On the 25th anniversary of its Japanese release, Gavin ponders why he just can't get down with one of Nintendo's most celebrated games of the 16-bit era...
There's a strata of gaming classics so renowned for their quality that they become untouchable. Not liking, say, Ocarina of Time is cause for some serious self-evaluation and reappraisal; following decades of veneration from players and critics alike, all evidence suggests that you must be the problem here. Some games are unassailable. All that praise can't be hyperbole if it's near-universal, right?
I'll occasionally sit down to catch up on one of those games--one of those what do you mean you've never seen Star Wars??!! type games--and it usually doesn't take long to uncover the gold, even if you have to chip away at an outmoded, clunky mechanic or two. As someone who never owned a Super Nintendo back in the day, there have been several 16-bit classics I caught up with much later - Super Metroid and Earthbound, for example. Absolutely cracking games.
There's one, however, that I've tried for many years to like. I've poked and prodded at it, dedicated entire afternoons and evenings to it, or dipped in for a few minutes in an attempt to spark a love that turns legions of fans misty-eyed. Nope, try as I might, I just can't stomach Yoshi's Island.

Obviously, it's no skin off your nose if I'm not a fan of the beloved 1995 SNES classic, but it has been the cause of personal consternation over the years for several reasons, chief among them being that everybody else adores it.
Perhaps it's because I wasn't there at launch. Perhaps I'm missing a vital thread of childhood wonder and nostalgia.
Oh, they might concede that wailing Baby Mario is an irritation, but otherwise the game is one of those unimpeachable Nintendo classics. On paper, I should love it: its bold, crayon-like art style still looks gorgeous; its animation is something to behold; its soundtrack is as peppy and bouncy as Nintendo's best. It's got all the ingredients of an all-time great... but all it evokes from me is frustration and confusion. Playing Yoshi's Island is a draining experience.
Perhaps it's because I wasn't there at launch. Perhaps I'm missing a vital thread of childhood wonder and nostalgia. I first played the GBA version of the game (the confoundingly titled Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3) many years ago. Despite being a fine port, playing it years after the SNES release on a cramped portable screen may have affected my impression. Yes, that must be it, I thought - I must be missing something.
So, off to eBay I went to procure a Super Famicom copy of the game. On arrival, I tried once more to find the game everyone else seemed to love so much but, once again, I couldn't get into the groove. Movement felt sluggish, Yoshi's flutter jump irritated me, the egg-throwing mechanic further slowed things down and the Baby Mario countdown timer was a mentally taxing nightmare. It's the bubble that makes it worse; if the infant just dropped onto the floor, it wouldn't be half as bad. Instead, he floats about, bobbling up and down and always--always--away from me when I quickly jump towards him. I hold down the button and Yoshi dips just as the bubble does. It's utterly infuriating.
The name always wound me up, too: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. I mean, it's not, is it?
The name always wound me up, too: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. I mean, it's not, is it? In the same way that Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 cheekily positioned itself as a sequel to a game that is mechanically very different, Yoshi's Island is an offshoot, the start of a very different lineage of games. It's fine - I understand why Nintendo would market it with that name - but it's another reminder that I could be playing, you know, a good game.
Jokes aside, the recent Nintendo leaks have given us a glimpse of some fascinating prototype material from the game, including a human character who some say bears a resemblance to oft-forgotten Donkey Kong 3 character Stanley the Bugman:
I'm not sure about the Stanley comparison, but the sprite in that prototype isn't carrying a whining baby on its back, that's for sure. Lucky chap.
The SNES version wasn't available on any Virtual Console for a long time, but it was included on the Super Nintendo Mini and it's now available as part of the Nintendo Switch Online subscription, giving me yet another way to play. I'm sure many of you will be firing it up over the next few days, and I went back again before writing this...

Nope, it's not for me - I still don't get the love. It's sad, really - there's a genuine feeling that I'm missing out on a treasure. It's no biggy--plenty more games in the sea--but on the 25th anniversary of the Super Famicom release I'll once again be shrugging as people insist I just need to give it a chance. 25 years on and the game still looks marvellous and sounds great, too. But no, it ain't happening for me.
Cheers to 25 years of Yoshi's Island! Will you be playing it again over the next few days? Let us know your thoughts on this classic and the games you've tried to love below.
