If you love arcade style racers like Winning Run, Virtua Racing, Hard Drivin', Daytona USA, Burnout, Out Run, and even Split/Second, Hotshot Racing might be your kind of game.

When it does finally speed onto the Nintendo Switch this week, it'll come with entirely free post-launch content. The game's publisher made this announcement over on Twitter - revealing there would be new tracks, modes and championship:

FREE post-launch content coming soon, including new tracks, mode and Championship! #HotshotRacing

There's no word on when exactly this content will be released, other than that it's "coming soon" - so stay tuned.

If you're curious to find out more about this new racing game, why not check out the Nintendo Life review. We awarded the game eight out of ten stars and said it was an exhilarating driving experience that's likely to appeal to newcomers and veterans alike.

Will you be racing over to the eShop to download this one when it's released? Tell us down below.

[source twitter.com]