Last month, E3 2020 was officially cancelled due to "increased and overwhelming concerns" about the coronavirus outbreak. Various video game companies, such as Nintendo, responded to the news with official statements saying they would explore other ways to engage with fans and share new announcements.
Now, IGN has now announced its new 'Summer of Gaming' digital event that it plans to host this June. It will be collaborating with a number of major partners to share the latest news and impressions around upcoming games and next-generation console hardware (via live broadcasts and on-demand programming). Here are the companies and platforms involved so far:
2K, Square Enix, SEGA, Bandai Namco, Amazon, Google Stadia, Twitter, Devolver Digital, THQ Nordic
Other partners are expected to be added to this lineup, and IGN promises the event to be filled publisher presentations, pre- and post-discussions, remote developer interviews, hands-on-demos, preview impressions, gameplay and news segments highlighting the biggest announcements of the event.
IGN's coverage will extend to all fans around the world, and broadcasts and news can be accessed on multiple devices across more than 20 different platforms. Audiences from home will also be able to engage with the event, by sending in reaction videos and voting on their favourite announcements.
More information about this event, along with a date, will be revealed in the coming weeks. Will you be tuning in? Leave a comment down below.
[source au.ign.com]
Comments 59
If quarantine keeps up like it seems it might I'll actually have a chance to watch everything. Yay silver linings yaaaaay...
Interesting! Maybe Nintendo will do a Direct!
I'll tune into the announcements, dev interviews and previews, but skip the 'personalities' and reactions and whatnot.
If this becomes a success, maybe this will replace E3 for the next upcoming years. Just don't be cringy like E3, please.
What is google stadia?
That’s nice. Neato.
@Aurumonado from what I’ve heard, a mess
@MsJubilee If they focus on staged recordings, and something like Nintendo's Treehouse, it shouldn't be hard. Not like the Direct format is patented, it shouldn't be hard to mimic.
Sweet, I'll definitely tune in.
Stadias still a thing?
@MsJubilee It’s IGN... I think we should expect cringy... Maybe worse than E3 and as bad or worse than the game awards. Hopefully it won’t be though
@MsJubilee It's IGN, it'll be just as cringey
@roboshort IGN‘s got a lot of good staff. I bet this could be pretty cool.
IGN, lol, what a joke of an organization.
@RPGamer I just know that they are very poorly managed from experience with them, probably been with that site for about a couple decades now and they are a shadow of their former selves as far as the staff goes. There is definitely worse managed video games sites out there but there is a good reason why I stopped associating with their site for the most part a long time ago. I would imagine it would be entirely up to the developers to put on a good show.
Amazon? Twitter?... 🤮
IGN running the show? 🤮
@Yorumi "yeah it's just we're sort of talking about replacing E3 with, well E3."
Well, there it is.

@ThanosRexxx @NEStalgia before the whole "is it or isn't it real" coronavirus debate gets rolling again from the last article, a few numbers to keep in mind:
March 11th E3 canceled: US cases - 1,100 US deaths - 37
April 3rd IGN Summer: US cases - 277,953 US deaths - 7,152
I hope people show a little consideration for the numerous people affected by this.
E3, we don't like. IGN, we don't like. EA, we don't like. Animal Crossing updates, we don't like. 300 games on Spring e-shop sales, we don't like.
What DO we like? That's the question.
....Why do you still care about IGN?
Thanks but I’ll just wait for the NintendoLife Summer of Gaming.
You mean the same IGN that runs 20-plus articles covering every "AAA" game from the mega-publishers at E3 while maybe throwing a scrap or two of information about titles from smaller companies? That's kind of a big reason E3 had been in decline in the first place. Many of those small or foreign publishers had long since stopped bothering to attend E3 because they simply couldn't get enough exposure on the show floor to justify the cost. Frankly I'd expect IGN's presentation here to mirror those of previous E3s: fawning over "AAA" games in a way more akin to fanboys than journalists.
