Numbers are delicious. We're big fans of crunching all that tasty statistical cereal and spitting out interesting fact-nuggets. Remember when we took a look at gamesindustry.biz's "Year In Numbers", and found out that Nintendo Switch owners were the most likely to own another console? Well, we're back with another fun discovery, courtesy of GI.biz's editor, Christopher Dring.
Turns out that there are two things people want to do during the pandemic: drive, and dance. Since we can't do much of those in real life, we're all turning to video games. Just Dance 2021 has apparently sold almost as many copies as Watch Dogs Legion, which is a surprising (and maybe disappointing?) turnout for the London-based hacking game.
Both games are owned by Ubisoft, though, so either way, it's money in their pockets - money that'll go towards making the next Just Dance even dancier.
Meanwhile, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - the Nintendo Switch version of the bestselling Wii U game - has sold more copies in 2020 than it did in 2019. In fact, it's been doing better every year since its 2017 release, according to Dring, and it even made the Number One spot on Christmas in Germany.
That probably means that a lot of people are buying Switches and beefing up their game library with the 10/10 game we called the "definitive Mario Kart 8 experience", telling readers that it was an "easy choice" for Switch owners.
Hang on, does that mean people listen to our advice? We're going to say yes.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 52
Even more evidence of why the next mainline Mario Kart will be saved for the launch window of the Switch's successor.
We will never get a new Mario Kart
Agreed. Mario Kart is Nintendo's most evergreen franchise. Mario Kart 9 will be a launch title for Switch 2 with ongoing DLC.
If we won't be getting a new Mario Kart, even after 7(!) years, some DLC would be nice.
@mariomaster96 Sad but true. The flip side of that argument is to hope that Nintendo don't rest on their laurels too long. Even Rockstar have started to tease a successor to the evergreen GTA5 and that's been comfortably in the top 10 for most of the past 7 years.
wow, I am happy mario kart 8 is doing so well, but also bummed, as it seems like Nintendo has little motivation to release a mario kart 9 anytime soon. (I had a wiiU, so been playing this one for a long time. If we could at least get some new tracks I would be happy).
FYI, maybe just me, but I found that title confusing. I first read it as Just Dance sold as much as watch dogs and mario kart 8 combined. Maybe just a period or comma after watch dogs?
As great as Mario Kart 8 is, the lack of a new game on Switch is pretty disappointing considering they didn't even bother adding any new tracks into the port. I already played the game to death on Wii U so I've barely touched the Switch version.
Not too surprising. Just Dance is pretty much the only 3rd Party game that reaches the Switch retail charts.
That alliteration in the subheading makes me feel like I'm reading a newspaper from the 1940's, lol.
I think this puts to rest the "Everyone who wanted Mario Kart 8 already bought it on WiiU" argument.
As long as they fix the "2 steps back" they took in MK8/DX, I don't care how long I have to wait for MK9.
@BenAV They redesigned the entire battle mode, with actual battle stages. I'd count that as new tracks. MK8 had a horrible battle mode originally.
@Anti-Matter Those games have way too many barriers that don't let mainstream people enjoy them. There's a reason why those games are only enjoyed by otakus.
Just dance is fun, easy to pick up and play and can be played by many at the time. And you only need a controller to play it.
Good games that deserve attention.
And I never get this logic: "if MK8 sells well then we won't get a MK9". If a game is selling, the logical reason is to keep those customers with a new entry.
Especially when Mario Kart Tour is attracting many new users that haven't got a switch yet and may have helped sell lots of those MK8s on Switch.
@EVIL-C I don't like the MK8D Battle Mode at all so that added zero value to the game for me. Unpopular opinion I know but I actually think the old battle mode was more fun. Regardless the only meaningful change was the additional item slot but that's not exactly enough to keep the game feeling fresh.
And that's why i hate mainstream taste with very horrible nowadays songs. 🙄
Some peoples nowadays only adore awful songs than way much better songs that should get more appreciation.
I don't even want to dance with very awful songs and terrible dance routines from Just Dance. Just No.
Dance Dance Revolution and Dance Evolution are NOT games for Otakus.
Mainstream peoples just too prejudice with Japanese stuffs.
Im in no rush for mk9, but as everybody says a pack of some tracks wouldnt hurt.
@Anti-Matter No, it is for Otakus. The kind of songs only people that like J-pop and the like will like the game as well as jumping in a mat.
I tried them as well as Pump it Up and they are way to demanding to have simple fun.
K.I.S.S Principle, dude
@DK-Fan Diminishing returns. Mario Kart games are substitute goods (that is to say, they’re so similar that you’re less likely to buy one if you have a different one). They cost a lot of time and money to develop, so they’re only released when they’ll make maximum revenue (pound for pound it’s Nintendo’s biggest series). It’s no accident that every Nintendo console since the SNES has had exactly one Mario Kart, even if the console lasts a long time and sells very well. Live by port-begging, die by port-begging.
