It is a grim scene as police stand guard outside of shattered windows at Nintendo New York, surrounded by a backdrop of protesting and unrest – a stark contrast to the colourful contents of the flagship store inside.
On Monday evening, rioters had broken the windows of The Nintendo Store, along with other shops in the area, where a police presence has been occupying the glass-strewn sidewalks. Fortunately, Nintendo NY has yet to be looted or further vandalised. Additional details regarding the incident are currently unavailable at this time.
Extreme unrest has been occurring across the streets of America for nearly a week now, perpetuated by the murders of Black Louisville resident and EMT Breonna Taylor in her own home, and unarmed Black Minneapolis resident George Floyd on a public street in broad daylight.
Since then, fuel has unfortunately only been added to the fire, with the most recent incident involving the murder of Black Louisville business owner and peaceful protester David McAtee – who had been known to feed local police at his barbecue restaurant for free.
The majority of protesters have made a significant effort to remain peaceful and observe local laws – even working to fight against the rioting and looting happening in cities across the country, and keep the focus on their true cause. However, many others have unfortunately taken advantage of the unrest, spending recent days looting and vandalising businesses in these areas – which now includes Nintendo NY.
Although Nintendo has not yet made any public statements regarding these situations, individuals at the company – as well as others in the industry – have made statements online in recent days:
Former Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils Aime has also commented on the situation, stating that he supports freedom of the press and the right to protest, but does not condone the destruction that has come out of the riots.
Our thoughts are with all those affected during this difficult time.
Comments 238
That poor Mario doll, please someone save him.
I'd just like to say that we'll be keeping a close eye on the comments posted here. Please try to remain civil and understanding of other people's opinions. Aggression will not be tolerated.
@Decapre In the second photo you can see that he managed to get back inside.
@Octane Mario is helping the looters
Really appreciate that. This has been a difficult time for everyone, the last thing we need is the comment section turning bad here on Nintendo Life.
I’m glad I’m european/dutch.
That’s all I have to say.
@Blourghi Bowser in disguise.
Whatever is your reason, violence is never the answer for anything.
Someone needs to tell Reggie what an agent provocateur is.
Reminder of grim reality for all you folks here on a gaming website for escapism and light-hearted fun. Enjoy!
Someone needs to pull Reggie out of retirement so he can defend the store with his laser eyes and bag of names.
Glass can be repaired. I hope no-one was hurt.
@Damo you shouldn't have posted it then. This is a tenuous link to Nintendo at best. This is obviously going to get heated and political. No point coming across like a fire fighter when you're the one lighting the kindling.
@sanderev yes but they didn’t riot. Tho in this time breaking social distancing rules is bad too.
But they didn’t riot as far as I heard.
Poor Mario. 1ups matter.
@Damo Not surprised, things over on Push Square devolved quickly after Sony postponed the PS5 reveal event due to these events.
All I'm going to say is I hope the outcome of all this is a positive one and cooler heads prevail as honestly, it can go any one of many directions and some ain't pretty.
I can't understand the logic.
"Something really bad happened so I must go out and protest about it by breaking things that are not connected to it. That will be effective and positive!"
Those idiot peoples smashing innocent shop buildings tho.... 😒
Anger will not solve the problems.
@Damo You shouldn't even allow the comments. If I were you, I'd not have even shared this. And if you feel you must, I still wouldn't allow the comments.
There's a thousand things I'd like to say on this topic but I'm keeping my opinions to myself right now because there's no reasoning with people on this topic.
@Lordplops but what about them clicks, gotta stack that ad revenue.
@SpaceboyScreams you should head over to one of nintendolife's favourite sources (reeera) and check out how angry and outraged they are at Nintendo for not rushing to the front to claim how sad they are about an american man having been murdered by cops. And how important america is to us all.
@Zuljaras The people breaking stuff aren't exactly out there to protest. They're just abusing the situation to smash windows, loot stores and whatnot.
It's awful what these looters do.
Also, why the hell is Nintendo Life posting this? Clearly just for clicks. Same thing I critized about regarding several articles about Corona. Nintendo Life have no morals or boundaries.
@Zuljaras Why? Because when innocent people are murdered frequently, and peaceful protests haven't done anything for decades, people start to resort to violence out of desesperation for their life and/or the lives of people around them, to be finally heard.
That's the logic behind.
but why Nintendo ;(
Resetera is the bottom of the barrel for getting your gaming news. You get banned there for having a different opinion.
@Mopati You are right! Let's go out there and be aggressive and destructive that will save lives! No more innocent people will die if we trash stores and steal stuff! YAY!!!
@Octane You are probably right. I saw videos of certain group of people raiding stores and stealing stuff.
@Jimmy_G_Buckets and vice versa.
The sad thing about all these protests is they will probably be arresting the peaceful protesters while the looters run free.
I heard they stole that Gameboy that survived the Gulf War. A technological wonder, in the hands of looters. I hope it’s not true
Whilst I don't condone the violence and rioting, I can understand why it's happening. Years of injustice and oppression with no change brought this and it certainly doesn't help having a pandemic at the same time. I just hope after all this, real change comes along for a better society for all POC around the world. Stay safe everyone!
@Heavyarms55 Yes, let's censor stuff instead of having a civilised conversation about it, excellent idea!
This is all an excuse to loot and riot and play the victim card
@Zuljaras It's a desperate tactic that basically equates to that of a screaming child. Do everything you can to get the screaming child to behave but when you've tried everything and they're still acting out, you give them something to make them happy. It's just in this case, what makes the screaming child happy is to stop racism, corruption and police brutality
@FX102A Just had a look at the comment section at pushsqaure and oof, its rough. I was hoping people would be more understanding about the delay of the presentation and simply think "oh well, just gotta wait a bit longer". Yeah it sucks but its not the worst news really.