Comments 114
I also dislike Yoshi's Island despite loving Super Mario World. Just bores me to tears.
Absolutely love it. Pure magic
Maybe it's age? I was all about Yoshi's Island when I was younger (And by younger, I mean from childhood to abooooout... maybe my mid-teens?) but now I have no drive to play it. Meanwhile, Super Mario World, Sonic the Hedgehog and multiple other older games still very much hold up for me.
I liked the game, but I didn't love it. My wife played it to death on the GBA, though. I think she liked the more laid-back approach to the Mario formula, where she could be hit by an enemy but still recover, and could explore levels at her own pace.
It's a brilliantly-designed and beautifully constructed game that is also the absolute opposite of breezy fun. There's no incentive to explore if you're not going for 100%, because all you're really going to find are 1-ups, which are hardly useful in a game this generous. Everything else is basically in service to get 100 points, which is a slog and a half.
I respect the hell out of it, it's brilliant. But I rarely play it anymore.
We all have games like these. I've tried (and failed) to get into FF7. I own it on PS3, PS4, Switch, and I bought the remake. Ain't finished any of them. And it isn't for lack of trying (or funds).
Everyone is different. It truly is my all time favourite game. Ever.
I think that’s why Wolly World and Crafted Workd irked me so much. The art style became way too... kiddy and less and less like an actual part of the Mario World. I wish they would revisit it like they did with Yoshi’s New Island. But better. And on the Switch...
I’m sad that we cannot be friends... 😉 I jest, but Yoshi’s Island genuinely has a special place in my heart. Absolutely adored it on SNES, and was delighted to play it again on the GBA. Just recently 100% it, again, via Nintendo Switch Online, and it remains a magical, special game for me, love it.
Sounds like you just need to touch fuzzy, get dizzy
I honestly don’t think I’ve enjoyed any Yoshi game except the DS one. I could never get into the original and everything else has just felt like an uninspired, watered down, extremely easy remake of the original since. It’s just a series I can’t get to grips with in the slightest.
Yeah, just never got into it too. Back in they day, baby cries did my head in!
Now, i just dont like the game. But I know people love it.
It's alright. When it comes to the 2D platformers on SNES I vastly prefer the DKC games and even Mario World 1 honestly.
My only issue with Yoshi's Island (besides crying Mario of course) is the large amount of instances where you get one chance on something and if you mess up, you have to restart the level if you want 100%. The biggest culprits are the Fly Guys holding the red coins and one-way doors, but there are other things as well. There's nothing worse than getting to the end level ring, checking your status, and going, "What did I possibly miss? Oh, I can't go back and find it? AUGH." Alternatively, getting hit once in a boss battle and being just shy of max health, making everything else done perfectly in the castle level pointless.
Other than that, I love the first game and it's definitely in my top 20 SNES games.
I don't mind the Baby Mario cry, it brings a lot of urgency to a game that otherwise wouldn't have it except mainly in those challenge stages. I definitely prefer it to the get hit x number of times and you die mechanic from the Mario series.. the cry makes you want to very quickly get him back making those situations often very frantic. This is opposed to the mostly relaxed nature of just exploring at your own pace and trying to grab all the collectibles in one go. It also sometimes causes a restart if you lose too much time chasing him. Really makes you have to try to do the stage perfectly and avoid getting hit. Once you start learning the stage layouts and enemy patterns, it becomes pretty easy not to get hit and to focus on just finding every thing. The music and the art style make it a very fun and relaxing time. But not every one wants that from a platformer, some would like faster more direct action as in the rest of the Mario games.
edit: I should also note that there's a very good video on YouTube about the Super Donkey leak that goes more into the character every body is assuming is Stanley the Bug Man among other things by Justin Whang
Congratulations, you just wrote an essay on you not liking an otherwise well-beloved game. Go play something you do like then.
Does every staff member get to make an article about how they just can't get into a game that everyone else seems to love? Doesn't really warrant an article if you ask me, but whatever.
Whatever the case, this game is still one of my top favourite games and always will be. And if you don't/can't like it.. well, too bad.
I still remember where every damn thing in the game is, must have 100% it about 5-6 times. Really fun pass and play style game. Save yourself some trouble and don;t go for 100% the first time through as you will enjoy it much more.
