Many months after the game's launch on other platforms, Bethesda has put a date on the long-awaited Switch version of id Software's DOOM Eternal: it's finally coming to Switch on 8th December.
Following a difficult year for the industry and its audience, there were fears that id Software's ambitious follow up to DOOM 2016 might have been canned on Nintendo's console, and the publisher recently stated that the Switch release will now be digital-only. However, it seems you can't stop the Doom Slayer from coming back, and Switch owners don't have long to wait. Check out the release announcement trailer above for an idea of what to expect if you missed it on other platforms back in March.
Even if you have access to one of those platforms, you may remember that the game released on the same day as Animal Crossing: New Horizons and were likely busy moving to your deserted island at the time, so perhaps now is the perfect time for that return trip to Hell. Our friends over at Push Square were big fans of the game, so we've got our trigger fingers crossed for the Switch version.
Nintendo's game page says DOOM Eternal will take up 17.5 GB of your hard drive (or Micro SD card). The game is coming to Switch courtesy of Panic Button, the same team that ported the previous entry and several other remarkable Switch ports besides. We spoke to the team recently about this upcoming game — keep an eye out for our exclusive interview very soon.
Excited to finally get your hands on the Doom Slayer on Switch again? Let us know your thoughts below.
Comments 92
No physical, No sale.
I am assuming that was Switch footage, in which case, I don't think it looks that bad in all seriousness... lack of physical is a deal breaker though...
At least it won't be competing with Animal Crossing these days.
...but you can get the deluxe version for £25 on PC, hopefully handheld mode is worth the wait.
Can't wait to hear how people paid a dollar thirty seven for this game when it launched on other platforms a year ago.
No cartridge I won't buy
No DLC and it’s more than likely gonna be 60$ for vanilla on Switch, while it’s already 10-20 bucks on sales on every other platform? Hard pass for me, and I was excited for this before ;/
If there was a physical release I would buy it but as there is not, I will just play it on GamePass.
Skip for me, I wanted it on PC or Switch but it took them too long.
Finished the game plus part 1 of the new DLC on PC by now, waiting for the second part.
For die hard fans only that are fine with paying full price for a game that is out on other platforms for almost 8 months (and nowdays around €20 or cheaper), and for who does not mind the poor performance.
It took them too long... and the silence around it above that made me go for PC, which is sad but they shoot themself in the foot here.
(now that I read this I am going to play OG Doom on Switch, that is a great port in my opinion)
They should at least include the DLC on Switch, then even the full price would be more fine.
Digital is all I need – let's goo
No thx, got the PS4 version for 13€ the other day, which also include a free PS5 upgrade
At this point I wouldn't by it for full price(?) if you have another plattform you can play on
Shame it took them so long as I would have picked it up on Switch but the hype has died and it will be back up to full price for the worst version of the game.
And you’ll be paying $60 when the PS4 version is $20 right now...
@StevenG boo hoo lol
Everyone is still blaming third parties for situations like this, when Nintendo were the ones who cultivated this eco system in the first place of not wanting to compete with the other boys.
When you people were thumping your chests over Wii sales (like you’re doing now with Switch sales) the writing was on the wall: Buy a separate system if you want to experience the big third party games.
Maybe if their system was equal to the others and didn’t sometimes need a separate dev and additional resources to develop you’d see better third party support.
Until then. You’ll get sloppy seconds. So complain to Nintendo. ID did nothing wrong.
Year almost 2021 and people still crying for physical.
As cool and impressive as it is, it's too late for many people including myself. It's too expensive, considering the other version are about $20 now, and the lack of physical copies is also annoying.
If they lower the price of this version to at LEAST $30 and release a physical copy, I'll consider buying that, but I think I'll slay demons on Xbox Game Pass instead.
No physical - no deal...
Yesssssssssssss finally I've been waiting for this time to come but this is digital only and even with my 500GB SD card I only have 2GB left on my console so I guess I'll just hope for a physical release while crying in a corner
I was holding out for the Switch port but it took too long... It was on sale for $20 on PS4 and I bit the bullet
My dumb american self: Wait August already past...
