If you're seeking a new Musou-style game that perhaps isn't Zelda-themed, be on the lookout for Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires.
At this year's online-only Tokyo Game Show, Koei Tecmo announced it would be bringing the game to the Nintendo Switch and multiple other platforms early next year with the help of Omega Force.
Here are the details courtesy of the publisher, along with a teaser trailer (above):
Combining the 1 vs. 1,000 action of DYNASTY WARRIORS with the addition of strategic elements, including unit command, DYNASTY WARRIORS 9 Empires sets players on a quest to conquer ancient China by both sword and strategy. Powerful Siege Battles enable commanders to deploy units to capture strategic points on the map like castles. Experiencing high-stakes fights at every turn, players can now take control of these central points on the battlefield through the use of fire attacks or other stratagem, siege weapons, and, at times, simply by force as commanders execute their strategies and attack enemy troops by issuing vital commands to units throughout the skirmish.

Have you played any of the previous games in the Dynasty Warriors series or will you be sticking with the Nintendo-themed Musou games? Tell us down below.
[source youtu.be, via twitter.com]
Comments 47
Nice, more games incoming. Will buy it for sure.
Warning: Don't buy this game!
It's by far the worst Dynasty Warriors game since the original and a complete disgrace to the franchise as a whole.
Rexenoboy is correct. When diehard Dynasty Warriors fans are telling you something is crap, who can be pretty tolerant considering the franchise they love, there is a definite problem. Stay far, far away from this game. If it was a buggy mess on other hardware it's not going to be any better here.
Does this mean we may well end up with 3 musou games on the switch within around 4 months.
For games that are known to have repetitive gameplay, this release schedule feels pretty awful? I’m guessing this may be reason to push persona 5 scramble English release further out in the year
@Rexenoboy DW9 IS a disgrace but this is Empires. The terrible Open World has been removed and theyve made lots of other adjustments apparnrlyy so we don't know how it will be
@XenoMario Scramble is not a musou game. It's structure is exactly the same as a normal persona game but with action RPG combat. It's not repetitive in the way others can be because its heavily story focussed, features dungeon exploration and a small character roster with heavy use of personas like the Astral Chain combat.
There's also no continuos mode with tons of levels after like Warriors games. It just ends.
The only reason I'm interested in Age of Calamity is because Nintendo apparanelty has had more involvement in development and for the story. However I remain cautiously optimistic and will wait for reviews before making a final decision. Otherwise I've tried these mainline games before and while I appreciate they've got their fans, they get very boring very fast for me.
Meh they never did brought over that Samurai Warriors 4 DX or Dragon Quest Heroes I & II games that I want so much for Switch, instead all we got was another lame version of Warrior's Orochi 4 which sucks. Unless Nintendo is involve, Tecmo Koei tend to sucks when it comes to localizing the good games for worldwide releases. Dynasty Warriors games had been garbage ever since it went past part 4.
I looked a bit more into it and you're right, they're saying it won't be open-world anymore, but siege battles will still be a part of it. How's that going to work if it's not open-world? Their comments feel very conflicting to me and I don't trust them at all.
At least wait for the reviews to come out before buying this game.
Musou is going to take over the world. That, or the spiders will. Or the ants. Ants are ****ing everywhere.
Dear Tecmo,
Remember Ninja Gaiden or Rygar? Dead or Alive? Heck...we don't really have an American Football game on Switch, so you could maybe make a Superbowl?
Just asking.
P.S Age of Calamity looks bloody ace!
like we even need one -__- we already have too many.. give us a dynasty warriors fighter or something different.
@gcunit Earth Defense Force??? now thats a game. Loved playing it in co-op
How many more ^#%@^@#%!#$^#^@#$@#!%#ing musou games do they intend to make?!!!!!!!!
Give us Dead or Alive, dammit!!!! I wouldn't mind TEN of those!!! And a new fighter with 10 bewbs while you're at it! And another with 10-pack abs to appease a certain somebody here who wants everybody to know of his fetishes.
Did this get a bad reception from Dynasty fans?
I've always wanted to try a Dynasty Warriors game properly.
Loved FE Warriors and Hyrule Warriors. I have One Pierce Pirate Warriors 4 on my backlog.
@Silly_G that final comment was unnecessary. Very anti matter of you to say that...
I’ll leave myself out...
I didn't hear good things about DW9 but am a major fan of the franchise. However, I've never played an Empires game - am I right in assuming that it leaves the Rot3K story out and let's you play a new one from scratch? I've been looking to double-dip on 8 for a while now but am unsure whether to wait and see what this is like. I did enjoy the 'build your own kingdom' bit of that but think half the fun of the games is playing through the campaign. Does anyone familiar with the difference between the two series fancy getting me up to speed?
