It's been a while now since Nintendo revealed a sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was in development. Although there have been no official updates, there are some rumours currently making headlines around the internet.
One that seems to have gained traction comes from the Twitch stream of Tyler McVicker - an individual who runs the Valve News Network YouTube channel, recently interviewed the voice actor of G-Man, and is more commonly associated with "news and leaks" about Valve's upcoming projects. He's also got a Nintendo channel on the side and his claim to fame is uncovering the recently released Half-Life: Alyx years before rumours began to surface online.
McVicker's reportedly been sharing information about Nintendo's highly anticipated sequel to Breath of the Wild. Here's a full summary via the Gaming Leaks and Rumours subreddit:
Unlike the first part, the game will be linear at the beginning. Canonically, Link already knows Hyrule, so there is no point in climbing the towers again
Instead, the developers have filled the world with a miasmic version of Ganon, and until the infection is cleared from location to location, it will be impossible to move around the entire Hyrule
In this regard, the locations are worked out much deeper than in the original. At the very least, McVicker hints at the appearance of dungeons, strongly inspired by one game that knows a lot about spreading dungeons around the open world
In general, while designing the world of Breath of the Wild 2, developers was inspired by Red Dead Redemption 2 (officially known) and another unknown game
Based on what has been shown in the original reveal trailer, this sort of a sequel definitely sounds plausible. A lot of Zelda fans would also love to see the return of dungeons, which have been a staple of the series over the years.
What do you make of this rumour? Could you see dungeons making a return and Link having to clear Hyrule of a miasmic version of Ganon? Share your thoughts below.
[source, via,]
Comments 90
We talking kosher or himalayan sea for this one?
I mean. What do people want? To be able to go everywhere and explore it all over again? Play the first game again then.
I want something different. Not just a story pack dlc.
I would grab the salt, but I've got to find it in this gigantic and useless inventory first.
...near-broken sword, near-broken shield, THERE IT IS no those are Korok Seeds...
I know it might not be true but this makes sense from a gameplay perspective. The world is the same so the devs can pack more into it, add more detail. If they want to expand Hyrule they make sure everyone is familiar with the original world first.
What makes this leak at all credible? Anyone can throw an idea out there and call it a leak. Why would someone who normally deals with Valve stuff have inside info about a big Nintendo project.
And gosh darn it - I was really hoping that this time, we'd be playing as Zelda, not Link. I'd love a game where Zelda has to save Link for once!
All I know is this game better explain the fire, ice, and lightning dragons that appear in the first game.
Eh, long, intricate dungeons are a bit overrated. I really like the bite-sized shrines that could be completed quickly.
I miss the long intricate dungeons. Especially since they often held some special treasure that opened up alot of new areas. Let's not forget each one had it's own boss. The shrines are a completionists nightmare since you don't feel like you've really finished the game until you've done them all. That got exhausting after about a hundred of them.
I'd like at least 8 full dungeons and if they wanna fill out the rest of the game with shrines that's fine. Oh and could we please at some point play as zelda? Even if just for a little bit.
Not going to read the rumor. I read all the rumors about a January Direct. I read all the rumors about a February Direct. I read all the rumors about a March Direct. I'm done reading rumors.
Until the ones about an April Direct.
@Mountain_Man Satan, is that you?
I want it to be similar Dark Souls. Linear and open world at the same time. Makes everything more memorable, IMO.
@PanurgeJr There's a rumor about a virus going around. Could be just a rumor.
Rumors are worthless. Show me the money
@Zeldafan79 we need to get at least 8 though I think 12+ would be justifiable for how big BOTW’s Hyrule is. Just think of the fun and crazy stuff we could do with items like the Beetle from Skyward Sword.
I’d love to play as Zelda, maybe they could make it so Link and Zelda split up and you have to complete both their adventures before you can face Ganon.
