Ultimate Fishing Simulator 2 03 (press Material)
Image: Ultimate Games S.A.

Some game titles just put it all out there, no ambiguity or mystery - like Ultimate Fishing Simulator 2, for example. There's no doubt about the subject matter, that's for sure.

Just like its predecessor, this one will be casting its lure onto the Switch eShop, with Ultimate Games S.A. confirming that it'll arrive on the system in 2022. It has a demo live on Steam right now ahead of early access in the second half of 2021, if you fancy giving it a whirl.

A moment of contemplation for the fish
Image: Ultimate Games S.A.

In the press release the developers are quoted as saying they want this version to appeal to newcomers as well as seasoned experts; they also state that the original has sold over 200,000 copies on Steam alone.

When creating Ultimate Fishing Simulator 2 we did not concentrate solely on avid fishing enthusiasts. We are working on two game modes – one of them will be simplified and aimed at new players, including those who have not had any contact with fishing before.

Are you planning to put on some virtual waders in this one next year?