I love my family, and I love my small number of friends. During this isolation I have learnt to love nature and stillness, and simple natural things like a bird singing, and being aware of myself, and fresh fruit and vegetables and nutrients and goodness. When I look at humans as a whole how much progress have we made towards respect, and kindness etc. I hope everyone is well and taking care of each other. Violence is horrible. I hope people can find a joy within themselves, and not have hatred in there lives x x x
LEAK Glass Mario Confirmed
@Zuljaras Yeah, you're right, they should stop protesting and wait for them or their friends to be killed, so other people won't lose money.
We're talking about lives, here. Nothing else has worked for decades. They have no choice left but to do that to be heard.
@Varkster Don't pretend you could never hear news like the riots.
This is what happens when you dehumanize and oppress people again and again and again. I know I'm probably wasting my breath saying this on a mostly conservative site, but riots and looting are just a symptom. The problem is systemic and societal racial injustice. Peaceful protest is out the window. You had to know this was coming.
And fwiw, I went in Nintendo ny months ago, looked like someone had already looted that corspe
The way I see it, there’s at least 6 “factions” in this whole situation: the protesters, the rioters/looters, the good cops, the bad cops, the media and the bystanders.
The rioters/looters are causing most of the senseless damage, just taking an opportunity of a bad situation.
Had je anders verwacht met Famke Halsema als burgemeester van Amsterdam
@Zuljaras Also if it makes you feel better, a lot of the looting and destruction actually started with disguised police who purposely rallied people to loot and destroy for the sole purpose of getting people like you to question the movement. Once the public lumps all protesters in with the looters, their image will be ruined, they'll no longer have public support, they'll easily be labeled as an enemy to the public, and their cause will be forgotten.
To be fair this was to be expected. Black man murdered by cop, 2 weeks of riots. It's becoming an all American tradition, like Helloween and 'Fall'.
@TAndvig Maybe because peoples' lives are at risk?
@BispoSnake I agree, we should take away cop's guns.
@ShaiHulud There is no having a civilized discussion on this topic. I don't think this topic belongs on this site. I honestly see it mostly as a shameless attempt to grab some of the clicks related to the protest. I enjoy NL a lot but they do this kind of thing like everyone else.
@BispoSnake That doesn't really stand up to history. The stonewall riots were violent and so were many other movements that change the course for minorities. Sometimes people have to push back when they are subject to injustice. You can only go so far talking things out when the oppressive side does not lissen.
@Sandro89 Yeah and then you see the twitter account showing how people are realizing how bad the mods are there and the mods just ban any criticism about themselves. "No it's the students who are out of touch!"
@locky-mavo Yes this makes protesters look bad but the stupid part is that people defend looters because they need to be "heard".
We must separate looters from normal protesters.
@tabris95 "Also if it makes you feel better, a lot of the looting and destruction actually started with disguised police who purposely rallied people to loot and destroy for the sole purpose of getting people like you to question the movement."
Any source for that? Or just word-of-mouth?
I am on another continent and I do not know how USA police operates but here we have police brutality from time to time but on teenagers. And it does not end in death. Mostly some junkies get the police bat but nothing major.
But what I see on the media is all about the looters grabbing stuff from the stores. It is appalling. Those caught in the act needs their hands smashed.
And now the rioting is causing online events that were literally a few days away from release to be delayed. Wonderful.
@Heavyarms55 Fair enough! I read your statement saying that things like this shouldn't be discussed, full stop. Discussing political issues here on a gaming website (even though it's not about gaming) is debatable indeed.
@Crockin Is getting online events delayed also a symptom?
Funny how people dont understand the difference from protesting and rioting.everyone is committing criminal acts.not protesting big big differences
RIP George Floyd and millions of our black siblings killed around the world by white supremacy and neoliberal capitalism.
And solidarity with those who get caught in the crossfire, like the workers of this Nintendo store who dont have somewhere to go to earn their living tomorow.
The systemic oppression of any hurts us all.
Plz Leave my nintendo !
There's no excuse for rioting, period. Protests are fine. Destroying, burning, and looting the private property of people and businesses that had nothing to do with the tragic death of George Floyd is unacceptable, and criminal. Sad to hear about Nintendo being the latest to experience punishment for having done nothing.
@Entrr_username No ones lives are at risk dude, and what does that have to do with trashing some peoples livelihood? Are they responsible for this "risk"? Oh, that old couple down the street with their mom and pops shop, yeah. A huge risk.....
@StevenH Lol, if that is what you base your voting on, then you have no one to vote for. Both Biden and Trump represent that, including the rest of the candidates.
Andrew Yang was the only one close to something like that or maybe even Sanders, though now...him supporting Biden, I have my doubts.
@Damo lol, my very first thought was that this comments section will be trouble
Can't this site just stay gaming-related and non-topical? This is escapism for me and I'm sure many others. I come here, and to other Nintendo news sites, to get away from all the negativity and vitriol in the world and in the US especially now. And oh look, big surprise, the comments have become exactly what they always would: people arguing, perpetuating the vitriol, and playing the left/right card. Isn't there some Xenoblade Chronicles news we could be discussing instead of this garbage?
The saddest thing is some of these people actually think that rioting is protesting and causing destruction is some home how the answer. Regardless of anything that has happened destroying properties and stealing from those who aren't connected in any way to what this is regarding won't make the ones who are doing it peacefully listened too as it has now become a way for many to think they can break the law with no repercussions. I have seen interviews from people who have been rioting and they seem to think this is acceptable and even one thought that people who owned some properties who try protecting it are wrong for doing so.
@Grandiajet There's plenty of evidence that non-violent protests are sufficient to get things done. These riots don't even have anything to do with race, it's just people being destructive.
There's not even evidence to support that minorities are being abused by police as much as the media says, that's just all the media pushes so it seems true. The riots are pointless. Evidence actually suggest that it's the other way around and that white people get killed more... Which makes sense when you consider that cops have to worry about THIS happening.