My belief is that the entire map is going to be different, like it either doesn't take place in Hyrule or Hyrule is so drastically distorted by an event that it looks like a brand new map. Yes, I'm aware the teaser showed the map we knew, as some smoke emits from the center and that little island seems to rise a bit, but for all we know that's just a cutscene right before the entire terrain is massively altered or shifted. That's been my thought ever since immediately seeing that trailer.
Detailed enough to be plausible yet vague enough to be able to say "told you so!" when it isn't quite accurate... yep, looks like BS rumour-mongering to me.
No one wants the same map but smeared with miasma. It seems highly unlikely that Nintendo would imagine this would be fun, given the openness and sense of wonder in the predecessor. It's more likely BOTW2 will be a Majora's Mask affair, with a new environment which reuses certain assets (to save development time), and a wholly different tone.
I’d like certain sections of the game to be a bit more linear while still retaining the sandbox approach to combat. Having to take the road in Zora’s Domain in BOTW is a good example of best of both worlds.
Would like to know what aspects of RDR2 they are being influenced by. Being able to shape the world through multi-part sidequest would be something they could try to implement more. Terry Town was a highlight because of that.
@abbyhitter what’s there to explain?
I want to marry Zelda, build a house, tend my farm and have lots and lots of kids. Then after about a 1,000 kids, I will teach them how to fight and then I will bring my army of kids to Ganon and make him babysit them all. Ganon will final decide to leave Hyrule forever and now Hyrule will be at peace forever... except now I need a new babysitter...
I've been playing Majora's Mask 3D again right now ..... I'd really prefer a return to Zelda in that form.
Breath of the Wild was amazing, don't get me wrong.... but I think that after 2 games like that I'll be ready to move on.
Woooooooooo, wooooords, whooooooo, great leak, buncha woooords that literally anyone could come up with, that's like saying "In super Mario odyssey 2, mario already knows who cappy is" like no sh*t, woooooooo
How's that direct treating yah leakers? lmao
@Rika_Yoshitake To be fair, that leak was still probably right. Yes it had the indie direct off by a day, but the wording was pretty evident that it wasn't certain on the exact date, but that the Indie Direct would happen around then, and sure enough it did, off by only a day. And this was before an indie Direct was even announced. Clearly the leak was legit.
But, you say, the new Direct is supposed to air today, the 26th, how could that be when it's clearly not happening? Well I dunno, have you noticed what is happening in the world right now? The Direct has clearly been delayed. As it's very likely that dates they would have dropped are now also going to be delayed, and they don't yet know until when. Would be pretty dumb to release a new Direct, where every release date is an uncertainty, little to no solid release dates, and just lots of vague Q3, Q4, late 2020, early 2021, mid 2021, etc. etc. In fact they probably aren't even confident enough for a lot of games now to specify quarters that they think such games will release at this point.
Inspired by RDR2? A game that itself is stuck in mid 2000's Rockstar mission designs and it's only new game mechanic was Arthur Morgan forgetting to take his weapons with him at every available opportunity. I'll wait until I actually see some footage of the game
@carlos82 Presumably, it's taking nods from RDR2 while still using it's own engine and enhancing it further for more functionality. Nothing wrong with that.
I just want traditional dungeons to return. I know I'm in the vast minority but I actually like Link's Awakening better than BotW mainly because of the dungeons.
I hope long dungeons don’t return. I’ve loved all the Zelda games, but BOTW spoiled me with its sense of outdoor exploration. The bite size shrines were the perfect companion to that. BOTW is my favorite game of all time, so I hope they don’t stray too far from that formula.
Yes long dungeons please , add in items like the hookshot, and have some items only attainable from exploring certain areas of hyrule in order to complete a dungeon.
Those short dungeons were boring as hell, and the guardians were too easy, the only fun aspect of BOTW is the exploring and experimentation of the world and tools at your disposal.
When he mentioned turning the overworld into dungeon-like areas, am I the only one who drew connections to Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword?
