Ahead of Puyo Puyo Tetris 2's release on the Nintendo Switch and multiple other platforms next week, Sega has released a demo on the eShop. It's only available in Japan at the moment but should go live in North America and Europe later today.
If you're not entirely convinced you need a sequel in your life, this is the perfect opportunity to try before you buy.
When Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 arrives on Switch it'll include "loads of modes" that let you play the way you want. There's a single-player adventure, couch-competition versus to ranked online, a brand-new skill battle mode and improved online play.
The full game will drop on 8th December. Will you be adding this to your Switch library next week? Tell us below.
[source gamstat.com]
Comments 39
Yaay...! 😀
I will consider the Switch version next year.
I sold the first game after realising there was no practice mode after elimination in party mode... I wish they would port Tetris Party from the Wii to the Switch. I dont care for campaign mode in a Tetris game I just want local coop modes.
oh yeah I'm so excited and anyone who isn't has a right to their opinion
Loved the first so I'm def having a run with this demo when it pops up. 👀
I love poyo and tetris so its like a double win for me def going to check out the demo.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the demo does end up happening, considering that its predecessor had one as well.
Either way, this game is already on my "must preorder" list.
Imagine Tetris Effect for Switch. That's what I thought Tetris 99 was gonna be during that couple second tease in the direct it was revealed in.
Speaking of Tetris Effect... Rez Infinite would be amazing too.
Tetris Effect and Rez Infinite would be so great on Switch, and a good compliment to Lumines.
It's already a day 1 purchase, but I'll play the demo anyway. I played the demo for the first Puyo Puyo Tetris locally with friends to death until I finally got the full game later on, and then we continued playing it online.
Got the demo from the first one and just kept playing it for multiplayer so I never had the need to buy the game. Wonder if there is that type of longevity in this demo
Not sure how much of an improvement this game can be over the first one, or who it couldn't have been introduced as DLC. Its not like either game will be fundamentally changed.
Granted, the story mode was actually more fun than I was expecting and held my attention for quite some time. But I still wasn't exactly itching for a continuation of the story.
But yall seem pretty happy about it, so I'm not trying to yuck anyone's yums.
Anyone with the first one know if it’s worth picking up with the second one coming out soon? I really wanna get into Puyo Puyo (been playing it on SNES online and my old copy of Mean Bean Machine on my Genesis), but wanna try this out. Not sure if it’s worth getting the first though or if I should wait to get this at launch.
@NicheAbou I have the first game and I like it a lot. The little problem I’m facing is will this sequel be worth getting for me. I haven’t been keeping up with any info of this game so I really don’t know what improvements there are. I’ll see how the demo plays out.
@Bermanator I have Tetris Effect on the PS4 and Tetris 99 on the Switch. I think Tetris 99 is by far the better Tetris game. And true, Tetris Effect is the better looking game. But in gameplay overall and themes Tetris 99 is a lot better.
I will download this anyway. The first one was fun and compelling.
I agree with the shouts for Tetris Party Switch as well though
@NicheAbou If you don’t have the first one, the second one should be the one to get. I believe that you will get all the stuff from the first game plus extras. It really is the first game + new DLC instead of being a true sequel.
@shonenjump86 I have the first game too (digitally) and can’t really justify the sequel unless there is a discount offered or a big sale.
Honestly the original was just a way for me to play Tetris on my Switch before Tetris 99 came out, now I no longer have any interest in this.
I really... don't see the point in this. It makes sense to release a "sequel" on the new generation consoles as opposed to yet another port of the original (who the hell pays all that money for a shiny new console to play what looks like a Flash-animated version of Tetris on it?!), but on Switch where the original instalment is relatively fresh, I don't know. I already have the first game and Tetris 99 and that already feels like one Tetris game too many.
The trailer could have used footage from the first game and I would have been none the wiser. They could have gone with a new art style (that's Sega for you), but it looks like the only "new" thing about this is the "story", and really, who gives a rat's behind about that? It's stupid that FIFA 21 cops a beating for bringing so little new to the table while this could be praised to high heaven for having even less work put in to it.
Needless to say that I am a little on the fence with picking this one up.
Yeah... the demo Its called Puyo Puyo tetris 1.
Demo would be great. I still play the demo from the first game!
Three Tetris games on the Switch now. I will always enjoy Puyo Puyo Tetris more than Tetris 99 because of how each battle system works.
The demo for the first game didn't convince me, but I'll try it out.
But Tetris 99 is more than enough for any of my puzzle needs on Switch, I'll survive
@Orpheus79V Yes, REZ might be the game I miss the most on the Switch.
Sega never got tire of releasing more Puyo Puyo as it's basically on everything they released nowadays. This new entry would had been better if they add another game to it and call it Puyo Puyo Tetris Columns, I'll buy that. Then their next game would be a crossover with Nintendo called Puyo Puyo Tetris Columns vs. Dr. Mario Yoshi's Cookies Panel de Pon.
@Retro_Player_77 : They can do one better with Panel Puyo Puyo Tetris Columns de Pon.
Oh ya I'm gonna pick this up in some time in 2021 I hope I like the demo.
@Silly_G Add "99" to that and im sold!
I loved playing the Japanese demo when the first game was coming out and when I purchased the English I was gutted that they changed the voices
Any idea if the full game will allow a voice swap function?
"If you're not entirely convinced you need a sequel in your life"
That's my case. Let's see if the demo shows me something I haven't seen yet
I'll try the demo, but I'll probably get it when the physical version is around 20 euros, just like the first one.
I'm curious as to what the demo has that's any different from the first game.
As others keep mentioning, the demo has the core gameplay so there's much less of a need to buy the full game.
What the game is selling is the campaign, after all, and the second game has a new campaign plus some new modes that use items.
That's significant enough I guess, this game is still on my Xmas wishlist.
Liked the first one, will buy the second one, but probably not immediately.
But i second all the requests for tetris effects.
What does this have that's different than 1?
When is this likely to go live?
@NathanTheAsian You’re forgetting tricky towers as well
I really enjoyed the campaign in the first one and would consider picking it up for just single player.
AA ton of tetris players on tetris effect connected for 1 on 1 play though
I'm so terrible at Puyo Puyo. It's fun but I suck getting those chain combos. Always get a one star in each scene save for a few
Where the heck is the demo?
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