Tetris 99. Pac-Man 99. Super Mario Bros. 35 99. Flake 99. Oh, no, sorry, that last one's a delicious summertime treat, not a video game. But you get the point: we're seeing a new trend emerge, even though it's based on an old new trend: the Battle Royale.
The premise behind the 99 series of games is simple: 99 (or 35) people enter the ring, play the same game, and keep going as they're slowly eliminated until one rules victorious over the 98 (or 34) losers. Rinse and repeat. It's as easy to learn as the alphabet, and as addictive as Haribo Tangfastics (who did not sponsor this post, by the way, I'm just hungry. Although, hi, Haribo, if you're reading this. Call me).
We've given our thoughts for potential new Nintendo Battle Royales in the past, but those were largely first-party games, and Battle Royales should be for everyone - that is, until they become uncool again.
So, which indie games should Nintendo set their sights on for the next 99-themed game? Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Celeste 99 (or 35)

One of the best platformers of the decade could easily take the place left in the wake of Super Mario Bros. 35, and though none of us at Nintendo Life are good enough game designers to know exactly what a Celeste Battle Royale would look like (or how it would work), we're confident that the people who made it would have some good ideas.
And, since it was made by the same people - how about a Towerfall 99, too? The archery party game already suits Battle Royale mechanics so well that there's a fan-made Hunger Games set of rules, which we used to play all the time between the CVG and ONM teams. The base game supports up to six people on Switch, so just make the arenas bigger and drop in a few more players... easy, right?
Stardew Valley 99

Battle Royale matches that are over in a matter of minutes are for cowards. Pit us against 99 similarly-determined farmers, and make the stakes higher than that of Tetris or Pac-Man: who can raise the most money from farming in one year?
Hm, maybe this one doesn't quite work on the grand scale, but we could imagine a Stardew BR where the goal is to, say, catch the most fish, or get the furthest down into the mines. It won't be us, but it could be fun to watch.
Baba Is You 99 (AKA Baba Is Us)

We'll be honest: we picked this one for the title. But picture 99 Babas, all attempting to solve the puzzle before every other Baba manages it. There are over 200 levels in Baba Is You, meaning that you could play the Battle Royale version 200 times and not see the same level twice. What's more, the visuals in the game are simple, which would translate well to a Tetris 99-style interface.
Cooking Mama 99

Self-explanatory. It's basically The Great British Bake-Off, the video game - and isn't that what everyone wants?
Untitled Goose Game 99

Ninety-nine horrible gooses. One frustrated farmer. Chaos? You bet. Honking? Definitely. How do you win? Be the most horrible goose.
Vroom in the night sky 99

The winner is the only one still playing the game after two minutes.
So, can you beat our (mostly serious) ideas for the next Nintendo-style Battle Royale? Give us your pitches in the comments below.
Comments 113
Donkey Kong Country 99
Not indie, but SNES F-Zero would be cool
Dead cells or hades 99 (extra baddies similar to Mario 35)
Bubble Bobble 35!!! Mario 1-3(levels and powers from all 3) 35!!!!
Obviously “Brain Age 99”
How about Ring Fit 99?
Doney Kong is an obvious one.
Hatoful Boyfriend 99
NecroDancer 99, anyone?
"Vroom in the Night Sky" references are hard to come by here in 2021. Kudos.
I'm so far up my own barf in Dead Cells, that I'd probably go for something like a Dead Cells 99 because I'm a masochist at heart
Duck Hunt 99? Contra 99?
Edit: Oh, oops, she did say indie games, didn't she? Hmm, how about Hades 99? FAST RMX 99?
Huniepop 99
F-Zero 99.

Speedball 100 with teams of 50v50.
Not indies, but I'd like to see Galaga '99 or a Beat-Em Up (Streets of Rage? Final Fight? Double Dragon? Golden Axe?)
Doom 99 it sounds ridiculous enough
Evergate, Um, the indie game? Is that enough text?
April 1 was like not today broh
Mario Kart 99... the last 10 places keep getting eliminated until there are 9... then 3... 3 more... and a 3 person race for the win.
The concept of others passing enemies into my game seems too stressful.
@Phenzy “Bubble Bobble 35”? You are the one that made me snap my fingers into a pointing gesture and nod. Yep. I’d be all over Bubble Bobble!
