Cosplayers are basically wizards. Sometimes, they are also literal wizards, when they dress up like Gandalf the White or Dumbledore, but we mean in terms of their creative skills — sewing, sculpting, and sometimes even electronics are all part of making a detailed, true-to-life cosplay of a beloved character. Here at Nintendo Life, we're lucky if we can put together an outfit in the morning to cosplay the role of "functioning human", but that doesn't mean we can't appreciate the artistry of others.
Dan Cattell is an artist with a passion for making 2D sprites into 3D, wearable cosplays, by cutting out each individual part and slapping them onto cardboard shapes strapped to his arms and legs. Recently, his cosplays have been blowing up on TikTok, where he's built quite the following.
It takes a lot of dedication and attention to detail to make these real-world sprites look just like the chunky animations from games of old, but Dan manages to pull it off in style by studying and recreating their movement. He first got into this 2D cosplay when he was in college, and didn't have much money to invest in cosplay, which is a pretty pricey hobby to have.

Over the years, he's cosplayed as Ridley, Samus Aran, a Minecraft Creeper, Yoshi (and rider) and a Space Pirate from Metroid — which happens to be his favourite game to cosplay, if you couldn't already guess that. He's been featured in Nintendo Power — the holy grail for any cosplayer — and has done official costumes for both Mojang and Nintendo.
We don't know what Dan's costume looks like from the back, but let's not worry about it — Dan's impressive costumes are proof that you don't need to have piles of cash to create something that'll make you the envy of Comic-Con. Or you can just buy his costumes off Etsy, if you like.
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[source tiktok.com]
Comments 35
I see multiple 16-bit costumes, but no 8-bits.
Young people these days, no appreciation for the classics! (jk)
They are impressive nonetheless.
@FX102A Pretty much. Most of these are actually from SNES library...
I believe the term here is "16-Bit" not 8-Bit, however it's still impressive. He must be quite dedicated to do these sorts of cosplay.
He should do more of these, would be useful for a second Pixels movie.
I actually have the old Nintendo Power magazine this guy was featured in.
Ignoring the fact that they're 16-bit and not 8-bit, this is actually really cool.
That is really really awesome!!! Thanks for sharing.
When saying 16-bit is guilty of not having enough commercial appeal.
That’s incredible!!
The concept of "bits" is pretty meaningless nowadays. The term "8-bit" is now just synonymous with "pixelated" or "retro", it looks like.
Definitely 64 bits with expanded ram
The pictures are pixelated!
Also, I get 16- and 8-bit mixed up a lot because I am a doofus. Please find it in your 16-bit hearts to forgive me.
Where the N64 and PS1 cosplayers at?
I want to see some pixelated polygonal costumes.
Those are amazing
@russell-marlow https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ca/58/71/ca58718252ae3c683f9d0a5acd8b4863.jpg
That’s really awesome but I was really hoping to see more than just the space pirate in motion! Still, wow, that’s great
Where are the 1bit costumes at tho.
@FX102A Hey! I wasn't involved with the article, but I have done 8-bit costuming before!
@Mr_Persona Actually, I don't do taping on my costumes. You can watch some of my time lapse videos to see me free-hand it. The planning and math of it can actually be kind of deceptively tricky though.
@ChromaticDracula There's a video of my Stormtrooper up there. And if you want to see more, the links to my social media pages are in the article. Or here > https://linktr.ee/dan_cattell_art
@Tempestryke Thank you! 👾
@FX102A Check out my pages and you can find 8-Bit Error. I have plans for more, including Punch-Out!! https://linktr.ee/dan_cattell_art
@Fujimoto-San Haha... I put a lot of work into them! I've got some cool stuff coming around the corner.
@KateGray Creator of the costumes here! Just got word of this article and wanted to thank you! Don't sweat the details of the title! 💚👾💚
The only time I ever dressed up as anyone was as Snape. I took my eldest daughter to a midnight screening. All I needed was a robe. I already have a hooked nose, greasy hair and yellow uneven teeth.
Coming soon, the same thing, but with tits.
@KateGray Ha ha! Don't sweat it, it happens to the best of us.
@ChozoBoy Hey! So you're the costume designer? That's pretty sweet, I can tell you have a lot of dedication and passion for what you do. I'm sure that you'll surprise us with what you have in that corner, ha ha.
@Fujimoto-San Glad you like them! Some of my upcoming characters will include Boba Fett, Wolverine, and Donkey Kong.
@Mr_Persona I've tried taping and it wasn't faster, given that I have years of practice doing this. It was only helpful once when I painted a Pac-Man maze mural for an NJ game store because of the long lines on the maze. It's also not perfectly clean and requires touch ups unless you take the time to seal it. (Sealer and tape end up costing extra money...) In any case, my painting is tight enough that the average person in real life thinks that the painted ones are printed. Out of the four in this article, (Chozo, Error, Minecraft Steve, Samus, Silver/Red Space Pirate, Spider-Man, Stormtrooper, Yoshi) six of those are painted and three are printed. Can you tell the difference at the distance of the photographer?
@ChozoBoy Hey, thanks! I'll be checking this out — I can't wait to see more Samus — Great work on the costumes and movements!
@ChromaticDracula Thanks! If you like Samus, I'm also the creator of the Metroid Cosplay community! https://linktr.ee/metroidcosplay
@ChozoBoy That sounds like a great line up! I'm curious to see how you'll adapt DK, so here's some good luck for you, bud. Cheers!
@Fujimoto-San DKC style art with crutches so I can do that quadruped motion!
@ChozoBoy Sounds cool! I bet you'll be able to pull it off with no problem.
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