@swagbag713 I get the feeling we’ll be slaughtered here but I feel the same way about Link to the Past and by extension, Link between Worlds. I just don’t really enjoy 2D Zelda despite adoring basically every game from OoT onwards.
I think it's okay, it's not a game for everyone. I don't like it, either. It also happens to me with Pokemon, Kirby and Animal Crossing: I just don't find the appeal.
However, I like many games a lot of people didn't like. We are all humans.
I feel the same. I tried and it's not bad at all, pretty good in fact. However, just didn't capture me. Whilst I had a SNES, I never had the title as a child either. I met a guy in a detention school I briefly attended, he got kicked out of school for selling drugs but was a sound guy, let me borrow it for the first time when I was 13. Tried recently, too. I'm sure I'll give it one more try, though.
Same! I’m glad someone else feels exactly the same. I bought this when it first came out on the SNES- I could never get into it. Even now going back and playing this can’t seem to change my mind. It’s boring. There’s so many mechanics in this game that I dislike. It’s just not fun for me. It feels like a chore. There’s just something about it that I detest. Sorry, Yoshi’s Island... We can’t be friends.
Yep, agreed. lol
Yoshi's Island is one of the tougher Mario games, which is probably why he he gets frustrated leading to not liking it. I am of the opinion it is a wonderful game, very challenging and at times infuriating. Getting 100% completion can be a slog and very hard at times.
I am in my late 30s and loved it as a kid, teenager and now man!
Yeah, it's a very different game from World. Or from any other Mario.
If you try to play it as a traditional Mario platformer, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Even if you don't try it, the muscle memory is hard to shake off, I agree.
It's actually a very methodical, puzzle-oriented collectathon. As a platformer, full stop, there's not that much of a challenge. It's finding every secret, and receiving as few hits as possible, that makes it hard.
In most Mario titles, you're sprinting through every level. Here, you're walking and poking around. You have to get into that very unique groove. Otherwise, you'll just clash against it.
For me, Yoshi's Island is the pinnacle of 2D platformers, just and I mean JUST, edging Super Mario World.
It's Nintendo at their creative best, with incredible level design featuring surprise after surprise It's a joy to explore its enormous world. The beautiful timeless 2D graphics and amazing soundtrack elevate this masterpiece of game design, into the pantheon of greats.
I first played it on GBA in 2002 so I wasn't there at the time either. I was a Sega kid for most of the 90's. I absolutely loved it on GBA but it wasn't until I played the SNES original some 8 years later, that I would declare it the best 2D platformer I've ever played. Playing it again on NSO, I stick by that.
My top 5
1. Yoshi's Island
2. Super Mario World
3. Tropical Freeze
4 Super Mario Bros 3
5. Donkey Kong Country
One of my favorite games of all time. I must have beaten it at least 10 times by now. Did a 100% run for the first time last year. Loved it as a kid, still love it now. Just thinking about it makes me happy.
I've had some games I've started multiple times but I never get past the first few hours. The one that comes to mind right now is FF7. Maybe one day?
Wonderful game, much preferred it to Super Mario World.
OUTRAGE!!! Personally I prefer Yoshi's Island over the other SNES platformers like Super Mario World and Donkey Kong Country.
I can't say enough how much I love Yoshi's island, such a fun game.
@Yosher your picture is perfectly matching the anger in your post.
While I do love Yoshi's island and the Yoshi series as a whole, there's some really annoying things about it that keep it from being better than super Mario world. The morph sections are straight up not fun and super clunky, plus the "morphmation" stops the game dead in its tracks. This may be a nitpick, but those parts where you go behind a wall and the entire game stops to show it, ugh. Like why is that like that? Lastly the exploration is so painfully tedious compared to SMW imo. Again, I love Yoshi's isle, but I would probably put it 3rd in my favorite snes platformers
Every time I play Yoshi’s Island, I end up stopping somewhere in world 2. I recently played it on Switch, and the same thing happened.
I can’t even describe it. I don’t hate playing it. I just lose the drive to continue.
I cannot fathom not liking Yoshi’s Island. I mean, everyone has their own tastes, and that’s great, but it’s such a perfect game! I could understand not liking it if you don’t like 2d sidescrollers or 16-bit style games or whatever. But to like those kinds of games and not like Yoshi’s Island? Blows my mind!