@Damo please close the comment section. I have not replied to anyone but just a quick glance and I can already see this section is counterproductive and you cannot keep up with comments. You say aggression will not be tolerated yet comment #22 and comment #70 are calling people idiots and morons. That type of language is nothing but argumentative and inflammatory. Now I have not replied because I am trying to lead by example, but please just do the right thing and close this down before it spirals out of control. I love Nintendo and getting my news from this website. We do not need this type of energy in the comments. Please close it down.
@sanderev @mr12calvin 1. Use of Language
b. Do not post in foreign languages; All posts should be made in English, non-English posts will most likely be removed.
I'm guessing Blackout Tuesday isn't going to generate enough click pennies, so NL decides to open a topical forum instead.
Capitalise on it!
@TantXL From what I can tell, looters didn't steal anything too valuable, I'm pretty sure most of the super valuable stuff was locked up as the store is currently closed due to COVID-19
I have no issue with peaceful protests, but looting, violence and damage to property should not be tolerated, I like the way Nintendo life felt the need to say they are watching the comments on this one, all the other comment sections are left to go in whatever direction they want too.
Exactly, some people just pick a cause and latch onto it to cause damage and trouble.
Where were you in all those Pokemon sword and shied comment sections?, closing discussions down is never the answer, which is why most sites have moderators.
Hear what you are saying, but does this actually help their cause?.
@Kalmaro It isn't the 'media' making this up. It's normal people filming these situations. To deny those experiences when you can see them happening, and blame the media, is a stretch. There are thousands of examples of racism happening in the USA (and other parts of the world). The media have highlighted them. It's a good thing that more of these situations are shown so that others can understand the reality of peoples lives.
There is also a massive amount of anger and mistrust of the authorities. When this has happened before the person/people responsible have been let off the hook, and there has been no systematic changes to stop it from happening again.
You say the riots are pointless. So how are people supposed to protest this situation? They have tried many types of peaceful demonstrations and been told they are wrong whatever they do, and nothing has been done to address racism issues.
@BispoSnake Actually, sometimes violence is the answer. What's worse though, some stores being looted or police killing people?
Glad to live in Switzerland. Racism exists everywhere of course, but luckely not that nearly as much as in the US. I fully understand that anger of these people and if they would protest silently, unfortunately, no one would care.
I stand with the people peacefully protesting against police violence and racism but the ones who are breaking ***** that is on those, they should be condemned, they do not represent the majority of people protesting what has unjustly happening over the last few days
@Grandiajet First off, I'm not making a stretch, I'm looking at data. If you have data to back up your claim then feel free to show it. I'm only interested in facts and evidence, not what I'm told on the news or word of mouth.
Second, I don't care that people are told that peaceful protests don't work, what I care about is if peaceful protest do, in fact, work. Evidence suggests that they do. If you don't believe that then I again would like to see your data on the matter.
Otherwise, everything you've said is just conjecture.
Lastly, I will never support riots as they only end up hurting innocent people who get caught up in the rioting. There are better ways to get things done, this isn't it.
Breaking stuff and looting won't get your point across, it will only affirm the stereotype, built up anger and cause further divide... two wrongs can't make things right..
Just want to take the time to thank the protesters for being so brave. It reminds me of when our forfathers protested the British police and government. Yes, throwing the tea away, tar and feathering the British police, and detroying property was bad, but look at America now.
@johnvboy it's a double edged sword unfortunately. Nobody said it would be easy. The number of casualties in the last few days is nothing compared to the blood that has been spilled for hundreds of years by the hands of the opressors. Peaceful protestors are also being brutalized for no reason. This is a problem with the state. Does that not fill you with rage?
They went straight for Ring Fit Adventure.
I have never in my life been so angry about something that i felt the need to protest by looting and pillaging. I never understood it.
As a wise old rat who looked after four turtles once said...."Anger clouds the mind, turned inward it becomes an unconquerable enemy."
@mesome713 this riot did not made things better it only made things worse and further the division, but hey everyone is entitled to their opinion..
Wow, you really posted this. Pretty opportunistic considering how this barely count as Nintendo news.
I read an interesting article on TheRoot that argued that its a fallacy that riots dont achieve change by looking back at history (the Boston Riots being one example). It was an interesting read and I would recommend it to those who claim to only care for facts and figures. I also remember the yellow vest protests in France that made Macron government reverse their agenda. None of this is a comment of if its right or wrong but whether it can affect change.
A number of comments seem to want to white wash what triggered these riots and protests to begin with. Something 'Bad' happened translated means a black man had a knee pressed to his neck for 9mins whilst he and onlookers pleaded for his life. He died and then the official autopsy claimed that underlying health conditions, coupled with "potential intoxicants" ultimately led to his death and not the asphyxiation. If that doesn't pull back the curtain on systemic racism at work and how it protects racist cops who kill in broad daylight, nothing will.
@J_dz24 Our forefathers knew how to riot and protest. They taught America this. We are a product of our society. It will bring change, it always does.
You have to look forward as well as back, times have changed, yes there is still progress to be made but the media always make things out to be far worse than they are in reality.
@meeto_1 Well said, people forget how big an impact the Boston Riots had on granting America their freedom.
@mesome713 we don't live 1800 anymore, this is 2020 we should attempt to be civil as much as possible but I guess it's just a hard concept to grasp for some...
@johnvboy I'm sorry, but you dont have any idea what you are talking about.
@J_dz24 This is very civil compared to the riots in the 1800s.
Sad sight to see. Regardless of how you feel about the cause of the protests, now of all times we need games and fun in our lives. Hoping they’ll be back up and running soon.
@Kalmaro You keep talking about evidence but you haven't actually shared any yourself. What data are you looking at?