As for indie games, I’ll say “Mutant Mudds 99.” Because I can.
@holygeez03 That would mean about 5 blue shells i play at all times... O_o
I suggest Superman 6499.
@Slowdive Donkey Kong, the well-known indie game
Hollow Knight. Mwahahahahah
Seriously though, an Untitled Goose Battle Royale sounds dumb and amazing. Would play.
MegaMan 35/99.
You equip 3 or 4 Robot Master powers at the start and then good luck to ya. Enemies, Robot Master's and even Dr Wily gets sent your way.
Upgrade Mario 35 to Mario 99 and call it a day.
If Mario 35 does come back... I really hope they make the games end quicker.
Assault Android Cactus
the WarioWare franchise would fit perfectly in the 99 battle royale style Nintendo is doing, imagine have to do Microgames in increasing difficult.
Zelda 99. Works best with the original... or maybe link to the past!
There’s a Stardew Valley Battle Royale mod on PC already. Since combat is already in the game it functions more similar to Fortnite than a “99” game. I believe you start at a random place in the town, find weapons and a circle gradually pushes you all together.
Edit: Also, a Steamworld Dig battle royale is my pick. The aim is to dig down constantly and the area beneath you is constantly generating. The further you go the better gems you collect. Every enemy you kill sends it to someone else (hence the automatically generating levels, that enemy will appear in their level beneath them like it was naturally there). Every gem automatically gives you money which you use to restore health or upgrade your tools on the fly (eg faster pickaxe/drill)
Bit Trip Runner
Steam World Dig
Super Meat Boy
@Giancarlothomaz : I have next to zero interest in NSO, but I would almost certainly subscribe for such a WarioWare game. Latency could be a problem though, so I would want a trial to determine whether it's worth ponying up for it.
Mario Kart 99. Only green shells or bombs. One touches you - > you out.
The last 5 places to reach certain checkpoint or complete a lap -> out.
@everynowandben I second Bit.Trip Runner. The colors... everywhere...
Also, c’mon Bamco needs to do Dig Dug 99 next.
Not an indie game (and I’m sure someone here would agree with me on this) but a dance dance revolution battle royale would be super cool. The longer you go the more intense the song gets until only crazy legs are left.
I think Alex would want Balan Wonderworld 99 even if it's not an indie.
@mjharper You had me at ‘Contra.’
@everynowandben oh snap! I just was editing my comment above you to add steamworld dig. Now I think about it I want it badly ahah.
Grindhouse 99
Lawnmower Game: Racing 99
Bomberman 99
Sweet little indie: Zelda breath of the wild 99. Every chance to revisit that game is a win in my book.
The map is so big that it’ll probably still feels like a single player game.
NL: what indie game...?
Comments: Zelda, F-Zero, Starfox!!!
Nintendo: "Here's our first battle royal using a third party IP, imagine what else we could do with other major..."
Kate Grey: "INDIE"
If we’re talking old school/retro style, I’d think Dig Dug 99 or Arkanoid 99 would be good fits.
So...we got another 99 game but instead of playing it, let's talk about what the next 99 game could be.
Pokemon 6. A 6 way battle Royale mode.
@Toy_Link I like that xD
Forget indie games.
CONTRA 99!!!!!
Mighty Switch Force! 99
Isaac 99, perhaps?
Pong 99
Should be the next one.
It's still not playable yet, so I've heard.
Super Hexagon 99. I mean honestly its the first game that I thought of that has enough of a simple old school feel to be turned into this type of game.
Contra 99. Fight the alien menace with 98 of my best friends.
Vroom in the Night Sky 99.
Super Mario Brothers
Pretty sure the correct answer is Geometry Wars 99.
Bug Fables 99! No idea how it would work, but I would buy it!
@ManInTheChair Counterpoint: The actual answer is zero.
@Wilforce You're probably 98 friends shy.
Not really an indie game, but, Galaga 99!
@Thwomp_Stomper good LORD I miss when DDR was big. I swear it prolonged the life of American arcades by a few years.
Super Smash Bros. 99.
I'm only going with the joke that Pac-Man is an "Indie." Don't judge me.
Into The Breach 99
Golf Story 99
@Yanina was it Death Mode in F Zero X where you have to annihilate other cars the fastest? Might be an idea!
