Ever since Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons had their big schism, the question has been: which one is the good one? You could figure out the answer the old-fashioned way, by reading reviews and making an educated analysis of general opinion, but we all know that's not the way to make decisions. The only fair judgement that can be made is "which pre-order plush is cuter"?
It's basically a modern-day Judgement of Paris: whichever one we choose is likely to start a war either way.

In the red corner, we have Harvest Moon: One World's chicken plush, with its realistically creepy eyes, and the kind of rotund body that would make a sumo wrestler jealous. Just in case it tips the scales in their favour, Harvest Moon also offers a "Magnetic Musical Diorama Set", featuring music from the game and tiny moveable characters. (In case plushes and magnetic things aren't your jam, there's also the other Harvest Moon: One World pre-order bundle, featuring some very cute lapel pins.)

In the blue corner, Story of Seasons' "Buffy the Buffalo", whose snout is about the same size as the rest of them, leading to questions of physics and biology that we're just not qualified to answer. There's no magical musical anything over here, but XSEED's website does mention a cloth poster of the key illustration as an extra pre-order bonus.
So, which plush is cuter? Or should we really be judging these games more critically on the only thing that truly matters: which marriage candidate is cuter? ...We may need more research time.
[source twitter.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 27
The good one is the one called Story of Seasons.
@nessisonett Absolutely. And the buffalo is cuter.👍🏽
Buffy takes it by a snout-erm I mean nose for me ^^
What makes two of them are different :
Natsume introduced a merchandise first without even provide a lot of video trailer and some informations about Harvest Moon One World. I still haven't seen more informations about who are the bachelors / bachelorettes, how does the farming mechanism, what other features in that game.
Marvelous provided the trailer first then more game information from Cerebii and more trailers to explain everything from marriage candidates, some gameplay footage even still in progress, more new characters revealed. Marvelous provided the merchandises later when near of release date.
From here we can tell who is really care about making the game, who just only care with the optional things without even care about their game.
fight, fight, fight...
How bout Buffalo Chicken. 😁
Never really been into these games but after loosing stupid hours on Animal Crosing I think I will pick one of these up. I'm heavily leaning towards Story of Seasons because I want that buffalo plushie.
Team chicken 🐔 plush 😎
Just in case one or two people don't know this yet: Story of Seasons is the real Harvest Moon and the current "Harvest Moon" is hot garbage.
buffy 100% plus story of seasons is better thats also a factor
I have a thing for chickens they're wonderful lil feather babies who provide breakfast and gardening assistance…also if you're not careful garden chaos and destruction. I'm goin chicken with this one!
There so cute I need one.
Buffalo 100%. I want to get the limited edition but with Brexit happening there will be import fees and if I get it from France Amazon the package and box will be in French which is something that will hug me as every physical game I own has the box in English / multi-language.
Gots my buffalo on lock! As a Zelda player, can’t do that evil thing with feathers.
Oh my what a cute guinea pig!!! .. a . I mean — buffalo?? Oops
By the by, @gray (author), too funny. I’ll be a disinterested ‘Athena‘ as I am qualified to handle the science of disproportionate snouts! What we have here is a Low Mass Allomerty Organism (LMAO).
General proboscis allometry is easy to research, but adding buffalo snout morphology Components provides a significant limiting factor in the literature.
We suggest a center of mass/x-ray/ IR parametric study and postmortem dissection.
...Or lots o snuggles.
@nessisonett I find it funny story of the seasons is the harvest moon series and harvest moon is now kinda a clone of itself before but now it's called story of the seasons and ah it's so confusing yet funny
I will definitely be getting SoS.
This is the first "new" Harvest Moon that has intrigued me. I so want it to be good, but have been disappointed in the past. I do like the chicken and the fact there are reindeer in the game. Hopefully there will be some video before it comes out.
Basically I need something to get to the Rune Factory 5 release.
I currently have One World on preorder on Amazon just in case it gets a bonus there.
The buffalo looks cute. Might change the preorder to SoS depending on what happens with the bonuses there.
I've never managed to get one of these blasted preorder plushies
The chicken is cuter but the game associated with it is likely to be a stinker (hopefully, Natsume would prove me wrong). Story of Seasons will likely be a better game, but with the lockdown unlikely to repeat (hopefully never), I don't think I can find time to play these time sinks, good or not...
Easiest choice ever. Buffy will go very well with my strawberry cow from Mineral Town.
I'll be honest, one of my gaming/collecting regrets is that I never preordered the HM/SOS games back in the day and built up a whole collection of these guys. I've bought several of the games, but if you don't preorder you get no critters. They are tiny but very, very cute and surprisingly well made, and I would have liked to have more of them. Especially the alpaca and the yak, those were adorable.
I honestly prefer the plush and collectibles on the Harvest Moon collection, but I'm aware that Story of Seasons is the (far) better game.
The REAL series (developed by Marvelous and now published by XSeed), Story of Seasons, will always get my money.
Those filthy bootleggers at Natsume are pathetic.
Don't even start with the "two cakes" argument. If Natsume didn't have the Harvest Moon name to steal, they'd have nothing of their own.
@ChaosBadger777 Definitely Story of Seasons. Harvest Moon is a rip-off of the Bokujou Monogatari series. Originally Natsume published the Bokujou games as Harvest Moon, but after the original developers split off and started publishing them under the SoS name, Natsume started making their own games still using the Harvest Moon name.
Natsume’s games might not always be the greatest but considering that Marvelous didn’t acquire the original BokuMono developer- Victor Interactive Software- until 2003, Natsume technically had the longer history with the series pre-split. >.>
And being in the same genre doesn’t make it a rip-off. Marvelous didn’t want the name after the split, so Natsume kept it. What were they supposed to do- sell it off to someone without a history with the games who would likely still use it to make farming games? Let it shrivel and die and not use it to make money to support the company? I won’t argue that Natsume’s games are amazing or anything (though I did enjoy Skytree, and I love the mutation mechanics), but they’re completely within their rights to continue using the name.
A new Harvest Moon game?
Interesting, I liked Light of Hope for what it was, I might actually have to check this one out as well.
I like the chicken but I prefer Story of Seasons so I pre-ordered that premium edition so I could get that still cute Bull plush! For fellow Canadians on here, preorders are up on EB Games website with online delivery & Pickup in Store options available! I'm so happy the trailer showed off sprinklers. I really don't like the having to get the elves or whatever they are in FOMT to water my garden 7 days at a time.
Most likely both games will be only mediocre
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