I'm also looking at facts: videos of people being killed because of the colour of their skin and other acts against black people. That evidence is all over the place. Have a look at Youtube and social media platforms. That's my evidence.
Again, the evidence shows that peaceful protects have not worked in this case. If they had the police would make large-scale, systematic changes to how they deal with people of colour. People of colour been using peaceful protests for decades and things haven't changes. History is the evidence here.
Yeah a mess with a destructive narcissist clown in charge 😂
@Jakiboy What on earth does he have to do with this?
@Grandiajet I'm talking about studies like this that go into detail on the numbers.
What you've brought up so far are just videos of people being hurt. That's circumstantial evidence and not proof. I've seen videos of people being abused by all races, not just white on black.
@meeto_1 it's not white washing it's called trying to be civil and not escalating things to a complete chaos, I think everyone agrees the murderer police should be arrested for what he did and there should be a peaceful and loud protest into changing the law in terms of using excessive force by the police, but violence, breaking private properties and looting won't solve it, it will only continue the cycle hate..
@mesome713 well if you're ok with this kind of stuff then good for you, but others aren't, and things will only get worse with this kind of stuff unless everyone really try to have a proper conversation about equality and try to understand each other without devolving into bickering and hate..
@johnvboy I will reply to you since you are being reasonable. I normally would agree that closing comments isn’t the answer, but this site clearly doesn’t like to moderate like you are not so subtlety hinting at.
Also I wasn’t in the Pokémon comment sections because I don’t read every article/comment but I will take you at your word that it wasn’t the greatest most productive comment section.
@mesome713 No! Just No...
@J_dz24 The rich and privilege had plenty of time to listen and make change. Yet they didnt. Now it's our turn to force change. Just like our American forefather's before us.
This all makes me think of one of my favorite quotes from Rambo 4:
Rambo - "Are you bringing any weapons?"
Bible Thumper - "Of course not."
Rambo - "You're not changing anything."
@J_dz24 Im glad we agree that the officer should be convicted but this is where we disagree:
1 all four officers should be arrested. His 3 colleagues should face lesser charges but they were complicit. Look at the video if you can stomach it and see how they stand there looking away. Not only did their presence make it impossible for civilian intervention but they didn't at any point challenge him or intervene.
2 Destruction of capital speaks very loudly in the most capitalist country, especially one facing a huge recession. As mentioned in my last post there are historical examples of riots forcing change. The yellow vests in France being a very recent example.
3 People have peacefully voted in a black president a host of democratic governors (most notably in 2018) and have still witnessed hundreds of high case murders of black people with very few cops being held accountable.
Kapernick used his platform to take a knee and had his football career cancelled.
Black Lives Matter endured counter protests exclaiming all lives matter.
The people who need to listen clearly aren't hearing the message. So it leads to riots.
@mesome713 So the only way to get people to accept peaceful ways is through force, gotcha.
@jump There's no evidence that any amount of protests or riots would have stopped this man from killing another man.
@Kalmaro Your link comes up with 'page not found'.
You are confusing circumstantial evidence with direct evidence. It is a fact that those things happened, or are you saying that the video of George Floyd being killed is circumstantial evidence?
Yes, there is violence and abused by a lot of different races. It's not right that any if it happens. It doesn't mean white to black racism doesn't exist.
Regardless of the level of it, it shouldn't be happening at all.
@meeto_1 thank you for post #103.
@RustedHero Rambo knew how to make change.
Sweeping statement fella, so basically nothing has changed whatsoever?.
@mesome713 it's time for change but not like this the elites if anything want to divide us and have us destroy each other to further control our minds, we should do our best to find a common ground and understand each other equally, I know it sounds childish and a hard thing to do but I think it's the only way we can achieve real peace..
@ShaiHulud It's not like burying it will make it go away. But there is a time and place to have the conversation and people deserve an escape. People don't come to websites like this for that kind of news or discussion, or if they really want to have that kind of conversation on this site, I believe it should be kept to the forums, rather than the front page.
@mesome713 So you are promoting riots? Really? On a gaming site?
Just how old are you because you sound like a 12 year old that know so much about the world.
I bet you are scared to leave your home because of the riots but still you are very brave here on a Nintendo site.
Did you guys notice in the video how the cop actually leaning on the guys neck had his hands casually in his pockets like he was just chilling? That jerk was enjoying it! I hope he gets what's coming to him.
@Grandiajet Thanks for pointing that out, I pasted it wrong. It should work now.
I never said anything doesn't happen. What I did say is that we are being lied to about the numbers as far as how often it happens among certain groups of people.
@Heavyarms55 You are absolutely right .. unfortunately the article is made for the sole reason to make us discuss the issue passionately.
The Nintendo store is just an excuse to be remotely connected to the site.
The comment section should have been locked from the start but that way it will generate fewer clicks.
@Zuljaras It's the price the rich and privilege have to pay. They created this. Now they have to deal with it. These protesters are copying our forefathers. The old way wasn't working, so it's on us to do what we gotta do to survive.
@Zeldafan79 He got fired, wife is divorcing him (apparently she is also miss minnasota or something), he's being charged with third degree murder, his named has been tarnished forever, basically, he's ruined.
The Pokemon comment sections were fun, this is always going to be tough one though.
That's good enough for me!
@meeto_1 well everything doesn't have to be political, I believe all live matters whatever your race is and riot isn't the answer imo, I know some things in history were achieve through riots and wars but we're not living in the past anymore we should achieve to be civil and peaceful while having our voices heard by the government on what they should do, there's always a first time in everything ya know..
Yes there does seem to be a notion that the guy is not getting punished for this, which is not true, I would understand a lot more if nothing had happened to the cop involved.
@J_dz24 Just cause someone says black lives matter doesn't mean all lives don't matter. Peaceful talking will getting nothing done. Look at history.
