Nuclear Throne
Image: Vlambeer

Vlambeer – the indie studio behind such critically-acclaimed hits as Nuclear Throne, Super Crate Box and Luftrausers – has announced that it is closing its doors after ten years.

Vlambeer’s Rami Ismail and Jan Willem Nijman issued a joint statement confirming the forthcoming closure, saying:

We had a beautiful run, made incredible games, and worked with amazing people, but it is time for new things. It’s not a sad day for us, but the happy conclusion to a whirlwind decade filled with screenshake. It feels like we’ve achieved what we set out to do – as a studio, as a voice, and as individuals, and we are extremely grateful for these past years.

The developer is keen to point out that it will be looking into ways it can offer ongoing support for its earlier titles, and it should be noted that it's not quite lights out yet – Ultrabugs, Vlambeer’s next game, is still in active development.

Which Vlambeer title if your personal favourite? Let us know with a comment below.