It's not every day you wake up to see Samus trending on social media, but the Metroid protagonist is at the centre of conversation this morning – and no, it's not because of a Metroid Prime 4 reveal, sorry!
Fans are starting to believe that our favourite intergalactic bounty hunter might have a shot at appearing in the latest season of Fortnite as a new skin; as you'd expect, some are delighted at the prospect, while others aren't best pleased.
The rumours have started doing the rounds for a number of reasons. Fortnite's fifth season has promised players that they'll be able to "join the greatest hunters from across realities," and tasks them with helping island characters with quests and bounties.
These hunters from 'across realities' are slowly but surely starting to be revealed; initially, Star Wars' The Mandalorian arrived in-game as a skin, and now Kratos, from PlayStation's God of War series, has also been confirmed.
This theme of bounty hunters appearing from different realities has caused some to believe that Microsoft and Nintendo will also place a character inside the game. After all, Fortnite has no allegiance to any platform in particular and regularly promotes cross-platform play across all systems.
Kinda Funny's Greg Miller got tongues wagging with this Games Awards prediction:
And there's plenty more where that came from:
So, could it happen? Nintendo has always been famously cautious with the handling of its IP over the years, but this would be a golden opportunity – with Metroid Prime 4 on the way, what better way to promote the Metroid brand than by putting it one of the biggest games on the planet? Maybe Nintendo will return the favour with a Fortnite rep in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, too?
Time will tell.
Comments 62
This article has left out all the weird Samus fetish pics that came up with the trending hashtags. ;p
Man. Fortnite get so much new stuff all the time. To bad I really hate it. Tried it multiple times with an open mind. But it's just annoying.
I think it could will happen but if it does then MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH I stop't playing this game bc I always felt like I had to get the next big thing and it started driving me mad. Life has been much better since then, but I know there are people that like this game so i'm not trying to thrash on you love for this game. Fortnite for smash would be Great I'm sure he would have a great move set to make the game even more crazy. Edit: the more I think about it samus Would be like the coolest thing ever she is the most badass bounty hunter out there it would be WHOAAAAAAA. Fingers crossed for a smash game Awards reveal.
Sweet baby Jesus, PLEASE. This would be so god damn cool, and would help with the sting of having to say goodbye to all the awesome Marvel stuff 😂
@Jacob1092 AMEN.
Samus blows all those characters out of the water
Samus is one of the only Nintendo characters that would actually make sense in Fortnite
@patbacknitro18 Like really.
I despise Fortnite.... and I say meeeh.
However, more exposition to Samus means more sales, which means more games.
So I guess I’m happy with this.
Nintendo: tweets something with the words "Zero" and "Hunter"
Nintendo fans: OMG its clearly something about Metroid!!!
I'd rather they not associate the Metroid franchise with the company who likens their money-hungry lawsuit to the fight for civil rights.
Not happening.
i hate fortnite.
We truly live in the worst timeline..
I hope Nintendo don't start out their ip...
If this was a 2d Metroid game made by wayforward that would be great though.
Ewww, no. Keep away.
Greg Miller tweet and everybody jump? Ok sir.
Every complaining knows that they don’t actually have to play it right? Nothing but good comes from this hypothetical scenario- Fortnite fans get a cool update, and Metroid gets more exposure, hopefully increasing popularity, and perhaps rate of releases.
Fortnite has proven to be a great marketing tool, and Samus is probably the character who fits best in Fortnite from the Nintendo universe (I know you could make arguments for Mario with his Rabbids guns and Star Fox, but realistically they probably won't happen). I don't play Fortnite but Kratos with his wide assortment of melee weapons as well as some of the projectile attacks from the recent game (Infinity gauntlet would be amazing for fans given the Marvel crossovers) is a good addition to any game, and hopefully points to the sequel being given a release date of H1 2021 (the last 3 games were all released in spring, and Sony has the sense to spread its blockbuster titles through the year rather than ramming everything into q4).