@johnvboy cops are still killing and brutalizing black people for no reason right? Black communities are still being isolated and harassed by the government and the police. Voter suppression tightens it's grip every year. That officers knee on George Floyd's neck is a representation of what it is to be black in America. Peaceful protest is not going to fix this.
I recently learned that Nintendo (and Microsoft and many other companies) utilize United States prison labor to cut costs. Given the inequities in our justice system, smashed windows are hardly recompense for this moral and ethical failing. I say this as the owner of a Switch and Xbox. It’s a shame.
@Crockin Peaful protests worked before, can work now and there is no justifying the innocent people being hurt and killed by rioters. You're making a lot of claims without backing them up.
@johnvboy Yeah, I'm not seeing any significant amount of people saying that the cop was justified either. 99% of people agree that he was wrong, no one wants to talk about what we agree on though.
@Zuljaras what is a man? A miserable pile of looters
@Kalmaro People are protesting cause we live in a world were the cop actually thought this was ok. Him being punished isn't gonna stop excessive force being used on black people at such a high and unjust rate.
At least the WH is happy: no one is talking about the 100,000+ dead from covid d.
@Kalmaro If you live in or anywhere near black communities(or just in the US in general), the evidence is right in front of your face every day.
As a white guy I am ***** appalled by how American cops kill black people so much. There’s never any white guys getting choked to death happening.
One needs to separate protesters from looters. Looters, and al thieves, are opportunists. They see the potential for a riot so they do cause it. The same thing happens here when floods occur — people will loot shops in the flood zone. Always happens.
Only a dumb person would think protesters are looters. They are two separate entities.
Finally racists are ***** heads. All racists are scum. If racists all vanished from earth that would be a huge plus for the rest of us regular folk. Bigots in general; sexists, homophobes, transphobes. Just bin the lot of them. Imagine that being your legacy that if you vanished (or died) that would be a plus for the world. Just imagine that. It’s horrifying. I could never live like that. I thank god that I have to (struggle to) imagine that as I like most people aren’t a sickening racist. My wife is black and I’m glad my mixed raced kids existence makes racists angry. It partially powers me knowing I’m upsetting bigots so much that they put stickers up around town saying “white genocide is happening”. I adore that they’re putting in so much IRL energy. I try to think what they could do if they put their very life’s being into creating something good, like learning programming, or going for walks with their partners trying to enjoy life.
Meh. Racists are dumb. It’s 2020. Racists= it’s time to leave now. It’s time to grow up. We get it: you have flaccid teenage angst against childish things. But you’ll grow up eventually and look back and be ashamed of your past. Just skip that and be normal **now**.
@BispoSnake So how would you have dealt with WW2?
Please tell us how exactly non-violence would have worked against that kind of system.
@Taarna Slavery is morally wrong. Your parents have failed you.
@Kalmaro This isn't about one event. This isn't about one cop. For starters why haven't all the cops at the scene been arrested? They are all accomplices to a criminal act. Once that happen we can talk about their accomplices back at the office.
@Taarna don’t be a racist. Look up the figures. They’re available on a state by state basis. For a quick rundown; yes it happens to non-black people too but it’s very rare. It happens to black people more frequently. There are videos circulating of these cops calling protesters “f*ggots”. Most cops aren’t good people.
Also the cops that kill black people often have histories of violence. The one in this case has a record of violence towards black people. It’s all there to see. However I’ve noticed a lot of people DONT do the research and are biased towards racism.
On Twitter I’ve found most racists are using misinformation deliberately. When the facts are questioned they ignore the real data.
Racists are idiots. Everyone hates racists. Nobody likes a racist.
@StevenG I’ve noticed that with @taarna there’s a lot of pro-racist sentiment behind their posts. I don’t know why someone would be a racist in 2020. It makes no sense. Don’t they know nobody actually likes racists?
@Taarna Of course it does. But considering black people only make up like 13% our population, why are their rates so free kin high? That why we are all mad.
@Taarna white people should be thanked for ending white-caused slavery? Why are you this way?
Slavery is still going on everywhere. Recently in my area (UK) a white couple were busted for owning Romanian slaves.
Your posts are tinged with racism. You demand black people celebrate white people for ending white-caused slavery. Normal people don’t do that. Subtlety doesn’t work anymore. Dog whistles are known. Don’t be racist.
You and others use the word racist far to often, people can have an counter view to yours without being labelled racist all the time.
@Mynameishello Slavery is still going on in America. Human trafficking is a big issues everywhere you look in America.
@mesome713 exactly. When I speak to racists I only say things once as they don’t deserve my time and energy. They’ll deny it and try to waste your time over and over. Don’t fall into their trap. Show them stats and correct their arguments once and then, on social media at least you block them and move on.
Literally hate racists guts.
Excessive use of force by the authority happens to all races not just a particular one, it also happens around the world not just here in america, the media likes to twist and show certain things to fit their narrative, we should at least as a human race try to understand and find a common ground with each other...
@johnvboy nope, that makes zero sense. If someone is being racist they get called it. If you’re upset that the term racist is used too much then complain to the racists that are becoming (and here’s your target) far too common.
But we get it. It’s easier to shout at the old woman wearing a mink scarf than a biker with a leather jacket.
@J_dz24 So why are black people stats so high only making up 13% of the population. We solve that issue, we solve your issue mate.
@J_dz24 nope. Look up the figures. Police violence against black people is more common. There hasn’t been an incident of a cop killing a white kid with a toy gun in the last decade, when there was one with a black kid.
Everyone note the common racist “arguments” that violence happens to all races; it does, and it happens more frequently to black people. It’s that simple. Those who argue otherwise are showing their true feelings.
@Mynameishello - Well gotta ask this; If it was a white guy, would we see as much news on it at all?