I was legitimately waiting on the Switch version to see how it would turn out (despite owning a PS4 Pro and an Xbox One X) - it actually looks really good on Switch, given the hardware.
Unfortunately for Bethesda on getting a game sale for Switch, it came to Game Pass. Xbox won.
stop crying for physical copies anyway. we are still in a pandemic and it isn't dying down anyway. Just be glad that it is on switch and it is not cancelled. Doesn't matter, you get the same game
I got doom 2016 for "free" on ps plus, I played it once for 10 minutes and turned it off. Doom 3 appeals to me more than Eternal, but I think it might just be the price.
Considering how they screwwed Physical buyers over for paying Physical price for Digital is just what Scalpers do to buyers. They don't want to invest in a Physical Cart is basically what it says. Even though their other Doom was on cart.
Wow that looks way cleaner then expected
@JimmySpades I really can't think who you mean... "something something 3080 graphics card...something something PS5...something something anti Japanese...something something $2 now...I play something else on the GO"
There will be dlc. coming next year though
Might just have to wait since I have a couple other games on my horizon before this. Looks solid though.
@slowdive who cares. I would rather have the game digitally than the game being canned
Also people are going to still buy this regardless of the price
No physical and the game went on sale for $20 bucks last week on PS, with little word of when this was coming on Switch - so I cancelled the preorder I held onto since January for Switch. Their communication has sucked on this.
On the eshop page it says you need a Bethesda account to play the game, also no sign of the DLC so I'll pass for now.
Finally a Bethesda pass!
Hey. Doom Eternal will have gyro controls on switch.
Switch games are generally overpriced so I see this no different.
At least there will be dlc coming next year and they won't get rid of the dlc in the switch version
@NGNYS I think that the game's physical release was cancelled was because it would have taken longer than just releasing it digitally on the eShop when it's ready.
well, if you don't buy this. You can pretty much say good bye to any future bethesda games on switch.
Not that there will be any more bethesda
games on switch
December's gonna be a hell of a month for me on Switch between this and the Bit Trip games.
@HotGoomba_Rebrand agreed. They know how much people wanted to play this on switch so they just released a digital version for now.
There might be a physical version soon
Lol the moaning over every single switch release is really at a fever pitch in 2020.
Looks good but unless it gets a physical release I ain't buying.
I was so excited to play this, Doom 2016 is one of my all time favorites but this is too little far too late, especially without even a physical cartridge to show for the delay. Hope its good for the people who do pick it up, but I'm past caring.
@GrumbleVolcano. Panic button said there will be dlc for the switch version.
It will come next year
The delay is understandable. Covid is the main reason. Rather see a good port than a rushed port
@anoyonmus I would definitely prefer a physical version, but digital is fine for most people, and I do have other options.
December is going to be good gaming for me. Immortals on the 3rd and Doom on the 8th. I'm very happy with that.
While I am happy that this is finally coming out...what about the expansions that have been released?
No physical, No sale!
LMAO At all the "No Physical, No Sale" little B**ches on here. Digital is the way of the future, get over it and join the 21st century.
I'll wait for a physical release. I'll admit I was into digital for a while, but storage is still a huge problem when you buy digital too often, even when archiving most stuff. I'm not gonna buy another expensive SD card. Instead I'm reverting to cartridges to save space and because I do miss building a physical collection. Was very hyped to add this game to that collection, very sad they chickened out.
Same week as Cyberpunk 2077 releases.. yeah.. nice try.
It seems that the lack of releases for Xmas could have made a physical release of this the number 1 title for purchasers. Now I feel the game will get a weak reception on the eshop and miss being put in every trolley with a switch purchase on the high street this Xmas.
I assume this is footage from the Switch version. Have to say, it's fairly impressive, imo.
@LUIGITORNADO Always good to see someone recognising logic. Feels like I'm shouting into the void most days.
PS. Nintendo is to blame for all Switch physical related issues due to size, cost, availability etc
@QueenKittenWrite New isn't always better.