Why not? The game is immensely popular and would surely help boost Metroid sales, which it absolutely deserves.
Hope not. These crossovers are getting ridiculous and cheapening our beloved franchises.
Fortnite really is the biggest whore in gaming isn't it.
If they're going ahead with this, it's a shame from Nintendo's point of view that the only game on Switch they can tie the cross-promotion to is Smash Bros. Ultimate, as there's no Metroid games available on the system just yet (Unless you count the NES / SNES online service)
Fortnite in Smash would be ace, but I hope we'll get Banshee or Ramirez instead of Jonesy. The game could really do with a minimum of diversity.
No, just no. Don't do it.
Fortnite in Smash is largely redundant as we already have a builder character.
No to Samus in Fortnite and Fek NO for fortnite in smash. Keep that cancer away!
I don't like Fortnite but Samus in there would be cool. Just don't put any Fortnite characters as fighters in Smash. Spirits, Assist Trophies, Mii Costumes are fine, but not fighters.
Fortnite sucks.
Give us a Metroid HD collection and an actual update on MP4, gosh darn it.
I don't think we will see Samus. She is too high profile for Nintendo to allow to be used on rival systems. They are notoriously protective of their IP.
/However/ there is another Nintendo bounty hunter who lies forgotten who I could see them allowing: Captain Falcon! They could use his car as the glider and include a sweet FALCON <VERB> emote.
I don't think Microsoft will allow Master Chief to come over but I could see Joanna Dark instead (double reveal as a Smash character?!)
I would however put good money on The Predator showing up this season. He's the greatest hunter of them all!
But seriously, why not? Samus in Fortnite is a natural match and a great opportunity for Nintendo to get free exposure in what is currently the biggest gaming community in the world. Fortnite in Smash, pretty much the same. It's too good an opportunity to pass up, and I don't see how it would hurt anyone.
I don't get the foaming hatred for Fortnite. I don't play Fortnite, but my daughter plays it religiously. She's good at it, she has fun doing the same things I do in other games, and it costs me like ten dollars a month to buy her a Battle Pass and an occasional extra few V-Bucks. (Meanwhile, I buy myself a $30-60 game about once a month). The game, from a spectator's point of view, seems no better or worse than a thousand other games that are wholeheartedly embraced by this community.
So why do people hate on it so much? As far as I can tell, it's just gatekeeping in its purest form. People sneer at it because kids like it, plain and simple. Which is really weird coming from a community of fans devoted to a company that built its whole portfolio around kid-friendly games and cartoonish characters.
Samus Aran and Captain Falcon are the only possible fit for this cross-over event in Fortnite, you may not like Fortnite, but you can't deny the huge marketing power the game have(this is what the Metroid franchise depend/need to be sucefull ounce, Metroid Prime 4 is finaly released on Switch or it sucessor).
I mean I'll take any FORTNITE crossover by now just not another MARVEL one plus if this actually happens and you can buy a Zero Suit Samus skin then that will be the only skin I'll ever wear
I hope this is just people over-reaching. I'm firmly in the NO camp on this.
Samus, or any other Nintendo character, in Fortnite as a skin?
As a wise Furon warrior once said: “I’m going to be violently ill!”
Feelings aside, as other people pointed out it’s not like due to hoe protective Nintendo can be towards their IPs and how they’re vehemently against having their characters appearing on other consoles. IIRC NBA Street V3 ran into an issue where models for Mario, Luigi, and Peach were present in the PS2 and Xbox versions of the game’s code (they’re playable characters in the Gamecube version) despite not being playable in those versions without hacking/modding.
@LinkSword What..?
Nintendo is very platform-restrictive with stuff like this (see the Mario and Metroid cars in Rocket League and the skins for the Mario Mash-Up pack in Minecraft being restricted in crossplay) so I dunno if I can see it happening
Judging by the helmet, looks like we're getting another Mandalorian bounty hunter. Where is Vile/Vava? He should be getting in on this action, too. 🤣
@brandonbwii They could exist next to each other?
