Super Mario 3D World – one of the Wii U's best titles – is coming to the Nintendo Switch along with new content.
The game will feature the same strong multiplayer focus that it had on the Wii U, but with the Joy-Con arguably making it easier than ever to get other people involved.
The most exciting element, however, is that the game will come with the "Bowser's Fury" expansion, which appears to hit at new levels and challenges.

The game launches on February 12th, 2021.
Comments 116
Never really liked this one but at least the port has extra content.
Best news for me!
Umm, that says February 12th, not December 2nd
Is it coming this holiday season? It says 2021?
am super excited for this!
I read it as Bowser's (a) Furry
which in this game he sort of is.
And there will be online co-op too according to Nintendo's store page!
@Damo yeah, @DCorp is right there. Might want to fix that quick sharp
@Damo the trailer had a Feb release date.
@nessisonett Yeah, I wish I could just buy the additional content instead. I already have the main game.
@e-love Well you’ve ruined the Internet for me today. Time to go soak my brain in bleach 😂😂
I buy almost none of these Wii U ports, but SM3DW has always felt like a game that was just begging for a Switch port. Plus, new content!
I will gladly double dip for this. My daughter has been dying to play this game and I almost was ready to buy it again. Glad I waited
February isn't it? Thats when the Amiibo comes
YES! At last it's here!
Awesome news! Definitely getting this again, so glad there's some new content to go along with it.
So hyped for this. Nintendo again just made alot of money
The plague of owning a Wii U: you have already played all 3 games that were released on it and it's hard to justify buying this kind of game full price
This was the most exciting part of the presentation for me. I loved the original game. Can't wait to see the additions in more detail.
never played it, so i'm stoked. Definitely deflated that there isn't something a little bigger and newer, but hey it's new to me!
I still haven't finished that game 4 years ago.
And now the Switch version with new contents will coming on December 2020.
Oh, well... My Wii U will get retired after this.
Only for playing Amiibo Festival, Nintendoland, Wii Party U , Paper Mario Color Splash and Mario Sonic 2014.
While I'm glad I was wrong and the collection turned out to be real, 3D World was by far the best part of the Direct. Also you've got the date wrong, 3D World launches February 12th 2021 according to the Direct.
3D World is my favourite 3D Mario game, I'm definitely going to double dip on that one.
@Rhaoulos maybe Bowsers Fury will add enough for you to change your mind
The Bowser's Fusy would have to have a significant amount of content for me to consider buying the game again. It was pretty fun with four players but quite boring as a single player game.
Edit: The addition of online multiplayer is actually a big deal (for reasons stated above). I don't have much confidence in it running well though after my experience trying to play Super Mario Maker 2 online...
Heck yes!!! That’s all I want to say
@Anti-Matter Its launching next year. Damien oddly read the UK date as an American style date.
Great reason to double dip.
@Damo ''comes to Nintendo Switch on February 12th, 2021!''
''The game launches on December 2nd, 2020.''
They could easily add this to Wii U game if it's just another world. But nah, gotta double dip. At 60 dollars of course.
Gonna guess that the additional content isn’t going to be enough to cause me to pull the trigger....
@whodatninja Yeah, that's my biggest gripe as well. I already own the game. I would love to play Bowser's Fury, but it's being gatelocked behind another game. I don't see why they can't release it on its own as well.
That would be a consumer friendly approach IMO.
Nah, the most exciting element is this part, from's website:
"Work together locally* or online** with up to three other players to reach the goal…and to see who can get a high score."
That's probably what's going to get me to double dip; being able to play through the game online with my friends across the pond.
December 2nd got me very excited... then I realized it's February 12th... or is it?
I absolutely love 3D world... best played with 2 - 4 people... I still have my WiiU hooked up and could easily play it on that whenever I want, but I will buy the Switch version just to play with the Switch Pro controller and just to have it on a little cartridge!
@TheXReturns That could be fun, but probably wont given Nintendos terrible online service
What about the touch screen levels, and when you have blow into the gamepad???
I wanted Wario playable, and I hoped 3D Land content would be added to the game, but nah ofcourse not
The $60 price tag hurts (remember, this is $20 on Wii U) but I'll pick this up if Bowser's Fury is significant enough expansion (and not just a few extra levels).
