2Awesome Studio has revealed that its 2D action-platformer Horned Knight will be launching on Switch later this year.
The game is described as a "challenging 2D action-platformer that pulls no punches", inspired by and trying to recreate the feel of the golden age of arcade games. You're tasked with rewriting destiny as the Hero Knight, overcoming all fears, enemies, and traps along the way with the help of your trusty sword and mysterious Horned helmet.
Here's an official description and feature list:

In Horned Knight, calculated movement and agility is key. One small misstep can lead to your demise through 32 pulse pounding levels, offering various challenges from fireball wielding skeletons to venomous snakes, spike traps, pools of lava, and much more!
Accessible and responsive controls make it easy to jump, air-dash, and slash your way through an area. Master the jumping wall climb technique and timed slashes to ensure your hero saves the greater realm!
Key Features:
- 4 worlds and over 30 levels
- Tons of monsters and bosses to show your might
- Responsive controls: easy to play, hard to master
- Beautifully pixel art animated graphics
- Exciting action gameplay
- Intense boss battles with challenging patterns and epic scale
- 2 difficulty modes appropriate for all types of players―from story and setting lovers to hardcore action enthusiasts
- An amazingly diverse castle to explore with different environments
Horned Knight is aiming for a winter 2020 release on Switch, so make sure to keep an eye out for it on the eShop later this year.
Are you liking the look of this one? Let us know if you'll consider picking the game up with a comment below.
Comments 21
Visually it's not as appealing as other 2D games but it could still be good.
As a general rule I am a fan of [six letter word] Knight, so I will certainly check this out.
I can think of a few, being Shovel Knight, Hollow Knight, and Bucket Knight.
And now of course Horned Knight.
@RupeeClock Plague Knight should be included, even if it's an add on!
Coming soon: Hetroid, Chateau Vania, G-Zero and Fantastic Bang Bros.
@Lordplops Pretty sure Bang Bros. has been out for quite some time already...
I’ll buy that for a dollar.
The character sprite is small, but I do like the look of the game. Looks challenging. Like really difficult Bowser’s castle levels.
Looks like celeste controls with some castlevania style fighting. I mean, it could be really good with the platforming and fighting put together but what a generic style and character. Could they try to fit in anymore?
Meanwhile the European meat and dairy industry is actively lobbying to ban the terms "vegan burger", "vegan sausage", "(almond) milk",... "to not confuse the consumer by using the same words for products that look and taste alike". I wish I were kidding.
I hereby declare a moratorium on indie games using "Knight" as the second word in two-word titles.
I understand nobody will abide by this moratorium, but I declare it all the same.
This reminds me of Cloudberry Kingdom.
I like the look of that, may well get it.
Why does the art style look like it’s trying to be 8-bit and 16-bit at the same time?
@Shambo they might have a point. I was in tesco the other day and accidentally bought a vegan almond iced coffee. But I just had it anyway and it was surprisingly delicious. So no worries.
Hmmm. It looks good, just not my thing. I’m sure a bunch of people will like it though.
@Kalmaro from the look of the bosses(even though they're generic) it seems like they're capable of more too.
@Shambo Good, that makes sense. If it's not really meat, you shouldn't be able to call it meat. Same with milk, it's false advertising.
@PapaMurphy vegans will look for it being vegan. The ones with allergies will probably even prefer the vegan options, or look for the allergy information. The ones that don't care, can make a "mistake", and even do probably far less harm by doing so, so, well, no harm there! And even discover something new they actually enjoy, so that's great.
@Nintendo_Thumb so is "humane", "animal friendly", "animal welfare", "healthy", "necessary", and basically everything coming from the meat and dairy industry.
Like "la vache qui rit" (or "the laughing cow") as the brand name of a dairy product, happy pigs playing in mud on the front of a butchery, cows standing in wide open grass fields on both meat and dairy products,...
Also, the vegan products are not called "meat", it's called "vegan burger" and such, so that humans can recognise what they're used to. I do agree that making it look like animal corpses is simply horrifying, and calling it "surrogates or substitutes to meat" is wrong, as it's the only option out of the two that should be considered "surrogate food", the other one is a dead body.
As for milk, I also kind of agree. It's not as if we suck or squeeze it out of the nipples of an artificially impregnated nut. If we would, I wouldn't drink it in the first place. I find it rather disgusting as a grown up human to see the word "milk" on something I drink (but often it's replaced with "drink"), let alone knowing that it's marketed as an "alternative" to a cow's mother milk, and knowing what's going on in that industry.
But paying insane amounts of taxes for a bunch of disconnected apes to discuss whether or not it should be illegal to call a vegan burger a "burger" (which is simply a surrogate food shape for easy consumption and hiding hat's actually inside in most cases, it's not even a "meat shape"), because an industry that shouldn't exist is getting scared that it is losing its power (gained through exploitation, bloodshed, lies and false advertisement in the first place)... Let's all agree that is beyond ridiculous.
@Shambo wow you're very knowledgeable about all that.
If a product says something it should be that. If there's no animal involved it can't be a burger, or milk, instead that's vegetable patty and nut juice. The industry thats exploiting and false advertising is this ludicrous faux food. What's so wrong with having original names for things, call it a Xerg or a Blurger or something. I don't care at all about anyone's opinion on eating meat, I love it, and it's one of the oldest industries in the world, probably the oldest industry and it's huge, people love meat it's not going anywhere. But that has nothing to do with the topic, which is false advertising, and whether you like the vegetable patties or the burger patties, words have meanings and you shouldn't be able to label something as anything you like just because it has a similar shape.
And none of these: "humane", "animal friendly", "animal welfare", "healthy", "necessary" are on the packaging as the category. You won't go down and pick up a thing of Kraft HUMANE SWISS CHEESE, those kinds of descriptors might be on the package but I doubt you're going to buy something like Oscar Mayer WELFARE BOLOGNA. Sometimes you see "healthy" on there and next to that word it will say in comparison to our other similar product or compared to our competitors sausage or something like that. I'm sure there's company's out there doing all kinds of things, it's a big planet, but if it's mislabeled there isn't anything wrong with getting litigitious or having the government fix the problem.
The general public should be aware when they're being lied to, and ignoring that because you like the product personally, it's just going to lead to more mislabelled products in the future. I don't want to think I'm buying cereal and come home with a box of crackers, but that's what this leads to if completely unchecked.
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