As you might have heard, 2K's Borderlands series is now available for Nintendo Switch. If you've been eyeing off a digital copy of the Borderlands Legendary Collection over on the Switch eShop, then you might want to read on.
Multiple Switch users have noticed the collection's eShop page doesn't seem to feature every game as promised. According to 2K and the official Borderlands Twitter account, it's simply a visual error and you will still receive "all 3 titles" when you buy it:
2K further states how this appears to be a "temporary issue" with the store page. If you do have any major concerns, though, you can always contact its support page at the bottom of its official website.
Did you notice this error yourself? Have you bought any of 2K's new Switch releases yet? Leave a comment down below.
Comments 72
I was going to buy this but after Epic Games released the handsome collection for free on pc I can’t really justify it anymore
Involuntary bug or not, between this and the fact 2K isn't willing to hand out review codes I'm not so sure about that "2K <3 Nintendo Switch" that opened the last Direct Mini anymore.
Loving borderlands on the go. Then again I've also got BL2 on the vita that runs like poop and I enjoyed it. All titles look and play really good on switch.
Very curious to read the reviews for all three games and to check Digital Foundry video.
I've preordered Bioshock collection and can't wait to play it again.
I can confirm that if you buy the Legendary Collection, you get all three games, because I bought it and got all three games.
It’s also worth noting another eShop glitch, to avoid a duplicate purchase: you don’t need to buy all 3 BioShock games individually and The Collection. I bought the individual BioShock games then The Collection, thinking it was all different software. The Collection gives you the same software (1, 2, Infinite) as of you had bought the games individually. Given Nintendo’s strict no refund policy, it’s an easy way to lose $50.
Is it a single player campaign game or is it multiplayer focused?
"2K" and "issues" seem to go hand in hand these days
@sandman89 you can play them all single player but they're really designed for multiplayer
@Bon_Kurei I'm still not sure I understand the logic in that marketing decision, seems like a terrible idea.
If this reviews well, I’ll be picking it up for sure. More interested in how it performs, I know the Borderland games themselves are amazing. I know it’s cheaper on other consoles but $49.99 for all 3 games plus all the DLC seems like a pretty nice value to take the games on the go.
I saw this and thought the same. I actually expected it to be a total up. Bought the digital version to find out, was happy to see all three games downloading.
I've only really played BL1 so far but I think they've done a really great job. The game is clear, the frames are steady, and the graphics are fantastic. Without a direct comparison, it really does feel just like the xbox and PS versions.
It's a shame that 2K went with small carts and ommiting the final BL2 DLC, because had they done these things right, this would be one of the best ports to the system.
I don’t understand. Is that twitter user just an idiot or were they lying about having bought it?
That's gotta be a troll post; Borderlands is nothing like Fortnite apart from using guns.😂😂😂😂
@sandman89 The single player campaigns are very good, I wouldn't say these games were aimed at multiplayer specifically @carlos82
@Supadav03 I've only played Borderlands 2 so far, of the 3, but the graphics are crisp and the frames feel like a solidly-locked 30fps even during high-activity moments.
The load times are also, thankfully, fantastically fast.
Haven't played multiplayer yet, but after looking/testing my mic out on the title screen, it seems to still support native voice chat, which is great.
You can play solo or with friends; the games will scale the stats of the enemies, as well as the amount of loot you all find, to the number of players.
Also, all loot is individualized; you won't be fighting with friends over who gets what, and you can even trade gear to others, if you want.💗
@Alaninho me either. Granted that its alot of fun with 4 people running around shooting everything up but the enemy scales to allow just as much fun in single player. Very good games.
@sandman89 its both if you want it to be. The game can be played totally single player and it a damn heap of fun still. If you have a few friends with it as well you can have up to 4 people play with you. Enemy scales in difficulty to represent the number of players. You will have just as much fun playing on your own tho. Fantastic weapons and good tongue in cheek humour. If you havnt played them before id defenately pick them up. In order of quality its defenately 2,1,then the pre sequel.
2K Games is full of crap, charge full price for this only to make it free on PC the day before? Talk about BS. Screw them.
@smashbrolink that’s great news man. Glad to hear that. I got $50 sitting in my eshop account, looks like I’ll be grabbing this today. Thanks!
I noticed last night only the handsome collection was listed as games included in the legendary collection.