All these companies working with Timmy who has been shouting to the heavens that he’ll stab them in the back when it’s the right time
@Yanina yep, stopped playing it because of the toxic community...
well if this is true then it'll probably be a similar case with the Mario Minecraft skins and wont be cross platform compatable
@RadioHedgeFund I think Microsoft would allow Master Chief in Fortnite, after all Halo Infinite is just a bunch of promotions at the moment (e.g. Buy Monster Energy drinks to get Monster Energy skins in Infinite).
@TG16_IS_BAE He’s referring to the ongoing Epic Games/Apple lawsuit and how Tim Sweeney’s been behaving on Twitter in relation to it.
I said before I would never ever pay for a fortnite skin....but Samus would ABSOLUTELY be an exception.
Still not getting a dime from me. Hate the impact games like this are having on the industry.
Totally agree
Samus would be cool... but you know who would fit even more in Fortnite? Team Starfox! I can definitely see Fox, Falco, and even Slippy and Peppy going around shoot many different weapons and swinging hammers destroying objects and carrying a blueprint to build terrain, but I definitely have a hard time imagining Samus doing all that with her arm cannon, it doesn't make much sense for Samus to be carrying a weapon when her entire suit is an arsenal of weapons already. In my opinion i don't think Samus fits in Fortnite at all, Team Starfox is the better option. (Maybe add some Starwolf members too while their at it)
Btw fyi i don't play Fortnite, I suck at shooter games (i even suck at Splatoon)... I tried playing Fortnite a couple of times back when it first arrived on the Switch, I hate it... didn't understood what the heck was going on at all... i got nothing against the game though, i think is a really cool game.
Oh god please no. The Avengers franchise has already been bastardized by its inclusion in Fortnite.
I still really struggle to see the attraction with Fortnite. But great for those who play
@ZebZed Ah, not on Twitter so that makes sense why I would miss that.
Man... If it really happens, I would hate to give money to epic for that skin.
I love how people “hate” “despise” this game. Plenty of games I dislike but wouldn’t trash them. I just don’t pay mind to them. That said I enjoy this game a lot more then when I first tried it in season 5 a few years back.
Not a fan of Fortnite, but this would be cool
Ha, I was just thinking about this, with Bounty Hunters being the theme and Kratos obviously being a PS exclusive. I thought if they were to pick a Nintendo character, Samus fits the slot nicely.
Yes Samus sounds fun and all, but what about C. Falcon??!! If I'm not mistaken he is ALSO an bounty hunter
I don't see this happening...
Nintendo is much too protective of their IPs. Also, and I hate to be "this guy", Samus really isn't that popular outside of the Nintendo hardcore. Not counting of the 3DS Samus Returns remake, I think that the last metroid game was Other M on the Wii. Even Metroid Prime 3 wasn't a big seller.
So... Not only do I not see Nintendo doing this, but I also don't see this generating much income for Fortnite. To everyone claiming that this would be a great fit, I just don't see it.
Sorry Samus.
@Yanina do what I do I just focus on the fact it's something for free and I mostly just go around with the gimmicks at least this time the world is interactable more so
@JasmineDragon Seriously it gets on my nerves how rude and annoying people get about stuff like this, and your point about the people complaining literally being fans of games made for kids is a great point. It’s like smash bros fans whining any time a character is announced that wasn’t made before the year 2000. Gatekeeping at its worst
Go for it, I’m game.
Samus, Metroid... I'm interested.
@MakkaroniOni Lol not really honestly, a character with a history of some of the best games ever will never be tarnished by one game.
@JasmineDragon I also don't understand how a community of people who love Smash Bros berate and make fun of people who enjoy Fortnite. I think it's to feel superior to those who do enjoy the game.
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