It's a great game. Of course everyone's tastes are different. I for one have tried to get into Ocarina and Majora's Mask and just can't. Tried on the 64, gamecube, 3DS and after two or three hours I just stop. The only thing I really dislike about Yoshi's Island is the perfect completion mechanic to unlock the extra stages. Makes it feel grindy. Whenever I replay it I try to get each stage perfect the first time through so I don't have to do it again.
Yoshi's Island is my go-to example of a "perfect video game." Chrono Trigger is the other. Odd, because neither one tops my list of personal favorite games. Maybe that helps me stay objective?
I had a similar issue getting into Final Fantasy VI. For years, I found it so boring. Just this year I tried once again to play it. I just had to let my preconceptions of what it should be (the best JRPG ever!) and play it for what it is. And what it is, is a fun, colorful RPG with great characters and a ton of ambition that starts to drag under the weight of its ill-tuned mechanics after the halfway point. But at least I finally had fun playing it.
We all have different tastes. Personally, I love Yoshi's Island - it's possibly my favourite game on the SNES. On the other side, I loathe Super Mario Sunshine - found it incredibly boring & monotonous with little of the Mario magic which makes most entries special. Personal preference & all that ^_^
I can’t stand that game lol. I still have it because I figured I would eventually like it, and yes, 25 years on and it still hasn’t happened 🤣
Same here. I have tried on several different releases. I understand why people love it; great art design, level design, and gameplay. I just don't think it deserves the SMW2 moniker.
The Yoshi's Island issue of Nintendo Power (Vol. 77) was my first issue, so...this game is special for me, even tho I never actually got around to playing it until a few decades later, lol (and still haven't finished it).
I actually have been meaning to replay Yoshi's Island for the past several years, but haven't gotten around to it. I'm hoping I don't find myself disappointed. It was one of my absolute favorite games when I was in elementary school or early middle school (whenever I beat it!). A friend and I played the whole game together on his SNES (I was a Sega kid...), so it also benefits from fond childhood memories. Regardless, I know I will always love the animation and the underground theme music.
same just couldnt get into it.
I love that game and really enjoyed reading such an honest article
It is overrated, fun for kids though. I found Yoshi's Story on N64 to be a much better game.
I got it around launch, I've always liked it, and yet I only ever replay my favorite levels (and minigames, thanks Mom for 100% on those pesky extra levels). Tried it once on NSO, stopped playing after the third or so level. Or maybe after the first boss.
The thing with nostalgia is that mild overall enjoyment and a few highlights are enough to make great memories for me.
What fascinates me most about this is how much time and energy people put into dwelling on and desperately trying to force themselves to like something just because many other people do. Or trying to understand why they don't, as if it's a problem or something wrong with themselves, as evidenced by the repeated attempts with multiple versions over 25 years. Threads of this exact same thing come up in the forums all the time.
It's right there in the article - "it's another reminder that I could be playing, you know, a good game."
I don't get this behaviour at all.
I must say, i couldnt get on with Yoshi's island, I keep on going back to it, but it just annoys me
Very much the same, just one of those games that doesn't land with me on pretty much any level. But there's plenty of other games to play at least!
In my top ten for sure and depending on what day u catch me it mite be number 1 of all time. Such a beautiful timeless game , no other Yoshi in 25 years since has beat it so there’s that. Beautiful graphics and music. I can have a fun experience playing one level and be satisfied. No timer means u can go slow and explore every nook and cranny or ignore everything and go to the finish line. That’s custom difficulty on the fly. Baby Mario crying is annoying but I can get over that! It’s between this and Mario world for best platformer ever for me. Didn’t play it when it first came out, played in 2011. I love this game x x xxx
Its a fun game, but constantly hearing Baby Mario cry kills any interest I have in completing the game. I'd be interested to play a version of this game where you can mute the cries
Just yesterday I was glancing over my SNES games and picked up Yoshi's Island box to have a closer look. The memories of wonder came rushing in from those days long gone... Happy anniversary!
As for the SNES celebrated classic that I struggle with, it's Super Metroid. I tried playing it many times and never seemed to grasp the awesomeness of it. I guess playing the more responsive games in the series first, like Zero Mission and Return of Samus Remake, makes super's gameplay seem a little bit clunky in comparison. Maybe I oughta give it another shot sometime.