I would say this game not focusing on an open world theme is where the money is. Nintendo wouldn't repeat themselves like that. (Worth mentioning it can still have an open world without it being the focus of the game.)
Open world is the future of 3D Zelda games.
That's why I'm very doubtful of this "leak" - it implies that BOTW2 is far more linear than BOTW1 ("...until the infection is cleared from location to location, it will be impossible to move around the entire Hyrule").
@duffmmann bruh
Pinch of salt but sounds plausible. Not being open world at first sounds like the kind of ‘different’ they would go for
and the leak is where? the guy said nothing.
@westman98 You pay Nintendo a disservice to think their creativity is so formulaic.
I don't like roguelikes, I don't like playing the same level again and again, but with objects moved. That said, I think Nintendo could create a good, fun Zelda game like botw but where some locations of dungeons, characters and items are somewhat randomised, meaning you couldn't use walkthoughs, there would be more replayability and there would be no set, linear solution to the game.
In the sequel, the hand gets suped-up. You can tear whole trees out of the ground and throw stuff like boulders, chests, and bee hives. The hand is also the 'runes' this time, called "gestures." You can use the hand to catch enemies' arrows out of the air. You get an air ship from Robbie and Link can board it with the hook shot gesture or warp to it. Din's fire is back in a new weapon class that causes shock waves. There's one that has push physics. In some places, the hand can pull up the ground up and push it down. You can summon the big clear blocks and move them with the hand like magnesis. You can get this knockoff foursword and when you charge it, copies of link slide out of him and attack and then merge. You can pilot guardians with the hand. There are these "wayward" Kokiri around hyrule that give you stat boosts if you offer them rupies or specific items, like regen and extended tracing. Animals and monsters leave tracks the tracing gesture lets you see, but it doesn't work well in the rain. There's a suit that lets you run up cliffs, and if you use Ice Link, you can run up waterfalls. Those blacksmiths from Majora's mask are back, and they can heal weapons, resurrect shattered weapons. Kilton sells monster-balm that upgrades weapon durability and some outfits. The hand acts like a lasso when you're on a horse, and you can pull wagons and drag moblins. You collect cairn stones to stack for other players to race to, collect, and sell on their saves. There's one shield that floats so you never sink, but it's really fragile. Agitha's in the game, and bugs are the new koroks. One of the hand's 'Gestures' lets you tether things together or to the ground, or tether mosters to eachother or boxes. There are shrink arrows. You start with the Mastercycle Zero and add upgrades from Purah, like the ejector seat, fire tracks, and crossover. The Mastercycle lets you go over to the other world without having to warp at a shrine gateway. Beating branches of the dungeons trades back the pieces of the real world switched with the other world. You can beat a dungeon and miss some of the branches. Link can turn into wood, stone, ice, and leaves. As wood, he can catch fire. Stone is like iron boots. Ice Link can run on water and magma. Leaves Link is the super jump. The paraglider can be upgraded and I've seen a blue one and a red one made with bones so far. They brought back the pear that lets you control birds and deer. You can trade fairies for map pieces and outfits with Tingle. Kilton and Tingle are rivals, and won't trade if you're wearing any of the other's outfits. I saw two different houses for sale, one in hyrule, one on the plateau, and they were both too expensive. Poes, dodongos, and peahats are back. I made this all up. It's not hard.
it sounds fun!
We definitely need a proper Nintendo Direct!
@PoorGeno lol, that could have been cool.
@LUIGITORNADO I'd rather have a second BotW than a sixth OoT.
We're going too all die, release the damn game Nintendo!
So we can die happy knowing we've beaten the game!
If we play in the same Hyrule, just a "few days" later, how can there suddenly be new dungeons or ANYTHING new? This doesn't make sense. 🤨
more made up bs from someone online
Give me some SS like dungeons and I'll be very happy
@BlackenedHalo direct incoming in next few days!
Nintendo are missing a golden goose by not releasng a fresh Dr. Mario game on Switch right about now, though the timing of Two Point Hospital couldn't be better!
