Nintendo Switch IMG

You might recall how Nintendo of America recently cracked down on Switch hack resellers that sell software allowing users to play pirated video games.

The lawsuits targeted a number of websites that sold products reportedly made by an anonymous group of hackers known as "Team-Xecutor" – who are believed to "unlawfully" design and manufacture "unauthorized operating system ... and accompanying piracy tools" that allow users to bypass protections in place.

Team-Xecuter has now spoken to TorrentFreak about the matter - stating how it does not consider itself to be a copyright-infringing ring of software pirates. It also mentions how it is "not happy" about Nintendo's censorship and legal scare tactics.

Of course we are not happy with this kind of censorship that is being enforced by legal injunctions that make us out to be something we are not: a copyright-infringing ring of software pirates

Our products allow the end-user to make legitimate backups of their original cartridges that they can keep to themselves and play, but this is only a very tiny subset of what the SX products allow you to do. With SX you can expand your storage capacities of your console, run Linux, Android and a myriad of opensource applications, games, and utilities

We believe many of these cases are based on legal scare tactics. But that is (sadly) enough to get a small vendor (often side-businesses ran by enthusiasts) who does not have the financial/legal capacity to fight such lawsuits in court to fold and stop their operations entirely.

It adds how its products can be used to help amateur programmers test their games on Nintendo's closed ecosystem and believes people should be able to do what they like with a product they paid for:

We are firm believers of the right to repair legislation, a growing movement to counteract the monopolistic control over hardware which is the property of the consumer who paid for it in the first place

According to TorrentFreak, Nintendo initially had some success shutting down a number of online stores (after it was unable to take down Team-Xecutor directly) but has made another filing this week - as there are now new domains selling the same products.