Religion, politics, and video games are topics too controversial for public discourse.
How dare you defile the sacred library. REPENT!
Seriously, though, like all the "classics" - you had to be their near the time they started. They don't hold up as well if you're coming at them for the first time. Al those annoyances of limitations and old game design shine at the forefront and stand in the way of seeing the good in the game. At the time, we were oblivious to those problems because no better alternative existed. Yoshi's Island, Mega Man, Link to the Past, FF7, etc, etc. Going back to them now the problems are glaring and numerous. Because they've all been improved since then in newer games. But back then those problems didn't exist, because they were normal parts of dealing with games. I think if you didn't establish roots with a game in its own time, it's very hard to establish them after the fact unless it's a truly unusual games.
@nessisonett Its funny cause I'm the opposite, I LOVE me a good 2D zelda, but hate most 3D ones like OoT and Majoras Mask. Loved wind waker tho
@speedyboris Yes! This is exactly what puts me off Yoshi’s Island too. Too often I have to restart the level because I’ve gone through a door and missed a red coin or taken a hit and there aren’t any more stars in the level.
I think Wooly World managed to fix most of the problems I had with the game.
Don’t worry, I’m one of those rare people that doesn’t like Ocarina of Time, but I don’t understand your criticisms. Sure, Yoshi isn’t Sonic, but how is his movement ‘sluggish’? He moves pretty fast, certainly a lot faster than Mario in his own games. Why does the flutter jump irritate you? I respect your opinion, but there’s not enough explanation in the article. Also, I haven’t seen a whole lot of the prototype, but I think the change to make Baby Mario float in a bubble was definitely for the better. Having him drop down holes or fall down an incredibly long vertical segment would be so much more annoying than the final product’s mechanic.
You are not alone. I see others in the comments feel the same, and you can add me to the list. I last tried to like Yoshi's Island a few years ago. The visuals are great. Many other things are fine. At first, I was having a great time with the game. As I went along, the game started to drag for me. They introduced new things, some things didn't make sense to me, other things were too silly for me like Yoshi transforming into vehicles, which seemed way out of place. And I started to realize that I didn't really like the stage design. I prefer tighter, objective-based(reach the goal) levels like you'd find in Mario 3 and Mario World over this. And I also felt it was draining. I remember maybe being a quarter of the way through the game and thinking it felt like a full game to me and just having little interest in going further because of my dislike for the level design. I recall playing a bit further, but I knew it wasn't for me. It's something I experience more with the SNES than other mainstream consoles. Quite a few SNES classics don't appeal to me. But I do enjoy some SNES games that aren't as well regarded. And no game can appeal to everyone. I love arcade beat-em-up games, but I know other people find them all boring. But in the case of Yoshi's Island, it's mostly a style of stage design that isn't exciting to me, especially with it being called a sequel to Super Mario World which I love.
@Brydontk I 100%'d Yoshi's Island when I was a child. I've tried to touch it since then and it just can't keep my interest. I tried it on the GBA, on the Wii VC, the SNES Mini, on a boat, with a Switch, and while wearing a coat. And I still cannot get into this game again.
Yes! I thought I was the only one.
The game is too slow and clunky. I've never understood the appeal.
I definitely enjoyed when I played the first time but subsequent efforts to replay have led me to give up. I also struggle with any of the newer games, meaning I've not attempted wooly world yet even though I love the art.
I do wonder whether the reception of later Yoshi's Island games is actually because the original isn't that great but nostalgia keeps it on a pedestal?
Weird. I love this game. The only thing that annoys me is some of the levels are way too long.
YI Fans: "Yoshi's Island DS and Yoshi's New Island aren't good!"
Me: "SMW2:YI isn't good, either."
I'm going to go on a limb and say that the people that liked SMW2:YI gave/give not one FUZZY about completion and/or exploration. If you powered through SMW2:YI like one would SMB1-SMW (because they didn't track in-depth completion stats), I imagine that it is a fun romp that throws many interesting twists.