I was hoping to just get bl 2 so I don't know what I'm going to do now. The file sizes are so big and I think I'll only replay the second one
@geni53yr7 you are sorely mistaken my friend 😂
@Beermonkey wow really? I just tried b2 on my vita and it looks and plays like garbage. And I've never played a Borderlands game before.
@mikegamer I think that was an epic games choice. The Epic store has been releasing some big games for free to get people on the platform.
If anything, the pricing of £25, & 35, and £40 on Switch is at least better than xbox of £25, and £45, with no legendary option. Though admittedly, the xbox and PS versions have had big discounts. Still, it's better than Capcom's approach to pricing.
@Alaninho @smashbrolink @carlos82 thanks
I just want to echo those who purchased the games and have been having a great experience. They may not be the kind of game for everyone and the price compared to other consoles is high, but this is a dream come true for someone who has about 1000 hours into the series and also loves the Switch experience. All games run great. Just need to see how online handles now...
@bl4ckbl00d Hence it's poop. Still like it as it's borderlands. Switch version is lightyears ahead of vita. I have got a PSTV that does make the vita version more bearable with proper controllers.
@mikegamer grab the free PC version and play that then. I've sadly got borderlands games on Xbox 360, PS3, Xbox one, vita and PC (acquired on a humble bundle and like BioShock got upgraded.) Switch versions were a no brainer still as portable and can have a blast in bed or on break in work. The value is subjective to each person. To me I can't wait to plough more time into them.
@Beermonkey I guess I'll try the switch ver since I'm not a PC gamer, I'm still curious about the game.
It's pretty obvious if you read the descriptions that these games are available individually or all together as a collection, can't see why you bought them all, as it lists all the games in the collection in the description.
For what i´ve seen around, they all look absolutely FANTASTIC on the Switch, with Bordelands 2 specially standing out with a 1080p resolution and a really solid 30 fps (they all run at a solid 30fps though). In handheld they look and play incredible as well.
Same thing with with all the Bioshock games, brilliant ports, so no need to worry about the quality of them.
The XCOM port, though, hasn´t been that lucky...
@Supadav03 If you´re just worry about the performance, go for them! Lol. Really, they did a great job, they´re mostly 900-1080p and all of them (Borderlands and Bioshock) run at solid 30 fps.
If you want to check it out, just go to youtube and write "Borderlands Switch" or "Bioshock Switch". You shall see
Yeah performance seems like it’s great for these ports based on the reviews I’ve seen so far. Tempted to pick up BL2 and bioshock now hmmm.
Bought the Borderlands collection. Got all 3 games. No issues. 😊
@johnvboy At the time, I misread the description, and mistook The Collection as something separate from the individual games. My fault, I admit.
I picked up the Borderlands collection and am blown away by how good it is.
I think the e-Shop could arrange them in order, they do show the second Bioshock game before the first remaster, so It can be a little confusing, never meant to be flippant with my comment, is there no way for you to contact Nintendo, as it does seem an honest mistake.
All I wanted was just the original Borderlands, I already got Borderlands 2 and the pre-sequel on other platforms, 2 is actually one of my favorite Vita games. It's been forever since I played the original and having it on the Switch feels amazing. I used the money I saved to buy the Clubhouse Games collection, now I feel set.
Bioshock collection runs dang amazing. Looks great, and holds its frame rate even when things get wild.
@PhilKenSebben Yeah I am amazed by how good Borderlands looks. Very smooth and appears to be at a high-res. I know it's an older game but I play it on my Switch Lite so it's always in handheld mode. These games are definitely top notch ports.
@johnvboy No offense taken. I can reach out to Nintendo to, at least, to make them aware of the issue.
I just got BL1 and it runs great! It's amazing being able to play it on a portable. The portability is actually great for grindy game like this.
Borderlands handsome collection. Playing the pre sequel in handheld
Picked up Borderlands last night, let everything install overnight(have 40+ GB of space available if you want to have access to all 3) and have been playing all morning.
Runs smooth and looks better than it did on PS360.
Split-screen is smooth too.
I won't buy this and it makes me sad how they handled everything. First of all there is no physical version for each game. I would have loved to get a complete on card version of Borderlands 2.
What makes it even worse are the huge downloads needed to play this game. The Xbox 360 version has less than 6 GB according to the Xbox Marketplace.
And then the decision not to include Local Wireless for multiplayer without internet connection. It was the perfect chance to release a version for the ages. What in the world?
@JayJ have you played Borderlands 2 only on the Vita?
I played that game on 360 and Vita.