IGN gets a lot of hate here, but their podcast on Nintendo stuff, NVC, is pretty good!
If the institution E3 would be intact, they would held a digital E3 event like the one Gamescom announced. The fact that they even cannot hold this and create a gap which will be filled by IGN shows the total failure of E3.
This is really good news.
Now, if Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft could put their own digital event (cause they'll got one) around the same date, we could be under the impression that we still have our beloved E3 period.
Well done IGN. Hopefully Kinda Funny do one of their Indie Showcases so the smaller devs get some spotlight as well.
Who cares if it's IGN who started this or who, we all know IGN is pretty big, and they're trying to bring an E3 kind of experience to us in June, so we should be happy.
Whatever you want to say, but they have my attention, and I really appreciate the effort. Now, join in, Nintendo, and give us a big Direct by then!
I physically cringe every time I read the words “Google Stadia”
IGN is the worst. Will not watch as I stopped consuming "news" and "reviews" on their site about a year ago and don't miss it in the least.
I would rather a drip feed of news from all gaming companies involved with E3. At least it would keep us involved rather than anticipating a big announcement from every company in June.
I no longer check their site but I listen to game scoop, unlocked and NVC. That said again I wish this site didn't get rid of the dislike button. If you feel liberated to trash a company at the very least someone should be able to dislike your comment. I don't want to defend ign here, I spent far too much time defending xbox on another thread, again I would just like to be able to dislike comments which are over the top.
this is exciting June can not come any sooner
Hey nice seinfeld reference.. i assume
Summer of George
Not leaving his apartment
Yeah.... I won’t support IGN ever... used to be a regular there ..... that site went downhill with their Invasive advertising, cheap content, and advertising disguised as articles.
Their daily “these are the best keyboards” “best monitors” “best shoes”
UGGGGHH!!!! F that site
@PanurgeJr I hope quarantine is over by then and things start to go back to normal.
No yays over this. Ever.
“Amazon, Google Stadia, Twitter...”
Yeah... no thanks.
Lots of IGN hate here. I appreciate what IGN has done over the years, going back to their 64-days, and I like a lot of the people that work there and many of their podcasts.
Hope this E3-replacement goes down well, as I really like this summer week dedicated to gaming news that E3 has been.
i think i am even more depressed now with this news. ign and e3 used to be one of my favorites things. I wasted so many hours checking all of the daily news on that site, and e3 was like a xmas to me.
now e3 is practically dead and ign, well, that site is shell of its former self.
NintendoLife is my favorite site for game news, and Nintendo Voice Chat is my favorite gaming podcast. I really like the NVC people, so I definitely will tune in to IGN for the Nintendo stuff.
I'm not trashing this site. I like the community here which is why I'm here more often than ign. But ign has wikis, podcasts, they premier things where as this site often is behind news wise places like nintendoeverything.com. I don't understand the hate other than people seem to hate big companies.
@fafonio they are trying to make money from those posts just like this site posts deals with links or best SD card articles. Unless you think people should work for free, websites need to do things like this to generate income.
@LUIGITORNADO I offer a complete and utter retraction. The imputation was totally without basis in fact, and was in no way fair comment, and was motivated purely by malice, and I deeply regret any distress that my comments may have caused you, or your family, and I hereby undertake not to repeat any such slander at any time in the future.
@sixrings yes but one different thing is when IGN posts 10 ad articles in a SINGLE day and 5 news articles.
They are invasive and over saturate the home page. At one point you don’t even click or comment in those articles.
I don’t expect they make that much revenue from those to be honest. They are damaging their site.
I’ve been visiting IGN since 16 years ago. Last year I left the site for good.
I really like the people who work there though... but they should reconsider their marketing strategy.
Also Nintendolife doesn’t do those articles as much as IGN does, not even a 10%.