But, if you feel like exploring in-depth or completing the game 100%, it's absolutely a molasses-paced slog. Exploration is only rewarded somewhat for the absolute tedium required to get back on the level's main path (and that's assuming that you weren't punished with a Point of No Return). Completionists? Boned. 100%. I did it, it's very doable on account of Items, but you'll be thoroughly vexed when the game throws countless niche gameplay mechanics at you that are both frustratingly vague AND consistently demanding. Without items, making even one mistake costs you the 100 grade.
"Not liking, say, Ocarina of Time is cause for some serious self-evaluation and reappraisal"
I too am one of the few who finds Ocarina frustratingly underwhelming (especially being a colossal fan of LttP/LA, WW, and BotW), having tried to give it a go multiple times, on multiple platforms. I appreciate that it was formative in bringing the series to the third dimension, but playing it now (admittedly I was late to the party and didn't play it until the VC on the original Wii) and even the 3DS remake, I find it janky as all hell.
@NotoriousWhiz 😂 Well typically I'd recommend you try it with a goat, but if you can't enjoy something while wearing a coat, then that's it, you're not going to enjoy it. Playing it with a goat would just be a step backwards.
I think when a game is loved by a large vocal group it makes disliking it that bit harder
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
I borrowed it from a friend on the SNES all those years ago and got 100% and remember enjoying it at the time but don't recall it beingthat hard maybe I need a refresher . My friend never could finish it and wondered how I had got 100%.
You're not alone.
Massive Zelda fan over here, been with every release since 1987, and I can't get into the critically acclaimed Majora's Mask
I played this, and SMW and just can't enjoy them
Either go for 100% completion or don't bother, like some mentioned. It won't be easy, but it's the only way to appreciate the gameplay (and it's one of the best platformers IMO).
Yoshi's Woolly World is also very underrated. I hope it gets a Switch port.
your loss.
it's magical.
I’m the same , I never bought it . It just didn’t have the same appeal to me as super Mario world Which I have played and replayed many times . I tried again with this on the switch online service but I still cannot get into it
It is probably my favorite SNES game but it was also my first, so that's likely a big part of it.
I think it is the first modern Nintendo game. It has a proper intro and tutorial at the beginning (Super Mario World had some Text explanations, but they were pretty shallow and also only available in English while Yoshi's Island was localised in several languages). It is relatively easy to beat but hard to 100%.
I beat it countless times but I think I never 100%ed anything besides the first world and haven't even beaten the bonus level.
I played the GBA version many years ago, and it seemed too collectathony for my liking. But I really should give it another go.
I like this more than the overly saccharine Yoshi's Story. Sorry not sorry.
Definitely one my favourite SNES games, this one is a legend. I've hated every subsequent Yoshi's Island game, they all feel kind of soulless and uninspired. Woolly World included. Haven't played Crafted World outside of the demo, which didn't impress me either. The SNES original was one of the defining games of my childhood, so it's probably just nostalgia and decades of internalized expertise colouring my opinion.
Yoshi's Island is awful, everyone knows that. Don't feel bad.
I was certainly able to get into it when it came out. I've been less motivated to try another full go round on the mini or online, though.
The one thing I always felt, though, which I see echoed in this article is that it never deserved the subtitle of SMW 2. It's Yoshi 1, plain and simple. Sure, they probably didn't know they were starting a new franchise at the time, but it's far more the start of the Yoshi games than a follow up to Mario World. Everything this game brought to the table carried on into the Yoshi platformers that followed, while the original Mario World has more in common with the NSMB titles. Wooly World is the one that carries on from Yoshi's Island, and to an extent, Crafted World feels similar in ways to Yoshi's Story.
But "Super Mario World 2"? No, not at all.
Love Yoshi's island on snes, great use of the FX chip 2. Great level design, boss battles, the morphing into different things was also great.
Face it. You just don't like a popular game. It happens. Personally, I don't like Earthbound, Metal Gear Solid, Uncharted, any of the Madden games, or the first entries in the F-Zero and Star Fox series. Is there something wrong with me? Likely, but not because I don't like something that is popular.
I don't like it either.
I never understood people liking this game. It's a HUUUUUUGGGGEEE downgrade from Super Mario World or Super Mario 3. The main turn-off is the music - the underground music in particular. It's very repetitive and depressing.
I understand the point of the article, but I'd have been interesting to see a little more depth in the 'why you didn't like it today' bit.