Vita wasn't as fluid imo.
If you like that game on the Vita, i HIGHLY, recommend you give it another go on the Switch.
Lots of fun.
@Swiftstorm same
@bl4ckbl00d Borderlands is a "Looter Shooter" (think Diablo or action RPG randomized weapons for an FPS) with cell shaded graphics and REALLY low brow humor. It's fun and highly recommended, but the humour is crude.
@Tisteg80 These aren't the original versions of the game. These are based on the enhanced Xbox One and PS4 versions, which include higher resolution textures. That would explain the size difference.
@KoRn1619 Yeah I also got it on my Xbox One X and PC, right now my Xbox version is the one that I would be playing the most. The Vita version is just a fun portable shooter for the console, but I have played that game so much that I feel like I can live without it on my Switch. That said I think it is probably the best game of the series overall, I also got 3 on my Xbox and I don't like it as much. I got the pre-sequel installed on my PC and I really enjoy that but it's different from the rest of the series.
The original just looks great on the Switch though, feels like the best one to be playing on the go since it's more simple and to the point when it comes to the presentation. I think it actually looks and runs better than the PS3 version that I have had for many years.
In the UK eShop right now...
Handsome: £34.99
GOTY: £24.99
Then hidden away as a bundle within Handsome is Legendary, which strangely is listed at £39.99 but immediately under that it says 'total if purchased individually: £34.99'.
What is what?!
Let’s not forget about the scummy physical copy issue. 2K should have just not even wasted the time or money on those. They’re 90% digital copies anyway.
Has anyone played the XCOM 2 Switch port yet? Anyone got any insight into how well it runs?
@Kang81 Yeah that's probably the biggest reason why I just bought the one game and called it a day. If they released the whole collection physically where the games were actually on a physical game card then I probably would have bought them all, but with the way they are essentially releasing the digital versions physically I had to be careful about how much space I am devoting to these.
I wanted this on the switch as a handheld game mostly when I’m on the go. But Epic just released this free on their game store on PC. I might pick it up anyways for switch
I’ve encountered no such bug. It was a code in the box for the handsome collection along with the cartridge for the first game
@Bon_Kurei @Morph
Believe it or not, data shows a correlation with a small bump in sales on Switch whenever games are offered free via GamePass/epic/ps+/wherever.
Seems most people aren’t just looking for the game for the cheapest way to play as possible, but are willing to pay for the experience they want (namely, hybrid version on Switch). Being free for a limited time on a TV only platform just brings more attention to the title, which apparently increases sales on switch. This was shown in a reddit post by Switch devs with data they had collected.
And if you think about it it makes sense. Vast majority of games ported, People already own them on some other platform and that doesn’t stop them from buying on Switch either.
There’s a segment of the market who only wants the game for as cheap as possible and doesn’t care about anything else, but that segment of the market is not really the ones who are buying switch games anyways.
@spider-manatee why...why would you do that? COLLECTION meaning more than one? 3 Bioshock games released on switch...= Collection, how does that not make sense.
@RPGamer We'll be reviewing the Borderlands Legendary Collection. Stuart Gipp is handling it.
@sandman89 it was made to play cooperatively or by yourself, personally I’ve played them all solo, it will be the same game either way the only difference playing it solo is it’s a little harder and might take a little longer doing quests
@Bon_Kurei Same for Civilization 6, was free on Epic last week, makes even the 50% discount on Eshop not worth it
So glad all three collections come to Switch almost flawlessly.
I'm confused. That person bought the game, but didn't check what they downloaded and made their tweet based on the eShop page they saw before they bought the game?
@WesEds ok great thanks
Sounds like the launch is going really well!
First it’s free everywhere else
Second it’s not listed properly
I wonder what’s third.....
Meanwhile they are giving it away for absolutely nothing on the epic store... Just a mess of immorality in most of the publishers right now.
I feel like this reset in gaming technology is going to shed a lot of the exploitative publishers. Long time coming I feel.
I purchased the estore version and got all three games, no issues. So far really enjoying the games. All running at a smooth 30fps and no issues in handheld or docked
To all the naysayers here, these games all download fine with the full collection and run beautifully. You get a ton of gameplay for 50 dollars and it would be a disservice to yourself to not give them a try if you enjoy team multiplayer first person shooters in a creatively designed open world.
I bought the game but I cant download borderlands 1 or pre-sequel
@Manah I bought the game and it only downloaded 2, so that probably happened to them
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