While I hold an interest in this series, the only Warriors game I’m excited for right now is set in Hyrule! Roll on November!
yeah being over what is the worst warriors game to date and the most hated by fans, smart idea 😑
The downgrades gonna be so awful. The game already struggling so hard on base PS4, the PRO don't even alleviate the problem that much and you expect people to buy this game on Switch??
Great can we finally have Dragon Quest Heroes 2 in English on the switch??? Why does square hate us English speaking fans so much.
Loved Hyrule Warriors, can't wait for Age of Calamity, but never really got into FE Warriors, so while I like the style, I enjoy it more with characters and locations I recognise.
Sengoku Basara on Wii was my favourite of this genre.
@LEGEND_MARIOID The regular Dynasty Warriors 9 is bad, yes. They overhauled the combo mechanics and made the game open world, and it just didn’t work.
This is Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires, and it hasn’t had any reception from the fans, since it isn’t out yet.
Okay, how many Warriors games on Switch does this make now?
Jeez why not just port ninja trilogy or doa already ! What the meaning of keep poorly optimizing port and leave it dead on eshop
I can't speak for this version, but to reiterate what many fans are saying above: DW9 is BAD. The idea of making the game open world was ambitious but the execution was all wrong.
The joy of any DW game is the constant action. In DW9, you always end up riding a horse halfway across an extremely barren version of China to kill some reinforcements. It is just tedious.
Not to mention the game was glitchy as hell, and this is coming from a guy who stuck with the series despite the Chi Bi levels on the PS2.
They replaced all the voice actors with some third-rate company so the "so bad it's good" dialogue from legends like Beau Billingslea is now just insufferable.
Also there is a feature where you can visit generals in seemingly random places and become friends with them. How cute.
Good! This will make the FE, LOZ fans understand where the real Warriors come from.👍
So I'm guessing just ignore this game and stick with the Dynasty Warriors spin-offs like Hyrule Warriors?
Lol how ignorant it is that some people here actually don't know there are different versions of DW games for each iteration and straight assume it's the same DW9 game that's available on PS4.
Lets take Dynasty Warriors 8 for example :
DW8 is the first game launched and tells the main story also introduce players to gameplay mechanic of the game.
DW8XL is the expansion but it's standalone. It complements the first game by adding more content such as characters and their exclusive story, stages, gameplay adjustment, etc. Vanilla game isn't included here and you can play the expansion as it's own.
DW8E doesn't have any story from vanilla and the expansion game. It has more strategic gameplay in which your objective is to conquer China.
For more detail about the gameplay just go to youtube
Are you saying you enjoy being milked like that?
14 with six of them being Japan only. There is more if you count the musou games that's not made by Koei-Tecmo.
@NathanTheAsian Or play some of the other Warrior games on Switch, like Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme or Warrior Orochi 4
I hope they fit strategy-focused gameplay good on Switch. It'll be the first Empires game on Switch to be released on the west too.
A bigger question, however, is how the game will shape up on Switch. This is coming early next year, hmm.
Happy 20th Anniversary for Dynasty Warriors!
Do the Empires games tend to get Ultimate/Deluxe/whatever versions? That's the one thing that really puts me off buying KT games.
Koei should remaster/remake Samurai Warriors 3 for Switch, with that Mysterious Castle Murasame content.
I have more fun killing cockroaches than this.
I've tried play these games and the various cross overs so many times over the years. Several main line games back on the PS2 era I think? And then crossovers with Gundam, Fire Emblem and the first Hyrule Warriors. I always end up losing interest.
Fire Emblem Warriors however is the one I liked the most, because it has more tactical aspects and lets you switch between characters so well. I'd get back into it if they'd added some characters from more FE titles and expanded the strategy aspects more.
@Rexenoboy excuse me but how does my comment implied that?
Forgive me if I'm wrong but you seem to be defending Koei Tecmo's business practice of releasing the same game 3 times without the prior version's content. These should be DLC or expansion packs to make the base game better instead of asking the consumer to buy the game 3 times.
@JoakimZ Thanks for the reply. I was under the mistaken impression that DW9 and DW9 Empires were both released in Japan already for some reason.
From what I've gathered Empires has its own gameplay structure, I'd see that more as a spinoff game than another version.
@Rexenoboy i'm not defending anything, just telling that these 3 versions i mentioned before are different game even though they have very similar title. Though i agree with you that the entire thing except the vanilla game should be sold as paid DLCs and if they want to re-release it, make it as complete package.
The fact that they are dropping the open world part from DW9 means DW9E could be very different game, just like every other empires version on another DW games.
But they still use all the same assets and what-not, so how about adding a new gameplay mode as DLC and charging $15-20 for it instead of releasing it as a completely new game?
Alright, in that case we agree. I still don't trust them in turning the disastrous DW9 into a worthwhile game though. The fact they haven't shown any gameplay at all during TGS is very suspicious if you ask me.
@Retro_Player_77 don’t be silly, Dynasty Warriors 5 is by far the best one.
Musou intensifies
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