"Harv's Island is my home away from home and one of my favorite features in New Horizons, so I made my #ACNHYear1 photo submission there."
Image: @MetManMas

Whether it seems like yesterday or not is a matter of perspective, but Animal Crossing: New Horizons launched one year ago today.

And what a year it's been! Nintendo's life sim ended up becoming a significant coping mechanism for many people throughout 2020; a social outlet and positive focal point for millions of players that the makers couldn't possibly have foreseen during development.

Now that we've fully cycled through all of the game's four seasons and a full calendar year, we recently asked you to use the tag #ACNHYear1 and share images with us via Twitter — photos that best sum up your experience with the game over the past 365 days. A huge thank you to everyone who responded! You'll find below a small selection of our favourites, plus an extra couple from Nintendo Life staff.

So let's dive in and look at just some of our very favourite memories after the first full year of Animal Crossing: New Horizons...

Animal Crossing: New Horizons - A Year In Pictures

We kick things off and set the mood with stalwart Nintendo Life contributor and resident DJ Shiryu...

Ovedius' first trip to another island. After a year, it's not impossible that they're still cycling through the options at the check-in desk, waiting to get away...
Image: @Ovedius
Redsoulwaker with a firework display Alex Olney would be proud of.
Image: @Redsoulwaker
Echoplex Plays sums up the year with a scene many of us will find familiar.
Image: @echoplex_plays
Our very own Kate Gray goes on an lockdown date with her partner while Mabel looks shifty in the background.
Mvoltage snapped this promising shot on New Year's Day 2021. We'll trust that time travel wasn't involved.
Image: @mvoltage
MikeTheVA1 caught the memory of catching his first coelacanth. We can only assume it went straight to Blathers.
Image: @MikeTheVA1
PippinChips queuing with friends to see Flick during a Bug-Off.
Image: @PippinChips
"Been playing almost every day since launch. I'll be getting a lily of the valley tribute tattoo next month."
Image: @Lunabobuna1


VergAllmighty taking things quite literally. Personally, we used AC to unwind in 2020.
Image: @VergAllmighty


ChestneyGraham enjoying a socially-distanced digital picnic.
Image: @ChestneyGraham
And finally, BrzenkJack watches the sun set on #ACNHYear1...
Image: @BrzenkJack

Thanks to everyone who shared their memories of the last year. Feel free to post more in the comments below and let us know your favourites from above.