Eh, cool for people who like it, but I'd much rather have new experiences than a rehash of a game I've played thousands of times. I gave tetris 99 a go and while fun I wasn't engulfed in it. It's funny though, I love regular tetris and regular smb. Just not crazy about the who battle Royale concept
@CammyUnofficial Or just that the last one get kicked each round. Last man standing. But 99 on the track would be a bit crazy.
NintendoLife 99.
I won't lie, read the headline and was concerned that Pac-Man was being referred to as an indie game.
In all serious though, what I said in the other article is that this is cool, but not as cool as when Tetris did it. I don't want this to be the only thing we expect to happen. If they really want to focus on making these smaller exclusive games for NSO, could they be something other than battlle royales?
Hear me out, “BREATH OF THE 99”
Superhot 99. Played in endless mode, when you kill an enemy someone gets an extra enemy
A Short Hike 99
F-Zero GX 99 has to be next. It will work so well.
Space Invaders 99 could be great and fits right alongside Pacman, Tetris and Super Mario Bros.
Bayonnetta 69 Duuuuudes!
It's disgusting to see how many random people on this site just cheer this garbage on as nintendolife does Nintendo's hawkish work of hocking all their recycled trash that takes advantage of their demoralized and ignorant fanbase.
Here comes Pacman99, a yet another redesigned game (that you've bought probably over 10 times at least in your life so far) now equipped with 17 DLC's that drain more and more of your small money supply and divert attention away from the fact that Nintendo (as much as we love it) hasn't come up with an original idea in decades. How can so many fans cheer this company on as they repackage the same games and sell them to us over and over again?
Off the top of my head, the gamecube is the last system that wasn't just a gimmick. Donkey Kong Country is probably the last game to create new characters of any lasting value. And Smash Bros is almost certainly the last new idea Nintendo had that delivered anything worth getting excited about the company's creative potential.
Now the market is all about wearing the consumer down with so many micro transactions that half-developed games end up costing about 90+ dollars over 1-2 years and the consuming public just gobbles it all up happily.
Overcooked 99
Street Fighter 99. One round matches with a short time limit.
"Off the top of my head, the gamecube is the last system that wasn't just a gimmick. Donkey Kong Country is probably the last game to create new characters of any lasting value. And Smash Bros is almost certainly the last new idea Nintendo had that delivered anything worth getting excited about the company's creative potential."
Animal Crossing? Golden Sun? Warioware? Pikmin? Splatoon? ARMS? Do those not count?
Also I have no idea how gimmicks prove that Nintendo doesn't have any new ideas. Are power consoles just naturally more creative or something?
Just curious on PureXBOX do you complain about the games on Gamepass not being completely new and built from the ground up for the service?
NiGHTS 99! Just in time for NiGHTS 25th Anniversary.. if Sega ever remembers
Undertale 35
Also smash and splatoon
Well that's why I said off the top of my head. I'll happily give you Pikmin and Animal Crossing (but both while fun are clearly intended for a very young audience), and I'll begrudgingly give you Splatoon (but personally, yuck). And gimmicks don't prove that they don't have new ideas, they're just weak ideas meant more for marketing purposes rather than relying on originality in game design or just simply good content. I couldn't care less about "power consoles". I have bought every major Nintendo console that has ever been released. I love Nintendo and I consider their characters my good friends. I don't say what I've said out of hatred.
XBox Gamepass is another terrible and money-licking idea that is really just video game rentals in a repackaged format. But to me Microsoft was never a champion of original content. Halo was boring and Fable was wrecked by the sequels. But what Microsoft doesn't do is just release the same games year after year at the same price points. Name the Switch's and Wii U's biggest titles. They're the same games! Meanwhile where's Metroid 5? Where's the new F-Zero? Where's Starfox? And that's just sequels. Where is anything new that even comes close to Mario, Samus, Link, or Donkey Kong?
I would totally play Baba Is Us.
Megaman 99 (or 35) effectively the same as Mario but with Mets.
Disappointed no one has mentioned how sweet a Rhythm Heaven 99 would be. As a matter of fact how about a new Rhythm Heaven game altogether Ninty?
Oh I would definitely go for Celeste or Towerfall Royales! Celeste could be like a autoscroller to see who climbs highest, Towerfall could be like tiered rooms of 6 players where survivors advance.
I would perform dismally in either game, but would certainly try em out!