Not playing this race game, but look at the pattern that media sensationalized in the past decade. Media over embellishes the white-on-black murders cause it get people heated, it gets them at each other, far more than any other combination. Almost to a point people actually believe cops go the extra mile to NOT kill white people. Cops are usually a lot of aweful people given those jobs, and they are poorly trained, and I think I only met little who aren't outright bullies. This tugs on our emotions, we all expect higher of our governing bodies, why wouldn't it piss us off if they're doing jack all about saving a life? And being racist on top of it? Print that headline.
But I can assure you, growing up, this was a thing they did to poor whites as well. Media, like this site here, just wouldn't get as many clicks.
@mesome713 - If every cop is guilty for the one cop, should the entire store and its employees be guilty of any transgression they make?
I get the lack of trust in authorities. I have been a victim of them, but a blanket judgement it serves not. What you're asking is essentially saying every cop everywhere needs to be tried for this crime. I want the the ones involved to be tried for murder and manslaughter, and the bystanders as accessories.
@Taarna They really dont. If I rob you and then give you back half your money do I get a medal?
@Taarna “ Yes Whites do deserve to commended for ending Slavery, What other group has done it of their own Choosing.”
For everyone’s attention this is a super racist thing to say. That black people should thank whites for ending US slavery. Imagine thanking your abuser for being kind enough to let you go. That’s a demented line of thought, very unnatural.
@mesome713 because base on US crime statistics, blacks commit more crime, and my reason for this probably poor living condition and lack of education...
@Paraka I didn't say every cop was of equal guilt. But all are guilty.
@J_dz24 And why are they so poor and lack education? Come on mate, your so close.
@mesome713 bingo. I’m taking my own advice and no longer talking to racists - just highlighting what they say to further prove their racism. I implore you do the same. Binge watch something on Netflix or go play one of the newly released AAA games on Switch
@Mynameishello base on US crime statistics they commit more crime, so it's more likely they get apprehended more and get more coverage on's not being racist, it's just logic...
@mesome713 - So everyone should be tried for every action every other one makes?
At the risk of calling you crazy, you do sound a little off balance, I said that not everyone that does not share your views is racist, if they are then fair enough.
@Taarna you mean like the time the police killed a black autistic man with a carer, who they also shot? Google that. Or the cops that killed a black kid who had a toy gun? Or the cop who killed a black man that was in his home because she thought it was hers?
You need not reply. I don’t correspond with racists. They get one chance to prove they’re not racism scum.
Nothing is worse than the black autistic man with his carer who was shot or the kid killing one. Nothing.
@mesome713 because some are born poor and it's not their fault, but it shouldn't be an excuse to commit crime..
I do like the way you pointed out the fact you were white, as if this make any difference whatsoever ti your comments.
@Paraka They all took an oath. I'm not saying all are of equal guilt.
@johnvboy because your question is loaded. Of course not everyone who disagrees is a racist. Why even suggest that? But if someone is, what is called dog whistling, aka using subtle hints that go below the radar for most people but are understood by others in their social group, then it gets called out. It gets amplified. So regular people do understand what they’re really saying.
If I was in a position where anybody black or white pulled a gun out, I would have a tough call to make, and in the heat of the moment you are seriously asking someone to decide if the gun is indeed fake or not, I think you are asking far too much there.
On all your other examples I agree totally.
@J_dz24 And why were they born poor. Your admitting it's a massive and deep problem which is a good step. For being such a low percentage of the population they shouldn't have such high stats in so many categories.
@Taarna lol keep it up. I'm sure BBC lover will counter it everytime with "POS being a victim is far worse than white being a victim, just because".
@Damo This article is the equivalent of walking into a room and starting a fight between two parties, filming it and then profiting off the footage. Not only that, you have the gall to act all holier than thou and demand people not get heated or upset. Shame on you! If you had any shred of decency you'd take all the ads off the page and not allow comments. Better yet, maybe not even write such a disrespectful article in the midst of something which is far more important and than a shop window being smashed.
@johnvboy oh this is getting interesting. It was pointed out because it’s a unifying comment. I side with the protesters even though I’m outside their social group.
I’m suddenly very interested in what you say/have said in this thread and where you lie.
You seem to be acting foolish, as you seem to be taking a harmless comment section to heart, you do not know anybody personal situations on here, you just seem to be obsessed with calling as many people racist as you can.
@Old-Red There isn't much profit when it's just the same people writing 50 comments.
I understand the peaceful protesting. But i cant understand or believe rioting and looting are the answer. What happened was terrible, and protesting and jail time to the officer(plus loss of job) are the answer. He should never be able to police again, for the murder he committed.
It seems like a lot of people are for the rioting and looting, I say to that, open up your homes and store fronts to the looters and rioters. Put a sign in your yard that reads "loot here."
Hopefully you don't have a family who depends on you for protection, and little ones at that. A mile from my house yesterday( only 1 subdivision over) looters and rioters were in uhaul trucks breaking Windows and smashing up homes. With that said, I was up most of the night prepared to defend my home. My family was terrified.
But as long as the looting and rioting are justified in your opinion, open up your homes and stores to them, i say...
And you might sing a different tune..
Hope everyone stays safe in the meantime.
@johnvboy sounds like antifa to me...
I am on the side of justice of course, and anybody would not argue against something that could change the lives of an individual group, but as I have said looting and violence is not the answer.
@mesome713 That makes it even worse.
@NintendoByNature Not a single user so far has said looting and burning stuff is ok.
@NintendoByNature one needs to remember there are two groups: protesters and opportunist looters. Gosh, even in our village that often floods, when folk leave the high street those shops get looted by white chavs. It’s an expected tradition anywhere in the U.K. where we get floods.
@J_dz24 Was going to ignore your posts but this one was too much.
Lets play a game! lets take 100 black people and 100 white people. 20 from each group will have be in possession of drugs. Now lets introduce them to police. Hello friendly non racist police!