Also, don't be an a**hole.
@StevenG Boring!!!!
@QueenKittenWrite prefer to live in my own timing space
Wait, 17.5gb? Isn't that smaller than doom 2016 (with multi-player dlc)? Maybe I'm wrong. Ill have to check. Shame they couldn't have gotten a physical version as they could have used a 16gb card like they did with 2016 and only had the consumer download a very small 1-3gb required update to get the game running.
I'm a switch only gamer so I will be getting this next week, I played a little Doom eternal on my son's xbox through game pass. I would have played more but between him and his younger brother and the wife giving me jobs to do I get about 20 minutes on it if I'm lucky lol
Now I can pop some headphones in and slay some demons, enjoyed the first one although wasn't as blown away by it as most people, Doom 3 was always my favorite of the lot
Woohoo 🎉 so exciting shame about no physical though
I am sure the usual suspects will recycle the same points on why it makes sense to buy this on Switch for $60.
I was gonna excuse the lack of a physical release because I assumed it would be too big, but 17.5? Maybe it’s still coming in hot and they can’t line up a day and date physical release?
@LUIGITORNADO What does any of that have to do with putting it on a cart?
I stopped caring about physical when I realized it's just so much easier switching between games on digital. Got a 512gb card in my Switch. Gimme more Dooooooom
Of course I bought it on PC yesterday.
Of course 😂
@LUIGITORNADO Well, I would have bought the game if it was on cartridge, 18 gigs is too much to spend on my SD. So I'd say that's the thing they did wrong.
@anoyonmus Unfortunately, yes, I get the same game, and less space on my SD.
I will get it for ps4. If we get a physical switch edition with dlc, i would double dip. It would look lovely next to my doom 2016 switch version.
@Wolf_Link same, I will double dip on Switch if they ever release it physically.
I'm not one to double dip usually, and while I prefer physical I also use digital, but I really would've loved to have this game as a physical copy on Switch to go with DOOM 2016 physical, and the digital version of the older 4 games.
DOOM is one of my favorite franchises ever, so I'd really like to have it all on one console (portable no less!).
Sorry I would have been down if it was a cart. I’m still pessimistic about the trailer, it doesn’t seem to show much of the open levels or effects and it’s literally dropping in one week. Definitely looking at impressions first.
No thanks... I don't play FPS on Switch.
Yeah like many of have said the lack of a physical release changed my mind. My main reason is I know for a fact (like Doom 2016) once I beat it and complete anything extra that I care to do it will collect dust. A physical copy allows me to trade it in towards something else. You never know maybe down the line there will a physical release or at least a big future discount on the digital version that I may bite. I'm running out of time though before Monster Hunter Rise completely takes over all my gaming so anything backlog related is getting prioritized. There may not be room for Doom Eternal anyways.
Looks amazing, much better than I expected. Looking forward to finally playing it with motion controls, can't play shooters anymore without them (not comfortably at least), though I'll wait for the eventual sale.
It looks okay, but very downgraded, as expected. If this is going to be like Doom on Switch, where it runs at like 25fps half the time, then count me out.
Wonder if anyone knows or has mentioned how much this can be bought for on other platforms? 😉
@WiltonRoots For as much as some people spend on tech you'd think they could afford a keyboard whose caps lock key doesn't randomly get stuck.
This reads like a 10
Man there’s so many whinging impatient people in this comment section 🤦♂️
This is looking pretty spectacular. Doom 2016 was an amazing game, so this is definitely worth a look. I wish they had announced a release date before all of these sales though... It’s releasing so soon after I’ve just spend hundreds...
So Limited Run can release Farm Simulator physically on cart but a multimillion dollar publisher can't be bothered with one of THE biggest videogame franchises??? FOH
While the delay was saddening and killed hype(just didn't expect thiiiis long of one), my main gripe here is pricing, frfr. Iirc, the PS5/XSX are getting Eternal for -free- if you have the 4/One versions, which puts the current cheap pricing low low vs what this'll be.
With no physical, that seems like even more of a smack. :3
I really wanted this, but idk... might personally wait a bit longer.
