Update: Victory Heat Rally's Kickstarter is well underway, with the campaign needing to generate another $9,000 in nine days to become a reality.
If you're interested in learning more about the game and pledging your support, you can find the Kickstarter page right here.
Original Article (Wed 26th Feb, 2020 17:15 GMT): "Neo Super Scaler" racer Victory Heat Rally is set to hit Kickstarter this year, and developer Sky Devil Palm has stated that it could be coming to Switch.
Inspired by Sega's classic "Super Scaler" titles like Out Run and Power Drift, Victory Heat Rally sports a lovely pixel-based artwork and a pumping soundtrack, and reminds us of the good old days of '80s, before polygons took over. Ah, nostalgia.
You can sign up on the game's website to be notified when more information is available. A demo is launching on PC on Friday 28th – will you be giving it a try? Let us know with a comment.
Comments 20
Been keeping up with development for some time now, day one for me.
New week, new indie game inspired by one of SEGA's old franchises they refuse to do anything with
Even still though, this looks rock solid, I'll keep my eye on it
Can't wait for it to go for number one!
Waiting the Switch release.
Just went to the website to get a look and all it took was 2 seconds. Sold!!! But... I want this bad boy on Switch. Dare I make demands? I do.
Horizon Chase is my go to for this style of play. Wonder if they will bring anything new to the table.
This game has that Choro-Q/Penny Racers vibe to it.
I like it! Got lots of style and seems really unique for a game going with the retro look
@Danrenfroe2016 Horizon Chase is like Top Gear or Outrun, while this looks more like Power Drift. Imo these are very different kind of racers.
Looks cool but I’d rather have Power Drift....Sega!! 🙄
@joey302 unfortunately it will ages before we see more ages 😢
By the looks of the game it's been in kickstarter since the 1980's
A cute powerdrift racer
Looks solid, though the niche genre of "retro 80s racer" is getting kinda crowded these days, this will have to be spectacular to stand out from what's come before.
People still support Kickstarter?!
Looks like something from a coin arcade, neat. Hopefully that excessive screen shake doesn’t make it into the final build, or is at least a toggle. Doesn’t matter to me if it’s on Switch, it no doubt will run better on a PC. Can’t wait to try it.
It’s nice to see that as the years advance on from the 90’s, the Sega racer homages steadily get better
This game is fantastic.
@Zebetite Oh yeah? name me five good ones.
@Gerald I still can’t wrap my head around Sega pulling the plug on the ages line! Sooo many classics they left in the vault!
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