@fafonio nintendolife might not do 10% of the ad stuff but nintendolife staff must be less than 10% of ign. Maybe I just think the site is bigger than it is because of all the podcasts they do. Four podcasts plus daily news isn't a skeleton staff.
I don't use their site because there's too much fanboy stuff in the comment section. PlayStation people coming to the Nintendo section to trash them and I assume the opposite happens as well. It does happen here as well with people thinking Nintendo can do no wrong and mocking of other consoles but it's much easier to digest.
I had already forgotten Google Stradia.
IGN is the definition of CRINGE.
All the major publishers should just agree to broadcast online Direct-style presentations on the week that E3 would have been.
And make that a tradition for gamers every year.
@sixrings I like the idea of a dedicated site for each console. It mostly removes the console boy fan war nonsense. I follow NintendoLife, Pure xbox, and the Playstation blog. It's just more peaceful and comments tend to be more constructive in nature.
@rjejr I don't think we should have been tagged in that comment, seeing as I'm not one of the doubters, and neither is NEStalgia.
And you probably missed this, but my sister and her family are in quarantine, and her father in law has been taken to intensive care, so for me it's VERY real.
@NotoriousWhiz maybe but the problem with these system specific sites is the echo chamber and tribe mentality that our system is better than others which therefore means we are smarter than others.
@ThanosReXXX Yeah, it's real over here as well, gov talking about "spreading like wildfire". We did a 15 person Zoom meeting today for my dad's 73rd birthday. He's in Queens w/ my mom. Living downstairs in a house from my uncle who is in the hospital as a confirmed case. Not fun.
And I didn't mean you and NES were hoax people, just wherever you 2 go, trouble seems to follows.
@rjejr Yeah, that's often what happens with people like him and me, truth-sayers with their hearts on their sleeve. And what with me being as subtle as a sledge hammer sometimes, is probably also not doing me all that much good, in certain cases.
Still, I'd rather be blunt and honest, than finding myself having to walk on egg shells all the time, because I might otherwise hurt some tender soul's feely-weelys...
I can be tactful if I want to or when I put in the effort, but I know I'll never really be known for sugar-coating things...
Good luck with the family. From all the news reports coming in daily, I've become a bit more concerned about the situation in the States, so you take care now.
@ThanosReXXX You being as subtle as a sledge-hammer is 1 of your best qualities.
We're taking care, best we can, you do the same.
@rjejr Will do, buddy. Will do. On the bright side: as of this weekend, I at least have more than enough toilet paper...
IGN will do anything for attention...
@ThanosReXXX Toilet paper? I thought you guys all had bidets over there?
@Yorumi I was a fan of IGN about 10 or 15 years ago but I've come to dislike it over the years. We'll see what happens though.
No matter what I expect a lot of "7 out of 10" too much something reviews.
@rjejr Haha, God no. That's the French, the Spanish and the Belgians, or at least part of them. The Dutch just have normal toilets, without weird little bath tubs for your private parts...
@ThanosReXXX "weird little bath tubs for your private parts"
That would be a good joke for a European stand-up comedian -
"You know you're a Belgian if..."
Catching up on my emails. I only do email on the family PC, and since my son has been home distance learning the past 7 weeks I rarely get on. I used to do it after he went to bed at 11 but since home schooling started my wife gave up on bedtimes and now I go to bed before my wife and kids around 11. It does mean I get up before them all. I usually have breakfast and then play ACNH but my wife was exercising in the living room today and I don't play in handheld mode, old eyes.
Better get back to it, he'll be up in a few minutes.
@rjejr I had to actually re-read my own comment, to see what that was all about...
Playing games at the crack of dawn, huh? That wouldn't be for me. When it's daylight, you either need to be out and about, or working. I usually only play games in the later parts of the day, in the evenings, and the only time when it is during daytime, will probably be in the weekends, but I can understand that in your situation, you catch every chance you get.
And Animal Crossing IS a relaxing game, so probably the perfect choice for these harrowing and annoying times.
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