Loved this on Wii U. Can’t wait to dive back in on the Switch. Im really hoping you can play multiplayer on multiple Switch units ala MK8D.
They'll do the same as what they did in Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, and make them button inputs.
I do think Wario ever being playable in a mainline mario game again is a bit of a stretch. Ninty seems to view him like Donkey Kong. A part of the Mario Universe, but his own separate thing, and given the failure of Game and Wario, and the mediocrity of Warioware Gold, I think it'll probably be a while before Wario gets time back in the spotlight.
I mean, with the install base for the Switch, and the install base for the Wii U, for the vast majority of Switch owners, this is a new game. I mean, I'm a Wii U owner, so it's not new for me, but from Ninty's perspective, it's a much better revenue stream to have small teams work on an expanded Wii U port, where the majority of the userbase haven't played said games. Honestly, I'm excited for the Pikmin 3 rerelease, more because it means that the series wasn't killed after the travesty that was Hey Pikmin. (And also because if it's profitable, and there's a new market for Pikmin games on switch, they might invest resources to make Pikmin 4.)
Quick, someone check if you can still buy the original game on the Wii U eShop.
I now have no reason to ever buy a wii U. SUper mario 3d world and pikmin 3 were the last games that I wanted to come to the switch.
I'm looking forward to this. I hope they don't do anything ti screw it up.
They did it again. Yes, I understand it, but what about people who already own it on Wii U? They really should let us buy the new part as a standalone...
The only Wii U game that I actually wanted on Switch. Glad it’s coming.
That's February 12th 2021, aren't you guys British?
For some reason the trailer video and direct presentation did not mention this, but there will be Cat Mario and Cat Peach amiibo.
@DCorp Apologies, in the rush to get this done I read the date wrong. This has now been corrected.
Glad we are getting this. Just today, my Dad got a copy of 3D Land at a yard sale for free.
Remember when Nintendo made new games?
@RainbowGazelle Nintendo doesn't care anymore. Ever since Iwata died, their care died slowly but surely soon after.
@Damo It's still incorrect. It's the 12th, not the 2nd.
I imagine Bowser's Fury will probably be a set of harder levels, but it would be so awesome if it were a game length add-on where Bowser stars in his own platforming adventure.
@RainbowGazelle They''ll run out of Wii U ports pretty soon...
@nessisonett What I find curious about the expansion is I get the weird feeling it might actually be closer to previous 3D Mario games by going back to what almost look like the "the overworld is itself a hub level you can wander in" approach of Mario 64/etc though that might just be me mis-perceiving that sort of weird castle thing cat mario is shown to stand around of at the end. But it definitely didn't feel like like a regular level either.
@Ralizah The new content also has me curious. The "level" teased here almost look like some kind of "world hub" than either a traditional level or one of the "overworld" maps of 3D World.
Hoping the extra content is sizable to justify double dipping...
@Ludovsky It's almost undoubtedly going to be a proper expansion. They would have just called it "Super Mario 3D World Deluxe" or something if it was a couple of added levels.
Been waiting for this.
I want Bowser's Fury to have plenty of new content to justify my re-buying 3D World.
I also want it to not have much new content so I can save some money 😄
@RainbowGazelle New Paper Mario, new Animal Crossing, new Mario Battle Royale, new Mario Kart. No Nintendo doesn't make new games
Also the Wii U has soled 13.5 million units, the Switch already more than 61 million. Even if every Wii U owner bought a Switch and had the original game that would still mean that at least 47,5 million players will get the experience the game as a new game. Also I don't mind double dipping for this awesome game!
3D World is brilliant, guys. If you've never played it, don't miss out
What would be really awesome would be if buying this unlocked the 3D World levels in the Switch version of Captain Toad (as it did on the Wii U).
Never had a wii u so day one for me.
Let’s be honest I but all the nintendo first party games pretty much day one especially if the are Mario and his crew titles
@gaga64 maybe an announcement will come????
@4RT_D3CO on Nintendo’s website it says February 12, 2021. Thought it was also weird that the video said December. I guess it was a typo?