Necrodancer 99 would be intense, too! 😁
If you’ll forgive a non-indie idea, I’d say Frogger 99 🐸.
There’s got to be more golden age arcade classics they could mine for battle royale ideas...
Centipede? Asteroids? Food Fight? Robotron? It’s fun to think about the possibilities.
Thanks Kate! 😄
I can't think of a specific indie for my game in mind, so I'll say Galaga 99. Some sort of shooter would be intense and so much fun, with Space Invaders 99 another option.
I disagree that Nintendo hasn't come up with an original idea in decades. I know it's a matter of personal opinion and tastes but some of my favorite games of all time have come during the Switch's lifetime. Take games like Breath of the Wild or Mario Odyssey for instance. Yes it's same old Link and Mario again but the games have mechanics that are new and fresh enough that they probably could have tried to use those concepts to create new IPs but would those games have been better if they had new characters and settings? I guess it depends but why not use already tried and true characters that people love. Breath of the Wild was the first Zelda game that some people played. Of course when they add new things to preexisting franchises some people complain that it is to different and wish it was more like whatever their favorite game in the series is. Either way I am usually happy with how they usually manage to keep their IP's fresh while still staying true to their characters, but that's just my opinion.
Battle Chef Brigade Royale.
You know what would be cool? Madden 99. Madden ‘99 99!
Xevious 99 (Namco arcade game)
Dan Fornace, if you're reading this comments section, please make a Rivals of Aether battle royale mode. Think about it. Smash Bros with ~100 players. If you can put tetherball in a platform fighter, I think you can put a battle royale.
@EarthboundBenjy NecroDancer BR would be really good! "Crypt of the NecroDancer*s*" maybe?
Not indie, but 2D Sonic would be perfect for this, racing specifically
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime 99! It wouldn't be a battle royale, though, you'd have 99 people all working together to pilot your spaceship. It would also be nearly impossible to see what's going on.
@ecco6t9 I think there are Doom multiplayer mods that allow up to 200 players, so it is definitely feasible.
I don't disagree. Breath of the Wild (which is a Wii U game technically, not Switch) is great. And I love Mario Odyssey. I have bought every Zelda game (except Wii's Skyward Sword cause motion controls are so stupid and just piss me off) and I will keep getting them and keep being happy that Zelda and Mario games keep coming out. I just wish we weren't so exclusively reliant upon the same characters from almost 40 years ago. Taken to it's extreme you could erase all other characters but Mario on the list if Nintendo originally decided to limit its creativity to a single character right at the beginning.
My real disgust is the 17 DLC's for the Pacman99. And how you have to pay $15 even just to be able to play offline. Also that you have to pay for the subscription to play at all. Video games are headed toward this digital-only micro-transaction realm where every game exists just to keep a steady train of small purchases coming for stuff that should have been included on the game to begin with. Remember how packed with content Aria of Sorrow was? Well those days are gone. Now there'd be 2 season passes and multiple DLC's just to get what was available out of box on that GBA game in like 1999. It's disappointing.
I can't be the only adult who sees that these companies clearly perceive their customers these days as little dairy cows to keep extracting small to moderate amounts of money on a regular basis for products they've already sold a dozen times. It's why there's no virtual console on Switch. Because they can make more money from you renting than buying. All of these corporate meetings are about how to get you to keep buying and buying but not owning. And digital only games are obliterating the idea of borrowing games from your friends, not to mention the entire secondhand market. And websites like this one don't dare make any real criticism because they risk losing favor.
Nintendolife is a sycophantic rosebush of disgusting Nintendo-bootlicking, and you won't see a single word of real criticism on this site, except in the comments.
Not that all of the 99 games need to be for anniversaries, but since this year is the 35th anniversary of Zelda, we need a Zelda 99. Metroid 99, Castlevania 99, or Kid Icarus 99 would also be appropriate, as they were also 1986 releases. Outside of Nintendo, Adventure Island, Arkanoid, Alex Kidd, OutRun, and Wonder Boy were also 1986 releases.
For 30th Anniversaries, we could have a Sonic 99, or F-Zero 99 as others have mentioned (and a Super Mario World 35 would also be a fitting replacement for the original Super Mario 35).
I'm just gonna keep doing these in 5 year increments because it's easier than trying to imagine every possible 99 game. For 25th Anniversary, a Crash Bandicoot 99 would be neat, and maybe a Mario Kart 6499 or Super Mario 6499.
