Switch & Lite
Image: Nintendo Life

Earlier today you may have caught the latest quote from a certain well-known analyst suggesting that Nintendo would do well to scrap the standard Switch entirely and concentrate on the handheld-only Switch Lite model.

We (and most industry onlookers, we'd wager) would argue that the console's namesake hybrid nature is its greatest strength, and that the Switch Lite simply offers a cheaper alternative for handheld fans and budget-conscious gamers — a great additional pillar to expand Nintendo's audience.

Without wanting to focus on questionable takes, we thought it might be interesting to see how you split your Switch gaming time between modes with a little poll. Back in October 2017, Nintendo's own data suggested that 30% of players used the Switch almost exclusively in handheld mode versus 20% who played in docked mode only, with the remaining 50% of players who switched between the two. We wonder if that's still true three years later.

Below are a selection of handheld-to-docked mode percentages — simply click on the ratio that best reflects how you use your (standard) Switch, and click the 'Vote' button at the bottom to give us a better picture of how things stand in 2020.

What percentage of Handheld / Docked mode best reflects how you use your standard Nintendo Switch?

Thanks for voting. Do the results surprise you? Has how you use your Switch changed over time? Let us know in the usual place.