Totally agree that slapping it with the 'Super Mario World' prefix didn't necessarily help expectations - it's a different sort of game (though one I should point out I enjoy!)
I am happy to know that I am not the only one to think like that! I tried this game when it was released on SNES and then tried again when it came out for GBA ... in both attempts the game did not please me ...
@speedyboris there's a Pacifier hack which muted baby Mario worth checking out
Well, everyone is different. I think Yoshi's island is still one of the best 2d platformers. But its of course very different from DKC 2, but equally as good. DKC 2 is fast, while Yoshi's island is slower paced.
I also could never get into this game, despite trying it at several points of my life. It wasn't until this year that I finally finished it for the first time on SNES Online, and still couldn't enjoy it very much.
I disagree about the mechanics. Yoshi's movement and all the general mechanics are great. Some people are annoyed about Baby Mario, but that was almost never an issue. In my finished playthrough, I don't think I died a SINGLE time that way.
Instead, all my deaths were from pits or instant-death objects like spikes. I never liked games that obsolete their own health bars because you almost always die from instant-death stuff anyway. It makes it so that 95% of the time, Yoshi's Island is super easy, then you die to an instant death thing, then have to spend so much time going through all the easy stuff again (especially if you want to re-obtain ALL the collectibles again) just to get back to the one hard part.
I don't understand this nonsense about it being slow and relaxing. The second level has giant chomps raining down on you.
By world 2 you have huge platforms falling on you. You also encounter a level that is largely destructable.
In world 3 Nep-Enuts chase you, monkeys throw bombs between platforms, fake items charge at you, and giant fish eat you.
By world 4 there are giant chomps chasing you on temporary terrain, and fast moving platforms to ride.
In world 5 you have levels made up of time limited switch blocks, and skiing that requires quick timing.
By world 6 there's a mad invincible dash on spikes, spinning logs, a scrolling level where you have to avoid lava, chomp rocks that try to knock you off course, a level where you must KEEP MOVING, and Kamek flying towards you.
I do wonder if many people have played beyond the first level. It's not the hardest game in the world, but to say that it's slow and easy is lazy, and apparently in vogue.
I'm no big fancy city lawyer, er, I mean gamer, but I have finished Lost Levels so I have some idea about difficulty. Yoshi's Island is not a pathetically easy game.
Yup this has always been the "Mario" game that I could never love, and I say that as a person who considers Super Mario World probably the greatest game ever made, a game that I have beat many times. I could just never get through Yoshi's Island, I just think they made far too many changes to the gameplay with this one and it has never appealed to me. It's a beautiful game though, I'll give it that, but one that I have never been fond of playing. Every time I played it, it felt like I was forcing myself to continue playing.
Man! Yoshi's Island was my very first game in my entire life, it came bundled with my Snes. I remember fondly playing it with my father during summer vacation afternoon. It's one of those classics I still replay from time to time
I can't get into Mario Odyssey. Cappy just frustrates the f out of me. And once beat I'd beaten it, I didn't feel the urge to collect moons or whatever, so I sold it.
People say the GBA ports are fine alternatives to the original games but I've always found their controls to be imprecise and it really dampened my experience. I didn't love SMW or this game until I played them on Virtual Console.
Yeah, I think age has a lot to do with it. I was really impressed when I first tried it, when I was about 12, but I didn't have much time to play it then. If I had, I think I'd still love it. Tried it again years later, and it does nothing for me. Really struggled to push through Woolly World too. Had a similar experience with the Wario Land games. It's Mario or nothing for me these days, it seems.
I've never been a fan either. I never liked having to control a character that was carrying another character, making me a bigger, slower target for enemies. It's just clunky. I'd rather play SMB3 on the NES.
I consider it one of thee greatest platformers of all time, even making it to number one on my list depending on the day:
I'm not a huge fan neighter. I played back in the day, but it's not that good. It's ok, I think it was a good game, but not a that good. I'll may play in the Switch Online one day, but even in the app we have games that still worth to play again, like Super Mario World, Donkey Kong (and probably 2 and 3 coming), Super Metroid and Zelda ALttP.