The inclusion of online multiplayer is awesome. Looks like it is the first 3D Mario game to have it.
I missed this one on the Wii U so definitely planned to get this one for Switch.
Amazing i hope multi player is online drop in drop out .
This game is amazing i love my wii u version.
@sanderev Good for you. But it doesn't change the fact that these aren't new games in a year that's pretty much been nothing but posts.
@Bermanator It's been quite a day.
@Ralizah hence my curiosity about that "world" because of how it re: has that weird "hub level" feel of Mario 64's Peach's castle/etc, though it could be a new World map altogether and just gave that odd feel because of the camera angle they picked for it.
Either ways, I'm actually considering getting it. My brother had mentionned having interest in my old WiiU since I was barely playing it these days so at this rate I might actually gift it to him once this release, since I know he himself had no intention of buying new game consoles(and thus would be unlikely to buy a Switch of his own to play that port on) but might actually make use of the WiiU if he had it(and may still enjoy the original WiiU release of 3D World, ontop of my copy of Wind Waker HD/etc I already had on there. Might even buy him Twillight Princess HD as a bonus if I ever do gift him the console. With two kids of his own now, I know his console budget isn't what it used to be anyway).
@Retro_Player_77 I got it on the WiiU myself, but ever since I stopped playing it I know my brother still enjoys the games I have on the WiiU and that he himself doesn't have much of a console budget since I've been musing giving him my WiiU since a bit now since I know he might actually still enjoy it and he's unlikely to buy a Switch himself in the foreseeable future.
This releasing on Switch might be the last excuse I needed to justify gifting him the WiiU rather than holding on to it, tbh.
And with Wind Waker HD and others already installed on it, I know there's a decent enough selection on there for him to enjoy.
If it has online does that mean it has local wireless play.
I never really wanted this game (even if I did have a Wii U) but after seeing some gameplay, I'm definitely picking it up!
I'll be skipping this as I already have it on the Wii U and can live without the new content.
That said, those of you who haven't played Super Mario 3D World NEED this game. It's one of the best offerings from the Wii U library.
@RainbowGazelle After my excitement of the Direct news wore off, in about 5 minutes, I became very worried that all of these ports could mean no new games this holiday.
I'm OK w/ ports, port them all I don't care I already played them, but I spent $300 to play new games, and we need those too. Don't see why other people can't see that. Ports are fine, but a console needs new games for the holidays as well. ACNH and Paper Mario were both fine games, but what about the holiday season?
Sure COVID-19 is a thing, but Cyberpunk, Avengers, TLOU2, Ghost of Tsushima, and the holidays will have games on other systems too, once those systems get dated, eventually.
Oh well, maybe a proper Direct in a couple of weeks. I don't even need new game announcements, just release Zelda BotW2 around Thanksgiving and Bayonetta 3 around Halloween. That's it, 2 new games we haven't played before. Simple. Heck I'd take a full blown Labo VR game at this point, it isn't that bad, blaster game is really fun.
If you haven't played this game, get it!
I did 100% on my WiiU so probably the new content is not worth for me to double-dip, but it is an amazing Mario game that can be both quite challenging and hilarious when playing multiplayer
@rjejr As I completely agree that ports only does not suffice, neither remasters, we are getting new games. But of course it depends on what style do you enjoy.
Bavely Default II and No More Heroes 3 are still confirmed 2020 releases.
Can't wait. This was the one Wii U game I wanted them to port over to the Switch.
I’m intrigued with the Bowser’s Fury expansion, but I need more details on it before I decide to buy. 3D World is basically 3D Land: Console Edition so I don’t really want it unless it does something really different instead of being one of about 17 different linear Mario games with nothing new except a handful of power ups.
@RainbowGazelle That MarioKart game isn't new? Also it's an anniversary, which normally means bringing back classics. I'm happy with this line up. I will be getting all the games, and I already pre-ordered the 3D All Stars and the Game & Watch.
I really enjoyed this game on the Wii U. However, I've not had the urge to repurchase or replay this game.
I may change my mind based off how substantial the expansion is. I'll most likely not purchase for just a handful of new levels.