Really people are ungrateful. They continued with this game on Switch, ok they could have communicated a bit better when it came to digital only release but the trailer has shown the results and i think it's worth it. They put in the effort to have this game on our desired platform and people are whining that it took too long and is expensive. I didn't mind the wait on Switch, there was more than enough to play. If not for you, surely for someone else and Doom now joins the party.
People should have really figured out now if the portable aspect is really for them if these practices borthers them.
@Savino yeah right, it's really starting to get a bit narcistic. I can deal with Xbox and PS owners acting stuck up but these are Switch owners acting like spoiled valley girls.
I already own this on PS4, I’ve fully completed it and found it an okay game. I’d give it 3/5.
BUT I’m still buying this ASAP. Gutted you can’t preorder right now to be honest.
Games are just better on Switch. Every genre I play is better: FPS games have motion aiming and as a frequent gamer since 1988 I’m just SO GLAD for motion aiming as it currently is. I can’t stand mouse gaming now. Been there done that. Comfort of controllers plus motion is perfect. JRPG I can pause the game via putting system to sleep and play it anywhere I want. And the rest that I don’t want to go into right now.
I’m buying this as soon as I can. It’ll be better on Switch for sure but it won’t fix the rather bland gameplay. I bet it’ll be a 4/5 on Switch due to better input methods.
Gameplay spoiler: Doom 2016 invented new gameplay mechanics. Doom Eternal copies them from other games. However the environments are fantastic.
Im sorry panic button.... your to late 😔
@Sanangelo89 I would agree with you but you see, the game is available for under £20 on other better hardware. You can get it on Gamepass and actually play it on a mid range PC and it'll be cheaper and look better than it does on the Switch.
You couple all that up with the 9 month wait and you have a sinker here.
You can't really blame anyone for the overwhelming negative feedback on here.
I'm so torn...
I was ready to go for the OG release date but now the hype is gone and I'm not so sure if I want it anymore. I would have preferred physical but honestly by buying digital I can at least share it with everyone on my NSO family plan. Or maybe my cousin will buy it first and I can download it from him! Haha
@Razer Yes your right but at the same time its fully understandable why people would still pay full price for this version.
It seems to be worth the wait, and if people don't compare with other consoles with almost everything whether graphics, performance or releases, the timing isn't that bad. There were enough releases this year on Switch to warrant the wait if not releases in earlier years that still have a audience to sell too. Its not for everyone of course but some really act like it's some kind of a waste while it's not.
@Sanangelo89 yeah I mean sure, if you want to go ahead and pay full price for this then don't let a few comments on here stop you. Just don't get all worked up because others won't subscribe to the same way as thinking as you.
Personally I'm going to pass, at least for that price, I may grab it one day when it drops in price but I'm not exactly starved of games, there's more than enough good games to keep me enthralled, I don't need to spend this much when I can get a similar experience from other games for a fraction of the price.
Some made by the same developers no less.
@QueenKittenWrite I'm so sorry for having a hobby. I guess I should just do what society expects me too.
But seriously, stop being an jack***.
Given everything the Doom Eternal Seitch port has been through, I wouldn't had been surprised by another delay.
It's cool that's it coming out in the first half of December but I'm still upset that I'm going to have to either get another microSD card or annihilate a bunch of games to accommodate all of it.
@ChaosBadger777 Not really the worst version of the game when you're taking a giant crap. But I see what you mean. This game's gonna look fantastic for the hardware, nonetheless. I feel like everyone who talks about how it's inferior is really missing the point. It's portable. Of course it's gonna be inferior.
Was looking forward to this but I have a Series X and then they put it on Game Pass so I’ll pass for now. May pick it up if it goes on sale in the future for that sweet sweet portability.
This is supposed to be a Nintendo site, but a lot of "Nintendo fans" here are just a**holes, that don't want to support an amazing third party game on the Switch. Good luck playing your Gamepass and $20 PS4 versions of this game outside, while you go to work suckers!
Huh Doom is a big hit then I thought..
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