I don't know how to say but i like to listen DDR songs everyday since 20 years ago and i still like to listen to them and play DDR until today.
The fun of playing DDR was getting higher score with less mistakes. Songs with very great stepcharts (very matching with lyrics or songs pattern) will make me enjoy DDR.
Even licensed song like Conga from Gloria Estefan looks Perfect with very challenging stepchart and very accurate with the song patterns.
Super Eurobeat songs are my number 1 music genre.
I even have a lot of Super Eurobeat remixes MP3s in my smartphone, some of them are from Normal songs / other video games like from Whitney Houston, Rick Ashtley, My Little Pony, STEPS, F-ZERO, Metroid, etc.
Mario Kart deserved more attention, with upgrades such as characters, tracks, accessories and even skins
Family-friendly local multiplayer selling well in 2020? Who'd have thunk.
Even If we can’t get a new Mario Kart game proper, just some DLC with more tracks would enough for awhile.
I was tired of Mario Kart 8 before it got ported.
@Krockman I am hoping that certain elements of MK Tour are included in MK9. More characters, more karts and accessories, mini game challenges etc.
As great as the Switch has been, the last year has been so disappointing as far as Nintendo games and it doesn’t look too promising for 2021. Not having a proper Mario Kart for the Switch will really diminish my thoughts on the console.
I still don't own MK8D but have the original. They could've at least added new tracks. I kinda want to see if it's notably more fun than the original but not at full price.
@rockodoodle It's always been 1 per system so I've been 80% sure we wouldn't be getting anything else once they announced the Deluxe version. There's now also the mobile game and the AR one. There's no way they'll drop a new main game right now to take away from them.
Clearly Mario Kart 8 Deluxe still has legs, enough that I doubt we'll see Mario Kart 9 anytime soon. Still, could Nintendo at least release some DLC? I wouldn't mind a few new tracks for Rosalina to test out with the Master Cycle Zero.
I moan about ports and Nintendo pricing but I've bought Mario Kart 4 times now - once on the wii-U and then the port when it first came out, traded it after getting bored and have just bought 2 more copies as the Mrs wanted to play it together.
The lack of any new content in Mario Kart 8 is a tough one for existing owners of the game on the Wii U, but as the original release sold around 8 million compared to the 26 million or so on the Switch, we have to look at the bigger picture here, this game will be a brand new game to the majority of Switch owners.
And 26 million was at the last count, who knows where Mario Kart sales will be when we get the holiday figures in.
@Paddle1 counting deluxe as one for the Switch? And have other consoles had so many ports like the Switch from previous generations? There really isn’t that much to distinguish between this and the WiiU. If they don’t produce one for this generation, it will have more to do with them wanting a strong launch title and deluxe selling so well. Either way it is just disappointing and burning those of us who supported Nintendo during their darkest times.
@Paddle1 if u like battle mode, it’s worth it. And then u get to store two items. Of all the WiiU ports, this one is most worth getting again.
I don't think it's surprising at all that Just Dance sold as well as Watch Dogs Legion. Whatever you might think of them, Just Dance has always sold very well. And for people who enjoy that sort of thing, there aren't many alternatives. Meanwhile, Watch Dogs is in a very crowded segment of the market.
As a physical collector, it's disheartening that people keep begging for DLC. What made MK8D such an easy choice to double-dip on was the fact that all of the DLC content was on the cartridge. I get the yearning for more content, but Nintendo could just as easily give Mario Kart the "All Stars" treatment with a 64/GC/Wii compilation to tide us over in the meantime.
I absolutely hate the idea of MK9 being a barebones release supplemented with a crap-ton of DLC. Considering the sheer quantity of units that the game WILL sell, there really is no reason that Nintendo couldn't go all in with a feature-rich sequel. Despite the failings of the Wii U, Mario Kart 8 sold exceptionally well, and the Switch port, which would have cost next to nothing to make in comparison, even more so.
As more and more games are being supplemented with DLC, I have found my tolerance for the practice to be wearing paper thin. If Nintendo would at least give these games the complete treatment (like Pokémon Sword/Shield's expansion pass releases) then I would not have a problem with it at all. Sure, I'd probably find myself double-dipping on one too many games, but at least I can gift or sell them (as first-party games tend to hold their value).
The Switch version is superior simply for the addition of the extra item box and the extra boost. Adds a lot more to the experience than many realise.
Curious to see the platform split for Just Dance as I imagine at least 70% of those sales are for Switch.
Another very impressive week for Switch (talking about the UK charts).
Don't really understand your point.
You seem to be assuming the new Mario Kart would be a barebones release with no real evidence to back that up based on previous releases. Only issue with Mario Kart 8 was the battle mode but that seemed to be more a bad choice rather than holding back a mode for DLC.
The numbers for Mario Kart 8 are potentially BS since the game often comes with the console anyway. If Nintendo had integrity, they would be counting sales of the individual game only.