The police randomly search people from both groups. The only difference being they randomly search 50 black people compared to only 20 white people. They find 10 black people with drugs and 4 white people with drugs (20% success rate for both groups)
Tah Dah! Black people have committed more crimes because we searched them far more. Now people like you get to run around declaring black people to be more prone to committing crime. Congratulations!
here is a link for the UK but its the same in the US. Notice the Guardian is citing internal government figures in case you want to claim bias.
@mesome713 I don't know why are they born poor probably because their parents didn't finish school and weren't able to get a high paying jobs because of high tuition rates which is pretty messed up...but there are now more college grants and community college you can go to, to better your life, you just have to work hard...being poor isn't an excuse to commit crime..
@johnvboy earlier he commented about black people ‘not being in the jungle’ any more. Resonates with his choice of avatar. Glad you’re on the side of justice.
@mesome713 exactly
@J_dz24 Of course it isn't ok. But society has created them. It's a problem with our society and it needs fixed. The stats make it very clear the problem is way more an issue with minoirties. So that's were we start and make the change.
@meeto_1 Your game doesn't make sense, it lacks any fact or logic for me to take it seriously..
@mesome713 - So if tomorrow, you go to work and an associate has been charged for forgery, should you also answer for those crimes? You signed a contract.
@Mynameishello I was talking about rioters there. Didn't bring up race, you do though.
@johnvboy oh dear. I thought you were decent? I’m calling the racists what they are. It’s quite simple: if someone doesn’t want to be called racist then they shouldn’t act like a racist.
If someone is annoyed that people are calling others racist then they should speak to the racists and get them to change their behaviours to the side of good.
These are really simple formulas.
@mesome713 comment #30 & #47 to name a couple. Not to mention outside of this site. So yea..
I would gladly stand on any street corner with you and fight against racist behaviour, but not everyone on here is racist, or even suggesting there are not any white people involved in the looting either.
@Paraka No, my contract states I don't support forgery. So I'm in the clear.
@johnvboy how about we don't resort to calling each other names? That ok with you? Or you rather play the primitive game, like the rioting and looting people?
@Mynameishello i differentiated the two. Protesting is a good thing. Looting and rioting are not. Defeats the cause to inflict violence when that's the very reason the protesting started.
@NintendoByNature Well I didn't see them, those comments should be condemmed. Thank you for pointing them out.
@mesome713 - And the police swore an oath to serve and protect, and we see this action of the four involved made everyone on the oath guilty.
So why are you any different from the forger with the same contract?
Never said you were not calling out the racists, but do not judge my decency of lack of it when you are not qualified to do so.
Then do not label people who you know very little about, I will only call things as I see them.
@Taarna Whataboutism isn't making you look better. Try not being a terrible human being, failing that go away.
@Paraka Police swore and oath to the unjust laws in our society, that makes them all guilty. They are not of equal guilty, but they are guilty.
I never agreed to protect a forgery.
@GodOfLard What naming calling? Labeling something what it is isn't name calling.
@J_dz24 It was a simple game but one final break down for you: I will center it around you, that way you can concentrate and have fun.
People who think like yourself, who also, unfortunately, decide to become police dont know they are racist. They have the idea in their head that black people commit more crime and then walk and patrol the streets over policing black and brown communities. You stop and search more people of colour disproportionately compared to the total local population fulfilling your fantasy that black people are inherently criminals.
@johnvboy ah so that's why you're labeling me, my dear friend.
@mesome713 You’re a good one. Glad there are some good people on this site. It’s weird how bigots seem to spread these days. I’m also glad that social media companies are taking note and banning rotten eggs (or applying notes to their posts that they’re wrong about something - I like that a LOT).
I’m off for the day now. It’s real sunny and my wife and I are going for a little bike ride. Maybe get back and play some more Xenoblade 1. Personally I’m hooked on Borderlands 2 … bloody adore that game! Used to play on PC with my employees. Even found a guy who I commissioned to make some songs for a project whilst browsing public servers take care pal. And all the other good people here.
Final formulas:
-If someone is being racist call it out
-if someone is being subtly racist call it out, ask them to explain what they mean. Eventually you’ll find the overly racist belief they hold.
-if you don’t like that the term racism is being used too much - go tell the racists to stop being so
-remember there are protesters and opportunistic looters, who will loot no matter what. Here it’s when our village floods, or when Katrina hit, or when there are any evacuation orders. No offence as I hate to be politically correct but if you don’t know that looters are just opportunists that will do it no matter what, then you might be dumb. Sorry if that offends but I’m not politically correct.
@NintendoByNature Which officer? The one who killed the man? His accomplices at the scene or back at the station?
If you are involved in a crime and someone dies, but you didn't pull the trigger you will find yourself charged as well. Why are his accomplices not also being charged?
@meeto_1 Mate, thank you for your well thought out comments.
@Mynameishello Well said mate. Yeah, it's a hard road to follow, but it's worth it in the long run.
@mesome713 - If they are all guilty of the same crime under the same oath, why are you different from the forger under the same contract that signed not to do so?
What makes you so different than a decent cop?
@StevenG Have they not been arrested? I don't know what the situation is with them yet. All of the info I have seen is with the main cop.
I never said this was about one even though. I'm not sure what you're getting at.
@Paraka I would suspect actually being decent. If there were decent cops they wouldn't have these problems. At my work if someone cheats or steals, never had a death yet, the employees will report this person and get them fired.
He does sound like a good guy, but there are a lot of members trying to get him banned for trolling, not sure myself, as he does seem to be a more positive member on this site.
@Kalmaro What I am getting at is they haven't arrested the lot of them. This riot is not due to one incident.
@Taarna Learn to read. I never said that, I said whataboutism proves who you are.
Few bad cops? If that was true they would have reported the others and it wouldn't be a constant problem.
@Paraka Because we didn't agree to support forgery. Example, I support a company who uses cheap labor. I'm guilty of it too, but not of the same level of guilt.
