The Harvest Goddess has disappeared again, and she's taken all the crops in the world with her. For someone who literally has one job, she's not very good at it. But that's how Harvest Moon: One World starts, and at least it gives your farmer avatar something to do: restore the land, find all the harvest sprites, and, uh... reinvent turnips?
This new trailer from Natsume is all about the new features that make Harvest Moon games so compelling: the romanceable characters, and the befriendable animals. One World, by the looks of things, is going to include tigers, camels, reindeer, bears, and - is that a blue chicken? Marriage candidates-wise, there are five boys and five girls who are ready to put a ring on your finger, ranging from a dude who looks like a 350-year old vampire to a young lady who's going through an emo phase.

The "expando-farm" is perhaps the biggest addition to the series, and it looks like it's a pocket-sized pop-up farm that you can put just about anywhere, letting you farm on the beaches of Halo Halo and the snowy mountains of Salmiakki. Don't try this at home; your tomatoes will die.
All these new features and new areas to explore make Harvest Moon: One World "the biggest Harvest Moon in history", according to Natsume. Explore the deserts of Pastilla, the grasslands of Calisson, and the volcano at the heart of Lebkuchen when the game comes to Switch on March 5, 2021.
Comments 21
This hurts my heart.
it doesn't look totally bad....
(still getting story of seasons)
Not really bad for this Harvest Moon game.
But i will wait for gameplay videos.
Btw, 2 bachelors on the left caught my attention.
Can you be gay in this game? Just curious. Can't say I like the way this game looks graphically all that much. last one I played was on GBA and that had pretty cute pixel art. This unfortunately is doing 3D but doesn't quite have the funds to look very lush.
Disclaimer: this is not actually done by the harvest moon debelopers you love, they do the Story of Seasons games now
@Joker22Hero How long is this disclaimer really necessary? At this point, I feel like we're in a brand new gaming generation and those who remember Harvest Moon of yore are aware of the change in direction.
@Wilforce you would be super suprised with how blissfully unaware a lot of people are.
@Wilforce I didn't realize the official change until this year, being a fan of HM since the Gamecube haha.
In any case, this is gonna be a hard pass for me... Natsume's lazy graphic design could hide in past gens, but this is one of the ugliest switch games I've seen all year. Story of Seasons is doing so much better.
Hmmm....looks kinda good for a Harvest Moon game (graphics are a little meh) but I'm not going to touch it until I see more gameplay, especially with Story of Seasons Pioneers of Olive Town is the same month. Definitely very hyped for Pioneers, its like the true expanded version of HM 3D: A New Beginning.
Also, there's definitely still a lot of people that don't know about the Marvelous and Natsume thing, so the disclaimer just has to keep getting mentioned. Very sad for Natsume to be lazy rather than having two great farming series or just sell the name.
I like the continuity with their previous games. That machine that moves your farm here, is what a character has been working on since the last few games.
Their art style has been improving consistently, I just wish the in-game environments were better, but I do see improvements all around.
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I'm still quite hesitant about this game.
Please, don't give this game any press.
Don't give Natsume any attention. Lord almighty. Don't support bootleggers.
Every time I read harvest moon, my brain goes "WARNING! Not Story of Season!". Even if it was good, I'd boycott this IP because it's a stolen title.
Pro: Yay dark skinned love interests! Always happy to see.
Nice animal variety.
Con: game still looks really flat and the movement is off.
Gonna go with bokumono as usual. But I hope Natsume keeps trying. Competition is good for bokumono.
@Rhaoulos sigh that is false. There's nothing stolen or illegal about them keeping the name they created for a franchise they helped create.
I don't know why people think there was some some sort of bad blood from Natsume, but as far as we all know, the truth is Marvelous didn't even consult them about the separation, or try to acquire the name at all.
It's perfectly ok to dislike their games, but that strange attitude several people have against Natsume, for doing the only logical thing and using what's legally theirs to stay afloat, is honestly quite disconcerting to me.
@Eel As far as know natsume only published HM. Marvelous was the one that
used to MAKE the games.
And natsume's HM have been pretty bad all these years but they profit from nostalgia of marvelous past titles. So yeah, they do bootlegs and deserve all the criticism.
Also it's not rare for publishers to "keep" the ip name from the people that made the game in the first place.
Wow, the graphics are not even on 3DS level. The "art" in general looks really sub par. Just wait for Story of Seasons as usual.
@SirErin it's slightly deeper than that.
As far as I know, Natsume bought the software and sold it under their own IP. They had this arrangement because the original developer of the games, Victor Interactive, simply did not have the funds to make and sell these niche games worldwide, so Natsume did that instead. In the past they also had input in the development, they worked closely with the devs.
Eventually after Marvelous acquired xseed, they saw no need to work with Natsume, or use the Harvest Moon franchise as a proxy to distribute their Bokumono games.
@Eel Never said it was illegal. They just reused the name they registered for western localisation to create their own story of season clone using the old name in a pitiful attempt to deceive people, get them to buy their low quality game and capitalise on the succes of an IP that was never theirs. Hence the stolen name.
The right thing to do would have been to sell the harvest moon name to Marvelous/Xseed (even for a steep price) and create their own game series.
@Rhaoulos To say they stole name is the same to say they did something illegal.
On the subject of "the right thing to do": you can't just force someone to buy something. Marvelous expressed no intention or desire to acquire the name. From interviews from that time, it would seem by the time Natsume was notified the partnership would end, Marvelous had already decided to use a different name (Story of Seasons).
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