
Earlier this week, No More Heroes and No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle got announced for the Nintendo Switch.

Once word spread that Engine Software was behind the Switch ports - the same company that brought the cult-hit action-adventure Killer7 to the PC in 2018, fans started wondering about the possibility of it being released on Nintendo's hybrid platform.

Nintendo Life spoke to Engine Software's owner & VP of development, Ruud van de Moosdijk, and asked if there was any chance of a Killer7 Switch port happening in the near future. To Engine Software's knowledge - a Switch version is not in the works right now, but if Suda51 wants to change that, the talented port experts are happy to listen.

"As far as we know a Killer7 Switch version is currently not in the works. We have at least not discussed this with Suda-San. But who knows what the future brings? We have our hands full with Scott Pilgrim, TOCS4 and Ys IX but if Suda-San wants to work with us again we will of course always listen!"

This follows on from a statement Ruud provided Nintendo Life with in August, explaining how a Nintendo Switch version of Killer7 was "never" originally in development under Engine Software.

"It was never in development. When we started working with Suda-San on the PC version, it was an on-going discussion during development, but as I said - in the end, the decision was made not to work on a Switch version. But since it was part of the initial discussion it was still internally listed as "Killer7 - PC/Switch project" which is where the confusion came from."

So, what can we take away from all of this? Once again - Engine Software is not currently working on a port of Killer7 for Switch. If there is a port in development, it would mean this company is seemingly not involved. And if such a port isn't in the works (yet) and Suda51 wants to team up with Engine Software again, it is "of course" happy to listen.