@LUIGITORNADO I will be so, so disappointed if they pull that stunt. Exploring the world was what was so mind blowing about the first one.
Sounds plausible. Nintendo loves to fill their games with purple goo as of late
And adopting elements from the old Zelda formula isn't even more formulaic? Because that's what this leak is suggesting - that significantly increased linearity will distinguish BOTW2 from BOTW1.
@theJGG I have literally picked through BOTW for more hours than I've ever sunk into a game, looking for tiny bits I'd not seen after 200+ hours, so I agree with you. Bringing something like a Dark World while adding dungeons to the BOTW1 Hyrule would be awesome.
Breath of the Wild had dungeons, they were just terrible.
@westman98 Sure. Zelda has to have some boundaries else it stops being Zelda lol. All I'm saying is, I don't reckon Nintendo will give us 2 open world explorathons back to back. Come on, they will have a new hook. Every Nintendo fan knows that.
Honestly,idc about the flaws.I just want another damn Zelda game
Person who isn't even associated with Nintendo - "rumour, rumour, rumour"
Websites - "NEWS!!!!!! CLICK HERE!!!"
This NEWS is just click bait
Um, release date, please.
So Ganon is now the Coronavirus? Eh, I'll believe it when I see an official announcement.
Hopefully that means some more story kinda stuff. I explored all of the map on the first, but there was a lot of just that in between the characters, riddles and shrines. Would like a lot of characters, even if some move to new locations when you clear an area or something.
If it’s basically just Breath of the Wild with more traditional style dungeons like other Zelda games then sign me up. That was my main gripe with the original
I just can’t wait until we get a title so we can stop calling it BOTW2. It almost definitely won’t just have a number tacked on the end
Wow, way to go out on a limb.
"The title of the game will be tied to Zelda in some way. The main character will traverse around the game world in a possibly linear fashion, which may open up to be more open-air after a while. There is a problem facing this world which falls to the hero of the title to solve."
"the developers have filled the world with a miasmic version of Ganon, and until the infection is cleared from location to location, it will be impossible to move around the entire Hyrule"
Sounds like a Zelda version of Super Mario Sunshine.
Just started a second play-through of Breath of the Wild (first time on Wii U at launch, this time on Switch), and it still amazes me how much there is to do in this world. I don't know how Nintendo builds on it.
This "rumor" feels like the writer took what we've already heard about the game's development and added a few ambiguous flourishes. But, hopefully we're playing a new Zelda by the end of 2021.
@KingBowser86 you should see my Witcher3 inventory!
Big dungeons please with epic bosses. And some classic items like hookshot. I’d like it to still be open but have areas containing awesome gear and other rewards that are only accessible with items like hookshot.
Sounds plausible and interesting, although if it's true about the dungeons, I hope the divine beasts and how they function makes a return. I know some people disliked them, but to me the beasts fixed a lot of issues I had with the dungeons in Zelda games, with their conveniently placed "special" buildings that just happpened to have an item that you need to progress, a boss that you needed to beat. and all that. The beasts just made everything make sense in the world.
@Heavyarms55 Clearly you haven't played Zelda's Adventure lol
They should just call it Legend of Zelda to piss you off for eternity.
Sounds super lineair, please no!
@abbyhitter the first game actually already explained them, kinda, in the compendium entries; they're physical manifestations of the three gods of the triforce. Lightning for courage, fire for power, and ice for wisdom.
@PanurgeJr Well the March Direct date was right. To the exact day... just keep hope
@Kingketo121 Silly me. I knew the 26th was the rumored date, but when the 25th came and went with no word I assumed it wasn't to be. Hell, this morning the first thing I did was check Nintendo's Twitter to see if they had announced anything, and they hadn't. By the time I had my coffee, finished my morning activities, and got to the Internet the Direct had been announced, aired, and finished. It's as if they wanted to salvage some surprise from a rumor that had been correct.
