Indie games studio NEOPOPCORN Corp has released the first DLC for its grisly Metroidvania game 3000th Duel on Nintendo Switch.

Called '3000th Duel: The Wise Ones', the DLC contains more than 150 additional regions to explore, 60 kinds of monsters, new equipment and occults, and even a harder game mode. The best bit? All of it is 100% free.

If you're only hearing about this one for the first time today, the game's inspired by dark-fantasy movies like Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas, and takes a lot of inspiration from – yes – Dark Souls.

We posted a review of the game shortly after it launched earlier this year. If you'd like to learn more, feel free to give that a read. We'll leave a snippet below.

3000th Duel is a highly enjoyable Metroidvania that some would argue borrows a bit too much from Dark Souls. With engaging combat bolstered by lots of unlockable weapons, a decent progression system, and some truly memorable boss fights, it can stand proud amongst the many examples of the genre currently available on Switch, even if it doesn't quite do enough to feel truly unique. Still, if you loved From Software's Souls series and fancy some more of the same, you could do a lot worse.

If you already own a copy of the game, make sure to grab the DLC from the eShop today!