You must have expected a reaction, as why post your comment in the first place?.
@StevenG I haven't heard any of the rioters say they are doing this because all of the cops have not been arrested. Most I have seen are just stealing stuff, hurting people and burning buildings.
I have seen protestor though that are protesting the murder.
@Crockin I live and and am part of the black community. That has nothing to do with studies that have pulled up numbers on what's been going on.
@meeto_1 ok first of all I cited that blacks commit more crime base on US statistics, I did not made that up, there are certainly people who aren't self aware that abuse their power and I'm also pissed at people like that, what needs to happen is that the government should work on a bill that punish the abuse of power and use of unnecessary force by the police against civillian and potential criminals..
@Kalmaro Then you haven't been listening. Riots are what you get when people have no other recourse.
@mesome713 - Neither is the one that commits the forgery, he would be under the same contract.
Going by that, you would answer to that crime, just as every cop signs on the same way are equally guilty.
@J_dz24 Lying with statistics is still lying.
@mesome713 You are mistaken if you think these riots are to fix anything.
At the end of the day, the problem we have is that race relations between black people and cops are bad. What is this doing to solve that?
@StevenG Riots are what you get when people stop using reason and no longer care about hurting innocent people. This has nothing to do with people not having a voice.
@StevenG what do you mean I'm not lying, look it up yourself, or if you think the statistics are lies, you need to prove it with facts..
Nothing of course, but the looting and damage have in reality nothing to do with the issues at hand.
@johnvboy because the guy sounds like a typical antifa to me. Agressively lumping everybody together as racists who don't publicy announce they're ashamed to be born white and try to look at things without sjw glasses.
@Paraka No mate. Your comparison is off. You have a weak example. I'm not saying all are guilty of murder.
@Kalmaro You don't understand reality, so your comments make sense now. Have a nice day.
@J_dz24 Please learn the English language then come back and we can discuss. What I said was clear as day to any English speaker.
I never said the statistics were lies, that this common phrase confuses you outs you as an interloper.
@StevenG You're welcome to your opinion, you have a nice day too.
Sorry I thought you were calling me this, as I have said I am against all racist abuse in all it's forms, I just refuse to believe everybody white is a racist.
@Kalmaro You ask what it's going to solve...just look around, it's shining a super bright light on the issue. A light so bright, it's hard to ignore. Hecj, the light has even reached Nintendo Life which is based in the UK.
@Kalmaro You misunderstand. Facts are simply facts. If you can't understand reality you can't change it.
Read some history, violence is what happens when the government abdicates its role in society.
@Damo This comment section clearly isn't being monitored anymore. I think it's best to close it for the time being.
@mesome713 - You literally just said they're all guilty, just not equally guilty of the murder. Making the blanketed statement that every cop has to answer for the murder.
My example is saying that would be like you answering for the forgery charges of an associate at your job. You're guilty of forgery, just not equally guilty. Even though you can clearly say you're not involved.
That's what my point was about your condemnation of all cops. This can be applied to just about every job, every firefighter is guilty for not putting out a building fire just as much as every park ranger is guilty of a bear attack.
It simply doesn't function like that, nor should it. And this is coming from someone who doesn't trust police to do a damn thing.
@mesome713 It was never being ignored in the first place. It seems like every other day the news media only wants to talk about a white dude killing a black man, as if that's all that happens in the US.
@Octane This article was a mistake, imo, unless the goal was just to get clicks.
I can't blame NL for that since the site needs money.
@J_dz24 looking at a study that says more black people are found to have committed a crime and then repeatedly ignoring the fact that they face a disproportionate number of stop and search and other police intrusions is just deliberate ignorance (there are also loads of studies on this very problem). You completely ignore me pointing this out and keep talking about your stats because you want it to be true. And you need it to be true because you are a ..........
@Paraka I never stated they are guilty of murder. I stated all cops are guilty of unjust because they swore an oath to unjust laws.
@Kalmaro There is a reason for that though. It's a bigger issue compared to other issues.
And Nintendo Life isn't getting many clicks. It's just the same users writing 50 comments each.
They sound like Antifa terrorists that are trying to make peaceful protesters look bad. Trump needs to sort that out quickly.
@mesome713 So you admit that we already have this issue under a spotlight 24/7?
Gamers: Keep politics out of games!
Also gamers: [comment more on a political topic than any other]
This problem isn't going to go away - ever. There's a large angry population angry at many things. It congeals into a vague sense of "racicm" but it's a more complex socio-economic anger overall, simply explained away as a simple "hate race X" tagline along which protests and riots occur. This will not be solved, ever, so long as it's easily fomented as generic racial hatred to explain away all very deeply rooted socio-economic problems. And it fosters a status quo forever.
Add to that the current situation of months of plague, and plague non-compliance, an underpinning of the combined powder keg of a race war, a Depression, and a plague all lighting, and each one of these incidents going forward is not about "racist police brutality" anymore, it's a replay of Kent State. Twitchy, terrified cops and National Guardsman who are less worried about the media and legal nightmare of fatally wounding someone of the "wrong" racial matchup, and more worried about just going home alive that day, and what result do we think will occur?
Bad just got much, much worse. And since we're talking about powder kegs on a gaming site, @Damo, lets have an article about how Bejing's co-opting of Hong Kong affects League of Legends?
@johnvboy All, I can say is good on you, man. That line of speaking truth, objectivity, and own opinions has got to be the most hated position of all...that's not an easy road. I think I agree with you on real life more often than on video game opinions.
They knew exactly what they were doing when they posted this article, which is why they felt they needed to post a comment warning people in the comments section.
@StevenG well if you think I'm lying I'm not it's just facts that blacks do indeed commit more crime, I think what needs to be done is the government should make education more affordable so everyone can go to school and have a better life and skills they can use to earn money instead of staying poor and doing illegal stuff..which leads to police encounters, riots and chaos..
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