I agree that it's looking like MK9 will be released sometime after the inevitable Switch 'Pro'. I doubt it'll be a launch title though.
Mario Kart 8 DX annual UK retail sales:
> 2017: 341,531
> 2018: 458,675
> 2019: 465,062
> 2020: Over 466,000
Total: Over 1.73 million
Gotta wonder if the trend will continue in 2021 or if Mario Kart sales will finally begin to decline YoY.
@DK-Fan I am so incredibly disappointed in your comment regarding Dance Dance Revolution and games in the genre. You not enjoying the game doesn’t dictate everyone else’s opinion on it. You don’t have to be an otaku to like Persona or Dragon Quest for example just because it isn’t “simple and mainstream”. Persona is a fantastic JRPG that many western audiences have also loved. In fact, as you clearly are not aware, Just Dance 2021 has more K-Pop songs EVER BEFORE! The real reason DDR and Pump it Up don’t reach mainstream audiences is because they’re dominant in the arcade scene which isn’t as prominent right now as the console scene is. It’s also why Guitar Hero isn’t as prominent as it used to be. Nothing to do with the music, but more so the shift in consumer interest affecting more than just DDR. I don’t particularly listen to J-Pop or K-Pop on my own time but I love the fun gameplay element and challenge offered in these titles. As someone who doesn’t like working out at a gym, I use these games as my means of exercise because they’re fun, challenging, and a great workout . And furthermore, are you one to assume that liking Japanese music AUTOMATICALLY makes you an Otaku? People can like all sorts of music. And with groups like BTS in South Korea, K-Pop and J-Pop are actually becoming more mainstream than you may think. As I said, Just Dance has an entire fan base dedicated to those who buy the game JUST for the K-Pop. Beat Saber which is an EXTREMELY popular rhythm game in the VR space is releasing a BTS DLC with a huge track list of their K-Pop music. So to say that Japanese and Korean music isn’t mainstream is absolutely false. As someone who has grown up with these games, I am so utterly appalled with your ignorant comment.
It's hilarious because almost no one bought a Wii U in the first place. 13M (in five years) vs almost 70M (in under four years!) is not even a contest.
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. People need to realize that.
@Dr_Lugae Did anyone ever make that argument? You "putting it to rest" is the first time I've ever heard anyone say that.
While Mario Kart 8 is old hat for a lot of die hard Nintendo fans who owned a Wii U, it is a brand new game being offered for upwards of the 55 million people who didn't. I'd love to know a ratio of the 26 million who own Deluxe didn't own a Wii U and are new to MK8.
Anytime I saw someone buy a console for this holiday, I would overhear 90% of them asking for a Mario Kart game as their first choice. Mario Kart sells well and it was brilliant to have one out so early in the Switch's lifecycle.
That being said, I am surprised they haven't added any new DLC tracks to it because out of that userbase, a number would probably buy it and it would just add longevity to the title since it looks like they won't come out with an MK9 until the next console.
No offence but Mario Kart 9 in 2021 for the OG Switch would kinda suck.
BTW Just Dance 2021 may actually be the fastest-selling 3rd party Switch game in the UK. It's legs during the holidays have been incredibly strong.
@Silly_G for a bit of nostalgia I booted up Mario Kart Double Dash the other day and it was impossible to control. You don’t notice it at the time, but they’ve really updated the slide mechanic. So no chance of an All-stars version as the older games don’t stand the test of time (except for the SNES version, I’ve put so many hours into that muscle memory takes over).
@rockodoodle Yes? PS4 literally has tons of ports from previous gens.
@Nemesis666 I meant from Nintendo.... did they have a deluxe version of the previous MK, or other titles as much as they have for the switch, especially from the generation right before?
Hey, I know the lack of a new Mario Kart has been an annoyance for you but man the game isn't just still selling well but selling BETTER year on year.
I think you have to come to terms with the fact the next installment of Mario Kart will not come out until Switch 2 as Nintendo is not going to shoot its golden goose this gen.
@TheFullAndy it’s looking more and more that way. Sucks for the fans. I also fear that Nintendo is still going to port more over from the WiiU and count that as fresh content. The second half of the Switch lifecycle will have few highlights.
I am actually feeling much more positive for 2021 and beyond from Nintendo. After Mario 3D World there is the HD Zelda games and Star Fox Zero to port (and I would very much like a Star Fox Zero with more traditional controls) but after that Wii U is pretty much done.
I strongly believe we will see Nintendo firing on all cylinders from next year onwards with the handheld and home console teams finally in sync.
But I am an optimist!
@HeyItsFlapjack I bet most people have owned MK8D for more than a year, probably two. Again, I totally get the business aspect, but we were there when Nintendo needed us. This is gonna be a sore spot with me. I think they could at least release an open world version. This could kill two birds with one stone and not cannibalize sales.
@TheFullAndy they will probably resurrect Yoshi and Kirby too. Hopefully BOTW2 at least. Two surprise minor entries and a big entry we didn’t expect.
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