Robin Hood, Robin Hood, riding through the hospital. Robin Hood, Robin Hood, with his band of Nintendo Switches. Feared by the hedge fund investors, loved by the sick children, Robin Hooood, Robin Hooood, Robin Hooooood!
It might not be the most traditional of Robin Hood gestures, but it's certainly something you wouldn't see actual Wall Street investors doing. In a lovely twist on the GameStop story that's taking the internet by storm, Reddit user Lunar033 is "paying forward" the good fortune of r/wallstreetbets, the subreddit that started it all, by donating six Nintendo Switches, games, and accessories to Children's Minnesota Hospital.
For those of you who somehow missed the biggest story last week, GameStop stock was targeted by an investing subreddit after they discovered that billionaire hedge fund managers were attempting to "short" GameStop stocks to make a profit off the failing company. The subreddit, r/wallstreetbets, decided to attempt to make these billionaires lose money by pumping their life savings into GameStop - and they succeeded. As of today, the subreddit investors are still "holding" - refusing to sell - as a matter of principle, even though it could lose some of them millions of dollars.
This generous donation is far from the first time that the GameStop windfall has benefitted the wallstreetbets members, and they in turn have passed their benefits to others. Another investor, wishing to remain anonymous, donated ten Nintendo Switches to a children's hospital in Texas, and other investors have been able to pay off medical debts and help their families.
The subreddit is putting out calls for their fellow investors to "stay strong", with messages of "💎🙌" to represent their cause - to screw over billionaires, and help the needy. "We're not Wall Street," says Lazy_Dragonfruit_727 in the comments. "We know what it's like to suffer, and how to give back. That's the difference between us and them."
Hopefully, the hospital will be able to use the Switches - we've covered the Starlight consoles in the past, which are special versions of the Switch deemed "hospital-safe". Either way, it's still a generous use of the profits that will no doubt benefit the kids in hospital.
Have you seen any acts of altruism or philanthropy as a result of the GameStop stock skyrocketing? Let us know below!
Comments 28
Wow that song/poem/whatever at the beginning XD
Please keep making hilarious taglines, etc.
Awesome to see this!
Wow, I kinda love this.
I am beaming
(Yes, that's all I can think of to say. Not too sure how else to put it)
Stitches get Switches.
Perfect. You can close the site down now, it's never getting better than that!
@auck it was in my head, I had to!
@Hank_Scorpio wow, thank you, Hank Scorpio!
Okay, that's pretty cool.
I love seeing things like this
Good to hear! One of these days we'll wake up to the fact that there is no them, but only us.
We like this stock 💎🤲
Breaking news: as the gamestop stock soars, so does the happiness level of these kids
Really goes to show the rich like ill tempered dragons see money as something to hoard and common people see money as something to use. Wish this great dragon's den could be destroyed and that wealth put to good use.
These investors are my new heroes. I bet they're all very sexy.
"Stitches get Switches" is brilliant 👍
@KateGray you’ve been the best reporter during this whole saga - love all the articlez
See this rich people? This is what you should do with the hundreds of millions you lie in a bank gathering dust.
@GannonBanned it's getting more fun to write about!
@KateGray 🙏 all hail the Kate-Stonks Era of NL
As MiyamotoHimself, I approve this action. I would also recommend donating accessibility controllers as well.
@GannonBanned oh no, I hope I don't become known for stonks news... I still know VERY little about investing 😅 can't I be the Story of Seasons person? Or the Paper Mario guy???
@KateGray haha I mainly enjoy it because a lot of non-features at NL have a very AP, “for immediate publication” feel so it feels like strictly news but you’ve been doing an awesome job injecting personality to these, reminds me of the news write ups on Teen Vogue or The Outline (RIP) instead of just rote news items
@GannonBanned thank you! Those are excellent publications to be compared to
@KateGray they’re my favorites, so I’m glad the praise landed effectively
That's awesome. Donated 10% of my earnings to charity as well and helped with some of family/friends financial debts. Kept some for myself and reinvested majority of it.
But where did he get the switches? was it gamestop?
"Stitches get Switches". I can sleep well now, thank you!
So, in the End, this was all orchestrated by Nintendo!
This is awesome.
These investors need to make a mandatory stop through St.Judes Hospital. Those babies need Switchs too.
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