20th Anniversary of 2001 Games: Crazy Taxi 99 (who can last longest, idk how to make it more competitive), Luigi's Mansion 99 (vacuumed ghosts get sent to opponents' screens), Pikmin 99 (who has the most Pikmin at the end of a time limit?), Super Monkey Ball 99 (compete for most bananas, add enemies that can be jumped on?).
15th Anniversary of 2006 Games: Blazing Angels 39, New Super Mario Bros. 99
10th Anniversary of 2011 Games: Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing 99, Dark Souls 99 (with enemies from sequels and spinoffs included, I wanna see streamers getting wrecked by like 10 Cleric Beasts while Sif dances in the background)
5th Anniversary of 2016 Games: Rocket League 99 (framerate will be in the single digits), Superhot 99, Overcooked 99.
For things that don't have big anniversaries this year, I'd like a Shovel Knight 99, Shantae 99 (with Pirate's Curse mechanics and artstyle), Contra or Gunstar Heroes or Alien Hominid 99, The Messenger 99, Double Dragon/Kunio 99 (with the River City Girls playable), TMNT 99, The Simpsons 99, Hyrule/Fire Emblem Warriors 128 (split evenly into 2 or more factions), and Star Fox 6499.
Devs, I expect the finished cartridges or download codes on my desk by Monday.
A very interesting game and simple concept, and one I'm sure only like .01% of people here would already know of, I'd love to see Dash-Da-Dash DX 99
A racing game with 99 other people seems interesting to me. The rest on this list... not so much. Although Stardew Valley adding a leaderboard for yearly money and other various stats would be cool.
Tetris 99, Pacman 99, Prince Phillip 99.
Definitely WarioWare
Hades 99 could work!
I agree that some of the cash grabbing happening with video games is troubling and I used to think I would always buy retail if I could but I actually warmed up to digital for a number of reasons and DLC is perfectly fine in a lot of cases.
When I was growing up I lived in a rural area and there were very few places to buy video games and in a lot of cases (like with Square Soft or Enix games) I would never have a chance to see them in a store let alone buy them. My brother and I would have killed to be able to just buy some of those games on eshop whenever we could scrape the money together because usually when we could buy a game we could not find the one we wanted. Downloading a game is pretty convenient and I am finding more and more that by the time I won't be able to play them anymore, I won't really care. Plus certain games like Mario Maker or Animal Crossing just seem more practical to have downloaded for short bursts.
As far as DLC goes, I gave been playing games for a long time and I cannot really think of to many games this generation that I have bought that I was disappointed with the amount of content. Sometimes I have been more overwhelmed with how much there is to do because I am not always full blown completionist on every game but I do often like to. The games I have bought DLC for I have been happy to but also felt satisfied with the game without it. Yes I know there are games that just feel incomplete without buying the DLC but I guess I just don't go for those kinds of games because I can't think of one myself that I one where I was bothered by it. In a game like Breath of the Wild I was excited that they were releasing DLC, it was great to have an excuse to play a game like that longer. I might have bought the DLC for a game like Fire Emblem but I only played through with one house so far and don't feel like buying it until I play through the other two, which by then I probably won't feel the need to play more Fire Emblem for awhile. That's fine.
I really don't miss Virtual Console. I was excited when it was a thing but then found I just didn't really buy a lot of the virtual console games. I actually prefer that it on prescription because I actually play the games on offer. I think I ended up spending about 400 hours altogether playing old NES and SNES games on the Switch. Some where old favourites, some I always wanted to play but never had a chance and some I never even really heard of and I was glad I played. I know the whole subscription thing isn't liked by a lot of people but I genuinely am glad they did it this way and I have it continues to expand. As a matter of fact I finally finished playing through every single SNES and NES game on the service last night and hope that more will drop soon. This is the first time I was caught up since they added SNES to the service. I really hope it continues to grow and doesn't just get dropped or started over next console but it probably will. Oh well.
So as far as your comments about Nintendo Life, I've seen them be negative and criticize but I guess maybe when they post positive stuff about things that are happening I don't think it is a bad thing because I genuinely feel positive about a lot of what Nintendo is doing, not everything, and sure there are things to criticize as there always will be, but for me, this is a great time to be a gamer.