@DCorp yeah when I first saw it I read December 2nd 2021 and was like what?
Mario 3D World on Wii U had local wireless play.
I’m definitely double dipping on this. So excited! I hope Bowsers Fury levels are crazy difficult, and/or allow you to play as Cat Bowser.
Definitely a high quality Mario outing IMO, even if it is not one of my favs. Will download & double dip.
Would have been nice to have had 3D Land remake in with this but...hey....
I’m in on this one, 3D Land on the 3DS is one of my favorite Mario’s.
Seems great until I saw the $60 price tag.
Since I've never played it and never had a Wii U this is a definite buy for me and I'm glad it has added content.
Im most excited about online co-op!
so excited for anyone who hasn't played this gem. it's packed with variety and doesn't stop even after you complete it
@westman98 They mean locally wireless between Switch systems. The Wii U version had no such thing.
This is one of the best Mario games, so I envy anyone playing it for the first time. Bursting full of good ideas, and really fun to play.
It will be interesting to see whether ‘Bowsers Fury’ is enough to purchase the game again.
For those who have not played the Wii U version this is really a must buy...
Never had a Wii U, so I'm happy for the deluxe editions. I understand why some people are annoyed by this, they could have done a much better job spreading them out, no need to cram it in the first three years. And they had to do Mario Bros U? They could have done Xenoblade X, although I doubt that now cause of the recent release of XCDE
Me and my eldest daughter have just replayed this to death and are close to getting the final character stickers... that damn last level ! Anyway I don’t think I could replay it again unless the expansion is massive! And I mean massive like a whole new story not just another world. Maybe we play as bowser?! Or Wario? Or Walluigi? Now that I can get behind. Surprise us please Ninty.
Really happy to see 3D World come to the Switch! More people deserve to play this masterpiece. Bowser's Fury looks intriguing as well. It's one of those games I love so much that I'd get it for Switch too...especially if it has more content.
Ahhh ok. I misread.
@sanderev Again, good for you, but if you're not a Mario fan there's nothing to play.
@rjejr Exactly. Ports are okay to go along with new stuff, but basically just a year of ports is unacceptable.
Great game if you have people to play it with. One of the Wii U’s best
@RainbowGazelle if you're not a Mario fan you won't get anything from a Mario Direct. Well... duh.
Also I am going to give you a heads up. They (Nintendo) will repeat this next year for The Legend of Zelda.
Finally it's coming! I wish you could play as Bowser, maybe maybe...
Also, nice Mario Switch "click" animation!
Personally I looked 3D Land better, but I know many disagree with me
@sanderev Well, obviously. The point is, it would appear to be pretty much just old Mario ports for the rest of the year. Nintendo seem to think that is enough.
@RainbowGazelle We still have 4 months in this year. We know Pikmin 3 is coming, we know this new Mario Kart and 3D Collection is coming. And we literally still have 4 months for anything else. And yes, I still think there will be a november / december game.
Like every year.
Also there has been a "Direct" of some sorts every week for the last month. We'll get another "Direct" next week, or reveal, or Animal Crossing update (my guess).
That Pokemon S&S Crown Tundra DLC is also going to be a fall release.
I'm also thinking that a Nintendo Direct will have Smash DLC+ Reveal Bravely Default 2 will still be a 2020 release along with a new game (hopefully).
@sanderev The 30th anniversary of Mario had Super Mario Maker, the 25th had Galaxy 2 (a game that won't be part of this collection, by the way), and the 30th anniversary of Zelda had Breath of the Wild. Far better than a bunch of rehashes.
The wii u library has pretty much been been picked to the bone. My wii u is now just a Star Fox and Nintendoland machine
Excited to get 3D world, I Skipped the Wii-U
@SaturnHero Still have Paper mario color splash, Xenoblade X, Kirby canvas curse, Yoshi's wooly world
@Euler The 35th of Mario has.. Paper Mario The Origami King. Also Super Mario Maker already was released on the Switch.
Has this been taken off the Wii u eshop yet?
@nessisonett Haha! I actually roomed with a couple furries. Very cool people and a very friendly community. They just get a bad rep from some genuinely cringeworthy examples.
Oh this is my next mario purchase.
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