I felt like the shrines got repetitive after the first dozen or so. The dungeons of the past games were some of the best parts and would have been welcome in BOTW. The game was great, but it felt like it almost used some of the changes as a gimmick which won't work once the inevitably become Staples since they said the series will take from BOTW moving forward.
BOTW removed all those traditional Zelda boundaires and became the most acclaimed and successful entry in the series by far. Nintendo is going to move forward with BOTW2, not backwards.
And by "moving forward", I don't mean "copy-paste BOTW1" - Nintendo is smarter and more creative than that. I also don't think that means "regress back to Zelda games of yesteryear."
Either way, this "leak" smells bogus to me, particularly with the restrictions regarding how much of Hyrule can be explored.
Or they could go full jRPG protagonist: one good knock on the head to give him a severe case of amnesia and a Metroid to steal all his Varia suit upgrades... I mean tunic and android-ish tablet
@Shiro28 I didn't even know the CD-i existed until years after.
@westman98 Agreed. Gah...looking forward to it. ^^
@duffmmann Kefka shows up and moves some goddess statues around.
BotW is my favorite Zelda and the 1st one I couldn't put down. They are all fun but the long dungeons would bore me and I'd walk away from the games for days or weeks and forget where I was. I'm not going to be mad if they return but I do prefer the shrines and beasts
@BitLounger I dunno.
If anything eeethat they described is... a very logical flow for a game? I mean, this rumor almost shine by how it hints at what seem to be very traditional rather than radical unlike many other rumors were with ton of "wishlist" like feel.
Whereas here... "clear Hyrule region by region of a toxic miasma" isn't only just traditional... it's literally been done bernier in Twillight Princess to a similar thematic almost?
Plus as they say there IS indeed no need for Link to prop up more towers anymore. So that would be a VERY logical way to handle the sequel's world.
More than others, I think this one is into something because it's that... humble in it's suggestion of you look at it in terms of gameplay?
@westman98 I think the game would remain an open world even there it's just that the act equivalent to popping up a tower might end up being required to unlock passageways to -other- regions. And many regions had very wide borders with each others at the end of the day so it'd be very hard to utterly close them off from each others in truly linear passageways.
I really missed dudgeons in Zelda BOTW. Before it came out there was a rumour that dudgeons will be bigger even from Hyrule as we knew it in previous Zelda games. As you know there wasn't anything like this in the Final version, I felt like they couldn't make them at last because BOTW alone is too much work. I hope they have something interesting now.
@SalvorHardin The Legend of Zelda: Zelda's Legend
Basically, this is in the duality fashion of previous Zelda games. Light world/dark world, Lorule/Hyrule etc
Nintendo did say that they pulled a lot of the concept for this game from LoZ right? Well, if we keep with the dual realms concept, this game would basically be the "2nd Quest" (B-side) like LoZ in the form of a sequel rather than DLC. Probably for the better 😁
Sounds like they might be pulling another Majora's Mask with an off-beat follow-up.
@Heavyarms55 all good buddy, I was just joking with you. But yeah playing as Zelda in a nintendo made game sounds cool .In fact I also would like to play as Ganondrof some day. Hyrule Warriors doesn't count
@Shiro28 Oh yeah that's a cool idea. It would be quite the twist for Nintendo to put out a game where you just openly are the bad guy!
On that note, how about a Mario game where you play as Bowser and your goal is to capture Peach?
@Heavyarms55 I was thinking more of like outside the box thing. Like, a Zelda game were Ganondorf is not the bad guy this time, but the nicest guy in the entire game and Link and Zelda's best friend. There could be sections were you play as Ganondorf and/or Zelda but eventually Ganondorf becomes the villain and Link and Zelda has to stop his best friend before he conquers hyrule.
@Shiro28 Those plotlines can be fun too. Basically the story of Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.
i wonder if Legend of Zelda Breath of The Wild 2 will ever come out for the Wii u,cause that'd be awesome if it did.
I would love that.
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