Dang brother, it sounds like you need to divide up your time better and spend less hours playing video games. Might I suggest reading through Dostoevsky's books? At least start there.
Aside from that, I think we just have a different approach. I hear your arguments and they make sense for you and your situation, I suppose. But the idea of when you said "Downloading a game is pretty convenient and I am finding more and more that by the time I won't be able to play them anymore, I won't really care," that just sounds crazy to me.
A good video game (like a good movie or book) should and does last a lifetime. I have played through the original Legend of Zelda (& aLttP, OoT, et al.), Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest (and several others in the series), DKC 1 & 2, Super Mario World, Fable 1, Mega Man 1-6, Metroid 1-4 & Zero Mission, and a handful of other games so many times in my short/long 35 years on this earth that I just think what an unfortunate trend it is to make semi-useless games that don't produce the same value that used to be there. I guess Nintendo isn't as guilty with its own first-party releases, but it just seems like that's the road it is preparing to travel and it's unsettling.
The bucketload of DLC's on the Pacman99 is like the harbinger of doom, it seems to me. And it feels like your tendency to sample all these games for hundreds of hours but not really have any particular ones you take with you is the trend that makes the road I fear more and more attractive for Publishers. Especially when you say after a certain amount of time you wouldn't even care if you never played it at all. That sentiment is a death certificate for truly great games. Can you imagine if the makers of A Link to the Past had that idea in mind when they made that game? What might have been the cheaper versions of all the great games if the developers figured that they were all just cheap games for the moment and didn't need to be their own individual pieces of greatness. Animal Crossing is, in my opinion, an example of this. That game is a void into which you throw your short time in this world just to be part of a cutesy phenomenon that has no real end or lasting value.
I know my opinions are unpopular with the younger generations, but I don't care. And when every trace of physical game releases disappears, and there's no second-hand market or used video game stores to find old games of lasting value, my opinions will disappear entirely, too. So keep pouring your short life into cheap products if you want, but my advice is to pick out a few that really mean something to you and parcel out some time to other activities.
Oh I think you misunderstood me a bit but it is probably more to do with my wording than anything. I am actually pretty choosy with the games I play and even how I spend my time. I also enjoy reading quite a bit as well, and for the most part like watching TV shows and movies but I cut the time I spent watching stuff down considerably as my free time became more scarce because I enjoyed reading and gaming more than so I give those priority in my free time. Enough about that though, I don't really need to defend how I like to spend my time.
Anyways let me try and clarify. There are games and books that I love so much that I will revisit every once and awhile and yes there are a few on the online service that I have played through a ton of times but most of them not for a very long time. Conversely there are games and books that I greatly enjoyed and would consider among my favorites but I may never get around to playing or reading them again, which doesn't mean they weren't a full or complete experience or even that they aren't worth experiencing again it's just as you mentioned time is a limited resource. I have friends who I have lost touch with for one reason or another but it doesn't mean the time I did share with them in my life wasn't meaningful.
The reason the subscription service works for me is because it offers games to experience that I normally wouldn't ever have. I have a lot of nostalgia for the NES/SNES era and having a library of games to play. I don't feel like a spent a large amount of time just sampling a bunch of games. I savoured each one. I gave each one the chance and played all the way through all of them. To me it was a valuable experience and I played games that I normally would never have bothered with or even new existed and found some new favourites. There were games I wasn't excited about at all that I ended up spending way more time playing because I ended up enjoying more than I thought I would. Yes there were some that I didn't like but then I just really leaned heavily on the save states and rewind feature and was still able to experience what they had to offer, finding enjoyment in them without needing to set aside hours to master unforgiving gameplay to see a cool boss or level near the end of the game. I would love this Library to continue to grow, and I hope that the digital age will help preserve libraries of games for longer allowing people to play an obscure game that they were interested without trying to track down a rare physical copy.
I think as long as people are passionate about games, good games will continue to be made. I want to experience games I enjoy, but I don't need to own them for those experiences to be meaningful.
Well either way I guess maybe we are just wired differently, but I could probably analyze and explain why I am happy with the games I play for a long time but there are probably better uses of both our time. Take care.
Chu Chu Rocket 99
Easy: Space Invaders 99. Also, Nintendo completely wasted their chances to name it PAC-Man 256.
@Yanina you got your wish!
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