One of the great charms of the Wii was, of course, the humble Mii. The cute little avatars were right at the heart of the system and this would continue with Wii U; each boot-up of the HD system greeted us with hundreds of cute little Mii characters running into view and standing under their favourite game of the moment. On 3DS the fun twist was that you could use the system camera to generate a Mii that, quite often, would then look nothing like you. Mii heroes were at the heart of StreetPass and, of course, games like Miitopia and Tomodachi Life.
When Miitopia was announced for Switch it was a little surprising because, well, Mii characters are a bit of an afterthought on the current-gen system. They're around, and can be used in a variety of games or in funny profile poses, but there's no Mii app on the HOME page to grab your attention. They're such a low priority that you have to go to the bottom half of the rather dull settings page, which gives you access to the system-level Mii creator.
In a twist the Miitopia port has its own editor that is rather fun and powerful, and the fact that many fans have been filling social media with crazy creations from the demo has probably reminded Nintendo that, actually, these little Miis are rather popular.
And so there's a video to remind you that, yes, Mii creation exists on the Switch, you've just got to find it in some boring menus.
It's nice to see the Mii comeback; here's hoping that Nintendo does more enjoyable things with the characters for years to come.
Comments 40
I wonder if personalised Mii figures would be popular...
Very sad that they have to make a video on how to make a mii on the switch, but I'm glad they are back
Nintendo brings back miis "ruturn of the king:
No, it doesn't need a how to "create" Miis videos, it needs to let us transfer all of the Miis we already have on Wii, Wii U and 3DS.
Mii's are making a comeback baby!
@rjejr you can its just you need a amiibo for it, but I know what your saying.
I was obsessed with messing around with the WiiU Mii app.
Wait is there actually a way to transfer miis with amiibo?
@GrailUK They could be called aMiibo.
Found out today you play as your Mii in the new Mario Golf RPG mode too. 😃
It Sucks that there's no feature to download the main Mii's of your Switch friends. Would really help make Miitopia fun...
Strong Bad! Too bad I don't have Switch Online D:
They finally did it! And only 15 years late!
now that's a mii
not this overly detailed miitopia mess
@GrailUK I would definitely buy two.
I listen to a lot of video game podcasts and there are people working in the industry that were unaware that Mii existed on the switch years after launch. Sadly, this isn't a feature that is revealed to the player upfront like in the wii days and maybe it should be.
@OorWullie I see what you did there!
@Deppasois I had to read your reply twice lol!
Grezzo and Nintendo have so many opportunities to make an RPG-like game with Mii characters and yet Miitopia just barely scratches that untapped potential that would work for a create-your-own Adventure type of game. I really hope this does well so we can have a bigger sequel with more to do.
I made my mii on Switch the day it arrived lol wasn't exactly hidden
I wish they would make the editing features in miiptopia available on the switch as standard, but i highly doubt they will. Imagine the mii characters you could have in smash.
I never understood why they pulled away from Miis on the Switch and hid them in the depths of the settings menu, to only be used by Smash or Mario Kart, etc.
Maybe it was too married to the branding of the Wii (and thus also to the Wii U) - and they wanted to make it clear that this is a clean break from the past two generations since people were so confused about the difference between Wii U and Wii (is it an add on like the Genesis 32x or the Nintendo 64DD?).
I wish they had made a mii application on the home menu of the switch instead of that stupid nintendo switch online one.
Considering how much people have been able to do so far without a dedicated app for it, I would love to see this!
@russell-marlow I agree, I wonder why they don't just go all in? They did most of the hard work already, why not go the rest of the way?
@Shard1 yep, the Mii owner you choose for an amiibo on 3DS/Wii U can be saved as a Mii on the Switch when you create one.
That's how I transferred my Miis to the Switch rather than redo them from scratch one by one.
The only problem? Since I want to have an almost identical recreation of Miitopia as I played it on the 3DS, I need to transfer A LOT of Miis.
Dang, I was hoping this would be a tutorial on how to make a mii, literally. I have such a hard time making a mii based off a photo or drawing. I was really hoping for some tips on that.
I had around 50 plus Miis made and scanned via QR codes onto my Wii U Mii Maker. I think you could even transfer them to and from the 3DS?
Shame they pared down the usage and feature of Miis so far on the Switch.
I loved picking up all the miis at the Nintendo zone relay points at the railway stations. I could get about 20 miis a day and also noticed I encountered a lot of regulars . It was fun to actually meet these people in super Mario 3d land, animal crossing etc… now having to create all these soulless miis myself feels empty. They’re not the respected miis created by other gamers
@Shard1 : It's the only way to transfer Miis from 3DS/Wii U, which is pretty stupid, to be frank. Considering that the 3DS can wirelessly communicate with the DS, Wii, and Wii U, I was frankly baffled that they hadn't also designed the Switch to be able to communicate with the then current 3DS.
Miitopia on Switch doesn't even allow us to import Miis from a friend's profile, which is also really annoying (I believe the 3DS version allowed friends to be imported).
Took them 4 years. I am hopeful that we get more Mii games in the future.
they should really do what they did with ACNH and let us use the NSO app to scan mii qr does to directly put on our switch. might as well not let our previous qr codes go to waste
Probably an unpopular opinion, but not a fan of the Mii's. Not the concept in general, just how they look. Nine times out of ten they look creepy.
I understand that it was sort of what you had to roll with back with the Wii, but things has progressed since then.
I am really hoping for the revival of miis. They are one of my favorite things Nintendo has done and it's a real shame they were confined to "settings."
@GrailUK Why? 😅
@Deppasois I kinda read it like their are 2 versions of you!
@GrailUK Eh???
@Deppasois Honestly, it's not worth worrying about lol.
@desireefan36 probably not
@Snatcher Thanks. I've had a couple of people explain it to me lately since I've been asking about it in all of the Miitopia articles. Sounded like way too much work, I have over 50 Miis of family and friends that I created for opposing teams in Super Mario Sluggers. The best combination of Mii & motion game Nintendo has created so far. 13 years later, still waiting on a sequel, but all we get are golf and tennis. 😝 I'd take a Strikers sequel. Don't like soccer/football in real life but that game was fun. 😁
I really hope that Nintendo will bring back the Mii Mask in Aninal Crossing New Horizons soon as a new major update.
I don't like Miis and never have. They look bad. Customization options are bad. I'd rather make anything else.
I think Miis belong to the Wii era of Nintendo which was the worst era the company had for quality and was the reason nobody bought the next platform at all. Wii could've ended Nintendo and Miis are a part of that curse. Switch probably wouldn't have so many sales if Miis were marketted.
Too bad there's no easy way to transfer Miis from the Wii to the Switch. I never had a 3DS, so all of my friends' Miis are stuck on the old Wii.
I think they could easily make a smartphone app that would scan your Mii onscreen and add them to your Nintendo ID.
Grandted, there's little need for that now, but I'm really hoping for more games that use the Miis (make Swiitch Party already!) and that would really come in handy.
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