big part of its identity. I do think it needs to move on from that otherwise we'll never really see a Star Fox game. But is it Star Fox without it? I kind of see why Nintendo's reluctant to do much with it. But, with Switch they're in good position to take big experimental risks with franchises.
I'd like to play a Star Fox game without gimmicks. Also preferably not another remake of Star Fox 64.
I want to play a Star Fox where the animals are super realistic. Like just a fox on all fours with clothes on. And they don’t even talk. They steer with their mouths or something. And it’s a disaster.
A new Star Fox without forced gimmicks would be fantastic. Nintendo is so contradictory sometimes with kind of thing. Star Fox, F-Zero, Wave Race and others all sit abandoned because they don't have any new gimmicks to force people to use with them, but will churn out Mario, Mario Kart and others with little variance between them.
I don't want new gimmicks or 'unique' ways to play. I just wanna play a new Star Fox with new levels and areas. I just want a new F-Zero with new courses. Some of these franchises are so long since abandoned that online play would be the new 'unique' feature.
Bingo. Star Fox is a game that doesn't need to reinvent the wheel.
There's that word again: "gimmick". A "gimmick" is simply an experimental feature. Whether or not it stands the test of time is a factor of whether the players accept it, this being the only difference between "innovation" and "gimmick". Many things we accept as granted now were "gimmicks" at some points.
Force feedback on controllers. Fully 3D graphics. Polygonal models instead of sprites. More than two players playing on the same screen or field at once. Being able to play remotely with other players through the Internet on different machines instead of having to do so face-on-face on one console. The mere concept of adding additional content to an existing game through an Internet download. Motion control instead of tactile button controllers. Wireless controllers. Storing game data on discs instead of consoles. Storing save data separately from game data.
I have always said that a modern interpretation of what they were doing with Star Fox 2 would be the best game in the series. Star Link came remarkably close, but lacked focus. I hope to live long enough to see Giles take another crack at it.
Only if they made a Star Fox 3 in a kind of retro style, and maintained it as an evolution of the SNES games.
Otherwise, I think the rail shooter, flight combat genre is largely unpopular, aside from very specific IPs aimed at diehard audiences (Ace Combat and Star Wars Squadrons, for instance). The Nintendo audience seems to be more into character-based action/adventure games, so Star Fox should try that route if they want to reach a modern crowd.
Star Fox 64 is almost 25 years old. Many Nintendo fans today weren't even born when that game came out. They likely have no nostalgia for it.
Yeah would be great to see a new game
Starfox zero gimmicks was really rubbish
But would like to see a Starfox adventure 2 or a remake
Star Fox is such a weird series for me. In my head, it's a big franchise, but if you're really honest, it's only had two really great games, and the last one of those was almost 25 years ago.
The characters really captured my imagination way back when it came out, and I always thought it could do with more story elements to it, but I understand it's a hard franchise to deal with these days. On rails shooters just don't cut it anymore, but you try and do something new, and people will complain it's not Star Fox anymore.
Gimmicks are just code for "things I don't like from a Nintendo game" at this point.
Anyway, I don't think scrapping the all-range mode would really be a good idea. It's perfect for dog fights and boss battles, and even stages as long as the scale is pulled back. Beyond the controls, I noticed how some Star Fox Zero levels in all range mode just felt way too open, mainly boss encounters. A full sequel to Star Fox 64 would honestly be easiest, but I'd really like it if Nintendo incorporated more elements from 2 without making things too big.
@heisnbrg I liked Star Fox Zero a lot. I thought the dog fights were more exhilarating and vehicle transformations were well thought out.
However, I feel the future of StarFox should be open world exploration seen in StarLink but a significant expansion on the core concept seen in that game. No toys to life gimmicks
@AshFoxX Yup, along those lines. Star Fox 2 + Star Link elements would be the way to go
Am i the only one that loved Star Fox Adventures? People hate on that game constantly but I genuinely loved it.
I've played Star Fox, Star Fox 2, Star Fox 64 and Star Fox Zero. I've enjoyed all of them. I think it would be a great idea to bring the series back more to its roots. But I wouldn't do away with things like all-range mode. All-range mode is among the highlights of the 3D Star Fox games to me.
Port star fox zero plz
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