My problem with this game was definitely the name. I loved Super Mario World, actually it's probably my favourite game ever. To call this Super Mario World 2 was quite frankly misleading and very disappointing. It left a bad taste in my mouth 25 years ago, and I guess I've never really gotten over it. I've tried playing it many times over the years but get fed up with it by the second world.
@KingBowser86 I completely agree with those last two paragraphs. I do personally very much like Yoshi's Island, but whereas 100%ing SMB3 and SMW were thoroughly fun and acceptably challenging, doing the same in YI is an absolute chore. I think I've only ever fully completed the first 2 worlds at best, and the only game I've ever 100%'d in the entire series is Woolly World.
I also completed Woolly and was about to do the same with Crafted, till I realized I was never gonna unlock white and black Yoshi (cause they aren't there lol), then I gave up on doing 100%.
@Borshi I didn't even play past World 1 in Crafted. Very boring game imo.
I adore this game I got myself a 2nd hand copy of the game, finished all the worlds including the bonus ones 100% I was in halfway the last world... I load my save file and the screen goes garbled mess BAM save file corrupt and deleted.
To this day I cannot bring myself to go trough all that again but I still love a casual romp trough it's levels.
@87th Just out of curiosity, does your statement include Wario Land 4? Because that game is damn good and set the quirky tone for the Wario Ware games.
It gets better later on, but it really isn't as good as Woolly.
I absolutely love this game. It was a birthday present in 95. Everytime I play this game, it reminds me of growing up in the 90's. Easily one of my favorite platformers on Snes.
@Guitario That doesn't surprise me, haha. I will say that the cry is less annoying in the GBA release, so that's something.
I personally hate the game. You can't play as Mario, the Baby is super annoying when you lose him, and the game lacks the charm of Yoshi's Story.
@Markiemania95 Good to know that it looks like my guess is on-the-mark.
I prefer the GBA version of it.
Shocking I know.
Cool, I’m not the only one after all!!
I “get it”, I know why it’s a classic, but it just doesn’t have the flow of Super Mario World (my all time favorite game) and will always remain kind of the red headed stepchild of the Mario series for me.
Yoshi's Island is easily in my top 10 of all time, I love it. But my wife and I got Wooly World when it came out and we absolutely adored it! Super easy and kid friendly; but just breezing through side by side, enjoying the soundtrack and each other's company, it was a good time. Never did try Crafted World, gotta wait till our baby is older before we have free time haha
Nintendo fan membership privileges have been revoked.
My favorite game of all time. (insert single tear emoji here)
@jimtendog I too never got to plait on snes and can’t get into now
I love it, but it's not perfect. It's too difficult to 100% and the urge to do so always leaves me frustrated. But that's more my problem than the game.
Also, shout out to the amazing Yoshi Touch & Go! on the DS.
Currently playing through this on NSO and really enjoying it again although I'd just like to say I dont like ANY Zelda games (feels good to say it...)
I love Yoshi's Island. I also love Yoshi's Story, though I was banned from playing it when any of my housemates were in, because of the music.
Super Metroid though - could NEVER get into that...
Calling it Mario World 2 was a stupid cash grab by Nintendo. They were trying new things with Mario on Mario RPG and Mario Kart, Mario & Wario and Mario Excitebike, but Yoshi was a popular enough character to have his name be the only one on the box.
It made you think you were going to play a Mario game where you hold Y to run and do spin jumps and beat up Koopas. It had almost none of that and should have been promoted as a new kind of platformer like DKC and Kirby Super Star.
I really enjoy the music, especially the intro. The game design is fantastic and once you get used to Yoshi's physics it is a blast to play and transform into different stuff. The egg throwing is fun and works when you get the hang of it. Is it the best Mario game? No because it's not a Mario game. It's still great though.
And anyone b1tching about 2D Zelda needs to seriously consider another hobby.
I've felt the same way. Repeatedly. Also tried it on different platforms but could never truly feel the love. I even collected all the red coins or what it was on each course to 100% the courses but I just didn't have fun with it.
Observe that Super Mario World also is up there as one of my top games of all time. * shrugs * I think it's a combo of playing mechanics, graphical style and lack of the map/world exploration vibe with secrets etc that I got with World.
Love the art and music... finished the game... but really didn't enjoyed that much. It does not feel like a Mario game, and some levels are kind of a mess. Power ups are not fun. And that winning baby.... aaargh!
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